
Tuesday 25 January 2022

Donald Trump & Stupidity

Special Prosecutor Mueller said, "Yes, he (trump) can be INDICTED after he is out of Office."  Why isn't CRIMINAL MAGAT RepubliKKKan TRAITOR trump INDICTED ???
I know you will disagree, but we have enough evidence to know these CRIMINAL MAGAT RepubliKKKan TRAITORS  -  BELONG IN FRONT OF A USA MILITARY FIRING SQUAD FOR TRAITORS !!!

If I were Biden, I would Declare a State of EMERGENCY and Round Up ALL these CRIMINAL MAGAT RepubliKKKan TRAITORS !!! I'm talking about 100s of them if not 1000s.
ALL of this Goes Back to Putin & Russia.   This is what Putin wanted.  And All this is right out of Putin's Play Book.  This is how Putin came Into Power.  Putin's Dogma is - "He who Counts the Votes is the Winner." All of these Republican Senators & Representatives are nothing but CRIMINAL MAGAT RepubliKKKan TRAITORS !!!

CRIMINAL MAGAT LOSER WHINER COWARD LIAR RepubliKKKan Bone Spurs TRAITOR trump & Elected officials who CONSPIRED & PARTICIPATED in an Effort to Overthrow the Government of WE THE PEOPLE ...
MAGAT = Make America Great Again TRAITORS !!!
House of Rep DEM Ed Perlmutter says DEATH PENALTY for TRAITOR trump 

Don the Con used his Cult of Domestic Terrorist like a pair of 2 dollar chopsticks! I love how his cult completely ignored the fact that two days after the capitol attack, Don the Con said that each and every person that took part in the attack should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I guess I should not be surprised that they all forget about what Dump said because he forgot about what he said as well!
He told them he was going to march to the capitol right next to them.  I'm sure most of them believed he was the one who single handedly parted the police riot lines to allow them into the capitol.
They think it's constitutional to try and overthrow the government. I'd like to see the part in the constitution where it says that honestly because I've read the constitution and nowhere does it say anything like that, on top of that if it was don't you think the CSA would still be around you guys? Republicans are a different breed of stupid
Look, believing a horse wormer could prevent Covid-19? that's dumb. Attacking the most important building in America, in order to overthrow a government? That is a seditious act. Throw whatever name you want at it, insurrection, sedition, coup, revolution or riot. Everyone involved should be held accountable. From the footsoldiers right up to EX President, it doesn't matter. All those complicit should face justice.

Anyone who entered the Capitol committed at least one crime.  Sadistic?  In the  US, crimes are investigated and then those responsible are arrested and charged with crime(s).  The person arrested is read their rights. They are provided an attorney if they can't afford one.  They ate only kept in jail before trial if the judge has d reason to believe they are a danger to the community or are a serious flight risk.  They can take a plea bargain, if one is offered, or they and their attorney can go to trial.  They aren't sentenced to jail or prison time unless they are convicted by a jury of their peers. That is true of everyone.  However, the DC courts are overwhelmed with so many cases at once,  so most of those people have been treated very leniently, and gotten away with a slap on the wrist when they ordinarily would have done some time.   Most of the people that were trying to overthrow our government have gotten less than 6 months in jail, while other people are serving decades for much less serious drug crimes.   How is the treatment of those January 6th seditionists in any way "sadistic"?
Honestly, we should turn the tables on all of them. They want us to all die, but how would they feel if we executed every single one of them as a message to the nation and world that you don't try to overthrow a democracy and get away with it. They're a permanent danger and absolutely MUST BE USED AS AN EXAMPLE. So broadcast the names, photos, dates of execution and force all networks, OTA, cable, streaming to all broadcast it. They want authoritarianism lets give it to them in the way of WE THE PEOPLE are not going to take it.

Each and every one of those people are guilty of a federal crime because it happened on federal property! Even if they just walked through the door or windows. The building was closed to the public that day and the people who took the so called tours the days before the insurrection/sedition because of Covid 19! I believe Boebert was one of the ones holding the so called tours to show the traitors where they needed to go and she also told them where Nancy Pelosi's office was also!
 Some of them took off their sweatshirts or body armor when they worked up a sweat wiping their shit on the walls, stealing things, smashing windows, assaulting cops, etc.   You know how every "peaceful protester" arrives for their touristy tour of the Capitol wearing body armor.  Others were busy videoing and broadcasting their crimes when they dropped their phones or other items in the crush of the mob. I understand taking off sunglasses and leaving them behind.  I can't begin to explain the key thing though. Nor can I comprehend being so damn dumb as to call the Capitol and give them your name and address after you've broken at least one, and probably several laws.
There is always a strong temptation among people to commit crimes when they think they won't get caught and have to face real consequences for their actions. This temptation is most common among those who are not moral, ethical or smart enough to think it through and fail to resist the temptation to do the wrong thing. These people are so entitled they genuinely believe they didn’t do anything wrong.
They believe paying taxes imparts ownership over everything the government spends money on.  These same yahoos actually believe it when they spit in a cop's face and scream "I pay your salary."
No, you dont.  You pay $5000 a year in taxes and the cop makes that much in a month.
The judges overseeing these cases should rule the rioters as being mentally unfit and unsafe to be part of the general public and place them into involuntary permanent psychiatric care on court orders. As part of the order, because they've proven to be violent as well, they should be kept on intravenous sedatives and chained to beds.
The only reason there was misplaced trust is because they believed a lie that the election was stolen. They trusted the words of certain politicians knowing full well there's no evidence and decided to get physical off of the lie they were told. That doesn't sound like they were very intelligent
In all seriousness, the dumb part was really a simple oversight.  They had carefully placed trump loyalists throughout executive branch agencies which had control over various law enforcement or military personnel in order to be able to manage what kind of federal response would occur in reaction to the mob. They believed that would be enough to allow a mostly unarmed mob to breach and hold the capitol.  What they failed to consider was Metropolitan police and all the county police in nearby Maryland and Virginia had no such federal management hindering them.  Those guys just showed up when the capitol police basically said "any sworn law or military please come help."
It's not stupidity, it's entitlement. I hope judges see through their crocodile tears. None of them are remorseful and this proves it.
I'm having a problem wrapping my head around this!
You trash the Capitol, you beat up cops, (some of those altercations lead to policemen dying) you scale the walls of the institution like animals, you steal and destroy property, you relieve yourself within the corners of those walls (I'm guessing at the 'corner' part). Then you call up the next day and ask about your property and leave your name to be notified if the items are found! You got to be kidding!!!
Education has been lost for a while, the logical thinking is absent from a lot of people in the American population. Parents want their child not having too much homework or time consuming projects. Easy instantly gratification is preferred, what do you expect. This is the result
Well, they say ignorance of the law is no excuse. However, a sponge-brained inability to comprehend it might be. I can see some of the defence council going for a sort of "my client is demonstrably too stupid to have known what he was doing" argument. Mental incompetence.
Maybe its just my strange sense of humor but I think they keep providing material worthy of SNL sketches. 
RetrumpiQ's do so many things that are,
 "You're kidding, right?"
 "That's hilarious!"😂  "That's just nuts!"
 ie "Don't forget to wear khakis and   bring your gas mask."
     "I Don't have khakis i only have jeans"
(Fashion coordination, having a gas mask but no khakis - they could make it funny)
   Email: "I am attaching a note written in cursive so it won't be intercepted"
(Secret Planning and Intelligence Team)
    Or High speed squirming Jim Jordan 
"I talk to the president all the time, I don't know when.. but i always, I have to check..Maybe I did, I think I did, I talk to him all the time, I'm not sure if, I have to see, but of course I talk to the president, maybe the morning or it could have been later, but i always talk to him..."
Definitely 'top 10' in insanity.

Ftr I know the difference. Insurrection is NOT funny. Crime is NOT funny. Violence is NOT funny. 
But the absurdity and ineptitude is often funny by no means does that excuse or diminish the severity of the crime.

Anymore that’s the only kind of people Dumpster Fire’s able to fool. Before the internet, he would use the tabloids to a great deal. By acting like he was “in the know” because, of his connections, that his status granted him. (That of course he got from Fred, his dad so he did have the opportunity, to be.) But anyone who paid, even the slightest bit of attention to what he said versus what he did, knows… the only thing Dumpster Fire pays… is (attention) to himself.
I am confused. Was Trump trying to overthrow the government in two different ways at the same time?
1. Get a mob to attack the capitol
2. Send fake electors
3. Seize all the election equipment
4. Get Pence to do... something
5. Call the individual states to do "audits" and/or "find votes"
6. Pressure the Supreme Court to do... something
Was this an example of throw two things at the wall and see which one sticks?
Those people were camouflage for the other people trying to do the bad stuff. They were played for idiots. So no not surprise they called lost and found announcing that they were at the crime scène.
Entitlement with no limit's. "Hope you don't mind I took a dump on your desk but did you happen to find my keys?" The ignorant are ignorant of their ignorance
Some people don't know the difference between the news and opinion, sad.  This we should teach our youth and don't believe everything you read or hear. our laws controlling the technology age are way behind.I used to think that the internet should be free, but now with  social media  I don't know.
That’s how stupid they were to think that what they did wasn’t against the law!! When your cult leader and his cronies tell you to do their dirty work and you do it, they go home and you go to jail!! I think that’s funnier that shit and their SS number in some cases, because they wanted to make sure the correct John Smith gets back their right items back. Trump University Graduates.
Smart people do not scare me but large groups of stupid people terrify me and I blame reality tv and the internet.

They were there for one purpose, to overturn the election in which they, Trump supporters, were sent to stop the “Peaceful Transfer of Power.” It was a mob of terrorists no matter how you look at it and ALL INVOLVED knew they were wrong by being there during the process of the transfer of power. They had no other reason to be there other than to stop the will of the people, Biden and Harris elected by by popular vote and Electoral Vote! If you were there, you were there for a purpose/reason, as they were told, “stop the steal,” which was a lie. All political and organizing leaders of this lie should be charged as promoting and accessory to the crime of sedition.
Well, the United States are not the judges and the judges are not the prosecutors. If the prosecution accuses a 'terrorist' only of trespassing or trespassing on the lawn in front of the Capitol, then the judge's hands are tied as far as the sentence is concerned. The prosecutors, the prosecutors, they negotiate with the 'terrorists', not the judges, not the United States.

Don Trump negotiated the Doha agreement with the Taliban. Donny gave the Taliban Afghanistan and didn't even invite the Afghan government for input. Obama freed up some cash for Iran as part of a good deal. Donny Trump handed the Taliban Afghanistan and got fuck all in return.

Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. 
They stand four-square for the American home--but not for housing. 
They are strong for labor--but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. 
They favor minimum wage--the smaller the minimum wage the better. 
They endorse educational opportunity for all--but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. 
They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine--for people who can afford them. 
They consider electrical power a great blessing--but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. 
They think American standard of living is a fine thing--so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. 
And they admire the Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it.
Harry S Truman 1947 Speech 
I do not believe any of the traitors are sorry for their actions on Jan 6. They are getting off way to easy. They need to understand their actions. These slaps on the hand are not enough. Prison time is what each and everyone of them needs
They need to verify charged with insurrection instead of just fruckin trespassing. These charges are just pure bullshit. If they had not been white they would be thrown under the damn jail.
When you look at the footage of the capitol riot, many of the participants were displaying arrogance and elation at the chaos they caused. If that rioter pleaded for leniency because he served in the military and the judge grated it on that premise, then in this situation, justice has failed. The military has a code of conduct that applies to ALL military personnel. One line in the code of conduct stands out in this case; it states: "I will never forget that I am an American fighting for freedom, I am responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free." Seems to me that once he chose to participate in the riot, he violated his oath to the constitution and he also violated the military code of conduct. So why is he not getting a harsher sentence? If those oaths taken mean anything, the ones who violate them should be punished appropriately, otherwise those oaths are absolutely meaningless.
If this was a person who for instance broke in to the court house, protested, went through his papers, disrupted court cases because they did not like a ruling, I bet the judge would have seriously thrown the book at the guy.  This has been a travesty to lady justice.  The prosecutors and judges should be ashamed.
Another layer of a dysfunctional justice system going in circles. That's a main complaint by our police departments across the country and has been for years. Police officers put their lives on the line everyday and make arrests of a perpetrator, most always at high risk only for court to drop the ball. Often the attested perpetrator is back on the street before the paperwork is finished. Another testimony of how we've lost the theory of balance of power from our community streets to the supreme court. Here's another sign! They are coming in bunches now!
These fascists should be doing long, long prison sentences...maybe even life for some of them. They need to be examples of so that it's known that if you try to attempt a violent coup and overthrow our constitutional republic and democracy, you cannot get off easily or with no consequences whatsoever. This crap is pathetic.
I know that you can be recalled to duty, and something tells me there's a provision in the law for that to happen with the intent of bringing someone to justice. All ex-military personnel who committed treason that day should face a military court and be stripped of every benefit. They have gone against their oath and brought the military into disrepute. They don't need any more investigating than that when a civilian court has found them guilty. It's about time the Pentagon realised the harm that leaving these creatures alone is going to cause in the long run if they have similarly minded members. First and foremost, lack of loyalty to their branch and worse, to their country, because why shouldn't they just take the law into their own hands?  This is going to get uglier, and it's about time the brass realised it.
I said it before - see you after the next insurrection. 
Jan. 6th still isn't treated like the horrific incident it was. Thanks to (mostly) right-wing media and public voices in high places a good portion of the country is willfully or unknowingly ignorant and either downplays the actions on that day or even thinks they are justified. In a democracy - after democracy was under attack. The words that started the insurrection still aren't condemned like they should. Overall light sentences for the participants, insurrectionists, whatever. Don't expect anyone to fear consequences in the future. Just wait for the next 'call for combat'.
Why should they take democracy and the justice system seriously? I'm not, and I'm just watching it.
Agreed! Government officials, military, and law enforcement officials who took part in planning, funding or executing the attempted coup on January 6th MUST be stripped of public benefits and barred from ever holding those positions again. If we allow them to fade back into the fabric of society again, we would be essentially giving them an invitation to try harder next time. J6 was a practice run.
We need a law to strip ALL persons who participated in a coup of EVERY FEDERAL BENEFIT, EVERY RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE IN GOVERNMENT IN ANY CAPACITY, AND ALL FEDERAL VOTING RIGHTS. NO medicare, NO Social Security, NO Medicare, NO Medicaid, NO student loans, and a PERMANENT BAN ON FIREARMS POSSESSION.
What's even more insulting is that these people are getting light sentences (probation, community service, very short jail times) while those that protest against corporations destroying the Earth for profits are getting years in prison.  
So attempting or being directly involved with overthrowing the government receives a light punishment (esp if there are pleas of remorse);  trying to save the environment, curb racism, reveal corporate greed gets long prison sentences.
ALL of these Insurrectionists should AT LEAST get jail terms which extend beyond the 2022 mid-term elections.  Even better if they were still in jail during the 2024 presidential election.
That rioter should be recalled to active duty then court marshalled! He’d lose all benefits and that might, just might teach him a fucking lesson! Everyone that entered the capital, everyone, should be given, at least, 3 months in prison. If they did any damage the sentence goes up to at least 12 months, the worse the damage, the longer the sentence. If they assaulted policemen, the sentence increases exponentially. Ffs, they were committing one of the gravest offences against their government & its constitution. A prison sentence is the least they should get, less than that makes a mockery of the whole political & legal system and of democracy itself.
Such lenient and laughable "sentences" only encourage, guarantee, and set a precedent for not punishing domestic terrorism like this in the not-so-distant future. The judges trying and handing down these silly, meaningless sentences see themselves and their own 'likenesses' in these persons who committed terrorist acts on Jan. 6.  Consequently, they ignore the facts, magnitude, and rippling impact surrounding what these domestic terrorists have done. This is analogous to prosecutors and judges locking up minority (non-white) kids for vandalism or shoplifting; yet, when white kids do the exact same thing, their only "punishment" is to apologize since they are "only kids" and were out having a little "fun" or were just had a 'bad day.'
These veterans should have been referred to the defense for prosecution for violating their oath, at minimum dishonorable discharge and loss of all benefits. They get off this light they will try again.
With candy assed sentences like this! How is one going to have respect for "Law and Order"?! This "Badass" vet should have been able to handle at the very least a one year bit, the three year probation and a minimum 15 K fine! He'd be out in eight to nine months with time off for maintaining his ass clean whilst in the joint, three years probation to keep him on the straight and narrow and a 15K fine to teach him some humility.
Here's an appropriate choice for the duly convicted: one year of community service at the current Federal minimum wage [2080 hours, with no holidays or long weekends; hey, if others can live on such a stipend, so can you] or one year of jail confinement [8,760 hours to be served continuously, no breaks, and paid $.50/day to allow you to buy yourself some soap and deodorant].
Choose wisely; a year is a long time.
I swear to god every country is still fighting to be the most dominant.
There is never a winner. Billions will die, but trillions will be made
At any point during the riot, had he any regret or remorse; he could have made the decision to walk the hell away, he obviously has had the training to do so. Now he gets a staycation, on the taxpayers dime. I'm sure he will be steeped in regret, and pensive self-reflection; as he chills in his laz-e-boy, soaking up rays from his TV.
Just like we hold lawyers to a higher standard and we should hold police to a higher standard we should also hold everyone who has taken AN OATH TO OUR CONSTITUTION to a higher standard. When police don't get fired for murdering unarmed Americans.... they don't even have to pay out of their own pockets for any civil suits that are lost. We American TAXPAYERS need to say we are NOT paying anymore civil judgements for police who cross the lines of their boundaries (break laws) and we also shouldn't be SUPPORTING soldiers, who took an oath to DEFEND OUR GOVERNMENT, with our hard earned money!!!
If you've retired from the military the military can reenlist you then dishonorably discharge
Here is the POV of a foreigner (not living in USA): The GOP are too crazy to trust with government and the Democrats are too soft to get anything done. In it's current political state (and for last 20-30 years) the US government does not work and is stalled. Probably time for one or two new fairly strong parties (like Progressive Democrats and Republican-leaning that are not crazy) , then majority on votes in congress would be possible by alliances. This is what is done in Canada and most European countries, like this they can legislate, respecting the will of the people.

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