
Wednesday 15 December 2021

Covid19 & Narcissism

They brought it on themselves (they cannot be allowed back in due to their stalking, torment, stealing, making people sick, financial loss, sabotage) whereas the empath will move on slowly and rebuild
COVID-19 and the lockdown has made it tough for everyone: but for the malignant narcissist it must be hell. They can't be centre of attention  as social distancing forbids large gatherings. There's no supply to feed their ego. Just like no contact: the isolation will eat away their self confidence. 
LOL. Narcissists are very very afraid of death. Although I've had some anxiety and stress during this, I've been able to remain calm most of the time which proves to me that I am not narcissistic.
They be wishing they were a bit kinder to people so they can use them during lockdown. Too late!! I had 3 hoover attempts during lockdown. It was so awesome knowing they were desperate for supply and couldn't get it!! I just smiled calmly and thought to myself. This is their karma!
Covid 19 and the lockdown  divides people into those who act and react outwards by blaming, neediness, violence, etc. and those who have clearly used this historically unique all life challenging moment for self introspection to aim to become a better version of themselves. The latter corresponds more likely to the empaths. This isolation is killing them because they can't be alone. There's no narc supply when you are quarantined. Especially during the quarantine. The sad part is that many of them will risk their health, and lives to try, and be in other people's business, use people, or make the lives of others miserable. They will stalk, and in most cases without wearing masks. They live recklessly. They don't care. They will even place children in danger. They have no regard for others, or themselves. It is truly pathetic
It was only a matter of time U will forever remember me U will suffer so deeply. 
U must live with what U could have done, said, treated me and others.  
U let years pass and did nothing to change things (yourself) and now it's too late.

It's so much worse for the narcissists he can't get his Supply can't go to the bar and pick up anybody so he decided to hoover me by calling my number which I have blocked him for the last year-and-a-half with absolutely no contact then he found out where I was staying,  to make a long story short I got a protection order.  Let him suffer alone without supply. Such Agony for the narcissist
No one likes to be alone, but when that crosses that blurred line.One thing us bugbears will never take for granted is an embrace. People are realizing that in person will never be replaced and can't! I've been trying to shore my immune system up in case a 3rd wave hits.
I am so enjoying watching their frustration. I don't mean the good regular people. I am talking about the ones I know for sure that are Sickos. They are suffering from the lick of their drugs, ops, I mean their combustible! They feel like big RATS trapped in their cages Lucky my ex Narcs. If one of them was stuck with me, I would have to give him a double dose of combustible I guess. They have taught me one or two tricks on how to deal with them by now.
Narc spread diseases while empaths do everything they can to not spread diseases and help others.  Narcs spread and take , empaths give and help . Just hoping we still have more empaths than narcs on this planet .
Hopefully it'll wipe out a load of narcs, as we are survivors, and they are not good enough for them hopefully if the abused kills their narc, then they will be given leniency, due to the abuse that they have suffered, I know for the majority, its hard to prove, but fingers crossed
Narcissism has been on the rise for decades. I have been self isolating for years due to being wounded by others way too many times. I don’t say this for sympathy rather, I see this as a kind of evolutionary step. I’m amazed at my resilience and self reliance. It now feels false to lean on anyone to me. It’s false comfort. You can only rely on yourself at the end of the day. It’s not depressing, it’s empowering to stand alone!!! I’m not hoarding supplies either. I’m relying on my abilities to improvise if I run out of tp. It’s only the sheeple that are panic buying.
Instilling fear in people only makes them dangerous to one another, makes them selfish and aggressive. The news headlines the past few weeks have been horrifying examples of how to instill fear. ”THIS will run out soon! THAT will be sold out soon, buy it now! Protect yourself!” And it works. The virus is one thing, people in panic is however what really makes me afraid. People raid pharmacies and supermarkets for whatever they are told to and what they see others hog. Reasonable precaution is one thing, striking terror into society another. Nothing good ever came out of irrational fear.
This virus opened my eyes. I'm in the UK. Like many countries, we have strict rules regarding social isolation. People have been flouting them and also clearing supermarket shelves so that others are going without.  The absolutely selfish "me me me" attitude has been very visible.  So too I have heard said "It does not apply to me" when it absolutely does and even "Well I am more important than those people."   The language of the Narcissist has come straight and undiluted from the mouths of - well I cannot spell it out here.  Just suffice it to say that the discomfort I was in for years before the virus regarding one or two people has now been explained.  Why was I so slow to recognise what they are? Now I am blaming myself again for the last 10 years of being used by them and not seeing what was going on.  I was propping up their narcissism and their narcissistic lifestyle, at a distance on the phone maybe sometimes, but always I was being manipulated.  Their hooks are in me, they phone just about every night when I am falling asleep, to get me to say that they are wonderful and that the social isolation rules do not apply to them.  When I do not say this and repeat the government conditions, I am put down, made to feel very stupid scorned and told that going shopping every day is a must for them and anyway one upmarket store opens for a period just for the sake of the older people. I always feel like i've been run over by a tank, exhausted, drained, used, and trapped. But at least COVID-19 made me recognise these people for what they truly are! I just wish I had more confidence in myself over the years because they have driven rough-shod over me all my life, using me, exploiting me, causing me endless distress and discomfort, not being honest and distressing me more through the many lies they tell, indeed I really would have had a much happier life without them!  Why was I so polite to them all the time? 
Please dont expect them to be responsible during this time. That's not what I am observing at all. Take good care of yourself, take your precautions and be a good parent. No matter how hard they make things. I pray that anyone who lives with a narc or narcissistic people finds compassion, and serenity comes their way

Correcting other people's grammar --when you don't have to or it's impolite to do so
They may avoid telling them in order to use it against them later.
They often use words incorrectly (that's the irony)
They try to talk about areas where they believe other people don't have a lot of knowledge
They support a position even though the evidence is against it --they tend to over commit to ideas that protect their ego
Attacking people who have different views than them For example: "If that person can't spell that word correctly, I wouldn't trust them with anything"
Blaming others --"That person gave me bad information"
Using the words 'logic' and 'reason'. Simply by using them makes their argument sound better
They discount constructs that are connected with intelligence For example, if they're unsuccessful: "Success is a matter of luck" Or, in front of a very smart person, they focus on their flaws like social inability.
Narcissists lie about their performance on intelligence tests --and they don't remember what type of test they took, where, or who administered the test
They pretend to understand material that they clearly don't understand

The Narcissist's Prayer

That didn't happen.
And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
And if it was, that's not a big deal.
And if it is, that's not my fault.
And if it was, I didn't mean it.
And if I did, you deserved it.

The Narcissist's Prayer beautifully illustrates the inner workings of the narcissistic mind. Denial, gaslighting, minimising poor behaviour, blame shifting and shame dumping all feature in this one simple verse, all hallmarks of covert emotional abuse. To a narcissist the 'truth' is not seen as a finite, fixed entity, but as being malleable - as being whatever the narcissist says it is, at the time they say it.  The truth is simply whatever serves the narcissist at that particular time.

Let’s take a closer look:

“That didn’t happen”

Here we have denial, mixed in with history rewriting - both classic narcissistic behaviours. If you’ve been in a narcissistic relationship you will recognise this instantly. Narcissists need to feel good about themselves. This is an essential part of the personality disorder. They have a desperate need to feel special or perfect, in order to distract themselves from their core wound - which is an underlying feeling of worthlessness. They can’t accept the blame for bad behaviour, as it would challenge this image that they need to project to the world, so they simply deny it.

“And if it did, it wasn’t that bad”

Minimisation is another tactic that is hardwired into the miswired narcissistic brain as a result of how they reacted to their upbringing. Here they diminish the topic concerned, to make it seem unimportant. And to a narcissist, if it doesn’t serve them, it is unimportant. Narcissists will minimise all manner of things, from their own bad behaviour to another’s achievements, to an ill person’s symptoms, to someone else’s problems. Narcissists are intrinsically controlling - they have to control their image and how others see them, and they have to control others in order to escape from the reality of their own fragile egos. Here they are trying to control how others see external situations.

“And if it was, that’s not a big deal”

Of course, this is also minimisation again, but here I want to mention the idea of ‘gaslighting.’ Gaslighting is a specific narcissistic behaviour in which the narcissist denies another person’s reality, by making them think that they are perceiving something incorrectly. ‘You are thinking about it all wrong’ is a common narcissistic refrain, in one form or another. If this happens enough times, eventually the victim stops trusting themselves, and starts to rely upon the narcissist in their lives as the ‘voice of reason’ or as the barometer of what is good or right. I knew of a narcissist whose gaslighting was so severe that he would tell his wife that he was drinking tea when actually he was drinking coffee, which she had watched him make. Although she knew somewhere in her heart of hearts that this wasn’t right, she found herself questioning everything she thought she knew.  This keeps the victim exactly where the narcissist wants them to be - trapped in their metaphorical cage where they can be manipulated and used to give attention, adoration, drama or conflict to the narcissist, whenever they need it - the oxygen that keeps the narcissist feeling whole and alive.

“And if it is, that's not my fault.”

Another easily recognisable narcissistic behaviour to anyone who has been in a narcissistic relationship - here we are looking at the phenomenon of “blame shifting”. Narcissists cannot take the blame for anything at all, again, because in doing so they have to admit to themselves that they are not perfect and special, as they have to be in their own minds. Even just letting in the tiniest bit of accountability, through the smallest chink in their armour of superiority, will cause the entire false persona that they project to the outside world to come crashing own, leaving them exposed, ashamed and vulnerable. All narcissists play the victim when they need to. Nothing can ever be their fault - it is always someone or something else’s fault, and they are just the helpless and hapless victim of circumstance.

“And if it was, I didn't mean it”

Again, accountability issues come to the fore here. Narcissists do not apologise and mean it. Not ever. An apology will only come if it benefits them in some way - apologies are transactional, as everything is to a narcissist. Narcissists cannot be seen to be the bad guy, and they cannot bear shame. That feeling of burning shame, the humiliation of it that healthy people learn to take on, unpleasant though it is, is simply not something a narcissist can allow themselves to feel. To them, shame feel like an existential crisis. It must be batted off at all times, usually on to another.

“And if I did, you deserved it.”

Here we have both projection and blame shifting. This transferring of your feelings onto another person so that you do not have to feel them yourself is called ‘projection’, and narcissists are masters of it. If a narcissist incorrectly accuses you of feeling something or doing something, or being a certain way, it is likely that they are projecting on to you, and it is they who are actually feeling that feeling, doing that action or being that way. In this line of the verse the narcissist is projecting their shame onto you. They are blaming you for what they did, so they do not have to bear the shame, and their shining false external image can remain intact and whole. The narcissist often uses illogical arguments to persuade you that something is your fault, or that you have got it all wrong, but delivered with such convincing fanfare that you find yourself fooled. They will often change the direction of their arguments so quickly that you are left utterly confused.

The incidence of narcissism is said to be on the increase, and cultural narcissism is embedded in society. Those with a high prevalence of narcissistic traits flourish in today's climate, where prosperity, success, grandiosity and entitlement are largely seen as positive attributes. Consider the world of politics, which is rife with narcissism, and consider the far reaching implications of this. Sadly the profound negative effects on society and those at at an individual level can be stigmatised and are often swept under the carpet.

Figures vary, with some studies indicating that up to 6% of the population qualify for the diagnosis of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). The chances are that even if you do not directly know a narcissist, you know someone who does, and who, most likely, has suffered to some degree at a narcissist's hands.

NPD is known to occur as a result of environmental factors. In other words, narcissists breed narcissists due to the way they bring up their children, and the abused become the abusers.

I believe it falls upon all of us to break these generational chains by raising awareness of narcissistic abuse, and de-stigmatising the experiences of those who have been affected by it. The unique challenges to healing faced by those who have been through the trauma of narcissistic abuse needs to be understood by as many people as possible, as does the fact that mere time, on its own, does not heal these wounds.

It's sad when people have to fill their feeds with pictures of themselves and not the world around them. It just goes to show how many people live in their own little world where they are the center of everything, where every excuse is taken to turn a simple game of tennis or a trip to the store like they're posing for the cover of a magazine. What is worse is these people have nothing interesting whatsoever to say... Nothing to contribute or show... Just a shitty caption that was found on Google if we are being lucky. 
The COVID-19 pandemic and its outcome has given me more than enough reasons to completely distance myself from the dating game. It has shown me how delusional and insane women have gotten due to their heavy reliance on social media.
That‘s why I never liked selfies. And when it came up some years ago, with the first smartphones, and then the word of the year „Selfie“, i knew this will be used to make people worse then they are already lol. I mean look at this.... the internet is full of this shit
After the pan-d-apocalypse, I say round all these attention junkies up and maroon them on a desert island filled with nothing but mirrors and ring lights... but nothing else. We could set up cameras to see how long it takes them to go full Battle Royale!
It's pretty much public consent that this behavior doesn't fall into the "good" aspects of our society. As much fun as it is to look at those images and think of oneself as a better person when you really think about it those people are just the result of a bigger problem. Most of them likely do not do this self-exposition merely for themselves to feel better but for the wealth they can generate with it. Of course if one is exposed long enough to this absurd situation it becomes easy to lose the connection to reality but underlying those people found a way of living which works for them which by itself is more troubling. Our society rewards such behavior. A common saying goes "don't hate the player, hate the game", which I think is very applicable. 
When I was younger I had no filter and thus was constantly told to think before I spoke by classmates and teachers. Now I've grown up and have taken that advice and my life got better. The flipside is those same people post shit like this. Ironic. But idc.
Pretty Sad and Scary where our society and younger generations are headed. Thank you internet and social media, aka the downfall of man. Don't have any of that nonsense (snap chat, TIkTok, Twitter, FB) and I seem to be doing just fine without it.
If we are honest with ourselves we are all Narcissists - back when I was mindful I would be aware of my motivations. 
Now that I don't tend my garden I am full of narcissistic thoughts. When you judge people without compassion you are usually just serving yourself. The anger is based on seeing themselves in the narcissist - "at least I am not like them"
Literally, 95% of the world is narcissistic to some degree. 
It is very hard to not be as a lot of tv and movies elicit a subtle narcissistic response. 
Whenever you dehumanize people you are dehumanizing yourself 
- Pretty basic principles. 
If you think about it even how we listen to music is narcissistic 
- We normally take the tune and make it about ourselves and how it relates to our experience rather than the artist.
We are born and bath in narcissism 24/7 
However subtle narcissism should make us more angry but it's the obvious stuff that does.
I usually find it amusing. So many people have absolutely no standards for what they share with other people. It's usually without any form of context too. If someone they knew sent them an mms only containing a picture of a cup of coffee they would consider it stupid but when they post the same picture on instagram it's fine. My favourite is the "selfie with the phone covering the entire face". We've truly reached a place where nothing is too insignificant to share on social media.
Remember when the Internet was fun back in the ICQ days when these people would have made fun of you for using it?
It was an escape from normies, now they're there ruining it for everyone like they ruin everything.
I get tattoos for myself!  So that's why you make sure to wear something that is revealing?  That is bull.
 If people could be honest with themselves, about themselves in terms of what drives them to do what they do, the world would be a better place.  Case in point:  One day I was in the gym with sunglasses on, and someone said to me, "it sure is sunny in here", To which I replied, "No, I'm just wearing these to look cool".  He had nothing else to say, because that reply is not what was expected.
There's two types of Social Media Users:
For Memes
For pretending you have an interesting Life that nobody gives a shit

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