
Saturday 21 September 2019

Donald Trump (A Business Study)

Trump may be making millions , but it doesn't anywhere near cover all his debts , he spends more money than he brings in. he's hiding his taxes for a reason , it's called embarrassment , you have to make billions , and have billions in your bank account to really be a billionaire. just because you lose billions in business failures and bankruptcies , that doesn't make you a billionaire , that makes you a wannabe  billionaire and someone who isn't good with  business or with money. just bullshit and bluster
This guy does in government just what he does in business. 'Mob boss' surrounded by enablers and/or the compromised. And an army of lawyers to tie up the law in court.
Plus, he heads a political party that does it's best to gerrymander and ensure they can't be voted out.
The diversion of the military to Scotland particularly draws irritation.  Military bases have very nice billeting on bases, especially on AF bases, where they should be gassing  up the planes...the US taxpayer pays for these facilities. It also pays for Camp David for off-site meetings and R and R.  But the taxpayer, must pay for the use of Mar A Lago to prop up certain Trump properties.  In the end, the taxpayer gets screwed
Trump is running the US as if it's another third world banana republic.
The only thing more shocking is the inability of the US authorities to do anything about it other than turning it into talk show fodder
Corporations want congress to decide : they bought congress.Unregulated trade,  frenetic globalization is good for the corporations, it's bad for the planet, and, ultimately, for the people. And China is the worst totalitarian nightmare you may have.
So, Trump trade wars is, overall, a good thing. For the planet. For democracy. For the future. 
The problem is that when you wage a war, you are supposed to win it. And Trump will lose because he has done so many errors. But don't think corporations are giving good advices. They just want to keep doing what they have been doing for decades : buying the congress and concentration more and more wealth into fewer and fewer pockets. And if it leads to the world being lead by a totalitarian, genocidal, orwellian state... Not a problem for them.
Having a crooked lunatic in the White House has made it abundantly clear that there needs to be a lot of new laws and restrictions put on powers of the "president". That would be the only good thing to come out of Trump's presidency, if Congress is smart enough to do it.

It may be too late as the damage TTW on China has hurt America already and bankrupted small businesses that have been trading with China for generations. And because Trump doesn’t understand the ways China does business, because he is a failed businessman. He thinks that China is ripping of America.

Trade is outsourced to other countries to manufacture so that the organisation that owns the product and service can produce more units, move more units, sell more units at a cheaper price because manufacturing is cheaper. And Donald Trump doesn’t understand why American firms do this when it could be manufactured in the US which is where MAGA came from.

But what Feckless Trump fails to understand. Manufacturing in the US where they don’t have the facilities or the equipment to manufacture. This increases the price of per unit and therefore the final price of the product is more expensive and they sell less units as a result. This has been proven before and it it more expensive to manufacture the same product in the US than outsourcing to another country to manufacture the same product and sell it 35% (The percentage is an example and not an actually figure) cheaper. Trump doesn’t understand this because he is a useless businessman.

Even I understand why businesses outsource. But the start are paid low wages and work long hours. And it’s barbaric and they use child labour. I get this all the time... you have to realise that our way of life in the western world is completely different to other countries around the world.
What we would consider a poor wage and working long hours and the working age is 12. We would consider this barbaric but for them in their country this is a normal way of life and this is where people don’t understand and take to Twitter and other social media and complaint and rant about it. Because they don’t understand that this to them is a normal way of life and what they get paid we look upon as a pittance.

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