
Friday 16 September 2022

Donald Trump Junior & Public Schools

A straw man is a form of argument and an informal fallacy of having the impression of refuting an argument, whereas the real subject of the argument was not addressed or refuted, but instead replaced with a false one. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man". 
All right wing memes are strawman then they beg the question 
In classical rhetoric and logic, begging the question or assuming the conclusion is an informal fallacy that occurs when an argument's premises assume the truth of the conclusion, instead of supporting it.  
And when that fails they will make an appeal to populism, which is the basis of Authoritarian Communism 

Argumentum ad populum (plural argumentum ad populum) (rhetoric) A fallacious argument that concludes a proposition to be true because many or all people believe it; it alleges that “if many believe so, it is so or cry "Fake News" 
Argument from incredulity, also known as argument from personal incredulity, appeal to common sense, or the divine fallacy, is a fallacy in informal logic. It asserts that a proposition must be false because it contradicts one's personal expectations or beliefs, or is difficult to imagine. 
The second most common strategy is to gaslight. 

Gaslighting describes the systematic pattern of abuse by which the abuser manipulates factual information to give the victim the impression that they cannot trust their own senses. They may repeatedly focus on their own feelings in order to make the victim feel guilty for hurting them. Psychologists recognise this as being part of the grooming process seen so often in cases of Child Sexual Exploitation.  
Strange how every right wing influencer, shitposter, and troll use the same populist rhetoric used by sexual predators to confound their victims isn't that just so weird that's because Reich Whingers are Bolsheviks; 

Bolshevik, bull, civic-minded, demagogue), a person who gains political power by appealing to individuals feeling's instincts, & prejudices in a fashion that is considered manipulative & myopic; an individual who incessantly reiterates equivalent petty issues, until these are generally taken seriously
There are citizens with valid complaints & issues, but invariably the meeting will have to deal with some Bolshevik & his personal gripe of "supreme importance". America is a People's Democratic Republic with a Constitutional document, just like China, Iran, N Korea and the USSR. Patriotism and Communism are identical phenom, where the Party demands total loyalty, above even truth.

"Claim everything, deny everything, explain nothing".
Prescott Bush 
"Deny, Disinform, deflect."
Roger Stone 
"Accuse your enemy of that which you are guilty of"
Saul Alinksy 
"Blame the Victim"
Protocol 23 
"Deflect and distract, never give in,  never admit fault, lie and attack, lie and attack, publicity no matter what, win no matter what"
Roy Cohn 
"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." 
George Orwell, 1984 
The Reich Whinge are America's Authoritarian Communist Party

Junior will certainly qualify for that part, looking smashed as usual and slurring?     Actually, it made me sad to observe his self-destruction.     He’s young enough to separate from his parents, enter a program of sobriety, and come out on the other side, semi normal, except for the trump part.
Jr isn't a politician,  although he seems to think he is. Why does he even have a stage?
Jr has never attended a public school in his life. He honestly couldn't tell anyone what goes on in them.
None of his friends or family members have either.
If there was indoctrination going on, kids would be more easily controlled, they'd come home and tell their parents, "We learned about the Communist Manifesto today.  I didn't really understand it but now I feel strangely compelled to call myself a Communist."
Wow, so when did teaching a child get political? I remember learning about government my last class in my Senior year of high school. That was the only class I had that went a bit political, and even there, my class briefly went over the political parties and not even in great detail.
Im convinced the Trump family didn't learn a darn thing when they went to school.
People, take your kids out of public school where they're taught math, science history and get real civics lessons and put them in a private school where they will definitely not be indoctrinated with all sorts of fairy tales from the book of holey fables.  Good advice there Junior
Junior struggles to make a point, let alone an argument! Not a great advertisement for private school education, unless you aspire to attend the Falwell Indoctrination Centre.
I can give you an opinion on why Juniors heart rate is up so much. He might very well be talking about the inculcation into the minds of children that they're most important feature is the color of their skin. 
He might also be talking about the teaching of a component of critical race Theory in that racism in the west is systemic and therefore it is everywhere. I think that's what he's going on about.

It's gotten to the point that asking "is he that stupid?" has become a rhetorical question.  But...  Is he that stupid?  Does he not know the difference between Marxism, Communism and Marxist philosophies?  It's hilarious to me that in order to get a Trumpian's blood boiling all you need to do is say the words...  "Woke"... " Socialism"...  "Communism"...  "Hillary"... "Hunter's laptop"...  and "Antifa" in no particular order or even in the context of a conversation.  It's like yelling "fire" at them, it just makes them panic and run around pulling their hair out.  Kind of fun really. LOL.
What he's trying to say is: If you let your children educate themselves, they will never be as dumb as to fall for the Trump-family. And since he would likely do unspeakable things to impress his dad, he therefore can't seem to understand the value of education!
A little bit like the common dude who cant understand why everyone else doesn't look on him the same way he looks at himself without a shirt in the mirror. Solved.
DJTJ, it appears, was indoctrinated into the flashy world of argumentation neither in public nor in private schools completely. Watching and listening to his energetic rants, it seems he studied and honed his off-the-wall rhetorical skills in the postgraduate “key bump” school of sniffery.
I will be the first to admit, school 100% grooms you, but it’s not to be what republicans think. School groomed me to obey my master, follow all orders, never say no to your boss, and the slightest mistake can ruin your entire life. It groomed me to be a productive, blue collar pawn of capitalism which is ironically what republicans want us to be. This is not a bad thing though as this grooming is why I had a managerial position by age 25 at my job. It taught to be the best worker possible and carry the economy my back. So yeah, school is grooming kids every day, but it’s grooming us to be the best, most selfless possible version of ourselves.

I don’t think he knows what the hell he is talking about. I went to a Department of Defense Dependents School District school while my father was stationed in Italy. That’s the epitome of public schools because its curriculum is determined by the Department of Education and run by the Department of Defense. 
I was reading and understanding Livy’s Early History of Rome, Marcus Aurelius’ Analects and Das Kapital, 1984, Animal Farm and many other books when I transferred to the civilian schools stateside, simply because they weren’t up to the task of my education. I was also in Junior High at the time. 

The indoctrination he fears is you seeing him as the vermin he is, just like I do. He is the petite bourgeoisie that Marx warned of, the wealthy class that rises up to challenge kings for authority. His only value is his bank account, which isn’t as sizable as he pretends it is. 
I look forward to the day that little men like him are caged to keep them away from any real power or authority, simply because he doesn’t comprehend that true authority comes from the consent of the governed, not from exerting wealth to coerce them through debt. 
I have a new name for him to learn: John Paul Vann. He was an American military commander who taught that the means to “defeat” the spread of communism was through socialism and, and by extension, trade unions. He built his theories on the writings of Marx, Bacon, Giáp and others from a military angle. Happy citizens don’t revolt. Fat soldiers don’t fight. When a farmer is wealthier than a lawyer, there is no fertile soil for communist thought to grow. But yeah, Junior, rail on about the piss-poor education that little men like you find so useful to create an enslaved class of workers.
From the same people who throw a fit if someone doesn’t stand for the pledge of allegiance. Or kneel during our national anthem where do we start with Donald’s let’s not forget the Boy Scout jamboree aka Trump's stump speech a few years ago. Want to go on Junior?
Don Jr. should have been the reference point for all of those "Say No To Drugs" commercials way back when.  Seriously, he looks like he did the same amount of cocaine that was used in Scarface.
GOP 2022 Platform
Ban books Ban abortion Ban voting rights
Ban transgender Ban healthcare choices
Ban LGBT civil rights Ban words Ban maths
Ban protests in public streets End social security
End affordable care Act End veterans health care
End Medicare and Medicaid then tell us they're all about our FREEDOMS!
I'm not sure if he understands that most Americans cant afford to send their kids to a private school let alone pay the bills cuz they live paycheck to paycheck. But seeing as my kids go to school in a public school and they get a good education. They get to have actual debates with the other kids and their teachers about whatever they want. They get to play sports and to be honest most of their teachers are republicans and yet they leave the politics at home. I went to school with over half of their teachers and the other half I had as teachers myself. Hell even got one who will teach the true history of not only our country but others as well. He went to Germany meet survivors from the holocaust and gets to tell their story to his students the first hand stories of kids growing up in camps to find out that not one of their loved ones survived. To the old lady who was taken from her home and was left to die in a camp hospital cuz they beat her for fighting back against being raped.
Bad genetics Bad parenting Bad drugs Bad ideas Now Junior, Behave yourself !

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