
Thursday 7 October 2021

The Hypocrisy Of Extinction Rebellion & Isolate Britain

International travel and rampant hypocrisy seem to be recurring themes with these Eco-Warrior types.
These idiots have no interest whatsoever in global warming, they use the moniker as a way to disrupt society and gain some small amount of notoriety and this country should take swift, hard action when dealing with them.
The thing is with most protesters, they don't practice what they preach. 
They just don't want you to do it.
I've nothing against people enacting their God-given right to take part in "peaceful" demonstrations. What I am against, is when the actions of said demonstrators inflict on the lives of ordinary working folk, especially to the point where ambulances are being blocked and people are dying alone because their loved ones are being held up from getting to their side in a timely fashion. Does it make these 'protestors' feel good to know how much sorrow they're causing? I'm surprised people haven't started running them over yet.

Anyone even vaguely connected with Extinction Rebellion & Isolate Britain are dim and dense hypocrites. They protest wearing their nylon and plastic cagoules, carrying nylon and plastic rucksacks containing their plastic packed lunch and drinks, and in the main drive stinky old high emissions vehicles. The only environmental danger is themselves but they can't see it.
I said it before all of these people blaming us for the environment as the people from multi vehicle families who think a car at 17, a year out either before or after university and others later are their rights of passage. They talk at you about what they saw in India, Kenya, Namibia and Cambodia etc how they bartered with the locals and travelled in old and rickety vehicles usually for a year
These "activists" are all the same. A bunch of show-offs who don't give a darn about the planet
In the broadest sense, environmental causes are elitist. I don't know any poor people who travel to Antarctica, load up a camper and go to the redwoods, nor take vacations.

Who is surprised environmental issues have been hijacked by companies and individuals who are out for more profit and more power. There's millions more quietly doing far more for the environment by living modestly, gardening in a way that benefits wildlife and picking litter in our communities than these stooges and shills.I am happy to say that in this country we have a legitimate right to peaceful protest. But when those that protest break the law, endangers the lives of others, the laws that everyone else has adhere to, then there has to be accountability for their actions and should be held accountable. There has to be an effective deterrent. I am not suggesting putting them in prison but a hefty fine, a removal of their passport so they cant fly abroad for a while and community service cleaning up waste, graffiti things in the outdoors they love not serving in a soup kitchen then they will make a difference
They are hypocrites with nothing better to do than try and make themselves more important than what they are.None of these people care for climate nor the environment. They are simply frustrated lefties trying for regime change by whatever means possible. Fortunately they do not understand the vast majority in this country do not like extremism in any form, amply proved by the dismissal of Corbyn and his acolytes along with their extreme views. As always with these clowns; it's do as I say, not as I do.

Isn't it strange that the people who pontificate the most about climate change and global warming are those who think it is okay for them to travel wherever they want by jet or petrol guzzling cars whilst they expect everybody else to stop using such forms of travel.
None of these idiots are remotely interested in the climate. They are privileged plastic anarchists with too much time on their hands, with their privileged middle-class guilt complex. The climate agenda is simply a useful vehicle to cause chaos and disruption, and to give meaning to their otherwise empty lives.
I am not surprised at all, I bet they all drove their petrol or diesel cars to the protests, all hypocrites the lot of them. When all countries stop flying planes, flying rockets and spaceships into space, letting off bombs then us little people could do something.
Say no more Hypocrites. Take their passports and ban then from driving for 18 months.Zealots and hypocrisy always go hand in hand: left wingers and their intolerance, socialists and their champagne
Doesn't surprise me in the least! It seems that many of these Lefties/Wokeites/Greens take the attitude of "do what I say ('cos I must be right!!!!) not what I do. Rather like the comfortably off Champagne Socialists in London.
If only hypocrisy were a form of fuel, there would be no global warming.Maybe instead of making ridiculous demands and blocking people trying to go to work, these people should come up with a plan to tackle the issue. Like a real plan. I don't debate that we are in some way contributing to global warming as a species but these people have no solution to that they just want to annoy and intimate people and they are hypocrites.
Modern life is all about showing off from politics to lifestyle to green credentials to caring more and having more empathy than anyone else. Vacuous and irrelevant gestures that drive really nasty behaviours and intentions in the name of their chosen dogma, silencing and ostracising any opposition or questioning. The truly tolerant are ridiculed , labelled and shamed for their old fashioned views in this ever increasingly puerile world.
They are all hypocrites . All buy food, drinks , electronic items and give money to industries that all impact far more than insulated houses . They are just after causing mayhem and will join anything that lets them do that . This is because they aren't idealists. They have all invested in eco businesses which failed and once the government withdrew its subsidies they had no income.
They are ALL a bunch of hypocrites remember when Emma Thompson flew all the way from the States to talk at a climate change rally in London and got back on a plane to the States. They can't even see their own hypocrisy, yet we are supposed to take them seriously. You have to laugh no self awareness of how stupid the look.
All these sorts of fanatics are worrisome. They all manage to distant themselves from the rest of us as somehow special. Same as the over population zealots, too many people in world but they themselves are fine.
The protesters need to shut up and go away, the UK has already a carbon reduction leader thanks to gas and nuclear, if these people did not protest Shale gas/oil fracking, Nuclear, geothermal And high-speed rail ( of all things), we would be near zero emissions which to be honest still impossible to achieve, how about these protests go to China/India/Russia and the states where the carbon emissions are coming from. Because they are hired stooges for the globalists who use fake protest groups to push their agendas. Man-made climate change hoax, carbon rationing, and public outcry about protesting used to further restrictions on democracy that's why the police enable it.
The media always do this. They find an eco-protester 'inconsistency' and then make out that that is worse than the corporations that wilfully pollute our world for profits, or the politicians that have the power to enact solutions but choose not to. This results in the status quo remaining intact, whilst climate change consequences go from bad to worse.
The problem nearly every woke person has is that none are squeaky clean in the past and most are not squeaky clean now or in the future.Not very clever these environmentalists full of self hypocrisy.These clowns need locking up for sure.If only half of us could do what the Crusty brigade of entitlement and me me me want. Shameful.This is nothing to do with the environment and everything to do with far left wing political agitation.The Worldwide mantra of the Woke Liberal Left, Do as I say not as I do
These people are not greenies, if they cared about the environment they would protest house building on green land, they would also support non-carbon nuclear power stations, hydrogen and high-speed rail as well as carbon capture technology if they did support the environment, they are just in it for the attention. Welcome to the age of social media a platform that promotes the talentless in their bid to become famous or notorious. It is all about a few minutes of fame and not the real issues that face most of us.It's great that the press are digging into all these middle class prats and highlight the truth . It's all just fun to them as they live off Mama and Papa , and have no idea about real life . Hopefully they will all become well known in their local area and get lots of abuse for the hypocrisy and it will severely disrupt their lives !Why are all these freaks full of poop and double standards? Yet they expect to be taken seriously. I'd lock the whole lot of them up for the next year, see how keen they are then to cause utter devastation and chaos to innocent people!
These people are born subversives. They then just find a cause to allow them to express that side of their personality.These protests are just a jolly day out for most. It's rare an eco warrior practises what they preach look at all the carbon emissions Greta is creating travelling round the world and the wealthy like Leonardo, Harry, William, Lewis, etc etc the list goes on and all the delegates of cop 26 haven't they heard of Zoom? No they want a jolly too with fancy meals laid on no doubt, and a requirement to attend just for 2 hours a day.
Bring on this war if this is all they can bring to the table we could put everyone of them into a skip and bring them straight to landfill.Hypocrisy thy name is Woke.
This could be a stunt to bring in new green taxes for all to bailout the nation. The way that protesters were not instantly detained and how they just returned to the road after being moved by the police makes this all stink of more.
Most of these numpties are the usual champagne liberal posho trust fund kids you would just expect to mouth off. Upper crust rich snobs trying to stop the working man trying to earn living.
Privileged anarchists who want for nothing and tell everyone else they are doing wrong.'m fairly certain none of these entitled little creeps would come out very well if properly scrutinised.A lot of these eco-protesters are professional protesters, getting paid, so just another jobs for them. I have long lost respects to them. They have given bad names to people who have worked hard to preserve our environment and fight climate change.
Don't you just love these eco-warriors who say "do as we say, not as we do" whilst they are jollying around the world.

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