
Tuesday 21 December 2021

Modern Women II

A man does not get to be a real man until he is being abused by a woman.
I got this recently from a woman. it also admits women are abusive. Let that sink in real good gentlemen .
Respect is earned, it's not given freely. I like how women today demand to be respected. Like somehow they are above being human. Such hubris.
Weight may not determine "worth", but it sure as hell is a factor in attractiveness. To the fat chica, get over it and lose some of those ridiculous pounds 
To the rest if the chicas, you can make all the rules you want about who you date, that's your business. Men gave the SAME right. We also determine who we will have a relationship with. If you don't like that, sorry it doesn't matter a rat's ass what you think. I can't tell you who to fuck, you can't tell me who to marry
I demand respect
I demand respect when I can’t even respect my body enough to workout, eat healthy, and practice healthy lifestyle choices. I can promise you my feeling would never be hurt from a fat/obese person
How many more centuries do we need to teach people that respect is EARNED???
And all she has earned from me is a grimace
Respect is earned, you aren't anyone's princess till they say so.
I demand a billion dollars. See who gets lucky first.They’re beyond delusional
We need to give women the equality they demand.  No more bailouts or preferential treatment.
When they say they are against the patriarchy, it means they are in favor of raising children in broken homes, with the father paying for it and rarely seeing the kids, and the mom and the courts being in charge. That is what they mean when they say they are against the patriarchy. They mean they want children raised by single moms and the kids running wild, and no structure or discipline for the kids, and the kids will have poor grades, have psychological problems, start doing drugs, and commit crimes, because they don't have fathers involved with them. Look at the statistics on kids raised by single moms- much higher rates of mental illness, dropping out of school, juvenile delinquency, alcohol and drug abuse, much lower achievement in school and careers. All because some feminists are against two parent families.
Weight does not determine worth.It does, mostly the food you're consuming in one sitting
But weight does determine girth
The stupidity of the daddy complex. She won't want to date a blue collar guy, because she thinks he won't earn enough and might not have immaculate fingernails, and I never met a man earning over 100k who was interested in being able to do everything because he had no reason to learn how, when a few bucks means someone else gets their hands dirty. 
It takes a long time to learn man skills, it starts as a child, so it helps to have a father in the house, single mum's might not have the skills, but can pay 200 bucks for air.
The irony is, if these people get their way and collapse society, they will be the ones that suffer the most lol, hope I witness it. And let them suffer till their end. Help those who had the good sense to reject woke ideology.
Of course all women are authorities of what men should be , super humorous if they would just put as much energy in learning about themselves ( their fault ) the world would be more romantic and peaceful.
They can not take criticism or responsibility and as they get older they will grow more cunning, bitter and sinister in their actions. You must learn to turn your back because they have learned to play mind games with you since their school years and will use crocodile tears to fool you 
Go men going their own way
Modern women are making their lives harder and harder and wonder why they're so miserable.
Demand?  You earn respect. Women are not entitled to anything by men.  It is looking good for men in 2022.  As Kevin Samuels says, "buy a dog and die alone."
Except men decide who gets married and who does not. Women want to be married, that is their goal, don't give women what they want. Make them earn it
Daddy complex girl and her sisters are Chad chasers and you can tell just by the way she looks, her facial features and hair. She and her sisters don't understand that Chad won't do things for you and be "useful".  She's from a blue collar background so she grew up with boyhood Chads first. Chad treats women like Kleenex, disposable. He is used to getting what he wants without commitment or doing anything useful. A woman may figure she will change him, but he won’t change, why should he? He has too much fun the way he is.
Well, we listen to other dudes because...well, we all know women don't know what the hell they want... First they wanted guys to leave them alone cuz they were getting approached too much..Now all a sudden... " Where are the real men? No one approaches me anymore." all their depictions of "Real men" are different. Most sensible men can agree on the same type of woman that's favorable as a partner. And it's NOT antagonizing, songwriting, Water buffalos with sugar problems and Daddy issues. They need to get off their phones. Get out the mirror. And stop looking for flaws in people... society is screwed.
Women pick the bad ones just to say that they were the bad ones. And your daddy was probably a good dude but your problem is that you pick a man the complete opposite of your daddy,so how much do these women actually respect the man their daddy is
Want to make a fem a mistake loss her mind? If she accuses you of mansplaining, explain to her that it’s called “explaining”, the fact you are trying to attacking and blame men for trying to address her failure instead of accepting her faults and improving her skills is exactly why she will always fail!
Five hundred plus years little ladies did what mom dad and granny said resulted in  most wealthy comfortable safest society  in history . Fifty years of little ladies doing WHAT WE WANT equals to feminism.Actually feminism needs patriarch without them feminism will plead to get a husband to protect them
Abortion : My body my choice.
Contraception  : Your body your responsibility.
Childbirth and pregnancy has no long term side effects on a man's body.
Abortion the man has no authority over the fetus.
Your body your choice your body your responsibility.
Women can't even make up their mind on what they really want. Even when they meet a perfect man, they will still complain that the man is mortal, hence a risk of being sad and lonely after he dies.
The overall attitude of women in general today it's always me me, and me!!!
It's reality check time if you ask me . But the wall is coming for so many, so fast.
Women are really going to have a bad day once ALL men just stop caring about their demands
Why can't these whamens understand that you just cannot demand respect. It is EARNED, not GIVEN.
Men do what they want not what the feminist says
Ladies, If you women hate men so much, and gender is as fluid as we're told these days, you're more than welcome to just look after your own 'needs' thank you VERY much
They can’t because then they wont have anyone to scream at and complain to all the time.
Got to be useful to them. USEful. Women need to be useful too and as a compliment to our life, not a headache or drama.If men should look to women on how to treat women then women should look to men on how to treat men but I know your logic doesn’t work both ways and furthermore if you wanna be a good fishermen then take advice from other fishermen not the fish.
These women say they want equal rights which I'm all for but what they want is very one sided they seem  to forget the word equal and the meaning.
I've actually walked away from any kind of relationship dealing with chicks here in the USA, also 99% of them are average looking and glued to their phone, plus I'm 37 and have my fair share of chicks, sex isn't everything to me, I got my piece of mind, money saved up and can do whatever I want without the constant bickering whining and crying from them.
I had heard about women in gyms before, never paid much mind. 
 I finally started going to a gym, about two months ago, and I've had to clean up someone else's weights three times already. Every time, so far, it's been a female that will do her little booty workout then leave all the plates on the bar, not wipe anything down, then grab her coat and take off. So please, ladies, do go to your women-only gyms! I'd love to go to a men's-only gym, but they've been made all but illegal by you

This is partially why the US birth rate has gone down.  It's completely untenable when a man knows he has no rights and can be turned into a debt slave.  It also is largely what encourages women to be the way they are in the USA.  They have basically no consequences, while the man has all the consequences.  They will bear a child just to get a free check every month.  A mother with a couple of kids with different baby daddy's, basically doesn't have to work.  If they're getting $500 for each child, they're making $2000 a month. Since that doesn't count as income, they can also get tons of welfare, which also increases with number of kids, and pretty much free healthcare for her and her kids through the medicaid program, which can equal tens of thousands of dollars a year in benefits.  

So once you consider food stamps and all that, a single mother of 4 without a job, can be making over $5,000 a month in benefits. And if she is working a meager job, she still gets access to most or all of this. So she could really be living like she's making closer to $7,000 a month. Even if it's just 1 kid and she's working, that's still a very handsome sum on top of her normal paycheck, so they have all the incentive in the world to get pregnant and toss men aside, and behave however they want, because there are no consequences, only benefits. And it only encourages them to keep doing it over and over. 

It's so bad that some men go out of their way to make sure that they have several kids so that the state literally can't take enough money from him to pay for all of these kids, and so out of spite, the money doesn't go to just one woman.  So they'll basically reach a point where there is a maximum the government can demand them to pay, and once you go over that, they have to divide that among the different kids. This also encourages men to simply give up entirely. Why are you going to work, knowing that half of your income is going to a rotten woman, and scrape by with the cheapest apartment you can find, while still barely being able to cover that, living in a constant state of poverty no matter how hard you work. So some of these men just say screw it entirely and quit working, choosing to couch surf or go homeless or be put in prison for non payment.  
Men do need to collectively rise up and demand that the child support program ends completely.  Women have become far too entitled, and it goes beyond money.  It has ravaged the social fabric of the country.

The reason why a great many bad things ( in this case what happens to unmarried men when it comes to child custody) continue is the various stages.  The vast majority of the population is unaware they exist in the first place.  Then once it is found out then most people are apathetic to it because unless it direct affects them, they see no reason to care.  Then those that it does affect are, in the voting sense, are so small that they do not have enough influence to make it , in this case a political issue, so that the larger apathetic majority to care and to suggest change.
Remember the child support checks are paid to the state.
It’s revenue generation for the state. It has nothing to do with children or single parents.

DEPRESSION TIME! The rich call it cleaning out the arteries…. Go Men Going Their Own Way!
Depending upon which socialist corporation state of America you live in, you could pay CS until the kid graduates college, worse, if the kid does not move out, you will continue to pay!! Some states its 21 yrs plus….. keep it in your pants gents!!!
Cheaper to keep her. Cry in front of the judge and tell him there's no way you could live without her. She won't be getting that much money and especially when she must have text her boyfriend
Nothing funny about child support,  unless you are the woman
Thankfully I'm immune. As long as money exists I won't touch one of these monsters. As with everything, it's all about the money. God created marriage before money or sin existed. So now, with sin & money controlling the world, there is no point even attempting it.
Women are so envious against each other I blame all this on toxic mainstream media as reality shows rappers and negative energy feminist then next to blame it’s both simp and playboys.. women giving it away or being played by the playboy and women ultimately feeling the need to get even against any men by any means
Why would American men answer to you they are strong on their own with the God they were raised with stop trying to change America as a old married woman you are here for freedom or you should have stayed home

1. Ignore her words focus on her actions
2. Don’t chase women become the man that women will pursue
3. Women you previously pursued and got rejected by Will later be interested when they see you have a different woman
4. Women think about marriage as a wedding day and not a lifetime supporting and respecting their man
5. Embrace rejection it will make you stronger 
6. Disdain women who rejected you, ignoring them is the best revenge 
7. The more attractive she is the harder you have to be, DON'T SIMP
8. Stay away from single mothers 
9. Prioritise your appearance no matter what
10. Never fully commit 
11. Don’t share your weaknesses with a woman, seek professional help in a serious rut 
12. Women cheat more than men, don’t let her accusations blind you
13. Be low tolerance, be ready to walk away at any given moment 
14. Don’t be bitter, accept female nature and adjust 
15. Keep playing the game and make it difficult. 
People come back to difficult games to try and beat it, easy games get played once and put on the shelf

It’s all good fellas don’t let these type of women get you down. These type of women who disqualify a man on things he can’t control get pumped and dumped by dudes they do like. It isn’t til they hit the wall they become desperate for any man with personality. 
If you’re a normal healthy dude and you got game that’s all you really need. Things like financial stability and in shape should be for you and a woman you like/meets your standards. Leave women in their 30s alone if they don’t meet any standard because chances are they were terrible in their younger days and now want to act right for a good man they should’ve took younger.
I truly believe that they are obsessed with a man's height, because in their mind if he is physically big, he has a higher chance of having a big package. Its the same with confidence. Having a bigger shlong naturally boosts your confidence, when you see how much these sloots worship it.
Ignore their cries! There is an old fable to remember: mother crab told her son to walk straight and he responded, "You show me how it's done and then I will follow your example." Women impose unrealistic standards onto men's behaviors while they themselves can't even follow them.
They have no idea how short their time is. Sure, they can demand the 6’ for guys they have sex with. But they have zero bargaining power in relationships and even less bargaining power for Marriage
Women definitely have a lot of bargaining power in relationships, just not with the men they want. The more bargaining power they have with men, the less they want them it seems. The more high value a man becomes the less crap he has to tolerate.

So first of all, even if dude was 6’1”, she would not be into him. And if he was 6’1”, he would weigh close to 400 pounds. Also, keep in mind you guys, there’s a lot of ugly fat guys out there that are 6‘1“. It is in women’s most primal survival instincts to be protected. They like to be made to feel small and safe. It’s difficult when you’re 5‘7“ and weighed 185 pounds like she does. Granted, she is a 4, but there are a lot of 6‘1“ guys out there who are 3’s and 4’s that would be with her.
What rises on a weak foundation shall fall. her standards are based on the attention she gets from her looks, soon the looks will fade away and the ego will follow, leaving her no choice but to lower her standards and settle for less. women like this will always get the hard end of the stick in the end, but lap it up while you can!
I can attest that tall women will go after shorter men. I'm 5 feet 8  and always get surprised when taller women approach me and flirt with me. I guess some short women have a chip on their shoulder and take it out on men, but tall women don't have to deal with that.
Yet, if a man says that body fat matters, they get triggered. Even though that the man can't do anything about his height and the woman can do something about her body fat.
Who cares about actual qualities in another human like decency, loyalty, personality, being supportive, humor, kindness, etc. when all that matters are random numbers, you gotta be this tall, you gotta be this rich, you gotta be
These women are the ones that be annoying you as the bouncer slurring their words when they are drunk and touching your arms talking about "it's my birthday" like fucking bitch idgaf.  Im checking IDs and told you to take a few steps back.. I use to deal with this entitled type every weekend bouncing .. A dime a dozen..the more they drink the more friendly they get.. That whole 6'1 argument goes out the door around 1:30 when I see them hoping in a uber with some random they just meet.. They all have these expectations but get smashed by dudes under 6 foot all the time boys.  I know for a fact.  Because I have seen my boy who is like 5'7 get told this multiple times and slay like 3 hours later .
Not a traditional homemaker of child bearing age? = not feasible for me as a man.
Men don't give a toss about your degrees, your career or your bank account. 
Are you young, submissive, pleasant to be around? Are you promiscuous and have you slept around? These are the things that matter to men.
The word submissive when used literally is very cringey. It's like why bother with a partner when it's clear you aren't actually interested in another person, might as well just get a sex slave or a prostitute.
The term submissive can sound a bit cringe, but the best way to sum it up is a woman who let's a man take the leadership role. Which is pretty normal that does sound a whole lot better
Most of the girls posts things like "Don't judge no one, judging is wrong" and then they judge most of the boys for being less than 6ft.
Anyway, It's just waste of time to talk about these Jabbas, better focus on success and career, and just ignore these girls, they hate it, they need attention
The body count really not matter for me but if she  disrespects me like that than she will have hard time because I will show her what disrespect is and  when someone loses his dignity he or she can't reclaim. It just make there life miserable and miserable

Women like these are postmodernist art. It looks like crap, feels like crap, and yet plenty of people will still buy it and call it art. Its like those "artists" that produce stuff like the invisible statue or pet rock.
It’s funny how many people think postmodern art is great but it makes me mad because I am an artist that sees postmodern art as crap or “architects” whom design a rectangle Soviet style bloc house.
Look at Basquiat, even he was amazed that his crap sold. All it takes is an influencer to create a buzz for you & bam! (which is what happened to him) He was the real first Banksy. His bullshit "graffiti" became a thing after he became popular! Can we even touch one of his pieces for less than $3m?!? What sucks is, it depends on what size the piece is for anything of!? Explain that?

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