
Saturday 15 January 2022

Modern Women III

We are dead center in the beginning of the end of the human race. Everyday the incentive for men just to even talk with them is completely eroded by their mentality. No man can find even a microscopic particle worth of desire to even start to think about creating offspring. We are in deep trouble.Every great empire has fallen the same way from the ancient Mesopotamians down to the Romans. Starts with girl power, moves to fun with children, then fun with animals, then the vandals come in and finish the job. With the current world empire and no outside vandals to come in, we've become our own vandals, and all that's left is to destroy each other. Just to make that clear. Simps aren't men indeed they are not,at best mangina's!!High maintenance WOMEN to me equals lifetime HEADACHES AND PROBLEMS. NO THANK YOU. Low maintenance is the way for me 40 year old women with a dog and tats have to look for 60 year old men Facts. The Wall is real.   To men over 55.. You are about to hit your prime.   I'd suggest working out because you are going to be a busy rooster Life is good.

Yikes.  Here's a reason men are walking away from dating....  because if you don't learn how to identify a man vs a woman by their bone structure, it's getting really likely that you'll get a trans.  Not my thing.  I mean, sure.  Do what you want to your own body, but don't expect to bring me into your chop fest and pretend.  Nope.  No way.  If you weren't born that way, go away.
Going monk and cold turkey was best for me. I just don’t want anything to do with girls like these and that’s the majority of them in modern times. Same deal of avoidance at work, no lunches or dinners. if I have a one on one meeting with any female there’s two micro cameras hidden on my person.
There’s still unicorns but good like finding them mixed in with ghouls and hyenas.
I love how women think that guys are “intimidated” by them.  What a joke.
It's awesome seeing how bitter they become over the years. It slowly eats at them that they are so selfish. They know it till they become completely consumed by the egotism. Sad thing is, there is no cure for egotistical personality disorder. No pill, no serum. Incurable. They will forever find themselves soulless with one goal in mind. Making people unhappy because let's face it. They are miserable.
The thing about slut shaming is You first need to be a slut before you can actually be ashamed.and then get offended depending on the situation.  If you get offended straight up then you also mean you call yourself a slut and also believe it and are a victim

The worst part is, if you don't like this world, there are no other options. You're stuck! Like a rat in a trap.  That's the thing that kills me. I hate everything about this sick, twisted & thoroughly insane world but there is nothing I can do about it. Suffer or suicide are the only 2 options.
Women are not the prize. Find something interesting to do and concentrate on that. Travel. Sport. Cars. Etc. Get a dog. Hang out with the bros.
To all the women out there , just blame everything on me , because every woman I've dated does !

Girls hitting on guys usually means trying to play above their league.  I’ve been hit on a fair amount, but it is only occasionally by a girl I might have made a move on.  When average women try to do the choosing, they’re going for men who don’t what them. And they wait until they’re sloppy drunk to make their move.
Men buy condoms for one Johnson and we do it to protect ourselves. It’s our only choice. Women buy condoms in anticipation of having relations with men they don’t know yet. If they knew the guy then he could bring his own protection. Side note: Men should never trust a woman with a condom. One invisible pin prick through the wrapper and you’re paying child support.
 They're all pursuing things other than a good relationship but complain they can't get one, men still get blamed for things and get all the responsibility, virgin women don't exist, social media has made women overvalue themselves and most can't keep a conversation going for more than a minute. But instead of pursuing women i found something greater, pursuing brotherhood and friendships. Because having a wife won't stop invaders or wars from happening but maintaining a strong sense of fraternity is always needed for society. I tell men, make each other stronger and wiser, women are like desert. It's great if you have it, even better if you luck out and find a genuine good woman, but if you don't have it it's also fine. We know how to live without them, that's life for us. We have always been tools for women, its time we became useful to ourselves first.
 Many guys will betray you if they think something is in it for them. 
I used to try to evangelise the RP to build brotherhood but I don't bother now. Give them information if they ask for it, other than that let them find their own way. 
As regards the main subject of this thread, well the dynamic changes a little with age. Careers get stressful and unfulfilling, looks fade, children grow up and leave home, Movements have little use for older members who can't be used to bring young m3n to the cause. Pets can't hold a conversation or fix your house or car. All of a sudden you start hearing the phrase "I don't NEED a m@n, but I'd rather like to have one in my life "
Get out of the west when seeking good women.   Not a guarantee, but a lot more of them are vastly better women and you will also have a MUCH easier time getting them interested enough to date Let these modern women defeat themselves.

1. He makes ME the #1 priority in his life.
2. He is respectful to everyone. (So I don't have to be)
3. He never gets upset with my insanity and he's in touch with his feminine side.
4. He constantly gives ME more and more attention...all the time...non-stop.
5. He has $ and will get more $$$.....for me...I mean...for US. (which means him and ME!)
6. He puts ME on a pedestal and never stops worshipping ME.

“I’ve never dated a guy who hasn’t met all six of these little boxes.  And, I never will.”  That hit me that she actually said that.  She wants us to believe that she’s never dated, and probably never will?  Or, she’s not dated, long-term, but went ahead and had the bedroom fun she wanted to have, but is content letting most people believe she’s pretty inexperienced.
“You can’t ever lose your temper or make me feel angry or bad.  I can do that all I want, but you have to eat your feelings and let it drive you to an early grave, so I can have your money and then move onto another to give me more.  But, while you’re alive, you need to sensitive to my feelings without allowing that pool of anger inside you affect your judgment.  So, really, I want you to be Data from Star Trek.”
The last woman in the green jacket is nothing but a self absorbed Narcissist. She views men as servants, ATM machines, constant reassuring Retirement plans. She would bring absolutely nothing to the table. Would she cook and clean for you and help out with the Bills? I seriously doubt it. And when she hits the wall and her looks are gone, what do you have? Nothing but a washed up wrinkled sea hag. I'm 66 years old, and the women weren't half as awful as today's modern women who have been seriously corrupted by Feminism and Social media. I feel bad for the young men today, because this is the type of woman that they have to deal with. Or, they can just walk away from these train wrecks.

Respect is a form of admiration for behavior met within a community (a wealthy philanthropist, someone who volunteers their time, people sticking by their faith) what you're describing is courtesy.  Which should be a given unless someone isn't worth the time
Keep it up girls, us dads are already teaching our sons what not to look for in a potential girlfriend who may become a wife. Its seems that a lot of you are looking for mice when we are raising men.

Am I just being too forward?"

Translation: I take a passive role in dating unless it's chad but he's above my league so he turns me down. Surely it must mean guys aren't into girls making moves. The 90% of invisible men would love it but they'd rather jump off a bridge than consider a man who is "only" 5'10.

When I was younger women would constantly INSIST that I make the first move and when I did I was repeatedly rejected!!! So then I gave up! Then women started making the first move on me, and can you blame me for being suspicious??? After all a lot of the women who rejected me suddenly realized that "I am a man" and when I stopped talking to them, suddenly they all seemed to want me around them, after rejecting me to begin with!!!

Guys don't mind when women make the first move. But let's be honest, you're somewhere around a 5-7. If the only guys you're chasing are 10s, they have way better options. But I fully support women asking guys out. If for no other reason then the get a small taste of equality when Chadrone rejects them.
To all you ladies who refuse to lower your standards. The cats from the shelter are just as healthy and loving as the expensive purebreds and cheap wine gets you drunk as fast as the expensive boxed wine.
Referring to the "Number 2" girl: In this post "mee-two" gulag, the woman who approaches first is the first of only a few steps toward a man's incarceration and financial ruin. If he is lucky, he will not be arrested by a thug cop who "confuses his TASER for his gun". 

Woman Number Two! - Why the hell would YOU approach ME (any man) with any preferential fervor? This is such a rare event that it's either a bad joke or a set up! Either way, I'm not playing so get the hell away from me!  There is your answer as to why men are NOT responding to your "first move". You can thank your "mee-to" sisters for it. 

Now, go sit quietly in the corner and review all the men in your "friend zone". You may want to text the least short, least fat, least girly of them and tell him you are available for romance. But you better hurry, because your next choice will be between a cat or a dog.
I rarely hear anything from these women about values or qualities that they possess that would translate into respect in a relationship.  A lot of I want, me, me, me, mine, mine you get the idea.
Man These girls try to sway you with words such as empathy, kindness and respect and all of that. 
I think even guys might start to actually believe that she is right with the use of words such as kindness, respectful . I mean Who wants to be disrespectful to others ? Most people don’t want to . So,What they really want i think is the man to be submissive towards her so she can feel good about herself and  her life. Misogynistic and didn't realize it?  I love the " only respect women you find attractive", first that really isn't true as most men do or do not respect women based on their actions and character not their looks, their looks garner attention or lack off, not respect.  this assumption though does have a opposite response and is exactly like a woman will gladly accept flirting from the guy she finds attractive as opposed to calling it disrespect and harassment from a man, she doesn't find attractive.  welcome to the land of hypocrisy population: liberals and feminists.
Too many people don't know the difference between "respect," & "decency." They don't get how dense it makes them sound, when they switch them around.
That's why men should never take advices from women before dating a woman
She will tell you how they want to be treated and in the end it's all about her her her.
Respect is earned. But I'm polite to everybody from the start 'til they mess it up. Guess who fucks up more often.
Men actually prefer women make 1st move. So when she files false charges on us? She looks really stupid in court. We get legal vindicated even if we lose everything else over her lies.
The chick complaining about men, being manly.........News flash I hold the door for damn near ANYBODY it is called "Being polite" and it is certainly the "nice thing to do"!! BUT anymore if I see a woman walking towards the door I am holding, so I no longer hold doors open for them at all!!
Note: this not what she/they really want, they want to continue to ride the POGO STICK'S while you're be all those thing's that she/they ask for and don't really want, until no one wants them anymore, remember, making love to her/them is like giving a whale a tic tac.!!!

Pure Psycho - I have met many of these AVOID these at ALL COSTS! Not worth it! Don't even sleep with them. This is the kind of psycho, that when you refuse to dote on them, will keep calling you at work and threaten to have you arrested for Yes, women can be stalkers too. Until you have experienced it, you may not even believe such psychos are a real thing!
Examples: Will tell people you hit them. Will tell people you raped them. Will lie about their age. Will tell you that you got them pregnant. [For younger people: Will get their parents onto you].
Just telling police you did something(whatever) to them, even with no proof or witnesses could get you into trouble and change your life forever.
These women in 2022 they are going to die alone with their vibrators the entitlement is on real with these women these same women axe where are the Good Men at and these women will wake up one day wondering why are there single surrounded by loads of cats

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