
Wednesday 27 October 2021

Chivalry And Modern Feminism

Younger women hate being called ladies. Don't worry, we won't make the mistake of confusing those two very often. And I'm really curious, why is it "NEVER" okay to hit a woman if they are all strong enough to take care of themselves?  Do they need special protection or not?  If they are strong and powerful then I'm going to let them all be subject to same physical violence men are if we violate social taboos. Seems fair to me. I love feminists man they're such walking contradictions.
Deep deep down that feminist wants men to hold doors open for her and she hates it. So she projects the opposite  so she can lie to herself. Probably never gets that attention so she pretends she doesn't want it anyway.  The way she pretends to speak for the younger generation is so precious as well lol. She just wants women to be as miserable as her.

How can you call yourself an ‘empowered’, independent woman and not know how to care for your own fundamental needs? Girl, if you don’t know how to cook your own food or clean after your own damn self, there is NOTHING independent about you.

Feminist women keep wondering why all the good men are taken. It's because the good women exist. Women who actually enjoy cooking or cleaning for their loved one. Women who enjoy taking care of their man because they want to show them love. Women who pull their own weight, whether it be through working and helping with finances or taking care of the home and kids while the husband works all day. It's because men don't want women who can't appreciate an amazing vacuum for Xmas, or a woman who doesn't know how to cook or clean properly, or can't pull their own weight, or reciprocate love and respect. If they want a man that will show them love, respect, and dignity, well, then, they have to start demonstrating the same towards men. It's crazy to me when I hear women say "I can't find a good man". Well, no shit Sherlock. Your standards are too high, you treat your partners terribly, you have no real life skills or goals, and you're not willing to reciprocate the love and respect that they give to you. They want to blame it all on men or the patriarchy when they should instead be blaming themselves. Modern feminism coaches woman to be masculine which turns men off, I don’t want a masculine woman just like woman don’t want feminine men
Feminists want 50% of upper management positions to be women, regardless of who is more qualified" One thing I've noticed is that you rarely hear about fmn ists calling for more women to be hired as powerline technicians, oil riggers, infantry soldiers, or construction workers. Any job that is exposed to the elements and is physically exhausting with decent potential for death or serious injury, for some reason they aren't clamoring for more women to be involved. Doesn't sound like "equality" to me.

The world is build by men mostly where is the equity in these industries:
Plumbers Electricians Construction workers Truck/Bus drivers Boilermakers
Roofers Welders Masons Dock workers Military
Gifting a tool: 100% correct, a great tool for the right job is gold!
Feminists can't keep their terminology straight in their own head.
Deconstructionists have no idea what they are asking for. Minus the system we devolve to 'Might makes right' and the first to die will be the valiant and the weak snowflakes.
Ladies first" is bad unless we're talking about lifeboats, the draft, and buying your own drinks
But it still includes the right of first refusal when it comes to men.

Chivalry was created as a standard social code of conduct between nobles and the aristocracy in medieval times in order to clarify how they should treat each other. This was to avoid offending the superior party, especially when there was a mismatch between where the two individuals  landed in the social hierarchy. Chivalry was not a practice reserved only for knights, nor did it originate from them. Chivalry was not applicable to the poor. The modern definition of Chivalry is a lazy misinterpretation of history.
Chivalry was a code of honor and respect knights followed on the battlefield. The word chivalry was used as a label in modern times to represent honor or respect from a man to a lady it’s not at all about rescuing a damsel in distress.
Chivalry is a code of conduct between knights regarding how they should approach all facets of life including war and peacetime situations. How to treat women and children (noncombatants) is only one aspect of chivalry. Somehow modern women seem to think chivalry was all about how men treated women.Chivalry comes from the old French term chevalerie meaning horse soldier.
It was also a code men lived by encompassing things like bravery in combat  dedication to the development of skills and service to others.
Traditionally, chivalry was actually about good horsemanship
Chivalry was a code of conduct for knights to rescue damsels in distress clearly she doesn’t know anything about medieval history, either. That might be what movies and pop culture portray chivalry as, but in reality knights were just soldiers who could afford better equipment and agreed not to go against their feudal lord’s orders. The chivalry was merely agreeing to whatever code their lord set before them. Some of them said things like Don’t kill a retreating enemy or one who surrenders while some gave them free reign to do whatever the hell they want as long as they pay taxes. This notion she has that knights were Prince Charming caricatures who rescued damsels in distress shows she doesn’t actually know a thing about history or reality. By the way, chivalry was never just about rescuing damsels in distress. Chivalry was NOT about rescuing damsels in distress. It was a set of ethics surrounding honor to you and your lord. Rescuing damsels is a romantic reinterpretation

Chivalry was actually a code of honour to live by even when engaging with your enemies  other men. 
Like with the Samurai, it was about looking your enemy in the eye when engaging in combat. It was about holding yourself with decorum and dignity.
The damsel in distress part was simply a bonus. 
The stories of knights going off to kill a beast was to protect ALL the people, not simply to capture one dumb bimbo stuck in the monster’s lair. Chivalry is not dead Its just used for men to men or from Men to the elderly (mostly over 70, sometimes 60s). Chivalry (What is chivalry in love?)
The “chivalrous gentleman (or gentle lady)” is an individual who uses courtesy and thoughtfulness to demonstrate commitment, respect, compassion, and trust – not to score points or conceal their true intentions (i.e., wanting to have sex as soon as possible) in a new relationship. Chivalry, (the combination of qualities expected of an ideal knight, especially courage, honor, courtesy, justice, and a readiness to help the weak). So the feminist version of Chivalry is not even real. Chivalry was not about Damsels in Distress, it was about loving your wife and brutally killing your enemy. It was a contradiction brought together, an ideal.Chivalry was a religious, social and military code of conduct for medieval times and the feudal system, not damsel in distress shit or bowing and scraping for all women. The word needs to be taken back. Chivalry wasn't "men rescuing damsels" or "men competing for women". It was a way for noble men to impress other noblemen. Knights could have any peasant girl they wanted at the drop of a hat. Knights would only compete for a virtuous lady of noble birth, because they were symbols of status and good family prospects. It's good that chivalry is done for, because no woman today (that a man would want to sleep with) is worth fighting for.
Chivalry was a profession, knights that fought on horseback to be exact. They eventually became known as the knights we think of today. And Chivalry evolved to be a code of conduct that knights were held to. The code of conduct was different depending on who you were a knight for. It finally evolved to mean a code of conduct for men, especially when it comes to treating women.
The Code of Chivalry, as according to "The Song of Roland,"
1. To fear God and maintain His Church
2. To serve the liege lord in valour and faith
3. To protect the weak and defenceless
4. To give succour to widows and orphans
5. To refrain from the wanton giving of offence
6. To live by honour and for glory
7. To despise pecuniary reward
8. To fight for the welfare of all
9. To obey those placed in authority
10. To guard the honour of fellow knights
11. To eschew unfairness, meanness and deceit
12. To keep faith
13. At all times to speak the truth
14. To persevere to the end in any enterprise begun
15. To respect the honour of women
16. Never to refuse a challenge from an equal
17. Never to turn the back upon a foe
Of the seventeen entries in the Code of Chivalry described in the Song of Roland, at least twelve of the codes relate to acts of chivalry as opposed to acts of combat.

This is why you learn to play the game.  If a woman complains because you held the door open for her, just let it go in her face, and laugh at her outraged expression.  
The thing you have to understand, is that when a woman complains because you held a door open for her, she is looking to dominate you.  If you take the weak approach and apologise, you just gave her what she wanted (and she will brag about it to her weak friends later etc).  But if you laugh at her, you maintain dominance, because there is nothing she can do.

Her attempt to shame you, is an attempt to make you submissive to her, and if you comply, not only will she look down on you, she will tell herself she is a badass.  When you do the opposite, and instead of being submissive, you mock her, you remind her that she is weak and powerless and has no power over you unless you are willing to give it to her.
And that is the key point with power gentlemen, we have it, they don't.  That is why they resort to underhand manipulation and shaming tactics, they have no power over us, unless we give it to them.  There is nothing wrong with bending a little for a woman who is worth it (your partner etc), but for some uppity random stranger who is fat and ugly, don't do it, keep it for yourself.  If a loud and obnoxious woman berates you, don't fall for it, laugh at her, call her 'munter' to her face, do your very best to make her squirt her 9 day old tampon out etc.

Recognise feminists for what they are, they are weak women who want dominance over men, but they are too pathetic to fight us for it.  So they resort to hiding behind authority, using shaming tactics and language, and playing the victim to a crowd (because they are begging the crowd to come to their defence).  In every situation, there is a very suitable counter you can use (that is within the law etc, to protect yourself), so figure out what those are, and fight back.  

The best one is always subtle mockery.  You can laugh at a woman in a way that says nothing, that can't be held up in a court of law, but will make her rage for days, and reinforce the damage she already has to her low self esteem and her insecurities.  She will despise you, and yet, there is nothing she can do about it (and that is what makes her angry the most).  That is power, we have it, they want it, and we shouldn't give it to them (unless they can beat us with violence).
Like I said at the start, learn to play the game.
The way to play this game is to not play at all. 
Don't care what kind of distress a woman is in, if she is a stranger she can handle it herself.

Social Justice, wokeness and progressivism can ONLY exist in a developed, liberal and first-world nation/region where there are very few existential threats and where the purposeless masses in urban areas have to create some form of ideology to fill the void in their lives. That is why it makes no sense and destroys that society. That is also why rural westerners, non-western countries and immigrants mostly tend to hate social justice and wokeness more than the native citizens.
Feminism and dads used to teach young women that getting their license also meant learning to fix a flat and jump start a battery. At least in this day and age they all all should learn how to add road side assistance to their insurance and call when these problems happen. Our women ancestors would be furious at how dumb we've become with so much info on our hands and the ease of assistance.
I stopped being a gentlemen a long time ago. I learned at an early age that women in general will never let up if they know that there someone that will validate their absurd thoughts and actions. I’m not saying don’t be a good  Samaritan but if she thinks she can do things by herself let her.  We have to go against our better nature until these women understand and then never let them forget.

The whole "Holding the door open is patronizing" thing is extra stupid. Every time I've watched someone hold a door open for people they open it for both men and women. Whoever is in the lead holds the door for everyone behind them. The only people I've seen upset about the door being held open are insecure women. Women who apparently can't see passed their own noses to recognize that someone is just being generally nice to everyone.

It's remarkable that nobody seems to comment on the fact that what the feminists now refer to as "the pay gap" was, for decades, referred to as "the wage gap," where they ran around claiming that women's pay, including wages (see name) were 22% less than men's, even though that had been illegal since 1964 and no one could find any examples of this happening absent successful legal challenge. The very fact that they very very quietly altered the name is an implicit confession that their original claim was a decades-long lie. 

Men work 16% more hours than women (36 vs 32 hours per week), leaving the pay gap on that basis alone at a paltry 6%. When you take into account that men make up 93% of workplace fatalities and do the dirty, dangerous jobs few women want such as putting up electrical towers or intellectually demanding jobs such as brain surgeon (82% male), the pay gap becomes a very trivial matter indeed. 

We need to stop taking feminists seriously. They are dishonest and emotionally manipulative and, by falsely claiming victimhood, needlessly making women, not just men, miserable. They are bad for everyone and, like bigots everywhere, deserve to be put onto the ash heap of history.

Ever since the femnazis have gone bat $hit crazy, I have been paying attention when patriarchal men do things for me, or when I display me toxic masculinity towards other men and do stuff for them. A funny thing happened, I have not only NEVER had a man criticize me in and way, but I get rewarded with a thank you! Of course, I display my appreciation when a toxic man shows me how much stronger he is over me. I say, bring on the toxic masculinity!!

My humble take: this world still (kind of) works, because there are people who actually care about what they do. There is a way things have to be done, regardless of if this is good for your career, or what others might think. There are still people that care more about quality than success. It's a hard sell, but it holds everything together. There are still engineers that say: "I don't sign these plans for a bridge,  because it will collapse unless you make the changes I suggest", even if they might lose their job. There is pride in doing things the right way, in fixing things simply because they need fixing. If feminism finally manages to make it impossible to think and act this way, because it's toxic masculinity,  everything will collapse in a matter of seconds.

Sure, I'll take equity. I want a woman to ask to marry me and I would like her to pay for everything while dating and  I'll take a first generation Bronco instead of the engagement ring to symbolize our love. I might even cry if it's the right! She can have our initials engraved on the engine. My plans for the wedding will be even more awesome! Remember, it's my day.

Feminism was never about EQUALITY it wanted Authority of Men.
Privileges of Women Responsibility of an Infant
To put it simply, feminism is misandry in the name of equality
Yep can definitely attest to it, worked in a store where a department was run by a so called "Strong Feminist", the amount of drama, bullshit, bullying and toxic atmosphere created by her and the women working with her, where they would bully other female coworkers and do pretty much no work. Honestly after that I concluded that westernized women are just garbage at both working with, relationships and everything else
1st wave suffragettes joined the White Feather campaign, which was an organization used to shame men into enlisting the first world war in the UK, they enacted the Tender Years Doctrine which gave advantages to the mother at the expense of the father, and were responsible for many bombing and arson attacks in the UK at that time as well. Feminism was never about equality.
You know why feminism works or is supported in wealthy society especially the western ones? Because they can afford it. They have the money and the resources. Try this in developing or under developed countries and bodies will fall. Just an observation. This is a rich country problem.
This is true. Ironically, feminist countries also eventually turn into poorer countries over time because they become obsessed with equity/draining resources and it is far too expensive to maintain.
Woke terminology is a double edge sword. If you don't say what they want they are offended. If you say what you want they are offended. If you stay silent they are offended. You are damned if you do you are damned if you don't. Don't even bother trying to please them. Let them be offended.
Be grateful that men built the great structures of the world such as the  Taj Mahal, Chartres Cathedral, and the Brooklyn Bridge. These are places that make the world more beautiful.

In this day and age I think most men just expect you not to string them along for free meals. I have no problem paying for a meal on first date especially since it's likely I'm the one who extended the invitation. I'd do the same if I asked a friend to dine with me too.
That said if she isn't interested in seeing me again I'd expect her to be upfront with me about it. I can handle being rejected, I don't tolerate being used. I'd personally rather not have sex or get overly intimate on a first date anyway. Sex isn't a difficult component of a relationship and you are likely to enjoy it if you have a strong personal attraction to the person. Might as well get to know each other and find out if it's there first. If you enjoy spending time with each other there will be plenty of opportunities for sex.

Equality is supposed to be about equal access to resources to use them as each see fit until the best individuals and groups are shown based on their ability to be productive using the resources at their disposal that allowed them to better their ability. 

That's literally what "from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs" means. Yet Feminists of course completely revised and destroyed the original meaning so much that it's now associated with equality of things given rather than equality of access. Another term socialists use is "from each according to their ability, to each according to their contribution" which means what is necessary for someone to able to contribute to the whole? "Those who don't work also do not eat" was said by Lenin. 

Anyone who thinks socialism and Feminism are compatible are wrong. Feminist ideology is built on ideas and relativism, socialism, especially the Marxist variety is about material conditions and physical reality. Men need to take control over their labor and therefore their life to free themselves from the false leaders who control us. And this time, false leaders can't be used as a vanguard, men gotta unite from the bottom up and do it themselves.

Men should employ some of the feminist strategies that were used before: Do a walk-out for the day. How does the world operate a day without men. (Even the thought scares me.) 
Start refusing sex from women who don't act the way you want. Start refusing dates and relationships. Stop agreeing to reproduction with women who don't respect you as men. 

It is absolute bollocks that these women are spewing. I am happy to notice that the women who oppose these ideas have started to say stuff in opposition, but I think a lot more women need to call this crap what it is. We need to defend men, as men can't really defend themselves without sounding "whiny" or "non-masculine" to these women. Or like they just don't like the new rules or whatever.

I do believe in gender EQUALITY, I don't like the idea women need two boxes under their feet, as in the equality of outcome, because that suggests women are automatically weaker. It is true there are certain things we cannot do either as well as men or generally speaking at all, but it shouldn't mean we don't have to learn to do those things in order to, for example, work in jobs where those skills are required like modern feminists seem to think is fair.

Equality of opportunity is enough
And I for one am not at all sure I'd like to be treated equally to men, because damned they ask a lot of men. ANY man, really. Women TRULY, TRULY, TRULY don't know what they ask for when they ask for equal treatment with men. I take this equality sh... pretty damned seriously and do my best... And fail, fail, and fail... But I'll get up again, and won't freaking blame men for my failure, either.
There's a Hollywood movie I'd like to see. Feminists getting what they actually ask for... Equal treatment overnight, like in the movie Big where the kid grows up overnight

When the power goes out, a group of MEN get into some trucks and go find the problem and fix it.  When there's a problem with water service, a group of MEN get into some trucks and go fix it.  When your car breaks down, a MAN fixes it.  Enjoy natural gas infrastructure? You know.....heat and hot water and such?  MEN make that happen.  Oil know...gasoline diesel and roads paved with asphalt?   MEN make that happen.  Enjoy living in a house constructed by MEN?  Let's not forget that lumber that was cut down by MEN and delivered to a lumber yard on a truck driven by a MAN.  How about you sit the fuck down and shut your fucking pie hole and be grateful you live in first world civilization, brought to you by, MEN.

Equality is giving both the short and tall person access to the same stools. (True equality, equality of opportunity.) Equity, according to feminist ideology, is forcing all tall people on their knees by law while the short one gets on top, spits on him, insults him and tells him he and his kind is the root of all evil while kicking him and telling him not to be so hard because the kicking is hurting "their" foot only worse
Is it just me or is basic life skill such as
Cleaning as in the household kitchen, dining, bathroom etc.
Cooking as in general meals like chicken and pasta
Men and women should learn to do but only men have to learn 
How to fix a car like jump starting and changing tires
Yard work like cutting grass, raking leaves , shoveling snow 
And smaller stuff like taking out the trash when it's full 
Things I would like to understand as it doesn't seem even in terms of skills that are considered life skills
The problem with equity of welfare is in the presented example when one decides to lie down, a lot of tools are needed. And when others see that, they start to lie down too.
Women of today don't like being called lady, because that is a lie, they are of low class, even prostitutes. They don't like being called what they are not. Very logical.
If feminism is not taught during childhood, it is very late so feminism is a religion now? If it is not taught during childhood, it is not rational enough to attract people to be converted into it?

I have had it with these loud radical minority telling men what to do and not to do for women. This lady likely has never had someone pull a chair out or open a car door for her, so why should we all be exempt from this pleasure because she says so? Gentlemen, please continue doing what you're doing. There's already too much trashy behaviour from both women and men nowadays, and increasingly more women seem to value that over class and manners. I love having the chair pulled out for me at dinner, it makes me feel special and valued and we as women are not above recognising that these courting behaviours by men make us happy and help create meaningful relationships.

"Ladies first" - STOP PATRONISING ME!!!
"OK, anyone first" - WHY ARE YOU TELLING US WHAT TO DO!?
"OK... I'll close the door" - HOW RUDE!!!!

I frequently enjoy imagining an all-feminist society; highways clogged with cars with one flat tire, new home sale contract closings skyrocket because they can't fix the AC, brigading water from the lake and trying to figure out what to do with their garbage. Can't wait!
So feminists resent men accomplishments? Ok then the feminists can do the ditch digging, pipe laying, concrete pouring and shaping, brick laying, steel riveting, and a thousand other back breaking tasks performed in cramped or dangerous locations, in the heat of summer or bitter cold of winter. There's also quarry work, mines, oil rigs, bridge welding, deep water fishing. For fun, they can gear up with 80-100lbs of equipment, march 20 miles through rugged terrain, eat little, sleep less, and fight to the death male opponents. Enjoy!
Any woman who bristles at the thought of being addressed as a "lady" or letting a man hold the door for her is deeply hateful and troubled. Good grief. If they were really strong and confident, they wouldn't care. Feminist: A woman can do anything a man can do. Men: Right, accurately pee your name in the snow

It's an open secret, a lot of feminists are jaded by men. What they want to prove they are better than men. That's why they refuse to empathize with men because they see it as a competition. It's like two opposing sports teams in a brutal match, except a lot of people don't realize that they were in a competition in the first place and the degree of animosity feminists actually have for men. 
That's why they adopt these ideas that holding doors open for women is bad, being kind or chivalrous because they want to in their own way, fight the members of the so-called patriarchy. First, it starts by indoctrinating young women into believing that most men are committing atrocities against women and that they are victims.
Opening a door for others is knowing that it sucks having a door slammed in your face or worse, making it more difficult to open as you have to counteract the door closing by pulling harder than the person in front of you.  Often times in the winter, having to open a door that is closing means slipping on stuff and landing on your bum. Lol I hold the door for everyone. It's called not being an asshole and letting doors slam in people's faces. And if someone wants to hold a door open for you to pass through it first, you should be flattered as they wanted to make your life more convenient
I'm beginning to think men are becoming like the philosophers of old when it comes to going our own way. When your thoughts are clear of distraction, you begin to appreciate life all the way down to the simple things. It doesn't bring me in joy to say it, but women are in for a rude awakening with the clutch and cling for feminism. The pendulum can always swing in the opposite direction.
If a man opens door for a woman,it means he wants to reduce her effort and cares about her
More obvious example if something drops out of your friend's hand and you pick it up for him
It doesn't imply you think your friend is fragile and bending down to pick will break him 
But you do it because you care about him and reduce his effort
I hold doors for the military, elderly, and women because my dad taught me it's the correct thing to do. I don't do it because I think they're fragile I do it because it's polite and it pisses me off that woman are always fucking complaining about it so yeah I don't plan on doing that for women anymore.
Damn imagine being so weak the first failure assures you never attempt again? Like fuck, imagine there is no necessity to your actions and you can choose to perform or not but either way you get what you want and sometimes you choose NOT to perform because it’s scary. What the fuck

Feminism is unironically the most offensive thing to women. It makes us weak and entitled. My mother (raging leftist) called me a sexist for trying to make her aware of female predators because of how easily they can get away with things. She didn't listen and instead accused me of hating women. She's also seriously used "mansplaining" and "straight white male privilege" in our conversations. After watching The Handmaid's Tale (ugh), she said, "I just want to see a world where MEN are victimized." That's disturbing in its own right, but I wanted to tell her to look at the real world, where that IS happening. Instead, I just rolled my eyes. I love her and all, but you can't fix stupid, or make the delusional listen to you.

Feminists claim to be open-minded, but only like the women who agree with them (there's a reason why the women in the Huffington Post video were acting all shocked/bothered about the Women Against Feminism hashtag. I thought the point of feminism was that we, as women, were allowed to have different thoughts and opinions. Feminism is in itself sexist because its followers say that all women must agree and have "internalized sexism" if they don't. It eats itself alive. If my own mother was so quick to call me a sexist for stating FACTS, I can't imagine what some normie would do if I so much as said the "wrong" thing. Woke journo dame best stay away from the the Southern U.S. She is going to be called Ma'am about 10xs a day. Treated to such heinous behavior as have your groceries packed, doors held, polite micro aggressions such as "Have a nice day." Someone giving you the right away at an intersection. Having your dropped wallet returned WITH the cash. "OH THE HUMANITY!!!"

I can only say that western society is a joke ,full of bored and entitled children who want everything for doing nothing and which have experienced  zero struggles in their lives ( so they don't see importance of community with MEN),and western society is going to collapse which is gonna lead to communist take over thanks to social engineering. I just wish you the best brothers and stay strong
All the eastern women are more feminine that westen ,but  younger generations of girls are getting brainwashed into becoming feminist and hating men, while older generations of women from 80' are mostly tradicional and good wives ,but it is really hard for younger man to find good women and even normal ones from all this social engineering.Remember guys. Just take information for your benefit here and maintain a level head like a man.
Don't let your life spiral down into into hate, it will destroy your life.. some advice from someone that crawled out of that hole
I wonder how many man's lives could have been save when the Titanic sank if women rejected the offer to go on the lifeboats first. All those White Knights are actually sexist. Don't defend them, don't help them, don't wait for them to get home after a date, don't pay for them. They are all strong and independent.
Three words that cannot be used to describe most western women: Lady Classy Virtuous
Women have done a great job making me not want to lift a finger to help them. I think all laws that benefit women exclusively need to be abolished because of their sexism, but hey you wanted equality right women.
Lol. It's in the name..Feminism. Guess who it's designed to benefit. Equality of outcomes is untenable. Let's be realistic:  you don't want to share your girlfriend or boyfriend equally with everyone, share their money equally, their sex equally, or even share your favorite food equally. 
I'm to the point where I'm pretty sure feminists are just jealous of men. After the point of equal rights, women have no reason to complain but refuse to stop. What do men complain about? Women who don't appreciate them trying to show their appreciation
Feminism was intended to liberate women from the metaphorical patriarchy but it ended liberating men from shackles of marriage.
Yes! Men can feel less pressure across the board now from this 50/50 scheme these feminists carry on about. After seeing so many of them whine on the backend about men holding them accountable now, it’s long overdue. Watch what you wish for ladies.
It’s a ludicrous idea that doesn’t work in the real world. The feminist utopia they want to create is at the expense of men! And common sense logic! Take the most egalitarian countries in the World. The Scandinavian countries. It’s a fact that the differences between men and woman in terms of what jobs careers they choose  grows! That’s with equality of opportunity. Men and woman are different. And good at different things. They want equality of outcome the feminists. Not equality of opportunity for all. Which will never work! It’s an ideology. And all ideologies are crap and don’t work! They want as many female managers and CEOs as there are men. Not sewage workers. Road diggers or labourers lol They are cherry picking and choosing the best professions to insist this happens in! Which are the professions which earn the most money. And are the most important to have the best candidates in!
Feminists don’t know what regular women like. They are so loud and so aggressive, that they make it look like they are the vast majority, but they aren’t. They are just miserable and desperate and want to project their misery into the rest of us women. We love gentlemen,we show our gratitude by being kind, polite and getting pretty. I love smiling to kind men that open the door for me, because I truly appreciate it since it is not as common anymore. Feminists ruined it for the rest of the normal people…
Give us a female lead to base a movie off of How many men have conquered nations, escaped prison, completed top level secret agent work, saved hostages, stop murderers & terrorists, men do way more action movie shit. Even women would rather have a male main character, because it's not logical when it's a woman. Tomb Raider is about the only exception.

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