
Thursday 22 July 2021

Donald Trump

I want to share a non-American perspective on “Don the Con”. Con shortly to mean convict. My perspectives are shaped by the American history curriculum of the Canadian education system and various US current affairs programs. My views have not been influenced by either the Liberals or the Conservatives. In Canada I consider myself to be a fiscal Conservative Liberal. 

Donald Trump has shown himself to be of amoral character, has a very lazy work ethic, a clumsy ineptness, and wide ranging incompetence. He has proven himself to have the strategic thinking and interpersonal skills of a imbecile. His narcissism has made him intolerant of stronger and brighter people unless the other person happens to be a dictatorial world leader. He is the most despicable and biggest disgrace of a man to ever occupy the office of POTUS. His lack of willingness to learn on the job and his hatred of reading left him totally unprepared for the day-to-day activities of the job. His penchant to “wing it” has proven to be disastrous for the country. If I were American I would never vote for Trump but he has tremendous entertainment value for all the above reasons. I could watch him work all day for all the time he’s actually on station. 

Then there’s Trump’s golf game. He brags about how he’s a low handicap golfer and is the reigning club champion at all his golf properties. One look at his swing will reveal that he can’t make proper shoulder turn in his golf swing due to his poor athletic physique. This alone debunks his claim as championship golfer. If he wants to become a better golfer then he should lose weight, work on his flexibility, quit politics and practice more golf without cheating because the game reveals one’s true character. What Trump's plays now is not golf but rather a game of old men's version of hit & giggle. 
The challenge facing America is that the white population south of the Mason/Dixon line don’t know they lost the Civil War. Therefore this part of the population has spent the last 160 years seething in anger and resentment. Canada has a similar history between the English and the French. Out of guilt the winning side offered up a strategy of appeasement which seldom works. The losers were quick to take advantage and have been driving the US political agenda ever since. This is reflected in current American gun laws, race laws,  immigration laws, and Jim Crow laws just to name a few. 

The Southern white population has become the modern day Republicans. Full of resentment and other negativity from the Civil War they just want to stay in power at all costs so they can stick it to the conquering Northerners. Challenged to possess independent critical thinking skills it’s no wonder they adopted a creep like Trump as their Pied Piper. This is not America’s finest moment and the Republicans are not America’s best & brightest. 
America’s once shining Democracy is severely tarnished. The rest of America must take back their country because failure has huge implications to the world security. The world is watching to see if the American people can return the lustre to America’s Liberal Democracy. Opportunity and the world awaits. 

If he plots genocide, then he effectively sealed his own fate. The refugee crisis, the economic damage, and anarchy. It'll all but guarantee no one will take his side. Even Putin would never go that far. Sure he'd go to low proxy wars, but outright slaughter? He's way too smart and pragmatic to resort to that. If anything he'd use it to go against Trump and backstab him. Trump is not being smart here. This is Pol Pot levels of incompetence. His arrogance is what is scary. If he were back in office he would be the president of revenge he would have everyone who said anything negative about him killed or put in prison if he were president again.He regrets nothing he doesn't have an inkling what is to have human feelings he couldn't care less about the American people , in order for you to have feelings you have to care about people he doesn't remember this is all about him , at some point he said I don't know if you remember shoot them all even with the coronavirus he said let them get infected yet he took the vaccine for himself his wife and family.Another Trump term would be the end of freedom in this country.  It CANNOT be allowed at any cost.  I would think most Americans learned this.  It seems to me, more are realizing what a nightmare this guy is, including former Trumpers.He's going to jail first! The fraud he's committed in New York cannot be swept under the rug & if RiCO doesn't get him, then the A-G will.
When someone tells/shows you who they are BELIEVE them!!!! 
When it comes to Trump it's ALWAYS best to believe him the first time when he tells you something that he's going to do, wants to do or has done. His track record shows that he can tell the truth once in awhile... oddly enough it's never a good thing when he does.He got smacked down throughout his Presidency for wanting to send the military in for everything. It’s just the same old broken record.
Even if the Pentagon agreed to send in troops needlessly, the State would consider it an act of civil war. He hit this brick wall many times. His "it is what it is" response to the 1000s of Covid deaths was another vile thing he said.This is Trumps Mein Kampf. He's saying exactly what will come if he's ever elected again... 2017- 2021 would be like a tiptoe through the tulips in comparison!

The thing is, even if he did have all the money he claims he has, it would not change him. Sure, he's an addict that blows through money like crack, but I would say his addiction for screwing people over is a bigger obsession for him. He is the sort that seeks power by destroying others instead of building everyone up. Give Trump a trillion dollars and he would still be doing his crimes and destroying everything in his reach. Since, you're right, he has been impoverished from birth by never having possessed empathy and so cannot understand the consequences of his destruction. He's a weak man's idea of a strong man, a stupid man's idea of a smart man, a poor man's idea of a rich man, and a cowardly man's idea of a brave man.Narcissism is a hell of an obsession. Especially for the innocent enveloped by that toxic bubble of delusion. Trump is criminally insane.Too true, it's an insatiable obsession. While speaking of orbits, he is akin to a magnetar, a type of neutron star not quite massive enough to be a black hole. Like a black hole though, anything orbiting it that strays too close will be torn apart and devoured atom by atom. Worse than a black hole since magnetars also emit extremely high levels of radiation and magnetism that destroys biological life on the cellular level, far beyond it's direct gravitational noose of orbiting bodies to feed on.Trump needs to retire to The Villages where they can have a golf cart parade for him every day, and he can give speeches all he wants, and play recordings of him 24 hours a day over a loudspeaker system like Jim Jones did in Jonestown.The man has had a complete break from reality and yet all his crazy followers are following him like a bunch of mindless robots. He needs to go to prison or be made to never be able to hold any public office. Never
Given his flawed and dangerous character and personality...  he is going to twist in the wind until he brings his own dramatic  end.   He will not wait for his public humiliation in court or end up in prison.  Trump is already living in his worst nightmare and nobody can help or save him from himself.  A hard and tragic fall to his own created abyss. Sad. Can't wait for the nervous breakdown.. PUT him in an ORANGE padded room.  A danger to himself and the WORLD.He's trying to keep up with this Republican scenario that is going nowhere so he has to make himself important and to urge people to clap for his nonsense it's a waste of time he knows he's losing everything and a blink of an eye so he has to make scenes to make himself important. MY General's, MY Judges, MY people, MY, MY, MY...... the problem is one of perception and misunderstanding arising from his profound ignorance of politics, history, or anything that isn't churning through his muddled head in any given moment. It is pathetic and embarrassing for the country.He just can't seem to understand that not only is there no evidence for any of his claims but that even if he had cast iron proof of widespread election fraud, it would change nothing. Biden would still be President until 2024.
It must be embarrassing for his family too. At least any of them that have the intelligence to understand.
Everything he said was a complete lie.  Lies, lies and more lies. The man is severely demented.
I'm pretty sure he's suffering sleep deprivation from all the stress and long term covid symptoms. At least I can take some comfort in that for now. I hope he stays in relatively good health and lives long enough to be sentenced. Some people just don't deserve a natural death. Especially after committing crimes against humanity.

Donald Trump kept lying and people keep dying, half a million dead so far.
Aided and abetted by a fascist idiocracy and by the likes of William Barr.
With his millions at risk he says never mind this the cure can't be worse than the disease 
And more than once he's said governors seeking aid must be nice to me what matters is this 
Business is brisk Wall Street's never seen profits like these through lies and ruthless lack of empathy
Trump's plague of MALICE raged weaponizing the epidemic with glee
Trump sabotaged the machines of progress, tossing in handfuls of sand.
Long after his thousands of scandals are but obscure history it will be said
The most tragic presidency of all time ended with Trump's Plague.
Now winter is long past and indictments served Themis stands by to hear his best words.
The world waits with bated breath and hearts in unison thump is that him. that pale, doughy lump?
It's The Orange Ogre of the Oval Orifice devoid of warpaint and stinking of cowardice
It is the fair and just judgement he fears and made him squirm like a worm.
Down the toilet he goes as they lower the boom and SINK that unflushable turd.

This man lives in a different reality, shame that his close bootlickers are afraid to tell him the truth. Lying Trump needs to realize, everyone doesn’t love him and he got voted out. SCOTUS doesn’t work for him. He expects for people to break the law for him.Trump refers to everything as "MY".  It's all my people, my judges, my generals, my Republicans.  It's all "MY".  He speaks about everything in terms of ownership rather than that he and they are all there to serve the country.  To him, being president was like being a CEO and everything is commodity to be exploited for personal gain.  I love it when some Americans say that it's a great thing to have a businessman as president because he knows how to run things.  It's the opposite! A narcissistic businessman is the LAST person you want in charge of a country! Because THIS is the result.  The country becomes a possession they think is meant to serve them.

In an interview with the New Yorker, Tony Schwartz, the journalist who wrote Trump’s “The Art of the Deal,” said of Trump “Lying is second nature to him, more than anyone else I have ever met. Trump has the ability to convince himself that whatever he is saying at any given moment is true, or sort of true, or at least ought to be true." 

Schwartz says of Trump, “He lied strategically. He had a complete lack of conscience about it.” Since most people are “constrained by the truth,” Trump’s indifference to it “gave him a strange advantage.” 
When challenged about the facts, Schwartz says, Trump would often double down, repeat himself, and grow belligerent. 

Schwartz and other journalists who have spent extended periods of time with Trump paint a much more disturbing picture. They describe a man constitutionally incapable of logic, moral reasoning or self-reflection. 
If he were writing “The Art of the Deal” today, Schwartz said, it would be a very different book with a very different title. Asked what he would call it, he answered, “The Sociopath.” 

There are some politicians who will say anything to get elected or reelected.
It doesn’t matter if they are Democrats. Or Republicans. 
Some of them are going to lie. Maybe a majority of them are going to fib. 
But to even suggest that anything Democrats have done over the years or even to suggest that what other Republicans have done over the years is on par with what Trump has normalized since he was sworn in is simply laughable. 

Richard Nixon, the Republican president who was run out of office for covering up the Watergate break-in, was not as dishonest as Trump. Not even close. Nixon’s arc bends closer to “Honest Abe” Lincoln than it does to a serial liar like Trump. 
Trump’s arc bends more toward James Tate, the Kentucky state treasurer who fled the state in 1888 with two tobacco sacks full of taxpayers’ gold and silver. 
You'd trust Charles Ponzi or Bernie Madoff before you'd trust Trump. 
Trump was given the “Lie of the Year” award in both 2015 and 2017. 

The first award was not for a single lie, but was for the sheer volume of lies Trump told. PolitiFact said that 76 percent of Trump’s statements that it checked that year were “mostly false,” “false” or “pants on fire.” 
Many politicians make false and misleading statements when they are trapped or cornered or don’t have a better answer. 
Trump on the other hand, lies when he doesn’t have to. He lies when the truth is a better answer. Trump’s first instinct is to lie. Trump MUST be indicted and charged for ALL his crimes, even if he doesn't go to prison a conviction would disallow him from running for office ever again. This is the only way to get him out of the picture, once and for all.: Donald Trump incited a violent insurrection on Jan 6th to overturn a free and fair election in which he lost; even if it takes a long time, he WILL be going to jail for the rest of his puny little life, the wait will be worth it when it comes.

Afghanistan is a traumatic place and America will soon discover what real trauma is unless Donald Trump is held to account for treason and sedition.
We are in the heart of darkness and Trump is our Mr. Kurtz. It's sad to see a grown "man" at the mercy of his own ego, especially as he tries to project an image of strength but it is nothing more than a flimsy facade that crumbles into ruins, oftentimes at the hands of its own creator. Trump excelled at self sabotage, never able to maintain a consistent narrative. His lack of education shines through every act and statement. He's not the "stable genius" he proclaims himself to be. I highly doubt that he actually enjoyed being president, at least not the administrative aspects, and especially not looking out for the welfare of those who did not vote for him. He ran his presidency like one of his resorts and your admission was a display of undying loyalty and a public grovelling at his feet. He loved the power and all the other perks that came along with the position. He was under no obligation to "play nice" with the Democrats or anyone who dare to offer a view that conflicted or contradicted his own. He truly believed that he was the king of America. "If we just stop talking about him he will go away" well no the people who follow trump and vote trump are not people watching CNN or MSNBC or even solely largely, they are people on facebook and listening to talk radio and each other which is how groups like Qanon attached to Trump so easily. 
WE should be reminded what Trump represents if we are complacent and DO NOT act as aggressively as republicans do when it comes to voting.
It's like what spouses/ partners say after being in a relationship with a narcissistic person. The energy of the  narcissist still lingers after the relationship has ended. It's hard to get the narcissist's energy out of your system.  When analyzing couples- problems where a narcissist is or has been present, Psychologists call the ensuring chaos "Narcissistic Abuse". Similarly our Country has sustained "Narcissistic Abuse" from Donald Trump.  I feel sorry for the President who have had to come behind Trump in the thick of this lingering toxic energy. The aftermath of any narcissistic relationship is chaotic. Trump's energy has tainted everything. That's what happened to the Afghanistan exit! Trump made the Taliban stronger before he left office by freeing 5000 of them from prison. Most all of Trump's action is on the side of the enemy of peace. He's an energetic weapon of destruction, not of construction.  He's only for construction when that construction is a monument to himself or if he stands to make a name for himself or a fortune from it ). He's really good at that.
We ignore him at our peril. We ignore at our peril the far right movement of Whites who are fearful of losing their de facto entitlement and power, whom Donald Trump has enamored and enthralled—including, God help us, people who consider themselves to be Christian. I would LOVE to never hear or express anything about the Orange Monstrosity ever again. But it’s not over by a long shot, unless he is locked in prison and prevented from access to any communication with the outside world. Let’s make that happen, then figure out how to cure the fear of “other” in this country. Way overdue
We have two factors affecting our mental health. The narcissistic Trump and the Covid pandemic. If Trump had not been in office I feel we would no longer be smack dab in the middle of the pandemic. 
Covid isolated many citizens and the lying happening on select news outlets have tipped many over the edge. Trump’s downplaying the pandemic and saying mask are useless added to our pandemic.

One thing that would help us regulate our emotions would be to create community grief events with the people we know and the people they know.  Have trained facilitators lead those.  Another thing would be to learn how to talk rationally, avoiding comments, quips and clips as the major form of communication.  We could learn how to listen and how to talk clearly, without using such statements as  calling any person a  piece of s..."POS", which is just one more form of extremism.  We could mature
All the GQP voter suppression laws are about telling Baby Cheesus that he should run again in 2024. The Big Lie is based on his terrified fear of being a loser as instilled in him by Daddy Fred. He declares every contest rigged so he can rationalize to himself that he wasn't crowned the winner because his opponent cheated. Look at how he declared the 2016 election rigged before he ended up winning. The Zombie MAGApocalypse happened because he's too much of a snowflake to accept losing.
Every one of us has been experiencing gaslighting and cognitive dissonance. This makes it very hard to discern what is real, and leaves a person doubting their own perceptions. What we believe is real becomes a part of our self identity, our ego. When we don't know what is real and don't trust our own perspectives we experience ego panic. The pain and disorientation can take years or even decades to heal.
"Until Republicans return to reality and become responsible, they should not be trusted with power again."  
That's been obvious for some time, the same warning others like me have been advocating, but it's good that Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney is amplifying that message.  More Americans need to understand this.

The constant lies, denials, deceits, delusions, gaslighting, dog-whistles, crackpot conspiracy theories, projectionism, Whataboutism, bogus victimhood, and hypocrisy of Republicans is disgusting and alarming.  The Republican cult has poisoned itself with its own propaganda, choosing to live in a dystopian fascist Orwellian fantasy world.  The Republican cult has been radicalized to such extent that it poses a clear and present danger to our society, our democracy, our country, and the world.

Republicans have been programmed into a mindless fascist partisan cult that is unhinged, delusional and evil.  And it's extremely dangerous to our security, to our democracy, and to our country.  They're essentially a domestic terrorist group, and we should be targeting the leaders of that group with the same vigor and determination we would a foreign terrorist group attacking our country.  Don't know of a time since the Civil War when our nation has been at greater peril, and we need to recognize that, acknowledge it, and act upon it accordingly.

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