
Thursday 21 October 2021

Anti Vaxxers & Covid 19

What a dangerous bunch of fruitcakes. How on earth do they ever get to believe this rubbish. And how dare they disrupt the overworked NHS staff, who have more than enough to do already. Do they think the horrific scenes of Covid patients in ICU are just actors? Put them all in a room with a Covid positive person, and await the outcome
They are as mad as a box of brushes and dangerous with it. They do know vaccines have saved hundreds of millions of lives, including I would bet, some of their ancestors. Do they understand peer reviewed science and that 8bn people less a few nut jobs are intelligent enough to work out whether the kind of conspiracy they espouse is actually even possible let alone a reality. Their evidence is actually their own confirmation bias interpretation of what they BELIEVE. Believing something, however much and by how many has no bearing on whether the belief is actually true. Knowledge is a subset of belief, true beliefs if you like.Well over three quarters of the population are vaccinated voluntarily the hospital numbers and deaths are down mostly to people like these misguided people.
The government should make all anti vaxxers sign a document that should they get sick via Covid that they heal themselves from social media and whatever they seem fit BUT DO NOT CALL 999 try 666
A bunch of self deluded numpties trying to convince themselves. Have they not worked out that 85% of the UK population over the age of 12 have calculated that the risk from taking a vaccine is a lot less than catching the virus. They are a waste of a good skin but look like the village fools needs entertaining.
The vaccine is new because the virus is recent. However the vaccines have been approved having completed phase 3 trials. Nobody I know who has taken the vaccine has been ill and I am happy to have the booster.
The Anti vaxxers have a lot to answer for. It is them who are helping to kill people, if anyone should be put on trial for crimes against humanity it's them. Certainly for crimes against reason and logic they are guilty as hell itself
Where did the words anti vaxxer come from ? MSM of course. Most critical thinkers are intelligent enough to realise we are still in the experimental stage. What is wrong with not wanting to be forced to take this experiment right now? Most "anti-Vac" have had all previous vaccines but do not trust where this one originates from or trust any government. Worldwide, critical thinkers have had enough. The rise in cases of serious covid of double jabbed should make even the dimmest of people realise that something more sinister is happening. There are many renowned scientists and doctors behind the critical thinkers so do your research before it's too late.
But they are not critical thinkers; more like selfish thinkers. They have no interest in getting a vaccination that would help their fellow man to stamp out this virus, but prefer to take the risk, but still want healthcare assistance should they actually "succumb to the virus" itself. Hello? It doesn't work both ways. Those who refuse vaccination, should be exempt from any free medical assistance should they become infected.
Hardly critical thinking when most of their evidence is taken from the internet. I have yet to see any evidence presented from legitimate medical sources that support their claims. They also completely disregard any argument that goes against their belief as propaganda , even when it's from a legitimate source.
I don't recall giving my permission for some clown to take control of any of my life decisions. Bogger off and do something constructive instead of trying to run and ruin the world.
This how the anti vaxxers create their own narratives. They hand over some envelopes and next week they will be posting - NHS in breach of Nuremberg laws, their lawyers have no answer, UK Government to face death penalty and the reality envelopes full of nonsense sitting at the bottom of a waste bin with five discarded vending machine coffee cups on top of them.
So as governments around the world endeavour to do their best to ensure the health and safety of all their citizens on the advice of the best scientific evidence available to them, social media has provided the imbecilic a platform to peddle their conspiracy nonsense. No doubt it was only when they had irrefutable evidence of their own family member dying of smallpox, tuberculosis, did their predecessors recognise they were wallowing in their own ignorance before they died too.
Heaven help us from these charlatans  they can go and spout this nonsense where they like but actually interrupting work on a ward or in a hospital is below contempt. Shameful behaviour.
It has been suggested these loons could be charged with offences in relation to malicious communications which would be a start ! As would indeed charging them with harassment! At the very least it would be good to these cowards get launched the next time they try this tomfoolery on hard pressed health workers 
Do these people go to doctors or hospitals when sick or as a result of accident's that needs treatment.If so why because according to them the whole scientific and medical community's are out to get them,the mind boggles
Yet when they get covid if it is serious enough to warrant medical attention who will they expect to treat them but the people they are spouting their verbal nonsense at. These are the people who there should be a database made of and it is checked so if they get covid and turn up for treatment and are told you said this wasn't real so wouldn't require a vaccine therefore what you are telling me you have is obviously imaginary in your world, so no admission will be taking place and you need to pop off home and deal with this imaginary virus yourself as we only treat people who are actually ill! Toodle pop try a lemsip and 2 paracetamol. I really believe the NHS should be able to refuse them any kind of medical intervention and be backed legally if they then try to sue.
Anti vaccine people are in the same category as the Insulate Britain, Extinction Rebellion, Swampy Protest Tunnels etc people - friendless people looking to belong to something, anything! Nobody's trying to be somebody in their minuscule little worlds. You have to be belligerent to join!
These people, along with the likes of Greta Thunberg, would be stood at Hyde Park Corner 100 years ago shouting the end of the world is nigh. These people should be laughed at and ignored. They are just looking for a reason to be upset at society and if you give them any room on the first issue then they would just keep coming back with more and more until you finally tell them they have gone far enough and then they will kick off. They are just looking for every opportunity to tell people they are not good enough.The problem that Greta has is that she never praises progress. She only asks for more. Nothing is ever enough. Everything is always going too slow and no-one is every trying hard enough for her. Eventually people get tired of being told they are not good enough. This is exactly the same as the people standing on Hyde Park corner. The same hectoring and belittling tone that eventually will lose her the support she needs to make actual change.
A bunch old Facebook educated losers without a brain cell between the lot of them stop their benefits and force them to pick cabbages at least then they will be at home with like minded vegetables.

Strange how these anti this and anti that don't think they should be told what to do but spend their lives telling us what we should do. You are free to refuse a vaccination I accept that but I am also free to willingly be vaccinated accept that. I will take every precaution I can not to catch Covid which protects me and the NHS but if I do catch it and need hospital treatment I hope they are not dealing with an anti vaxxer who suddenly wants treatment because he/she is entitled. In short show some tolerance to others and stop acting like children.
Indeed they are free not to have the vaccination BUT I have no choice but to pay for the expensive hospital treatment necessary for those for whom the risk of not being vaccinated has backfired - and it has in many well publicised cases. There really ought to be a waiver to say "I choose not to be vaccinated because I believe the injection is a) dangerous b) experimental thus dangerous 3) may cause unwanted side effects thus dangerous 4) a conspiracy led by financial interests 5) other reason (please specify) and by dint of this I also renounce any claim for free treatment under the NHS I understand that should I contract the disease and develop serious illness that, if I am treated by an NHS hospital, I will be charged for the full cost of said treatment
And at the same time, the government will no longer for me to pay through taxation towards the NHS for which I am not allowed to use. THE NHS IS NOT FREE, you pay for it like everybody else so why should they not be allowed to use it. Hopefully we can add your entry to the VAERS database on one of your many booster shots.
Insulation dopes, anti vaxxers fools , wokerati, the professionally offend, multi gender activists all given publicity on which they thrive by the media just stop it and make these fools anonymous.
ALL anti vaxxers are nutjobs. If they don't want it, fair enough, but they should stay out of other people's business that do want it.
Why are we subject to the vicious and aggressive action by the zealous mental cases ...they should be arrested and charged with dangerous behaviour.
Let these idiots all have a Covid party, catch it and suffer the consequences (not be allowed to use the NHS) or get herd immunity. They are a drain on resources and the air we breath
How these people are afforded the right to spew out conspiracy theories and anti-vaccine propaganda under the auspices of "free speech" is beyond me. Whilst I would never advocate a dose of severe covid to anyone, maybe a short sharp shock is what they need.
Difficult to comprehend the depths of stupidity these anti-vaxxers have reached. I presume they believe in freedom of choice? Perhaps they think it's the wrong freedom people are exercising.
So list the names of all the people that don't want the vaccine. When they get infected of course they will want treatment; that needs to be refused. These people cannot be given any more air time or consideration.
After Corbyn, the far left cannot get into power, so they sow the seeds of hate instead.
These people are misguided fantasists, trying to make the world they live in more exciting. More like a dystopian computer game. They are children in adults' bodies acting in a foolish and dangerous way. One day, they will look back and prickle with embarrassment. I only wish that day was now.
It is against my human rights for these protesters to try and stop me and others having the vaccine
These anti vaxxers are delusional and becoming a danger to ordinary people. They should be committed to a mental institution and treated for their illness
The thing is they will push someone too far one day and all hell will break loose and they will feel the wrath.
Anti vax mob panic because they have missed the boat and are now in the firing line of the virus. Oh well, freedom of choice and all that.
They solely work to make the lives of everyone around them miserable and stressful I imagine. Just the nought of being a parent to someone like this puts me off childbirth altogether. Giving life to someone to have them spend it like this whilst at the same time disregarding health and safety of the general population because they read something on the internet. Self righteousness self absorbed paranoid pandemic of stupidity. The little anti vaxxer crackpots screech that others should respect their decision. That's fine, but practice what you preach numbskulls and leave those that want it alone.
I blame the GOVERNMENT for allowing anti axes and eco warriors to disrupt the majority to get on with THEIR lives peacefully,instead of focusing on what we eat and what we must to to comply with these can't expect people not to get angry,I have certainly had enough.and I did not vote for Green Party,even if we were carbon neutral,the other countries won't conform,all we will succeed in is to bankrupt our own country.
The thing that this group of individuals is missing is this (To my mind). Most people have a tongue in their heads, most people are reasonably intelligent and articulate. Apart from care workers no one is being forced to have a jab. In fact those care workers who do not want one have left. So in short no one needs this group. They are wasting their time. What a load of tosh, sitting at home with their felt tips writing out make believe legal documents. Go home and let people that want the jab have it, and those who don't don't. Absolute raving lunatics, they should not impose their demented views on others.
Enough is enough, its time to put a stop to the Covidiots now. I say if you are not vaccinated by December all treatment for the disease should be withheld. The quicker they all pass away the better for everyone else.
If the vaccines do not work, then why have over 600,000 people died from contracting COVID in Brazil, where the President also believed that no-one needed to be protected with a vaccine. It's not their belief, it's their bullying and their intolerance of anyone who doesn't agree with them that is unacceptable. I don't care how they forced their way into a hospital, and make a big play of handing out fake legal papers, I don't care if if they thought it would be a good PR exercise to use the 'Nuremberg argument' which is often used by those who wish to appear morally superior, but have no real merit in their case. Unfortunately trying to reason with these people doesn't work. I suspect that for a lot of them, it is more a case of their objection to perceived government control that a genuine fear of the Covid vaccines. They suffer from an interesting paradox, on the one hand they display an inferiority complex and think that everyone is out to get them, whilst at the same rime nurture a supreme confidence that they, and they alone have the insight to perceive the real truth that the rest of us 'brainwashed sheep' are unable to grasp.
All Anti-Vaxxers should be rounded up & put into camps & kept there until they are vaccinated or alternatively eliminated.Really the only interesting thing about these people is what motivates them to want to harm you and kill your elderly relatives, they are sick in the head.O Dear, all those un-jabbed Dough Balls will be needing the NHS this Winter when the Covid comes calling
If you believe that this is all a hoax, then by all means, don't get vaccinated. But the western world is a free world. If people choose to follow scientific and their elected governments advice, let them go about their choice. STOP your aggressive posturing. It's a free world we live in in the West.
Now, if these so called anti-vaxers really feel that things are not correct. I suggest they put on hospital blues and follow the staff round the hospital, they will soon see not one person is violated and they most likely will see some poor person passing away due to Covid who has not yet had both vaccinations, perhaps they will then go and do something else, like get a job.
Ever tried explaining the science to an anti-vaxxer? Their eyes glaze over very quickly because they don't have the mental capacity to process complex information. But they will suck up BS from 'experts' on the internet all day long. Lets hope those experts are available when they're gasping for air because the NHS won't be treating them.
Do these idiots realise just how stupid and uneducated they appear to everybody with their hypocritical actions. They love to preach about " My Body, My Choice" then they pull stunts like this. If they really believed in their overused mantra of "My Body, My Choice" they would stop trying to push their misguided ideals down people's throats. Still if they were not doing this they would probably be sitting in the road annoying motorists.
This is all madness. Whatever people's views there's no mistake that covid exists and is killing people. So who knows what the right answer is. One thing for sure is that protests throughout history have always come off worse. And governments have always had their own way, one way or another. The lowly masses will never overthrow the cabal at the top who pull everyone's strings.

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