
Wednesday 22 December 2021

Revocation Tribute EP

None Shall Be Spared (All Shall Be Speared)

Taste of the poison sword without warning, I will hunt you down; I'll run you through.
Malice is my reward my whole existence; violating and tormenting fools.
Worship my hateful idols omnipotence assured.
A victor without rivals; a twisting, swirling chaos lord.
Grieve lamenting fallen brothers retch the stench of gruesome remains.
My bloodied touch behind all suffering ever wreaked upon the plains.

I dwell in devastation, carnage declares my name.
Merciless assassination disembody you by axe and shrapnel, blade and flame.
To look at my face is demise my eyes blaze with captured souls.
A god of unlimited power beyond all mortal control.
Grieve lamenting fallen brothers retch the stench of gruesome remains.
My bloodied touch behind all suffering ever wreaked upon the plains.

Decimation, ruination I bring these plagues upon thee;
Hate! Rape! Carnage massacre!

Dismantle The Dictator

The corpse master presides over congregation zombified indoctrinating the populace.
A military nation upon the eve of war.
Inflicts retaliation on enemies in distant shores.
Gripped by an iron hand military industrial exterminating the dissident voice.
A military nation upon the eve of war.
Inflicts retaliation on enemies in distant shores.

The fog of propaganda instilled across generations.
Inhibits thought, sapping vital motivations.
Proliferation instead of disarmament.
Destined to fail, meltdown is imminent!
Overlord overthrown
A challenge to rise from the rhetoric
Dismantle dictators and rancorous politics


What depths will you sink to it surprises me every day you fit the part so beautifully
And deserve an award for the role you play you are sickening.
It's never-ending, the cycle stays the same fractured façade.
Why put it on we both know exactly what you are.
Saccharine-scented skin rotten from within.
Stench of putrefaction, you reek of vermin.
On your knees Queen of Disease enveloped in your misery,
The epitome of disloyalty fill the void with iniquity.

Blacked out, awakened by the shame cast out, defiled and defamed.
You're a cesspool, lowest of the low.
You're the starlet that everybody knows.
What's behind the harlot's smile is it denial?
Lights out baby, the show is fucking over!
On your knees Queen of Disease enveloped in your misery,
The epitome of disloyalty fill the void with iniquity.

Arbiters Of The Apocalypse

Pestilence, herald of sickness exordium of our doom
Consuming both the old and the young
Precious innocents stillborn in the womb
The first of the plagues befallen man
This woeful curse brought forth by our own hands
Broken are the seals, commence the end times
Open the gates of destruction

Battles abound on marches war hear the galloping hooves of the horsemen
Carnage divine, the four shall align apocalyptic judgement
A black shadow cast across the land feast your eyes on the scales of starvation
Famine devours all fulfilling this prophecy of deprivation
The arbiters of the apocalypse come to claim what they are owed
Now death reigns triumphant, no god will have mercy on our souls

Profanum Vulgus

Obelisks of avarice, building towers of vanity
Shielded from consequence in opulent majesty
I shall avert my gaze from the profanum vulgaris
Shunning the needy and the lame those fit only to serve us

Corpulent gluttons prepare for the feast
Ravenous hunger, the dine on the weak
Egotist your avarice knows no bounds
Still you sit indignant on your throne of greed
Covetous hoarder of wealth, your lust for gold so obscene
Yet emptiness still fills you inside, the blight of the soulless king

Vultures circling above the carrion
Corpses picked clean in a lightless dawn
Predators of rapacity insatiable voracity
Manipulators expand the divide
Pitiful plebeians, the common herd I decry

Entombed By Wealth

Building up your empire, by any means necessary,
Your only goal was to aspire to a selfish life devoid of charity.
Never caring for those in need accumulation of assets driven by greed.
Your health has failed you in your later years a corpse to be stricken with fear.
Your palace is now your tomb but no one will mourn at your grave.
Entombed by wealth, by greed consumed death is the debt you must pay.

The shrivelled shells of kings rotting in their crypts.
All your wealth you leave behind your legacy doesn't mean shit.
Clutching your scepter, adorned with jewels here lies the end of a pitiful rule.
A decaying corpse cloaked in excess from avaricious affluence to nothingness.
Your palace is now your tomb but no one will mourn at your grave.
Entombed by wealth, by greed consumed death is the debt you must pay.

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