
Saturday 8 January 2022

The Vaccination & MGTOW

You are not vaccinated, I respect your choice,
I am vaccinated, respect my choice
I'm vaccinated, not to please the government but:
To not die from Covid-19.
To NOT clutter a hospital bed if I get sick.
To hug my loved ones 
To Not have to do PCR or antigenic tests to go out dancing, go to a restaurant, go on holidays and many more things to come 
To live my life.
To have kids go back to school and play sports. 
For Covid-19 to be an old memory.
To protect us.

On the other hand, no, I don't know what's in it - neither in this vaccine or the ones I had as a child, nor in the Big Mac, or in hot dogs, or in other treatments, whether it's for cancer, AIDS, the one for polyarthritis, vaccines for infants or children.
I also don't know what's in Ibuprofen, Tylenol, or other meds, it just cures my headaches, my pains ...
I don't know what's in the ink for tattoos. Or every ingredient in my soap or shampoo. I don’t know the long term effect of mobile phone use or whether or not that restaurant I just ate at REALLY used clean foods or just said it ! 

In short  there's a lot of things I don't know and never will
I just know one thing: life is short, very short, and I still want to do something other than just going to work every day or staying locked in my home. I still want to travel and hug people without fear, find a little feeling of life before
As a child and as an adult I've been vaccinated for mumps, measles, rubella, polio, chicken pox, and probs a few others; my parents and I trusted the science and never had to suffer through or transmit any of said diseases just saying.

1. ''If you let her, she WILL waste your time without remorse.'' - Albert Einstein

2. ''Women don't build. They move in. Yet most ain't even loyal. They're only loyal to themselves and their best options but not to any man or even to my power at stake.'' - Julius Caesar

3. ''Just pump and dump.'' - Napoleon

4. ''If you treat her like a queen, she will treat you like a peasant.'' - Alexander the Great

5. ''If you treat her like a celebrity, she will treat you like a fan. Be like water.'' - Bruce Lee

6. ''Embrace her in her prime. Ghost her in her decline.'' - Sun Tzu, Art of War

7. ''Nations decline due to men's simping and women's entitlement.'' - George Washington

8. ''Single moms aren't looking for love. They are looking for HELP. Your genes or legacy ain't matter to them. If anything, they just walk away. One shall learn from them and treat them the same for self-survival. We ain't talkin' bout fairness here right?'' - Charles Darwin

9. ''A woman is never single, including that single women aren't single.'' - Mother Teresa

10. ''Women don't care about men's struggles or past contributions. They hang out at the finish line and pick the winner(s).'' - Beethoven

11. ''99% parasitic-manipulation and 1% self-improvement/reflection equals a 100% narcissist.'' - Thomas Edison

12. ''Men love idealistically. Women love opportunistically.'' - Plato

13. ''His money is her money, and her money is still her money.'' - Karl Marx

14. ''We, as a she, probably belong to the streets.'' - Marie Curie

15. ''The law of relativity figured out as following:
The older she is, the more combative she gets; 
the more combative she is, the more masculine she gets;
the more masculine she is, the more promiscuous she gets;
the more promiscuous she is, the more suffering he gets.'' - Issac Newton

16. ''Whoever needs the other less, has more power.'' - Tesla

17. ''You can either love or understand women.'' - Aristotle

18. ''She's not yours. It's just your turn.'' - Adam Smith

19. ''A woman wants a man who men want to be, and women want to be with.'' - William Shakespeare

20. ''You'll lose money chasing women but you'll never lose women chasing money. Chase no women. Chase excellence.'' - Mozart

Women who complain that men don't date ignore the fact that they created this problem.  If you're seeing men, but they're not dating you or they get you drunk, then you're the one who is too easy.  Men eventually know they don't have to wine and dine if you'll skip to dessert.  
Of course then women demand that YOU wine and dine them after they let who knows how many men ride for free.  Hard pass.
Not forgetting, she has hit the wall. After visiting the free buffet on multiple occasions
Thanks! Never needed anybody to fix me a sandwich or wash my dishes or do my laundry, or make my bed, or bake banana bread, or clean my house, or do my yardwork, or build my shed, or fix my car, or whatever... Own home, self employed, filed my will, and just minding my own business. So what makes you think I want you to fix me a mediocre millennial sandwich!?
Women giving relationship advice: Hey ladies, don't treat your self like X object, treat yourself like Y object!
You can then tell your feminist friends for men wanting to keep their distance.  
Seriously, you lot CREATED this issue.  
Seriously, she is gonna stand there and think that men are gonna pay top dollar for that?
Also I don't want to hear it, women are far more sexually active than men.  This sexual liberation movement proves that.  Men can get by just fine without sex because we know how to contain ourselves except for the select FEW that just force themselves on others, and those aren't men, they are criminals.  Women, stop complaining about sex when you are in your 20s.  That is literally when your sex drive is the highest and it's the highest for a reason.
Women's downfall is their own doing. But, they will never see it and will still blame everything under the sun... except themselves.
Hey ya know what? You are right. I'll go make sandwiches. There's 5 tons gravel out front( for the new deck she wants) that aint going to move itself. Being a strong woman, you know where the shovel is. Yes I know its 102⁰ outside. You know where the fridge & poweraid is. You Go girl . Empowerment.
By women pursuing and sleeping with Chad high-value guys for free, what makes you think as average to above-average guys are going to want to pay for it. I've learned recently that a woman who's genuinely sexually interested in you will not make you wait. 
Men don't ask because we don't treat relationships and dating like a hobby 
Women seem to treat act of going out and dating like a hobby, which is fine; but I don't ask you to fund my Magic The Gathering collection. so can you pay for this date since you are the only one who wanted to go out.Why is a wedding dress traditionally white so the dishwasher matches the fridge
The ones banging on about needing a bigger D are the ones who have a bucket for a biff.
And women have smaller feet so they can get closer to the sink 
Spoiled brats.   All of them.   Entitled spoiled brats.   Why do men have to take me out and get me drunk?  HUH?   They offer to go out and get a drink doesn't necessarily mean, that she has to get an alcoholic beverage to excess????    Why can't she order a Diet Coke?   How about a fruit drink?   Heck, even have an non-alcoholic glass of wine.   Who said anything about getting plastered with Crown Royale or Tequila shots?   Besides, a man can get to know you over a few beers for him and a wine for her.    There's nothing wrong with that.

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