
Friday 30 September 2022

Donald Trump (Exercise Of Stupidity)

 Twice impeached Trump was the worst US president in history for many reasons. 
#1) Trump committed an act of treason against the US by inciting a violent insurrection on January 6, 2021. 
#2) Trump’s incompetence regarding his management of the US response to the Covid-19 pandemic between January 2020 and July of 2020. Thousands of US citizens died as a result Trump’s failure. If Trump had a proper immediate response to the pandemic the way that the South Korean government did, then thousands of US citizens who died would still be alive today. 
#3) In April of 2019 Trump vetoed the resolution to end US military support of Saudi Arabia's GENOCIDE of thousands of innocent civilians in Yemen! Trump was using the US military to support GENOCIDE in Yemen! 
#4) Trump violated the Emoluments Clause of the US Constitution for his entire 4 years in office, then in 2019 Trump verbally mocked the US Constitution. The foundation of the USA is the US Constitution, that is why the presidential inaugural oath includes to swear to protect and defend the US Constitution. In January 2017 Trump publicly swore an oath on a bible at his inauguration ceremony to protect and defend the US Constitution. In 2019 Trump mocked the US Constitution by publicly saying the words "phony emoluments clause". 
#5) Trump misogynistically and adulterously said of women: "Grab them by the pussy."! Trump committed adultery with Stormy Daniels and then tried to cover it up. Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen, was in prison for crimes related to Trump's cover-up of his adulterous scandal with Stormy Daniels. Most Republicans claim to be the moral party and/or the majority Christian party, but hypocritically enthusiastically want to give an adulterous Donald Trump, another 4 years in office. If a US president who was a member of the Democratic Party did the terrible things Trump has, of course, the Republican Party leaders would be screaming for his removal from office. 
#6) Trump committed the crime of obstruction of justice. 
#7) Trump committed crimes of trying to tamper with elections, especially in Georgia. 
#8) Trump's attempted abuse of power regarding Ukraine. 
#9) Trump committed tax fraud in New York State, which is partly why Trump hides his tax returns. 
#10) Trump practiced corrupt nepotism as he appointed unqualified members of his family into positions of power in the executive branch of government.
 #11) Trump illegally destroyed documents and illegally took documents with him after he left the office of president. 

There are many other horrible things about Trump. Here are some of them: Donald Trump is a dumb corrupt businessman which is why he hides his tax returns. Donald Trump is not a self-made man, he benefited from nepotism. His daddy Fred Trump gave him millions of dollars to start businesses many of which have failed! Donald Trump's failed businesses are many but include: Trump Airlines, a Trump Casino, and Trump University. With his failed Trump University, he defrauded hundreds of students. In Trump's many construction projects he failed to pay some of his contractors. Trump committed fraud with his non-profit in New York State which is why Trump recently transferred his residence to Florida. Donald Trump is too stupid to write his own book which why he hired a ghostwriter to write "The Art of the Deal". When Trump was in high school, he hired another boy to take his SAT college entrance exam. Trump claims that he is smart, but he refuses to show us his college transcripts. Donald Trump's daddy bribed a physician to write that Donald Trump had bone spurs and therefore could dodge the Vietnam War draft. Donald Trump and his dad also practiced racism in who they would rent properties to in the 1960s and 1970s. That is just scratching the surface of the long list of horrible things about Donald Trump.

The first time Trump went before the United Nations, within 10 seconds of his speech, the world's leaders literally laughed at him. Remember world leaders openly laughed at Trump at the G7 conference he addressed
If he's the mega billionaire he claims to be, he could fix this with his pocket change.  Plus he said as President, you wouldn't believe the number of really rich people I met.  So there should be no need to grift, if he's telling the truth about all of that.  But of course, here he is, grifting.
Wow  Millions down to $40. and some change.  That is amazing.  It is about time that people recognize that they are being used to foot the bill for his legal fees. As a member of the party of  personal responsibility, he should not rely on others and start selling his properties to foot HIS personal legal bills.An alleged billionaire, yet he behaves like a panhandler.
But I remember he said at the beginning of his reign of terror that he was so rich, he didn't need contributions. He's been grifting all his life
He is saying there is a deadline because either because he is making a campaign style video so he thinks that is just what you say in campaign videos despite him not running for something. Or the deadline he speaks of is when he actually has to start reporting fundraising numbers and doesn't want to report anything
I think he was saying he had rich friends beforehand and no one knows who they are. Basically, he did it for the fame, because he doesn't just want money, he ALSO wants to be famous, because he's puddle-deep and needs attention thanks to mommy and daddy never hugging him.
"I think he was saying he had rich friends beforehand and no one knows who they are"
If that was the case then "doing it again" would not get him those anonymous rich friends. The context of the question is "would you do it again." The only way where his rich friends were present in advance would be if it were his rich friends who, like, "forced him" to run. If he already had rich friends then they would be otherwise irrelevant to doing it again or even in the first place.
Trump said he wanted to be president purely for the fame. He said I have a lot of rich friends and nobody who they are (meaning they aren't famous). He said he wanted to have experiences that people would envy.
 When you try to interpret Trump's quote, you have to also try to understand his frame of mind and who he surrounds himself with.  His world is filled with egomaniacs drinking their own self-important kool-aid. Trump doesn't articulate himself very well, so it can be hard to miss the point.
When he says "I have so many rich friends and nobody knows who they are," what he is saying is: I have so many rich friends and nobody knows who THEY are.

As in, lots of people can be rich, after all, look how many rich people I know.  But none of them are famous like I am.  Anybody can be be rich, but I'm special because everybody knows who I am.
Trump cares about money, but he doesn't care about money like a regular human being.  At the root of it, he cares about money because he's a simpleton sociopath who measures his ego by how rich he is.  In his world, money is a symbol of his power and a measure of his importance.  

If Trump was a semi-normal person that at has the ability to view money as a tool to provide comfort, security, and the enjoyment of life (rather than the dick measuring contest he's dedicated his entire miserable and insecure life toward), he would be a happy well adjusted person that none of us had ever heard of.

He grifted the taxpayers for various charges at his resorts for ss protection for inflated charges for foreign visitors ,for inaugural expenses... the list goes on. He benefited by fame, money ,immunity.  He might have a horse or a golf course to sell you if you believe he didn't profit


I knew from the beginning that it all a big ego boost for Trump. It was all about the name brand, and especially, the money.
He was a businessman, not a politician. His supporters voted for the businessman as a way of thumbing the noses of establishment career politicians and this is what happened. He won and everyone else either against or for him got suckered.
His statement also sounds kind of like he's comparing his popularity to theirs. Like, "everyone knows who I am, but no one knows who my rich friends are because they didn't gain the same popularity as me." It sounds like he is using the fame to lord over his rich friends like, "See, everyone knows me but no one knows you because you didn't do what I did!"
The interesting thing I found in the whole Trump Presidency was that people I knew, and were friends with found Trump an appealing candidate.   Somehow his persona was attractive, his vision, his outlook, and words spoke for them.
It showed me a window to their souls that I can't unsee.  I see their true values now.  I lost a lot of respect for people and friends I once respected..

In spite of his oath of office, I feel he was also avoiding prosecution as there was talk of him being investigated before he became president. In the case of New York, they just put things on hold. Spending three years on that investigation, to the point there were people resigning because they thought they were wasting their time on something that wasn't going to go anywhere. Personally, it appears that there was no stone left unturned to make sure every bit of evidence was obtained before making a move on it. He has a paycheck the rest of his life and security that we not only pay for, but I'm sure he's still charging them room and board. He consistently claimed there was no such thing as global warming, but yet he was still requesting a sea walk be built to protect his golf course property in Scotland. There was one leader that has been his BFF that no one picked up on, or did or said anything to find out the truth behind this friendship. After his comment regarding African shithole countries, he had a "working lunch" with a lot of African leaders. His new BFF was the leader of Nigeria. He was the main spokesperson. The other leaders didn't say one word about the story behind this man and Frump envies his political power. It also helps that they are an oil rich nation. Trump sold him military equipment, as well as supporting him claiming he was fighting terrorism, there was a famine, etc. This leader was actually committing genocide against the Igbo people of the south as the oil is on their ancestral land. They are clergy, lawyers, nurses, unarmed men, women and children. Entire villages have disappeared. They want a sovereign nation. There was no Nigeria before the English took over. There is still British Petroleum everywhere, although they were no longer a colony since the 1960's. Taking phones etc., did not make enough of a media blackout. Twitter removed a post stating this man violated their guidelines, so he banned Twitter as well as other social media. No one is looking in their direction at all. Just another of Frump's friends.

So, he played the ultimate "pied piper." And he's suppose to have all these "rich friends," where are they now? Any of them having his back? You know, a lot of these folks, old money especially, can spot a player a mile away and will play along and let they crash and burn.
And the Russian deal was noted and on "the books" for awhile. North Korea was talked about but didn't know if it went beyond that. Saudi Arabia,  thought he had something there already.
I take that as there are two kinds of rich people, those that people who who they are and those that people don't know who they are. In Trump's mind he becoming president solidified himself in the former category. Yeah, I'm sure he used his presidency to get to know other rich people but I'm pretty sure that his statement meant that he was a known rich person.
Trump always says the quiet things out loud. Like in the debate with Hillary when she accused him of not paying his taxes, he blurted out, "That's because I'm smart."
He's not of course. What he means is he pays smart tax agents to help him rort the system and avoid paying tax.
Each day I see more information about Donald Trump's behaviour and wonder, "Are Americans THAT stupid that they will believe anything this man says?" Perhaps yes. Americans are so disillusioned with Politicians over the decades that they desperately wanted SOMEONE to say and do as they really felt. They pinned their future on Donald Trump. What a shame it appears to have been, as you say, one long con job. The difference between Donald Trump and successive US Politicians, he was blatantly obvious about his goals. I wonder who is going to play Donald Trump in the 2028 miniseries.

If Merrick Garland does his job correctly maybe it will be trump tower Leavenworth federal penitentiary. He could put the trump name right over top of his cell. Then he could lie about the 8 by 6 room and say it's a 14 by 20' room. Of course the kitchen is not going to be that pleasant. And the dining hall may be a little restricted. But trump guarantees instead of a gold plated toilet you will have a stainless steel toilet with a drinking fountain on top of it.
Even I saw right through Trump and something to think about when he wanted to buy Greenland which is really part of Denmark and the leader of Denmark had told Donnie , " No " and " it not going to happen here " ! I knew Donald Trump was up to something and up to but no good as usual  !!!
So, Trump valued making wealthy friends that no one knew about while in office. No wonder he kept White House visitor logs hidden. The National Archives recently released the logs to the Jan 6 cmte. Trump also pushed for tax cuts for the rich while ensuring sunset laws for middle class tax cuts. The GOP was a willing accomplice on that one. So, priority one for Trump's presidency,  cultivate secret wealthy friends. Priority two, reward existing wealthy friends with greater tax breaks. I'm guessing public service was a distant third if it was a priority at all.
What Trump was saying was that the rich guys he hangs around with aren't famous like he is. He doesn't understand why they don't care about being famous, like he does. Trump loves his role of famous rich guy, and isn't ashamed of the fact that he rode this need to be more famous than other rich guys all the way to the White House.
Trump doesn't have a lot of years left and it's not like he cares about his kids so much that it's for them so it doesn't make much sense to me. I think before this is done he's going to really regret it.
He had plenty of money and could have enjoyed a fairly stress-free life of luxury in his remaining years. His ego and his greed got the better of him

While this take is quite possible, and let me be clear, I loathe the ex president, I really think this could be a misread on the intended message.  Knowing the angry Cheetoh's vanity, he quite likely A: could simply mean "I have a ton of rich friends, no one knows them.  As president, EVERYONE knows me so I win!  (IE: fame = success to this ass hat)"  and B: he possibly never says he's still talking to Kim Jong Un because he is not and revealing that fact, in his pea brain, somehow diminishes him personally so he's better off to infer that he may be and letting the reporters run with it and assume that's a hard yes (IE: "there's this girl, she's Canadian, you wouldn't know her").
The rich friends explanation is unfortunate for two groups.  To MAGA supporters it is a stark statement that they never were and never will be welcome at Mar a Lago.  To the rest of US citizens it is a standard narcissistic expression " even the company I keep points to me as superior " that reeks with ' I only care about myself and NOT you all. "
I take Trump's unwillingness to say whether he still talks to Kim Jong Un the other way. It's very possible that Kim Jong Un is no longer interested in having any kind of relationship with Trump now that he's out of the White House. Given that Trump always says that Kim Jong Un adored him, it would be a huge narcissistic wound if Kim Jong Un snubs him now. I don't think that Trump would hesitate in the least to say that they still communicate. However, it's also possible that he is still communicating with Kim Jong Un and the classified documents are involved. If so, that would be a reason to hesitate to give an answer.
Trump is saying he has rich friends that no one knows about and him running for presidency made him famous/known to almost literally everyone in the world. It fills his ego with pride that he can go back to his friends and brag about how he's the most famous person/popular person in the world. This is simply a bragging point for him against those ppl bc when you reach a certain level of wealth gaining more is no longer exciting. Running and becoming president brought that excitement back.
However, the moment he said he was going to Key-mar-go for his vacations and then held political meeting with foreign dignitaries and the secret service had to secure the area (which they couldn’t) and the US tax payer had to front the bill when, there is a special spot already set aside for just such things (camp David) had me wondering why?Then to find out they had a record attendance at that “club”, made a tone of money and most of it went to Trump as a stock holder.
That told me all I needed to know with what he was doing with his presidency

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