
Wednesday 15 December 2021

Modern Women & Rules For Modern Women

Rules For Modern Women

Make your bed every day, even if it’s only right before you get back in it.
Travel light through life, keep only what you need and don’t clutter your head, heart or home.
It’s okay to cry when you’re hurting. It’s okay to sit with your sadness for a little while. But get up off the floor and wash your face when you’re finished. You don’t belong down there for long.

If you’re going to swear, be clever, be classy. Know your audience.
Seek out and keep in your life only those who resonate with your soul.
Just because you can, doesn’t mean that you should.
You’re a strong, fierce and brave independent woman. You do not need a man to live your best life.

Happiness is not a permanent state. Wholeness is. Don’t confuse the two.
If you’re staying more than one night, always unpack your bag.
Only ever be as nice as you’re able to without compromising yourself, your heart or your own feelings.

Your body, your rules.
Ask for what you want, if you don’t ask you don’t get. The worst anyone can say is no.
Fall in love often. Not always with people but with experiences, places, music, feelings, visuals…anything that sets your soul on fire.

Learn to fall in love with yourself in the way you love other people. It’s not selfish to put yourself first.
Always remember to say ‘please’ or ‘thank you’ …manners cost nothing but say everything.
Reserve ‘I’m Sorry’ for the moments that you truly are. Only ever apologise when it’s heartfelt.
Remember that you are always enough.

If anyone makes you feel less amazing than you are – walk away. You deserve someone who sees your value. But if they don’t then remind yourself that your value doesn’t diminish based on someone’s inability to see it.
Family is everything. Roots ground you and your family will always be there.
Be kind. Treat everyone you meet the same way you want to be treated.
When someone else knocks you down, always fix your crown and keep walking. You’re a queen after all.

Go play outside, run with the boys but don’t play kiss chase. Play mummies and daddies, but not doctors and nurses. Speak up now, don’t be shy. Be nice, be quiet, hush now, don’t you ever stop talking? Wear a pretty dress, give your dolly a bottle, oh isn’t she cute? Don’t worry about your looks, brush your hair, scrub your nails. Stop playing in the dirt.

Girls can be scientists too. You can be whatever you want to be. Don’t you want to know how to cook? Take your purse to the toilet so no one sees your tampon. Don’t talk about cramps in front of your father. Embrace being a woman! Shorts are not ladylike. Sports are not ladylike. Buy a good deodorant. Don’t wear too much make-up. Don’t be such a tomboy.

Eat healthy. Treat yourself, you deserve it! Eat a sandwich, why don’t you? Don’t put that crap in your mouth. Love your body. Show off your curves. Shave it, wax it, starve it. Lose weight. Put on some muscle. Dress how you want. Only wear something that flatters your body shape. Cover up that midriff, it’s too sexy. Cover up that midriff, it’s not sexy enough.

Go on the pill, just in case. Don’t let him touch you. Don’t touch yourself. Make sure you flirt. Don’t lead him on. Give him what he wants or he won’t like you. Don’t desire. Be desirable. Don’t chase after boys. Don’t chase after girls. Always use a condom. Don’t get pregnant. Don’t have an abortion. Don’t have sex until you’re ready. Don’t have sex. Be sexy.

Always be aware of your surroundings. Carry your car keys in your hand. Don’t get drunk. Don’t lose control. Take back the night! Don’t slut shame. Don’t be a slut. Never have sex on the first date. Don’t be so frigid. Play hard to get. Have sex when he wants it. Be his best friend. Don’t friendzone him. Don’t be such a stuck-up bitch. Get a sense of humour, why don’t you? Learn how to take a joke!

Kiss other women to turn guys on. Don’t get turned on by other women. Don’t be a lesbian, or transsexual, or bi-sexual. Embrace your sexuality. Own your identity. Live your femininity!
Don’t shout. Don’t get emotional. Do you have to be so cold all the time? Get in touch with your inner self. Think about his feelings. Would it hurt you to smile? Try harder. Don’t cry. Express yourself!

Take prenatal vitamins to prepare your body. Don’t smoke, don’t drink. Don’t worry so much! Have an epidural. Have a natural birth. Make a birth plan. Just let us do our job. Use a stretch-mark cream. Be a natural woman. Don’t eat for two. Breastfeed exclusively, bottle feed if you want to, pump if you can, don’t get your tits out in public. Get baby on a routine, don’t let him cry it out, don’t let him nurse to sleep, do whatever feels right, trust your instincts! Start solids at 3 months, at 4 months, at 6 months, at 3 months. Breastfeed for the 1st year, for the first 2 years, get back to work as soon as possible. Send her to daycare, keep him at home as long as you can just enjoy it while they’re little! Smile, savor it, speak to your doctor if you feel depressed.

Lean in. Be in the boy’s club. Act like a lady, think like a man. Be the boss. Don’t be bossy. Dress tight enough to show you’re a woman and loose enough to prove you’re a lady. Break the glass ceiling! Don’t ask questions. Don’t ask. Don’t question. Don’t be so aggressive. Don’t raise your voice. Give me your opinion when I ask for it.
Buy anti-wrinkle cream. Perfect the natural look. Set a good example for your daughter. Don’t talk about your sex life. Age gracefully. Try Botox. Look good for your age. Don’t age. Have the confidence to ask for what you want. Live a simple life.
Smile. Smile until your cheeks ache.

Rules Addendum
No one else is going to build the life you want for you. No one else will even be able to completely understand it. The most amazing souls will show up to cheer you on along the way, but this is your game. Make a pact to be in it with yourself for the long haul, as your own supportive friend at every step along the way.
What does a knock-the-ball-out-of-the-park life look like for you? What is the career that seems so incredible you think it’s almost criminal to have it? What is the dream you don’t allow yourself to even consider because it seems too unrealistic, frivolous, or insane? Start envisioning it. That’s the beginning of having it.
Start doing things that make you gasp and get the adrenaline flowing. Ask yourself, “What’s the gasp-level action here?” Your fears and a tough inner critic will chatter in your head. That’s normal, and just fine. When you hear that repetitive, irrational, mean inner critic, name it for what it is, and remember, it’s just a fearful liar, trying to protect you from any real or seeming risks. Go for the gasps and learn how false your inner critic’s narrative really is, and how conquerable your fears.
If you take risks, sometimes you’ll get a standing ovation, and sometimes, people will throw tomatoes. Can you think of any leader or innovator whom you admire who doesn’t have enthusiastic fans and harsh critics? Get used to wins and losses, praise and pans, getting a call back and being ignored. Work on letting go of needing to be liked and needing to be universally known as “a nice person.”
Of course I know you won’t, because you never could. But please, just be a little more of an arrogant idiot. You know those guys around the office who share their opinions without thinking, who rally everyone around their big, (often unformed) ideas? Be more like them. Even if just a bit. You can afford to move a few inches in that direction.
I know, I know. Because you are so brilliant and have such high standards, you see every way that you could be more qualified. You notice every part of your idea that is not perfected yet. While you are waiting to be ready, gathering more experience, sitting on your ideas, our friends referenced in rule five are being anointed industry visionaries, getting raises, and seeing their ideas come to life in the world. They are no more ready than you, and perhaps less. Jump in the sandbox now, and start playing full out. Find out just how ready you are.
Don’t wait to be praised, anointed, or validated. Don’t wait for someone to give you permission to lead. Don’t wait for someone to invite you to share your voice. No one is going to discover you. (Well, actually, they will, but paradoxically, only after you’ve started boldly and consistently stepping into leadership, sharing your voice, and doing things that scare the hell out of you.)
Most brilliant women are humble and open to guidance. We want to gather feedback and advice. Fine, but recognize that some people won’t understand what you are up to (often because you are saying something new and ahead of your time). Some people will find you to be not their cup of tea. Some will feel threatened. Some people will want to do with your idea only what is interesting or helpful to them. So interpret feedback carefully. Test advice and evaluate the results, rather than following it wholesale.
If you start doing the things that make you gasp, doing what you don’t quite feel ready to do, and being more of an arrogant idiot, you are going to be stretching out of your comfort zone – a lot. Regularly do things that feel safe, cozy, and restorative. Vent to friends when you need to. Acknowledge the steps you’ve taken. Watch your tank to see how much risk-taking juice you have available to you. When it’s running low, stop, recover and restore.
Let them know what kind of brilliance you see, and why it’s so special. Call them into greater leadership and action. Let them know that they are ready. Watch out for that subtle, probably unconscious thought, “because I had to struggle and suffer on my way up…they should have to too.” Watch out for thinking this will “take” too much time — when the truth is it always has huge, often unexpected returns.

I'm sick of modern women blaming men for their problems. They have no problems except the ones they created themselves.
When a woman wants to be a man’s “friend,” it means she wants him to do things for her while she offers nothing.  It’s the celibate version of marrying her
Women love patriarchy. Ask them what man they want and they will all tell you descriptions of a man far more valuable than she ever was or ever will be.
There's is no such thing is settling down these women make me laugh. They said they like the bad boys right you can't complain what you like it's the type of guys you go for that you can't have and get mad and complain and saying there's no good men out there.
Instead of spending money on dates with random and ungrateful women, try this: save some money. Get the newest game console along with some great games. Get a pair of skates. Get a new motorcycle or a mountain bike. Treat yourself to an expensive dinner. Go shopping, get new and vibrant clothes. Get a haircut. Treat your buddies with a barbecue with some beers watching whatever game you want.
Guys, LIVE YOUR LIVES! Don't waste time or money with women. Spend your money in you, and help your family if they need your financial support. That will make you happy, and will bring peace to your everyday. I say this from experience!
What astounds me is how all the crap they say is just to make themselves feel better and some actually believe it! Have fun with your cats!
Nothing wrong with the man paying... on the second date, the one after a walk, museum, coffee shop, whatever is cheap. I will buy you a coffee and donut, no problem, but if you're going to use me for a free meal you're going to have to charm me that first time and earn that with your time. not a lot of women are going to go through that if all they're doing is trying to scam some steak or lobster and some drinks.
Woman: What building did you build? 
Men: I never said I, personally, build buildings, numb nuts, I said men build buildings. It's not my job, but it's a man's job to build stuff, to fix things, to put things together and to protect. Trust me, all of us will do some of those things eventually, and how about you, sweetheart, can you do any of those things?
The reason why women can see more colours than men is due to the fact that they had to pick the fruits which were not poisonous in the past cuz obviously men had to hunt. However men were evolved with the ability to sight long range objects faster than women to protect themselves from potential predators and for sighting prey.

What woman who is even marginally attractive was never asked out, never asked to a dance, never shown any romantic interest, throughout high school and college?
None. Whether they state outright that they haven’t been, or they imply it in their statement, they are flat out lying.
The truth is, they were asked out numerous times each week throughout the entirety of their high school and college years. They simply weren't necessarily asked out by the football, basketball, and baseball jocks. The fraternity Chads and Tyrones. The 5% to 10% of guys they and 90% of all the other young ladies were all chasing after.

They were asked out by the regular high school guys studying hard to get into good universities, not bouncing, kicking, or swatting at balls in games. They were asked out by the college level computer nerds. The hard sciences nerds. The prelaw students. The pre med and pre dental students. The business school students. The guys that may have been six foot tall, may not have been, but were the first into the libraries at school and the last out.
They turned those guys down flat. Told them they looked upon them as friends, or like brothers. Friend zoned and ghosted them. Ignored them for years as they joined the too many women chasing the too few men, apparently not perceptive enough to realize that math just doesn’t work out in their favor.

Today they are still being pump and dumps for the Chads and Tyrones, at least until that inevitable day that they squander the last of the years of their prime, and they hit The Wall and enter the rapidly accelerating decline of their attractiveness, their fertility, and their value to men.
Meanwhile the men they friend zoned and ghosted, the men they couldn’t be bothered with as they chased the Chads and Tyrones they never had any chance of locking down, are now entering their prime, having spent the decade of their twenties and up to half of their thirties getting their educations, establishing their professional practices, founding and growing their businesses, building their corporate careers, and growing their incomes and their personal wealth and assets.

These women, having squandered their youth and permanently destroying their neurobiological mechanisms for forming pair bonds with men by being the pump and dump toys for a parade of Chads and Tyrones on the CC, are no longer able to attract those Chads and Tyrones anymore, and are beginning a predatory hunt for one of the friend zone guys to lock down so they can use them for their resources.

The friend zoned guys are becoming red pulled in ever greater numbers each year, however, and have no interest in being used. They are brushing aside post-Wall women to have steamy fun with the much younger, more attractive, less damaged pre-Wall women. Increasingly, post-Wall women can’t compete, and divide their time between blaming men for the choices, decisions, and actions they themselves made, and lamenting “Where have all the good men gone?!?”
The good men, post-Wall ladies, have gone as far away from YOU as they possibly can.

Protect your signatures, your seed, your incomes, and your careers, gentlemen. Commitment to the overwhelming majority of women offers you nothing that men value. Commitment to post-Wall women in particular offers you nothing but expenses, combativeness, uncooperativeness, unfeminine personalities and behavior,refusal of your legitimate needs, the wholesale plundering of your finances during marriage and cohabitation, and having your children, homes, and finances stripped from you in divorce court when these women get bored and want to monkey branch to the next guy they see.
Marriage offers nothing for you. Your commitment has value.

Military compensation for dependents can be seen as a stop-gap to keep military personnel from leaving the service and finding gainful employment in the private sector.
Military personnel (used to) consist primarily of unattached men below 30, but certainly mostly below 40 years of age.
Men tend(ed) to marry in the mid-to-late 20s. By then, the military has already spent a lot of time and resources training the personnel in their particular job. These jobs often translate easily into civilian occupations. For example, for almost all flight-related duties, (other than ordnance), the military man can be sure to get a job QUICKLY at any airport, and can expect to be compensated (paid) handsomely. Likewise for mechanic, legal, administration, and so on.
If a 25-year old sergeant got married, or even was considering marrying, and his commanding officer objected, then man has to decide if he wants to put his life at risk for a unit that has little regard for his happiness that it might ship him overseas for a year and a half, until his girl leaves him, or does he want to go home every night and sleep with a woman who loves him.
To keep from losing all that schooling and experience, the military has decided to toss a little money at the military man. 
That is how it works.

Her: Stands on table, Hello, I'm easy and want a 6 pack of Chads to do me. Any takers?
Men: Wow, should we pump and dump that?
Her: I'm looking for a honest relationship.
Men: yup, all the way until I catch you with the men on the next block and you divorce me.
Her: I said i'm easy.
The smart Men: Did anyone see the game last night?
Ya want babies? Ok go to 101 frozen pops and pick up some baby batter.
You a strong single woman that don’t need a man. You can pay for a baby all by yourself!

My lovely lady treats me VERY WELL, but with that said I don't know how many times I have had to explain certain things to her in our life together!! And it isn't that my lady is stupid, but she couldn't understand it when I told her that most jobs you ("you" meaning her) work are considered 8 hour a day jobs BUT you are actually at work 9 hours during a full shift!! She couldn't understand that "* hour a day jobs" have you actually work 9 hours to allow for two 15 minute break periods and a half hour lunch period which is why an "8 hour job" actually makes you spend a total of 9 hours at the company you work for!! 

Also I have told her a number of times about building things like sheds, awnings and houses, and she always says "What are you going to do about the roof?" even before I lift up a hammer or a nail gun!! And I have had to explain to her repeatedly that "We have to build the foundation and the walls FIRST before we ever concern ourselves with the roof!", and then I say "You build a building from the ground up, and NOT from the roof down

The absolute, most important lesson every single man needs to learn...
Trust your gut!!! This applies to every single thing in life, but especially women.
There is a reason we get those feelings and if you learn to listen to them you will be saved from lots of pain, drama and batshit crazy women! If you don't you will learn too very quick or you could possibly die.

There is no cure for those illnesses, only drugs that may control it, as long as they take the drugs which may or not work.  I have a close relative that has two personalities incl memory systems.  Scary stuff, I try to avoid at all costs.  Panic attacks, depression, anxiety, - what quality of man wants this mess?  I recall a comment from one who said, “what’s the big deal I take one pill a day.”  This is not like taking a blood pressure pill.  Guys, you have been informed, proceed at your own peril
Decades ago, women wanted kids so they could raise them, educate them and teach them compassion and responsibility. In return, parents have someone who look after them when they're old.
I can't figure out why modern urban women want kids now. They sure don't shape 'em up to be responsible future caregivers. My guess is, they don't actually want the kids, but those monthly child support check.
Healthy Relationships use to be the standard, but there are more unhealthy ones these days, or the divorce rates wouldn't be so high, or the skyrocketed single mothers out there.  Women would rather share a "Chad/Tyrone" then settle down with a "healthy relationship".  That doesn't even enter the picture for consideration until they hit the wall or find they need someone to pick up all the bills for her and all her kids.  That's why more and more men are avoiding relationships entirely.
Paying for dates is reserved for and limited to Ladies, feminine women, and traditionally minded women do you (#4 and I've seen people post about her before) know any?  Everything special about you came from either a plastic surgeon (very likely a man) or painted on.  The current phrase "what do you bring to the table." is a way of saying what is it you bring to the relationship?  Will you be nurturing when I'm sick, will you make sure certain things are taken care of at home when I'm not?  Will you be willing to actually talk or stick through things when they get rough?
Women should stop playing silly mind games and just be honest with her man instead of expecting them to read your mind! Besides every man knows when a woman says she is fine it is code for stay as far away from me as you possibly can! unless we do actually stay away in which case its code for come round and pamper me! No matter which choice you make it will be the wrong one!
It’s like they are all unfunny wanna be comedians telling BAD jokes but it’s all sickening cause I’m realizing they all mean what they say THANK YOU for taking and showing us the finish line of what life would be ending up with you WE WIN BECAUSE YOU ALL LOVE TO BABBLE about your REAL THINKING THANK YOU INTERNET FOR THE TRUTH SERUM THAT THEY LOVE TO TAKE

Occasionally Chad gets drunk and goes hogging at 2:30 am. Then the chick that stresses the scales out at 170 lbs is pissed because a sober Chad wants nothing to do with her.  Chads should save themselves the headaches and stick to chicks 115 lbs and less.
You buy what you want and if she tries to get out of pocket with something crazy. Say no, unless she wants to pay for it herself. If she still wants to whine about it, pretend you have to go wash your hands or something,cancel your order if you want to, if not then just leave.  You didn't receive it or eat it. Oh well!!!  And delete block,block,ghost her and next her.
These are the exact reasons women are alone and men avoid them.   Not terrified, just tired of being used for a free meal and friendzone (at best). Also nowhere in the bible does it say marriage, its just societies legal contract to generally screw men

Marriage requires sacrifice and loyalty.  Neither of these qualities are taught to women in our government-run education system or throughout society.    It's all about "what they deserve."  Of course, there are exceptions.  Call me cynical.  Call me names.  I've seen the casualties in my years and it's not pretty.  Good luck.
Guys, first and second dates should be physical activities, not free dining on your dime. That will eliminate women who date men for food. Go for a coffee, walk at the park, check out a museum, go putt putt golfing etc
Don’t forget: men pursue women to create children. To become fathers.
So remember to add that to your calculations when asking yourself, “why would men want to get married?”Because my father was a good man and a paragon to model myself after.
The reason men are not as excited about marriage is because women put all the focus on the wedding day and men focus on all the days after the wedding day.

They read straight from the current edition of the official Femdroid handbook for aging, desperate wall-biters.
Not one independent though from any of them.
Hate men. Need men. Hate that they need a man. Hate men who aren't the 6-6-6 variety.
Hate reality. Hate the dying fantasy of their youth...prior youth.
And, my favorite...ready to settle down with a good her late 30's or over forty.
A few eggs left and she is still grabbing for her Chad.
If a woman got her own place, paying her own bills, making her own money, the only thing I would like is loyalty and respect! Dont care if its friendship or a relationship! Just quit with these mf-ing games! My woman makes her own money, stands up for herself, buys me gifts etc etc. You just got to find the right person to be with! And of course its vice versa.. I spoil her as much as I can and she spoils me. We support each other. Its time for people to grow up!
Modern Women: "Guys, what the hell do you want?"
Guys: "Women who are loyal, trustworthy, have values, integrity and won't try to drive us crazy, while also knowing that the likelihood of running into a former lover of hers at a dinner... Is almost nil."
Modern Women: "Seriously, guys! Just tell us what you want!!! Be honest!"
What do you mean WHAT DO MEN WANT FROM WOMEN? I've been saying what I've always wanted
1) a companion
2) someone kind and respectful
3) someone who has a job
4) someone I can hang out and get along with but NONE of you say you wanted that OR you want what I want BUT you don't want it from me. There's your answer
What we want are women who don't demand we jump through hoops just to be acknowledged by you.  Women who know men don't have psychic powers and can read all your thoughts, problems, and issues in the relationship.  Women who know true love isn't about the tingles and butterflies.
What do men want? Well let's start with what we DON'T want. No narcissists posting crap like they do on TikTok. We want actual strong women, not boasting, weak self-entitled and coddled women that will fold and go into Karen-mode the minute they don't' get what THEY want. We want mature, dedicated women that brings something to the table to complement us, not drag us down.
Pizza! Food Of The Gods!
With the the right toppings a pizza covers ALL of the major foods groups; crust=bread/cereal, tomato sauce=fruit, cheese=dairy, a good choice of toppings can cover veggies, fruits, meats. The only thing missing is a fluid to wash it down with...I recommend beer, as it's mostly water yet includes barley & hops for more grains in the diet. I can't think of any other single food item that can include everything the body needs for health & vigor...That's why I call it Food Of The Gods.
A woman that can't do up a decent pizza is a woman I don't need hanging around the house.
To became a queen you have to marry a King, or to be like Brunhilde, a honorable alpha woman
Deal with what mess exactly?
Well, the last butterfly to flutter by had, No job, no money, couldn't drive a stick,  had no stamina, no follow through, was deep in CC debt, in debt to the State for covid unemployment insurance over payment, slept all day, goofed off all night, was strung out on vapes, had a dog she couldn't afford to feed, and refused to do the bare minimum to earn her keep. That kinda mess. No self-respecting man would tolerate that.

Repulsive, loud obnoxious women with an attitude problem calls herself "a queen". Anyone else sees the irony?
She then shames men (who are likely good men and want nothing to do with her) in order to rationalize her poor behavior. If you are a smart man and don't want a headache, sorry I mean a "queen", you must be weak. Character is destiny. Hers ain't good.
Women need to wake up, there being nice to be around is the only value they have to a man. If you refuse to get me a cup of coffee I can just go to Starbucks or make it myself, but what use do I have to spend money and resources on her? 
I can go to the gym and get an hour massage after a long day, its $40 not a $10,000 ring... 
I could go on but you get the point.
What do you want from us?" - Finally, an intelligent question.
Here's your answer:  Feed me.  Fuck me.  Leave me alone.  
Thank you for your understanding and compliance.  The specific order is not important, but don't forget the message
What do men want??? a loving partner who will take care of them, cook for them, keeps clean home and put it on them 5 days a week is THAT too much to ask??? I don’t think so
This is gonna be the reality for majority of women in the west now. The good men that they keep asking for have checked out and realized that the efforts they put in never mattered when it comes to the men they actually want which is Chadrone. We’re not playing into nonsense out here. We’re seeking prosperity for ourselves and moving on.
Microwave dinners, cheap wine, hot D, & cold beds. The four food groups for the modern single, empowered woman. Those batteries are one thing, but around a 1/4th of all fishing is done to feed cats. Just think, the oceans are being depleted for those toxoplasma gondii ridden things.
When a woman has drama, debt, insecurities, kids and does not deal with her problems, gentlemen, turn around and keep leveling up on your own.
I was curious for a while now, "why single women get themselves cats?", as in "why it is a cat(s) in the overwhelming amount of cases?" and found an unexpected answer:
I noticed that a cat is routinely trying to control the people around it. And especially when its' owner is a woman, she is happily getting under its' paw (?), and behaves as if it is completely natural to be controlled by ones' cat, up to the extent of admitting to it while being confronted, yet denying that it is fundamentally wrong to be a cats' slave.
It seems that this women need, "to be controlled" (enslaved?), is denied from being fulfilled by men (as it was done up until a couple centuries ago), by modern society, that declared women equal and works very hard on empowering them, while failing miserably to change (get rid of), address (take care of it in a harmless way), or at least acknowledge (to allow people themselves to at least start thinking about what to do with it) this personality trait, that as far as I am aware, is common to all women.
Single, childless women need a special mark or flag or something so that single, childless men can spot them at a distance. All others need not apply.

To those women who are heating up TV dinners: If you prefer not to be single, stop doing that. Buy yourself a good, general Betty Crocker cookbook, and fix at least 100 different recipes. Then, the next time you go on a date, clean up your house immaculately, cook the best dinner you are confident about, and invite him over to your place. No need for expensive ingredients, but prove to him that you can cook and keep a clean apartment. 
Also, wear a nice modest dress, light makeup, and behave like a lady. No cussing, overtalking him, belching, or walking around like a trucker. Be feminine and let him take the lead. 90% of you out there need to lose weight too. Swim laps and develop muscle tone. In short, be sexy without being sexual.
Single men choose to be single, single women NOT so much after 30, life is like a boomerang, it always hit you when least expected. Men stay on your guard, their boomerangs begin to clobber them from 30 onwards, it never stops, EXCEPT,  when she finds a fool that takes that boomerang hits for her.

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