
Sunday 31 October 2021

The War On Woke

You only need to look at today's adverts both printed and on TV and you'd begin to think that more than half the world is now comprised of ABCDEFG salt and pepper teams!! Today's adverts are just like TV sitcoms and movies in that they are ALWAYS, ALWAYS pushing the non conventional social agenda in order to legitimise it to make it appear as normal which it is clearly not!!
The primary problem with the progressive preachers of the left, such as H&M, is that they indulge in all the things that they are tell others not to do. that is why they can never be taken seriously
Mummy's special woke darlings cannot stand receiving, they can only dish out. It is just childish behaviour.
Britain is turning into something that resembles "The Village" as seen in the late 60's television series called "The Prisoner", that some people might remember. The Village was a place on a remote island where people ended up who were considered a threat. While there, they were constantly brainwashed with rules and regulations, also conditioned to fit in with the Village society, by trying to changes their attitudes, with woke phrases.
Folk just love to be offended these days, even if it's nothing to do with them

One of the biggest hypocrisies of the woke, and there are many, that if the content is from known left wingers, the woke will ignore it. Like the cultural misappropriation in Borat or The Beatles White Album. I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas was not okay for the woke and the woke had targeted other TV shows for cultural misappropriation.
They should all be ignored not given platform and punch, they won't say a word to China or Russia because they know exactly what they will get yet they make our own lives hell because we try to accommodate and be fair. Madness
Its all about inventing problems and it's fashionable. Go on Instagram. A common 'bio' would be 'fat, queer, autistic, they / them / theirs'. These people are boring, unintelligent people with mental illnesses who need a tribe to feel special. They need treatment not to dictate to the rest of us and even worse, dictate to politicians and influence social policy
Two main causes: 1. The successful attack on religion. With nothing to believe in, some will now believe in anything. 2. Comfort and affluence. This generation has central heating, medicine and procedures, housing, clothes, wide food choice, amazing entertainment and gadgets. The generations before had slums, ice inside windows , disease, real actual poverty. They did not have the luxury of self- indulgence in stupidity
Wokes are nothing but bitter, divisive, tyrannical people who hate western society.
All the wokes do is criticize and shame people. They don't create, don't innovate, don't solve anything. Its because they are mediocre people who lack the brains or talent to be the superstars they think they. are.
The biggest problem with wokeness is that it aggressively demands others to shut up or say stuff that they don't believe in. You have the right to be deluded but you can't force your delusions upon others.
I hope this woke lark is just a stupid phase the western world is going through, and in a few year's time it will be all over and everyone will be looking back and thinking how stupid and pathetic and immature it all was.but if it doesn't go away and becomes permanent we can all wave bye-bye to any semblance of the common sense society we used to have and all took for granted
Very much like anti vaxxers, there's really not that many about, but the few that are make a mighty noise!
One day they might earn the right to have Woke tattooed on their foreheads along with their IQ. Lol.
We've all met some one like the Meg. They come into your life, with a disarming smile. They take control and influence of your child's life. They gradually cut off all your supporting family and friends. They manoeuvre themselves to make you totally dependant on them, that you feel you can't function without them. They take control and influence every decision you make or make you doubt the ones you do. .. And if you speak up against them, they undermine you, they gradually manipulate and turn your child against you, and then cut you out of their life's in a instant.. ..she is extremely bad news..
Ill say what I want when I want and how I want if you don't like it not my problem
Can we not create a place on the planet where all these useless individuals can live together. Something like The Peoples' Republic of Wokeland. They can then reside together and live in their version of paradise while the rest of us get on with our real lives

You want to try being male at the moment. You feel endlessly under attack, anything you like or follow is under attack despite everyone else being encouraged to have their specific outlets be it from culture to entertainment. We are constantly made to feel like we are the cause of the ills of the world and like a garden weed or pest in need of social culling. If you are a rich man, you can avoid most of this but for the rest of us, it pretty depressing. It feels evermore like we're being silenced. I get people have experienced that and worse in history but we are not responsible and are basically chastised for what we are and basically being the majority.
Everything wasn't going well until woke came along. The steady decline of the western world has turned into a more aggressive downward spiral. We are just in the final few decades, the halcyon days, before the inevitable final storm
The rich lovies are the worst hypocrites. Emma Thompson was protesting in London and then a journalist asked her if she would be returning to the United States She was furious at the temerity of someone asking that and said 'why wouldn't I?'. because it's 10 times the carbon footprint Emma. Similarly with Harry using private jets. These people want to dictate to us, they can get lost.
I hate what this country has become. There is no great in Great Britain there hadn't been for a long time. Watching it day since I was a child has been painful. Like watching a dying animal.
They do have know it all smug faces and they will always have plenty to eat and keep warm in their big houses. Aren't we lucky to have betters telling us what to do. They make me sick
Woke is just a front for Communism. It will lead to violence and widespread suffering eventually.
I point the finger of blame to Twitter, before it was available those idiots didn't have a platform too impose their ill thought out ideas on the general population...I have never used it as it seems to be everything that is bad about social media, in fact antisocial media... I long for Myspace where people were generally polite to each other

Seems cannot dismiss this anymore as ravings of hard left ideologues on Twitter. This ideology is now being taught in schools & universities as a truth. White pupils must now face up to their inherent evilness because their parents are white. Employees are being treated the same, how does anyone talk about anything anymore, they are terrified of being sacked for saying something innocent or liking a tweet for goodness sake. (t's like Stalin is in power. A Conservative government seems powerless in the face of all this.
Wokacola drinkers have effectively created the pandemic as they are desperate to make themselves victims. Stand in your power and don't sell your soul for sweeties.
Woke is the ROT of Opinion & Thought, obey and comply is the motive of unseen hands nurturing the poison of Wokery for their Mastery
Lets face it there's only a few seats at the dinner parties where one sings from the same hymn sheet, disparaging all others in life with the assumption their intellect is superior. In truth they don't have a couple of brain cell's they could rub together to ignite an original thought. These people genuinely believe they know better and either through birth or taxation benefits written into law by their chums from Oxbridge are funded by the very people they show such obvious distaste for...trouble is they're well connected into the media and very often ensure criticism hovers between minimal and nil.
Woke = self entitled, bored, low IQ people who spend their hours of spare time making crap up in the hope it may give them 5 seconds of fame. Get a life, get a job and get real.

A spokesman for the left said they were putting the finishing touches on controlling all forms of media, entertainment and academia. The next stage is for people to call the police if any of their family and relatives use unacceptable words. They add, this should not in any way be compared to the old East Germany.Leftie wet wipes, all mouth and triple standards! Fine for the likes of H&M fly Private jets, Emma Thompson to fly over to a Eco demonstration as of course she had to due to work commitments you cannot make up the audacity of these types. Meanwhile we get taxed to the hilt and have to try and juggle our bills.
Woke the new communism, you can't disagree with them, you have to think like them and if you don't you are cancelled.
They are just rich hypocrites! Hiding their cash and demanding our taxes pay for everything while middle class liberals hide their wealth in offshore accounts! Sports pundits in particular football is by far the worst! actually it is us that are fed up with people that have made a fortune or have inherited a fortune telling us that we have to pay more tax to keep the world while the rich and nerdowells move all their cash off to offshore accounts! So back off! When you pay tax discuss ! The day I see a an overpaid campaign for rent controls the day I will believe them! Because remember taxpayers are paying most of his rents in his buy to let empire!
The woke are the footsoldiers of the Frankfurt School and the cultural Marxists who wish to destroy Western institutions and its cultural heritage. They are not absurd and silly - they are very dangerous.
Anybody with an ounce of common sense can dismiss wokeism for the nonsense that it largely is. No. The really worrying thing is that people of influence in education, government and the media bend to its every whim. There are however pockets of resistance that must remain steadfast if they are not to be silence.I cannot and will not tolerate woke people
Why don't they all just shut up and get on with their miserable little lives and live and let live without thrusting their hypocritical views down other people's throats. Put a fucking sock in it.

Woke is Cultural Marxism dressed in a Jackboot. It emerged in the US education system and its goal is to bring down Western civilization as we know it. We tolerate these ideologues at our peril.
Can't stand this woke we need to stand up to them they are just bullies trying to make people feel bad for being male and female etc just ridiculous
I'm what most people on here will call woke. I try and think of others, be kind, show compassion etc. However it's become an insult to hurl at the next piece of stupidity, and being anti-woke is now being used as an excuse by the nasty for their horrible behaviour. There's a balance in the middle into which me and the majority of the public will fall!
I don't consider myself woke but I do believe in treating people as I find them. I believe in manners and politeness but I don't believe in some of the stupid ideas coming out of universities at the present time. I don't accept being preached at about climate change from people who jet all over the planet. I object to being told I am white and privileged. I get angry at people who don't respect my culture and my history. I object to my identity as a human being undermined to pacify a small percentage of people who are unhappy in their own bodies and don't feel included under the term woman so want it to be changed.
There was kindness before people thought you had to be woke to be kind. Now, those who consider themselves woke are the most intolerant bunch of bullies I've ever seen in my whole life. Woke is the opposite to kind.Wokism is the new disease!!
Whatever woke is, it certainly isn't kind. Its a twisted form of fascism where the permanently offended look to bully, isolate and dictate to the rest of us. It's an appalling hypocrisy from the entitled children of the middle classes who arrogantly think they can tell everyone else what they can and cannot say or even think. It is elitism of the worst kind.
FAX DON'T MATTER. The Minority shout there opinion the loudest / and threaten the use of violence to get there point across. Fax don't matter. People are to scared to disagree with the wokeist's because they feel they will no longer have a career if they do.Woke is a form of bullying, much like Fascism is.
Maybe the Woke Brigade should all be forcibly quarantined in an isolated encampment until they see the error of their ways and can be deemed fit to rejoin the rest us in a sane society
What you must realise is: these people will never stop. Once they succeed in getting one thing banned they move one to another, and then another and another. Because they relish the thrill of power they get from snatching away things that other people enjoy. If they can't enjoy it then neither can anyone else. That's why you must never give them an inch in anything.

The best thing we can all do for ourselves at this point is stop watching the news and reading the news on the internet. We'd all be better off for it. Let's face it the term 'woke' and all that it stands for would not exist without the media. They push it down our throats every day, making us feel bad for doing or saying things that were completely innocent only 10 years ago. I've drastically cut down on how much I read news, I never watch it on TV anymore and have cut this down to about 2 mins a day. Its hard when everyone is so used to be connected at all times to current events via the internet but to feel free is so much better. just live your lives how you used to and be happy!
There's too much hysteria about offending anyone, and too many self-righteous people on Twitter making a huge fuss about everything and claiming that practically everything's offensive now, because they're desperate for attention. It's insane and out of control.
The primary problem with the progressive preachers of the left, such as H&M, is that they indulge in all the things that they are tell others not to do. that is why they can never be taken seriously.
The more you bend the knee to them, the more the odd obnoxious, hated minorities, claim rights and expectations, over the ingratiated supplicant politicians. Being fair and considerate means being fair with respect to the majority view, in the first instance, not as a forgotten after thought. I think we have returned to the bad old days. When the evil PIE members, when trying to elicit understanding and leverage from the far left Labour Party. Harriet was one that became embroiled. So the Lefts hands are not clean from creating wokism. They are the root cause. The tools and leverage were developed by aggressive feminists like yourself and now there's complaints from feminists that are being wrongly used. Many women aren't feministas and regret where you've taken them. The smell of hypocrisy is being emitted by your ilk.
History will record these people as a failed somewhat organized political and personal interest group who failed when the real truth outweighed their version
They love every minority group going. Not because they genuinely care, but because they have to be the big fish in small ponds. It's all about me me me.
But who are these 'mediocre two-bit celebrities' to tell the rest of us what is and is not acceptable ? And why do we have to take notice of what they say ? The entitled, millionaire, self important Z Listers do not make the rules nor the Laws. SO IGNORE THEM 
The woke brigade suffer from a strange ideal, were they don't want the minority to be offended. However, in doing so, they to mind offending the majority. Now, in a democracy, I always thought that the majority always come first, unless you are living in a dictatorship! Woke people are autocratic, self righteous, narcissistic individuals, who suffer from the illusion of entitlement and that they are right, while everyone else is wrong.
All this wokeness has gone way to far over the top. Personally I dont give a damn and much prefer COMMONSENSE
Leftists are so dangerous because they believe they are enlightened, and that everyone else must be brought round to their way of thinking by ANY means. Unchecked, their toxic ideology always leads to mass murder.

These people with money have nothing better to do in their lives ... Many have lived OK for 60 years and now we have so many problems and issues that will end up creating major suffering to millions... And SOCIAL UNREST . is surely just around the corner if things do not improve fast ... by the growing Low Income Poverty Society... The future of the UK is certainly not looking good and even worse by 2025...and God knows by 2030...We now produce so little than we used to.. as we now have seriously massive amounts of imports as we rely so heavily on so much of our needs from other countries... that is sorry state to be in and at the mercy for so much from others...and Basically a dangerous situation to be in by anyone's standards.. Boris wise up.. and QUICK...and start the UK manufacturing again ...
The strange thing is that they are outraged on behalf of others. It is like those Americans, without much success in life, that suddenly remember that they felt insulted two decades ago, they ruin the cases for genuine victims. The wokes are sitting in their cowards palaces, social media, and fight for a cause as Karens, that want to dictate others. Dictatorships will never bring equality.
There are two types of people in the West. Those that work for a living and the entitled who woke. Most people are too busy worrying about the end of the month to worry about the end of the world
We really do live in interesting times. Every day some ridiculous woke nonsense makes me giggle into my cornflakes. Night of the Proms Reggae
All these woke & do gooders are having too much influence. Sad thing is companies go along with it to the detriment of all us sane people. Low behold if we speak out as you then get trolled for voicing an opinion. What is happening too this country. We used to have a sense of humour & have the ability to laugh at our selves. But these wokes seem to find anything & everything offensive these days
As much as the woke believe they are changing everything the reality is that we're now intent on avoiding all of them. I wouldn't speak to any minority group now because I might say the wrong thing and get into trouble so now I avoid all these groups not even making eye contact if I pass by. It's made me intolerant and anti diverse.
WOKE IS A JOKE, I am old enough to have a mind of my own ,know whats right and wrong,have my own moral standards,I don't like hypocrites,the do as I say not as I do brigade.I am loyal to what I think is best politically for my country and its people,I don't care if I get cancelled,it will suit me just fine,to get cancelled by the woke means you are free of them,you don't care what they say or want, FREEDOM FROM THE WOKE,LETS ALL GET CANCELLED!!!!

The woke don't laugh at anything. They make it their life's work to look for offence, even, or especially, on someone else's behalf. They see misery in everything and wallow in it. The suck the joy out of life and want everyone to be as miserable as they are and its taken at least 2 years for some to wake up and smell the roses of whats happening to our British way of life.
Don't forget the rank hypocrisy- all those woke little eco warriors who preach at us and bang their drums in London leave Glastonbury, Stonehenge and every beach on the south coast looking like a rubbish dump when they've had their fun.
The woke believe only one opinion is allowed theirs, freedom of expression other than theirs should be banned, they are some of the biggest fascists out there then.
"A temper tantrum with a socially concerned alibi" That is so spot on. All last summer, as I watched violence unfold everywhere in the name of 'insert cause here' cause, I kept thinking this is nothing but a temper tantrum. So many things are temper tantrums. I'm shocked more people can't see it.
Wokeism is a first world problem. Too much time, money, and no sense of importance. Also constantly wanting validation for there unhappy lives.
All these woke people are have a laugh at the expense of the majority of us They seem to be stretching the elastic band .Everyone of a sound mind including the authorities should ignore them and slowly they will melt away . Unfortunately it seems that these woke people operate amongst our authorities.
What is SCARY is the thought that Charles is head of the Woke Brigade.. He is definitely not fit to be King. He will be a complete disaster and could accelerate the end of the monarchy. as we all know it. William is the messiah on the other hand. I think our gracious Queen knows it? What a completely hypocritical buffoon Charles is in every sense. He's never been allowed out of his cotton wool environment and Harry acts talks down to people just like him. One last thing take your hands out of your pockets boy! They don't even realise their whining, hypocritical lecturing just deepens divisions and makes bad situations much worse.
I can no longer stand the sight of Ms Markle's face, her self satisfied lying face has been pushed down our throats to 4 years now and frankly it makes me sick to my stomach that she has gotten away with so much duplicity and lies. Arguably the most irrelevant person on the planet. Full of her own self importance, when there has never been a more talentless workshy arrogant individual.
Wokies are the nastiest people on the planet. Haughty yet hypocritical, lecturing and sneering, convinced of their moral rectitude yet unwilling to consider alternative opinions. 
We are all fed up with the self serving, arrogant, disingenuous 'woke' brigade. Prince Charles is so out of touch he doesn't even realise that he should be ashamed of himself and his enormous hypocrisy. We can only hope William will realise before it is too late and William loves a good virtual signalling session.

It's quite simple really. Wokes are tragic dribbling simpleton losers at life, desperately screeching and mewling to give their existence some point. Just ignore them. It's not difficult. They don't exist in the real world, e.g business, but schools, the civil service, Twitter etc. For me, they don't even exist.
Without a mass fightback against these petty and pointless demands from pressure groups and the like reality in the world is done for but the scary thing is why we are capitulating to these people? They demand someone be sacked and they get the person sacked. It's like the witch burnings in the middle ages, guilty on someone say so.
I wonder how many of you wokies got angry over the sexual exploitation of young girls in Northern English towns? It still goes on. Their exploiters cannot be mentioned. Their exploiters were even ignored by the police and Labour politicians for a long time. Always massive sympathy for non-Whites but not for Whites. Who are the REAL racists?
It was disgraceful. But it's also a drop in the ocean compared to the abuse by organised religion, sports coaching, boarding schools, secure accommodation, quasi military child and youth organisations. All establishment and predominantly white
Here's an old-fashioned idea: teach people good manners and they'll automatically consider other people's views and feelings before they speak or act.
You only need to look at today's adverts both printed and on TV and you'd begin to think that more than half the world is now comprised of ABCDEFG salt and pepper teams!! Today's adverts are just like TV sitcoms and movies in that they are ALWAYS, ALWAYS pushing the non conventional social agenda in order to legitimise it to make it appear normal -- which it is clearly not!!
They are the puritan's of the 21st century. But just like the old puritan's they are self righteous, joyless insufferable bores.
It's hardly surprising that Prince Charles is a chief woke. He's making a fortune out of offshore wind turbines. After years of campaigning for wind turbines in the countryside he now wants to deface our coastline since he started to get a cut of the profits in lieu of the civil list.
Woke ideology is about group power. We are broken up into conflicting identity groups of oppressed and oppressors. There is no compromise and no second place. The woke hate the idea of the individual first. They hate the concept of each individual being given opportunity based on skill and competence. The woke are Marxists. The ideology has to be destroyed.
Wokeness is used by the weak in an attempt to make all else seem unacceptable. Wokenes is totally unacceptable and expects everyone to have no strong feelings, except those of the weak who cannot accept that people have different opinions from them.
And our politicians are bending over to appease what is truly lots of minority groups all with their feeble agendas. These woke are perpetually offended. The moment they wake till they close theirs eyes at night are always looking for the next thing they are offended by. Never mind their stupidity offends to common senses.I really just feel sorry for the UK now. The country is eating itself with its woke nonsense and yet most people would still blame the EU for it if given the chance... you do realise that woke is a anglo-american disease right? It certainly hasn't impacted mostly conservative Europe in the same way!!!!
Here in the U.K. the use of "Woman" and "Mother" is coming under fire. Honestly the world has lost the plot - do these woke warriors seriously want us all to be seen as clones? It's our individuality which makes us amazing.They want rid of the word woman so some guys who wanna be women feel included. Since when has everyone or even anyone always felt included.
Woke' is 'enlightenment' by social media - uninformed, unthinking, irrational, regurgitation of claptrap for upvotes. Its hallmark is the use of discriminatory language to rubbish anyone with a different point of view. It's disappointing that the broadcast media don't on the whole uphold the difference between rational analysis and noise.

It gets worse. In Columbia, campaigners representing the descendants of Pablo Escobar's pet Hippos have managed to establish in a court of law that they are actually persons and as such cannot be put down as they are becoming a dangerous nuisance. Hippos in the wild actually kill more humans than Lions, Crocodiles and stampeding Wildebeests all put together. They are now legal persons in Columbia and have the right to vote.
If you see each person as an individual and each "thing" as something that is real, there is no need for all this pointless wokis. If you treat people with respect, there is no need to be a member of a "movement" that highlights the plight of one particular section of society. If there is something in a book you don't like, don't complain about it, just don't read it. You cannot change what has been, but you can shape the future by using those mistakes from the past to learn not to let history repeat itself, BUT with all these groups vying for some sort of supremacy, we are going backward and not forwards. Working together as a team - and we were almost there - we can do this.
Whilst these intellectual buffoons haggle about gender equality, rights of the minorities and the way we are allowed to use words to describe or address some one, other countries are throwing real human rights out the window with serious punishments if their actions are questioned.
The woke seek to destroy anyone who holds a differing view while pretending to be inclusive. The erosion of women's rights and identity is particularly concerning. The advent of young people, coming out of university with a twisted view of the world and what they need to do to contribute and survive is worrying. They can't live on empty virtue signalling, they will need to knuckle down, get a job and find a way to navigate the complexities of life which they will be ill equipped to do. I am already seeing this in some of the entitled graduates arriving in the workforce who cannot understand why everyone isn't falling at their feet.
This woke nonsense would soon be forgotten if they looked up from their screens for a minute to see what was going on in the world. The doomsday clock is currently at 100 seconds to midnight. We are probably on the brink of a global catastrophe, so many possibilities for destruction. I would love to see their reaction to a global war or deadly viral threat, probably retreat and curl into a ball in the corner, sobbing. The youth today are mollycoddled, entitled and softer than a marshmallow.
The Woke are the new witchfinder generals. How long before the unwoke are killed off by these zealots and their evil influence on the unthinking hoards?
Wokeism is a dreadful cancer in UK society and must be excised by all means necessary, or it will spread and damage us all and without their money and privileged position, they would speak differently. Honestly, I'm just sick of today's society! We keep having to cater for minorities whilst the majorities are brushed under the carpet. By all means, be an eco warrior or consider yourself a different gender or an alien from Alpha Centauri, but don't force the rest of us to change or lives and even our vocabulary to accommodate that!
It needs to end soon,... what the woke muppets for some reason don't understand, its unravelling western culture ,freedom of speech and the existence of how we arrived to the present state....without the past, you cannot improve the future ... if you stuck this lot on an island it would create a society worse the China ,..eventually disappearing up their own asshole's on what can, should and never be acceptable to their own way of reasoning.
I am really sick of woke idiots trashing my identity, my country, my gender, my religion my traditions , my culture and my way of life .... have I left anything out that isn't under attack or considered " offensive " ?? Oh yes my sense of humour, what I eat and how I travel.
I am offended by these "woke" idiots. They seem to have more power than the government for some reason and it should not be like this ! How many people's lives have been ruined with a cancel culture. They want free speech but it works both ways. I am all for moving forward but it must be progressive not recessive.
The word Woke means anything other than the opposite of being asleep. But there is something creepy and smug about the word indicating that one person is inherently better than others, without actually having to do anything to prove it."The Woke look down on the non-Woke (the same way Remainers look down on Leavers) and they really do believe that they are somehow superior and better than the non-Woke. Wokery is snobbery and if you call yourself woke then you are a snob. The Woke, who are always brimming with self-righteousness and sanctimony, delude themselves that they have the moral high ground. They use to call themselves 'progressive' (which is another creepy and smug word), the inference being that if you weren't like them, then you were regressive and backward. But the Woke do have at least one good thing going for them - providing the rest of us with a good laugh!
When during Lockdown 1, it was announced that we could meet friends in our garden, one BBC King of the Woke complained on air how terribly unfair that was to those who lived on flats.
I just ignore the freaks now and if anyone appears to be I instantly walk away, no interest what-so-ever. As little as possible to do with them. Oddly, you really don't meet many, and when you do, on the odd occasion they are generally hated by people around them or their relationships false , they just don't see it haha
Stop being bullied by the woke , stand up to them and just say NO MORE of this nonsense. Ignore anyone who tries to curtail your freedoms . We need to stop giving these idiots any more of our time or energy. We are the majority, they are the minority.
What a sad old world we live in when this cancel culture wokism supersedes real world problems. It isn't worth getting out of bed for so puerile and mindless it is. Anyone with a degree or a coupon of common sense will just ignore it and carry on. Those that think it worthwhile I would suggest have little between their ears and what they have they dont use.
It's amazing to think that with all of the problems we all have from the UK to South Africa, America, Japan, Australia and all the other countries in between that being right as a woke, social studies degree, safe space, entitled adult child is FAR more important than world stability, health care, housing, crime, debt and all the other wonderful things that we're all suffering from.

Not gonna cry for Britain. For decades the Brits have been feeling so above us Europeans, and constantly smear the war in our faces, playing the WW2 everytime we dared to disagree with you. Do you really think that we don't realise you were protected by the Channel in 1940 ? You were an island nation, that's what saved you. And on your own, you British would have NEVER broken Germany. You live in lala land. Yet, everytime we disagree with you, you play your WW2, even now in 2021. You deserve everything that is happening to you. High inflation, energy prices going dramatically up, woke madness. That's for your arrogance. I can assure you Europeans don't look at Britain as an example to follow. Quite the opposite.
A pungent smell of cancel culture lingers,ever in the background,hoping to search out new targets by trawling through years of festers,daily in our lives,thriving among the "never wrongs" who are among us in minor numbers,yet their foot stomping and bleating catches the ear of those afraid to tackle it head on.Therein lies the problem.
Just think, in 20-30 years when the new youth generation gets their turn,,, hopefully they will have their own agenda about today's generation and look back to today and find all these socially offended woke imbeciles that ruined the societies they have to suffer. I fear witch burning may come back into fashion. Evolution indeed and the adults amongst us have to stand up to snowflakery and wokeness, wherever we come across it. Don't just ignore it challenge it, nobody voted woke.
Lisa Nandy, Rebecca Long Bailey, Emily Thornberry, Angela Rayner and Rosena Allin-Khan all queued up to witch-hunt their fellow women". Each one of these women is a hypocrite who, in the pursuit of their own power, stamped all over female members of their own party and their own female voters. Let's hope it's not forgotten once again hit the nail on the head for calling out some of the most self-entitled people on our planet and here's my middle finger to all you wokies!

I pity them. They have no idea what joy is. To take a stroll along a river or through a park, to read a heartwarming novel, to paint with watercolours, to taste fine food. All they see is ugliness, everything and everyone is a potential problem, something to be hated or detested or questioned. They are devoid of the human experience. Woke are the most intolerant tossers.
It has struck me for a very long time how so many people are now offended by so many things, but not the things they should be offended by. Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Pride, Sloth, and Wrath. Anyone remember when it was these things that were wrong. What a world.
The seven deadly sins are now considered to be normal not something to avoid.
The most woke are often the most hypocritical and vindictive. Used as nothing more than a veneer to deflect from their own privilege. Instead of casting the mirror upon themselves they will call a working class lad from an estate privileged.Woke is a threat because those who are woke consider no other view but their own, often distorted one.
there is a massive disconnect though between the general population and corporate and civil bodies ... equalled only by the the disconnect between politicians who want votes from minorities .. the more minorities the more groups they can appeal to ... also civil bodies like local councils and so on only employ wokes which is why nothing ever gets done and they are so inefficient and want to spend money on social mental stuff endlessly, so easy to spend other peoples money when they don't create wealth but take it and corporations just want to sell stuff and not have people sat outside closing their outlets.
What is happening now is the result of years of radical leftist teachers being allowed to teach anti democratic views. This is not just in university but up from infancy. Now these ex-pupils are older and perhaps in positions of power they are using their teachings to disrupt our world. The trouble is the people who are in higher education are taking these views to the next level and some gullible politicians and leaders are afraid to oppose it. If it doesn't stop soon we will be faced with an authoritarian state like China, whom, I believe originally instigated this.
To me, it's a cultural elitist symbol of western decline, like an OAP going through their dotage. There will be a substantial pushback against it in the years ahead though as normal people are hit economically in their daily lives. By the 2030s, western wokeism and anyone associated with it will be dead and buried. The grand plan is to infest every institution in our country, it's the only way they can move forward. They are not naive people, but sinister in their plans. Woke is becoming the new order, its coming from the rich in order to suppress the ordinary people.
If the wokies were treated like a comedy show, laughed at then ignored until the next silly episode they would lose any influence and be taken down a peg or two.
All it takes for evil to succeed is for good people to remain silent. And that is what most good people are doing. It is the loud minority that are getting their own way. What good people must do is to say this"I have an education and I own a dictionary and I will choose my own words, opinions and thoughts and if you don't like it you can go fuck yourself"
If you need to see WOKE half wits in action just go to any roundabout near the M25 tomorrow morning. Sure to be an assortment of clowns turn up with their haz jackets on!! Lunatics all.
Take away their benefits and fine them until their oils squeak.
I'm all for live and let live, have called out idiots on the occasions I've been witness to it. I don't think I'm woke, just have a moral compass and a sense of right and wrong. But what we are seeing now is a demoralizing weapon being used to divide us. Or maybe I'm just an old fool stuck in the past.
All BBC types who in reality seek to control the masses in everything they do , think and believe so they themselves can indulge to the max behind a false contrived thin veil of care!!
The ironic thing is, the Woke fail to realise that if their ''heroes'' ever came to power, they themselves would be the first to be sent to the ''Re-education Camps''. The woke are also the biggest hypocrites.
When even ultra-leftists like Ms Burchill, Germaine Greer and J K Rowling realise that the Woke 'revolution' has turned into a parade of self-publicising and self-pitying pressure groups screaming for special dispensation and 'most-favoured' status for themselves and themselves alone, then you know that things have reached a critical pass in the cultural and social debate.
What most of learnt as children has now been turned on its head. Sticks and stones etc. It used to be not what you say but what you did that mattered in life,now it is what you say that counts and what you do is of no consequence, as in riots, defacing buildings/statues, sitting down on motorways and letting in 1000s upon 1000s illegals. This country needs new leadership sooner rather than later.
All I do know that where there was tolerance we now have none and all these ridiculous people have caused the absolute opposite of what they were trying to achieve, that's how deluded and dangerous they all are. The reality is not one of these woke people care about anyone but themselves , just look into their background , the whole of this woke culture has been created as a screen from which they can hide from the world their lives of indulgence and luxury whilst pretending they care , when in reality they are motivated by innate guilt as they should be!!
Its a concept derived by privileged, over indulged individuals who have either lost their way in life or at least a direction to focus on, however they are entitled to their own views just as I am but they are not entitled to force them on others.I treat all Woke preachings and initiatives with the contempt they deserve. It just amazes me that so many idiots blindly follow them.
Guilty leftie luvvie trash , hiding behind a manufactured deceitful thin veil of care to ease their guilty Conscience for the life they lead but have done nothing absolutely nothing to deserve. Make no mistake these people despise the needy who in reality they see as inconvenient nuisance.Extremists are always finding faults with everything , they used to be ignored and thought as weirdos not too long ago .
Woke" is anti social media at its best. The minority have the loudest voice. The fashionistas, not wanting to miss out, follow like sheep and the majority and sensible are ignored. Well, here we are. Now where can we find the reverse switch, is it in the too late box?
How about inviting Putin over to do a stint of British leadership. He kicked the wokes out of Russia, controlled the borders, supports the traditional family and is a Christian who builds churches. Also kicked out the Western financiers who were looting Russia under Yeltsin.

However , this strata of society is light years away from the vast majority who drag themselves out of bed to go to work , take the kids to school etc , and , glad to have gotten through another day , collapse into bed only to wonder what crimes they will be guilty of by dawn.
Unfortunately this vocal minority have the money and influence to get their agendas seen to in national and international press while the rest of us actually work to provide for our families and just hope these idiots will go away. Once again, it's the rich telling the middle class and others how we should be living while ignoring their own preachings.
The main problem is that people have rejected fact based reasoning, logic, and basic common sense in favour of emotions and how "they feel about things". Facts doesn't care about feelings. A simple statement like "I prefer apples to oranges" is now met by the comment "so you HATE oranges!".
The don't do as I do brigade, do as I say, biggest hypocrites on the planet.Harry the biggest hypocrite of the lot of them and the most privileged! Get back in your playpen little boy.
Woke for the wealthy who don't take their own advice but try to dictate to everyone else. Best ignored at all costs. Virtually all rich London only elitist lefties who in reality hate the great unwashed as they themselves indulge to the max , hate filled people who hide behind a false care and compassion for people in need that they despise!!All done as a pretend Altruism to make them look good and superior!! Utter trash!!Being permanently offended has become a lucrative job for many attention seekers but most of them are all talk and no substance. The Markle woman is a prime example, always complaining but little to back up her claims and proved to be a liar.
The Woke agenda is actually about telling people they aren't "nice" if they don't accept a left wing agenda. It is a form of propaganda which has no real moral value, it's just a way of trying to control what people say or think to help achieve a political agenda that makes no actual sense.
If this nonsense continues then humanity is doomed & the sooner some nut job dictator presses the button & puts an end to it all the better.Woke is PC with knobs on for people with sponges for brains and IQ's their shoe size.
We are fast approaching a totalitarian system of government and woke is an integral part of that journey to serfdom.
There's nothing imaginary about pulling down statues and cancelling people because of their views
Nothing imaginary about it now only the new Zealand rugby team will be able to perform the Hakka problem is some of them are white in the team so looking forward to that at work we are forming a policy so trans people can use the toilets of their choice which I strongly disagree with and the word chairman has been dropped from our council vocabulary and don't get me started on the adverts where it is now common knowledge that only people of colour are being signed up by the agency's with the odd white person being thrown in
That's all it is, stirring up the gullible into thinking the 'woke' are an enemy of our way of life and that the only way to stop them is by voting for the anti-wokes. Mark my words, come the next election the Tories will be marketing themselves as the anti-woke saviours, and despite all the massive Tory failures millions of fools will vote for them again.
The common factor of all these woke people is guilt , they are virtually all rich elitists mostly London based who know they have far more capital and assets than those who have worked hard and really deserve a better fair share . But non not one of this trash would actually do anything that required anything more than talk to help the world needy . GUILTY as they should all b and yet each and everyone of them are a hypocrite.
Woke is the most socially destructive ideology to come out of the west for many a year. It's nasty, self indulgent, judgemental and most of all marinated in hypocrisy. It sets people against one another with it's virtue signalling thoughts based on victimhood. The woke are everything that they espouse not to be. Nasty, vindictive people who think it's ok to take someone's livelihood away because someone managed the all too easy feat of offending someone. Many many times it's someone being offended on someone else's behalf. Woke is a toxic shadow on the west and has to be fought against.
There is a set of rules in society so it functions without anarchy, but woke ideology here and in the US is dysfunctional and lowers education and promotes gender based fibs and is rewriting the language and is attacking the parameters in which we know right from wrong and allows these imbeciles to make money of the back of people who have been hurt or life ended by scumbags. They only care about themselves and live off validation from each other and this is why no sane person watches the Oscars etc. This is why Epstein and other non role models are getting away with acts of human vandalism
Wokers are just a load of hypocritical, self-promoting, holier-than-thou bullies,

Emma Thompson (the grandmother of Woke) flew in first class from Los Angeles to London to join the Extinction Rebellion protests of spring 2019 Yes just as Harry & Meghan do, These woke jokes can always justify their actions that do not line up with the gospel they hold others to follow. They can just not curb their addiction She is the worst of the worst , A total indulgent snob hiding behind a very thin veil of actually caring for those she despises.
Woke works like authoritarian socialism, in fact they are one and the same. In practice that kind of socialism does not bring equality at all, but the greatest social class divide of all time where those in charge live very well and do as they please while they preach at and control others to a way of life that they do not and would not apply to themselves. In that regime the only equality those they control share is that of being controlled by the hierarchy, and the existence of a hierarchy in itself denotes a lack of equality, and equality in poverty & hardship imposed by the virtue signally hierarchy that in short are hypocrites. And they attain power by collectivism. Listen to an audio by Bertrand Russell on his meeting with Vladimir Lenin in 1920 as an insight as to how the leaders of such regimes divide and attain control of society while they sit back and watch factions of indoctrinated society, of useful idiots, fight their corner to remove opposition to ensure their reign.
Every single sodding advert on TV is a virtue signalling appeasement of woke. That's why I deliberately will not buy their products. It is a cancer that is being allowed to invade every aspect of our lives from an invisible enemy.The problem is, you'll never know if you were passed over on that promotion because of your colour, sexual orientation or gender. Even in politics, do we have the best people for the job or has some quote been filled, so us as the consumer are getting a poor service but paying top dollar. This includes your mp, your council, your children's education and perhaps even your health service. This works all ways. The best person for the job not on colour, sexual orientation or gender. Wokeism is possibly my greatest hate and these pathetic people who preach their views but they see you as a criminal if you challenge them with your own take and views on the world. Wokies need to be challenged without fear.. They are the minority.It must be really hard work being a woke person and constantly having to look for offence in everything, they must be exhausted.
Woke? The regulated mainstream media preach it. The education system from start to finish teach it. Its imbedded in the police force, in the military imposed by the MoD, its imposed by big and powerful corporations too. So unless all those institutions are bodies that live outside the law, and they do not, Woke stems from Government, the lawmakers. And its been going in that stealth controlling direction slowly, slowly since the 1960s. The festival, leftist hippie movement was popular in Universities amongst both students and professors alike even back then and in hindsight that is in the early days of Woke. And what did university students with respected degrees go on to get?, the prominent and influential jobs in big corporations, in law, in the education system, in the healthcare system, in government and so the infiltration of woke into mainstream society began. Yuri Bezmenov and The Four Stages Of Ideological Subversion, come to mind.
The privileged simply love telling the peasants how to live and genuinely believe they are vastly superior and more knowledgeable than everyone else. Let them eat cake
Woke is the byproduct of a generation of kids raised without anyone being able to tell them no and being brought up to think there own opinions and views are all that matter and anyone with another point of view is a threat to them and must be stopped from expressing an opinion.
They will only get away with as much as they are allowed to. If retailers and large organisations pander to these imbeciles then the majority of people will quite rightly boycott them and add them to the growing list of bankruptcies. Good riddance
Woke is actually the new form of socialism- reinvented by French philosophers after communism was exposed for what it really was. They created identity politics. Which is why it's all about tearing things down. The bourgeoisie replaced by the tyrannical patriarch. But ultimately it's about destroying the system. The woke are tragic, weak and worthless. But the real problem is the unbelievable number of cowards who let themselves be intimidated.
The lunatic antics of complete idiots like Emma Thompson are perpetuated and encouraged by the media giving her the oxygen of publicity. The hypocritical garbage she spouts would be instantly forgotten were it not for the media instantly reporting each and every ridiculous outburst. Stop giving them the platform no one thinks they should have and the irritating issue would go away. The media won't do that and the media has a lot to answer for.
Bring back Love Thy Neighbour and Alf Garnett that will give them something to moan about and the rest of us something to laugh at!
Nothing new about this, people love a mob and they love a witch hunt. What the fools who join the woke witch hunt should realise, is the mob always turns and eats their own. Just look at feminists, they use to gleefully destroy the lives of their opponents and now the trans mob has turned on them.
WOKE - the biggest pile of self serving hypocrisy you will ever see.
So true. All that old money locked up in mansions behind high gates while their woke owners conveniently forget how the money was made at the expense of the ordinary working person and the environment.Also the woke left think they are so so right, as if they were Gods looking down on lesser mortals. They never seem to have my view which is that lots of people disagree with some of my views and those other people are great and that different views are fine. They just want a kind of one way or the highway superiority.
I remember when I first became aware of SJWs and they were treated as a joke. Shame it didn't continue to be laughed out of society because then they started a regime of terror by cancelling, de-platforming and other nasty stuff. I'm glad that people are starting to fight back. It's destroying the country. The scary part is that our institutions instantly cave in to these weirdos' demands. Why? What threat could they hold over say, a university? Or over me? They are always anonymous. Who are they?
Worse when a job advert states only protected groups of people should apply. Not because the job somehow calls for it but just a woke agenda these days for hiring statistics.The woke are weirdly reminiscent of another party in Germany led by a little man with a funny moustache and a strange predilection for pointing at the sky.The irony being that the WOKE left are the new Nazi party.
The Left think themselves virtuous, but they haven't changed. Throughout history they've been the same nasty, bitter, thoroughly evil authoritarian monsters.
The thing about WOKE folk are that they insufferable, and have double standards. To my mind if we just went back to treating others with respect, enforcing the decency laws, banned swearing in public, prosecuted those who film crimes but do not intervene then place them on line, cracked down on publicly insulting people then we would all be nicer, and the world would be a better place
The Green movement is led by smug, well-off people who want to continue with their privileged lifestyles while putting working people back in their place. For confirmation, just look back at the self-righteous, self-satisfied look on the face of that woman protestor moments before she was nudged by the Range Rover last week.
Woke people are only angry. Angry on the world, people, normal citizens, the two normal genders, especially male, w.hite. race. And everybody has to listen to this little group, if not, you're out. Don't understand their big influence.
The pathetic, eternally offended people who come up with these sad reasons to complain will only be happy when we are all wearing identical grey suits and carrying little red books.Luvvies telling me to stop using the car whilst they jump in the Range Rover to get to their private jet. Good movies rewritten with an all female cast. History shows / films which mix in POC actors which appear out of place. James Bond & Doctor Who falling victim to Wokeness. People are sick of this & vote with their feet.
The woke brigade who are currently ruining everything for everybody strike me as being uninformed, incapable of independent thought, emotionally immature and intellectually barren.
Most of this rubbish is born on Twitter, we never had all this rubbish before that became a platform for the lunatics and extremists of all persuasions.
These woke left luvvies sun up what is wrong with the world. Self important, hateful hypocrites who say one thing and personally do another. Without him and people like them the world would be a better place.
Diversity and Inclusion sound great on the surface, but in fact they are evil concepts, designed to undermine. I want neither of them and won't participate in advancing them
The greatest pandemic to face this planet is not man made in China it's the man made woke pandemic that you cannot cure with a vaccine. just the elimination of the source.
Well. Let's do this. Instead of complaining all the time with zero resolution. Lets give those that attack white people what they want. Segregation, in fact...they can have an entire country. And white folks will just take another should be a blessing to all minorities since they cry how evil and terrible white people are. Lets give them what they want. Lol. We all know how that would turn out but not going to lie..LIFE WOULD BE BEAUTIFUL.
I can't stand the ridiculousness of all this, it seems everyone is offended by someone or something There really are more important things to think about in life
The Wokist ideology is propagated by champagne socialists. It is why the red wall voted with their feet. It is a losers charter.
What makes me laugh is those who claim to be so woke now must have spent the rest of their lives ignorant of the problems they now claim to be so supportive of and that is the irony
Johnson is after the popular votes. He doesn't care how he gets them.
He's lost my vote. If I wanted an expensive unachievable green agenda I would have voted for the one trick pony Green Party, who have put all their eggs into that Climate Change basket. I won't vote for a counterfeit Green Party led by Carrie Johnson's husband and I suspect neither will the millions of red wall Conservative voters, who Johnson doesn't obviously realise only loaned them his vote in the 2019 General Election.
It's gross how much power and influence the woke brigade are enjoying. All we can do is try to ignore them. Also, we should do our best to deliberately wind them up if directly faced with their rubbish and laugh at their frustration when we don't concede. Bunch of idiots.
Woke is absolute shite. All these woke people should be sent to Mars; they certainly are not welcome on this planet. All privileged people what a surprise. All luvvies who you would think live on a different planet, so lets send them to one.
The latest fad seems to be inventing ridiculous bandwagons for people with ridiculous ideas to jump on. The latest 'must have'.

Putin Warns Wokeness Is Destroying The West: It Happened In Russia, Its Evil, It Destroys Values the Bolsheviks were absolutely intolerant of other opinions, different from their own, Putin continued. I think this should remind you of something that is happening. And we see what is happening in the Western countries, it is with puzzlement that we see the practices Russia used to have and that we left behind in distant path, the fight for equality and against discrimination turns into an aggressive dogmatism on the brink of absurdity, when great authors of the past such as Shakespeare are no longer taught in schools and universities because they announced as backward classics that did not understand the importance of gender or race.
It's called Communism. This is what is happening. The restrictions on personal choice, movement, freedom to express opinions and practice a religion. Look how the churches were closed during lockdown. I really think these are the end days predicted. The financial system is next in sight, destroying small business and making everyone reliant on the state. Just waiting for the Antichrist. Start praying now!
There is a new religion. Wokeism, it is moving like a tidal wave through every facet of UK culture, shaping and redefining society as it goes. This religion masquerades under the guise of understanding and justice, but underneath is an evil ideology. It needs to be stamped out NOW before like PC it takes over our lives.It will only succeed if we let it. Call it out and ridicule the fools and their ignorant wokishness at EVERY opportunity. I do.Woke is the untalented trying to be mediocre.
Woke is the environment of middle-class whites with nothing to do. The minorities are toys in their little games.
I don't believe these po faced puritanical miseries really believe their own hype. I think they see is as a way to get publicity and cause trouble, much like the protestors who were illegally blocking motorways. I very much doubt their lives would stand up to the scrutiny they try to put others under. He who is without sin
Answer is they are being paid to destroy our culture and heritage or they are compromised in some way, all our institutions are infiltrated with this neo marxist garbage the funny thing is when all is said and done these idiots will be first to go that's how it works they believe they will sit at the top of the table like good sellouts but they always get rid of traitors first.

Before the Internet, you had to do something special to be recognised. Anybody can influence anyone now regardless of skill, talent, qualifications or experience. Even if you are thick and ugly you can make a name for yourself by finding something offensive, and others with no discernible talent might even go along with it so as to appear relevant. Emperors with no clothes have never had it so good.
A beautifully crafted resume of the evolution of woke to date with many of the named main players ..mainly those who have the ability and good fortune to live in sumptuous ivory towers admonishing we common serfs for the audacity of trying to keep warm and put a meal on the table . My question is quite simply this ..why are we tolerating this nonsense..what are we going to do about it . At 75 years of age born in a tenement building in Glasgow never had a state hand out in my life and worked to put a roof over my head and provide for my family I have never felt my way of life more at risk on the alter of eco egoism and don't get me started on gender matters you need a new dictionary updated weekly to have the slightest idea who is who and what is what ...however I digress . I have never walked in a rally ..never carried a placard in my life and respect law and order but never have I felt more like the bloody French in their ability to say enough is enough time to storm the ramparts.
I'm sick to the back teeth of this shit being constantly preached at by people who do not have any real understanding of what they are preaching about. The real people of Britain need to now grow a pair and start standing up against these bullies.
I used to wonder how extreme dictators and political parties came to power in Democracies. Not any more.
Woke is largely a form of vanity and conceit really, because in championing minorities they claim are discriminated against, the wokist wants to be seen as not just virtuous but, in supposedly acting from a position of strength, superior.
The majority of people in the UK would reject anything woke out of hand. Because they are just getting on with their lives in mostly challenging circumstances, mortgages or rents to find, paying supermarket bills and worried about their children at school or college. It is generally those who are wealthy or with the idealism of youth that have the freedom of time and few of those responsibilities life places on us that can jump on-board the woke fantasies.
Just ignore it. Put the street names back on the roads, don't stop watching Thomas the tank engine, keep reading the books, and keep using the words. We need people to fight back, not take it. Trouble is from what have seen of people just rolling over from lockdowns etc, seems Britain has lost its spine.This is causing even more divide, we are being dictated to by a small minority who obviously do not appreciate our culture. We have seen it all from children's books, art, statues, the list is endless.
Thank God for columnists like Julie Burchill and Peter Hitchens, who share the capacity to articulate that which I feel deeply but cannot find the words to describe. I am not long for this world and for me, counting my blessings is more important at the end of life than ranting at the world's inanities. As a lover of the English language, the term "woke" to denote a tribe of sleepwalking zombies seems an aberration. If it's any consolation to the younger among you, I believe that the "woke" movement will at some point disappear as unexpectedly as it arrived.
Woke folk is a movement. It is not pandering to you and I but to small minority groups with powerful backers. In other words, these WOKE people are on board with this latest FAD and are doing what they have done before with previous fads and will also do after this one eventually evaporates... follow the money!
I wonder what a day in an e-wokes life looks like? I kind of get a joyless,mirthless,dystopia of constant offence taking on behalf of people who aren't offended vibe. You have to say,they've..whoever they've are,have done a fabulous job. Most people are scared of saying anything,or daring to have a different opinion. Not too healthy.
The smugness of the woke is a front concealing their latent viciousness. The have a brutish instinct for saving their skins, and realise the necessity of being in the woke club in order to survive and be successful.
Woke is a group behaviour in response to an instinct for power, and all that follows. It acts through their bellies when presented with choices - a surge in hormones that create an agreeable glow, or disagreeable counterpart, which their minds obey. Balance, justice and reason have been left by the wayside.
Whatever you call it, this aggressive "progressivism"/ wokeness follows the old pattern of fundamentalist religious belief. Some historians believe that in future centuries people will look back and see the era from the 60s and it's explosion today in the same way as the Reformation. If so, we are going to see this continue to turn the world on its head. The sad thing is the Reformation had a real purpose, the woke agenda is simply crazy.
The fightback against ludicrous contemporary feminism is being led by women who do not subscribe to its convoluted BS. We like men and we like ourselves. In recognising that feminism is against femininity and that it's simply women ordering women on how to live their lives, feminism has become the biggest misogynist on the planet. Pro-feminism isn't just anti-men, it's anti-women
Imagine when the wokes have teenagers of their own and the resulting backlash from the woke Puritanism brainwashing they have had to endure. It will make teenage rebellion look like a vicars tea party.
My main problem with the wokeratis is their barefaced cheek at being offended on other people's behalf. I bet if you were to actually ask the people who were supposedly 'culturally appropriated', 'colonially repressed', or other such nonsense, most of them wouldn't give a stuff. In the UK we have a liberal and inclusive society, and the only divisions arising these days are the one created by the woke brigade. The irony eh?
Woke thoughts does not make you a nice person. Having a conscience makes you a nice person.People use wokeness to give them a status that they wouldn't normally be able to achieve because they've got nothing else to offer.
What intrigues me is that activists rarely live among the communities they claim to champion. Not for them the tower blocks and council flats of urban inner cities. No, they live in well-heeled gated enclaves where the sound of running behind them is likely to be a jogger. Their advice to the less well-off rarely includes the grit, graft and character needed to make it in life. Instead they preach victimhood to people all too ready to believe it. This is what has led to the crabs-in-a-barrel mentality which has so many believing they're stuck.
Think it is summed up best by the fact that the, mainly, young generations just LOVE to be upset on behalf on all or anyone as they have, themselves, nothing really to be upset about
The Wokers are what is left of the kids who thought getting a participation medal was great and who never actually suffered the stigma of coming anywhere but first in any competition. They never learnt to live in the real world
Woke had only hatred to offer. In the long run it will also not further the position of the groups they claim to represent.
Woke is just Ego. A damaged, injured Ego where people play the role of victim. They get offended by everything and they take everything personally because they feel inferior. When you feel inferior, that is your ego. They aren't happy with themselves. They feel insignificant so they need to bring everything and everyone down to make their ego feel better.
I couldn't care less about woke, wokism or the wokerati, it's all about treating all humans as you would wish to be treated BUT I do have a complaint about "craft" beer and "craft gin etc, it's really only "home brew' as against mass produced beers and gins by the big companies it is also, along with artisan and health, put these words in front of a product, "craft" beer "artisan" bread and "health" food, and it's a licence to print money just one big con.
The Wokerati lecturing The Western masses before jumping on their private jets doing deals with the Emiratis.
Tolerance will reach such a level that intelligent people will be banned from thinking so as not to offend the imbeciles.The privileged elite have a soapbox everywhere to spout their wokey rhetoric. Should keep their noses out and stop stirring it up.
Just fight back. Whenever they say we should stop doing xyz, we now know what they want to change in us, so just deliberately do MORE of it. If you do less, for whatever reason, they have won. In other words don't think about their message as that will make you feel: just physically do more of what you want.Its time for some serious push back on these woke imbeciles and fools.
Defining Wokeism is quite simple.. not having enough maturity or intelligence to understand that not every human being thinks like you - and not only is that ok (as well is freedom of speech) - it also doesn't always mean you're right and everyone else is wrong. It's being a pussy, being soft, because it's overreacting to literally everything (again, due to having zero emotional maturity), and labeling anyone who doesn't immediately agree with them as "evil". Essentially, it's socialism.
Woke is a pseudo, an ersatz religion where virtue signalling comes in inverse proportion to the soulless, stinking latrine that is the true character of these human aberrations. Just look at Emma Thompson for example, or Caroline Lucas, they turn the stomach.
Hypocrisy, living in mansions, preaching about inequality. To them everything you do, say, eat, think, fail to do, is an 'ist'. These pathetic idiots need to pipe down and look in the mirror.
Can no-one tell any of these whinging, self-adoring, Me, Me, Me, Im offended! Punts to just Duck Off? Stop giving them a voice! Its the sheep, huddling together, afraid to bleat differently to the flock, that give these Farceholes an audience! Slam the door of common sense in their pursed-lips faces

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