
Friday 4 September 2020

What Is Privilege?

What is Privilege?

1) Privilege is wearing $200 sneakers when you’ve never had a job. 
2) Privilege is wearing $300 Beats headphones while living on public assistance.
3) Privilege is having a Smartphone with a Data plan, which you receive no bill for.
4) Privilege is living in public subsidised housing where you don’t have a utility or phone bill and where rising property taxes, rents and energy costs have absolutely no effect on the amount of food you can put on your table, which is largely covered by Government Food Stamps.
5) Privilege is having free health insurance for you and your family that's paid for by working taxpayers who often can't afford proper health coverage for their own families.
6) Privilege is having multiple national organisations promoting and protecting just your race alone -- that are subsidised by federal tax dollars.
7) Privilege is having access to a national college fund that supports only one race.
8) Privilege is having a television network that supports only one race.
9) Privilege is having most of the media news networks refuse to cover incidents wherein one race (one-eighth of the population) commits 50% of the crimes.
10) Privilege is the ability to go march against, and protest against anything that triggers you, without worrying about calling off from work and the consequences that accompany such.
11) Privilege is having as many children as you want, regardless of your employment status, and be able to send them off to daycare or preschool you don’t pay for.
12) Privilege is being able to vote in many states without showing a driver's license, voter ID card or other credentials -- just because your race claims they should be exempt from such requirements.
13) Privilege is being able to riot, loot, commit arson and tear down historic monuments without consequences -- just because you don't like folks such as Columbus, U. S. Grant or even Lincoln. 
14) Privilege is being able to get into almost any college of your choosing based on your race, not your grades or merit.
15) Privilege is having most of your life paid for by the working men and women who DO HAVE TO DEAL WITH RISING TAXES AND COSTS! you know, those you now call “PRIVILEGED.”"

It's easier to tear down that which somebody else has built, than to build anything of merit yourself. 
Melanin privilege is toxic and ruinous. They fail exams, they don't go to job interviews and guess who is to blame - not their own life choices, oh no of course, systemic racism is to blame for their failings
Zero responsibility for their own mediocrity. So they garner attention through diatribes, cosplay and racist ideology. They're the most aggressive and foul heart victims known to English history. 
These 'militant hipsters' are uneducated, failures, culturally privileged beyond genuine merit and lack qualities such as: intelligence, honesty, work ethic, perspective and worth
They are just importing politics from the US as if the rhetoric of the militant feminists, BLM, LGBT activists and anti capitalists apply to the UK
What kind of idiot do you have to be? Seriously. Their arguments push identitarian division based on false interpretation of statistics. So of course it doesn't matter if you are in another country where the statistics is also different, it's the identity of people that matter after all? It's such cringe and just show how weak their arguments are even for the US
When you are so anti-culture and non-conformist that you form a regimented conformist "militia"
A "militia", mind you, that has no weapons, barely has an enemy and probably has no command structure aside from the one person in attendance telling them what to do
The KGB's 4 steps to bring a nation to its knees:
Demoralise the people, their traditions, their ideas, their truths through the education system and media.
Destabilise the nation by constantly attacking its economy, foreign relations and defence.
Create a crisis.
Normalisation through communist/globalist total rule.
So maybe someone can enlighten me on "defunding the police". My understanding of refunding the police means allocating funds from huge police budgets like $995 million budget to better training for the police officers; or paying for officers to be trained on how to identify/handle mental illness; how to communicate with civilians without being so darn hostile & rude & using verbal intimidation escalating a situation that wasn't all that serious in the 1st place. 
Why not change the age to become an officer to 25? 
Defunding the police, to my understanding, is using some of theory in these huge police budgets for better training for law enforcement. Personally, I don't get it because it's not in my part of the country. There are people here with all kinds of different variations of "Tan", but everyone isn't identifying people or "projecting" behaviour or attitude based on colour of Tan. So it is very tough to see the validity of burning down buildings or shooting neighbours etc because of variation of Tan.
Or because police shot a guy who happened to have a dark dark tan. Not because he/she wasn't cooperating with the officers, or talking shit, or trying to run. Do that, no matter your shade, you gonna have a 50/50 chance that works out for you.
Defund pro athletes salaries since most of them want to disrespect our country, military and law enforcement that allow them to go  out and play a game and make 10X that of a public safety official and also putting their lives on the line which is priceless. Most pro athletes couldn't even handle a dangerous job of protecting others. Just remember who's out there providing your safety allowing you to be selfish and not even "work" but playing a game like 98.9% of kids do; Seem to have grown but stayed as a selfish child. Calling out LeBron since he should be settling an example. ALM.
BLM started as a push back against the entire political system. They don't even support any political parties. It's funny how every era of the American experience is met with disdain when a "black empowerment" movement rises up. Even though I don't support BLM as a movement I think it's a disservice to black people when the most influential black people try casting doubt on the sincere grievances of a fraction of the black people. The irony is when the tea party movement & occupy movement started white people on the whole didn't support the movements but they never cast doubt on the intentions and legitimacy of their grief. Black people don't advance because they don't support each other. BLM is a group of people who have never been slaves, wanting reparations from a group of people who have never owned slaves. When the incident w Mr. Floyd happened ya couldn’t have asked for more unity . Everyone knew that was wrong and everyone showed support of those officers being held accountable . Then BLM and ANTIFA teamed up and it’s been nothing but division and negativity. ANTIFA has shown its hypocrisy over and over again by screaming Fuck the police just to turn around when they are in need of help to scream “Call the Police “. Complete joke
Can you imagine another country where there is a minority population that is called underprivileged and oppressed that has had a man who is a member of that minority group as President? A VP candidate? As billionaires and millionaires. With their own television networks. With their own genre of popular music with millions of fans worldwide. With a dominating presence in sports? With a member in almost every type of profession? It's easier to see how nonsensical it is when you pretend it's a different country and look at it from the outside.  Black Americans are probably the most successful black people on the planet.
When MLK Jr was assassinated in 1968 was he killed by Marxists or the Capitalists.
Were the people marching for Civil Rights , marching against Jim Crow Capitalists or Communists Marxists? 
Who bombed a Church in Birmingham Al Segregationist or Marxists. 
Who came up with the southern strategy in 1968 Richard Nixon a Republican or the Marxists speak truth
There's been some form of BLM throughout many decades. That I can recall, not until now has there been such denial, especially from our own challenging and ignoring this worthy cause. Lil' Wayne hails from the projects which are historically known as being predominantly occupied by low income African Americans and used as a means to coral a certain demographic of black people. It's sad he equates his current financial position as a symbol that black people have somehow overcome oppression. In my opinion, his ignorant response to the BLM is yet another example of moles planted to minimise the cause. Are there those with a hidden agenda using the BLM for personal gain? Yes. Is BLM less of a worthy cause because of them? No. There are those doing good work for their community to fight the powers that be and we shouldn't be the generation to drop the torch that's been passed down by those before us who bled and died for this cause. A people divided will never prosper.
If BLM wanted to do something constructive for the Black Community they would fight to get rid of plan Parenthood abortion clinics in Black neighborhoods put there by Margaret Sanger, worshiped by white liberal Democratic politicians, while knowing she was a huge racist bent on eliminating the Black race! Sanger routinely spoke at Klan rallies yet Hillary Clinton, who I have personal knowledge is a racist, said she admired her vision! What Democrats never saw coming, since they had long since controlled most newspapers and all three networks, was for the rise of the internet and social media to expose the real truth.
Truth Like: MLK was a lifelong Republican.  The 1964 Civil Rights act was passed and pushed thru by Republicans!  LBJ, who signed it into law had voted against the first two when he was a senator in Texas and was a huge racist that used the N word more than most Hip Hop artist! There was no switch between parties, (if anyone doesn't believe it, it can easily be research. The only two Southern Dixiecrats to switch to Republican were Storm Thurman, and I forgot the name of the other guy. Storm Thurman however, was a Separatist and not a racist and after switching to the Republican party was the first Senator to hire a Black person on his Staff. The KKK was the militant arm of the Democratic party, sort of like ANTIFA and BLM is now! Those were just what came to mind, I could go on and on! The democratic party is still as racist as they've always been
Which option would THE PEOPLE support
a) Making a personal vote, at a ballot centre,  leading to a legal vote but understanding some with illnesses or worrying  about illness may be unable to vote
b) Making a postal ballot leading to a fraudulent vote where anyone, repeat anyone, can have a say in determining the future of YOUR country as a Citizen and tax payer
Note that illnesses affect both Republican and Democrats which would make option (a) both legal and fair
I don't even think that BLM as an organisation or a movement is even in the context of what it claims to be. I honestly think it's just another group that slapped a family friendly name on itself as a justification for the shit that they're pushing and doing. And if you speak up against the things they push/do then you're a "racist" because you're going against an organisation/movement called BLACK lives matter. Same shit goes with ANTIFA, they slap a family friendly name on it and use it as a justification for the shit they do, and if you speak against them then that must mean that you're a "fascist" because you're speaking against a group called ANTI-fascism. Like, no, maybe I just don't like you going around burning cities to the ground and attacking people for simply having a different opinion if even that.
Its basically a bunch of kids who feel cheated by the world because they see all these well off people around em yet they never put in the work.This movement gives these kids a "cause" were they actually feel like they are accomplishing something for once in their lives... they are convinced they are doing it for good yet they are just a bunch of ignorant kids who never did any research either and it was also a great way for people to self advertise by making BLM insert product or song. you didn't even have to like the song or make a good song, it just had to be about BLM.
The elite people are starting this to divide us all  and it so obvious conquer and divide . 
The elite people who run the world and control the wars want us fighting with each other. 
The solution is love and work together people. Love you all no matter your race or what you look like

I've got no time for Extinction Rebellion, but compare how they're being treated to the BLM protestors who were violent and committing serious acts of vandalism. Or how Piers Corbyn can be fined a small fortune yet the organisers of the BLM protests get off scot-free. They're using tough tactics on pretty harmless people to try and give the illusion of authority, just as they threw out Windrush migrants to give the impression the Home Office has a tough stance on migration. Don't be fooled, ER and the like are probably the lesser problem than a corrupt and partisan police force.

I'll tell you what? The level of intelligence in this country today is appalling! It's shocking! In 1986, you'll find there was a major change in the British education system?. It saw the very good O'Level and CSE's done away with, and replaced with this thing they call GCSE's? Have people ever bothered to look how they're being taught today? Today it's not an education? It's only a memory test? They're not taught who worked something out? Or how that person came to figure that something out? Or even what led them to work that something out? Today they're merely told, this is how we do something, (that plus that, minus this, etc) is how we work that something out, so remember it, write it down, and they move on? And man oh man, doesn't it show? We now live in... “New Times”. 

The times of the dunce. 
Times of the transgender.
Times of the less educated.
Times of those who don't understand & never have understood.
Times that leave you dumbfounded it could ever get this bad.
Times when everything wrong is seen as right. 
Times when what we all know as “right” are now seen as wrong.
Times when racism becomes acceptable (as long as you mean it the “right” way).
Times when common sense is as fashionable as pulling teeth.
Times when cool means gay, gay means right, and normal is just a boring distant memory.
Times when supporting your football club means hating everything about it.
Times we see political leaders threatening countries on social media platforms, or using those platforms to manipulate opinion with lie after lie.
Times when truth is frowned upon and lies are the accepted norm.
Times when opposition parties question nothing. 
Times that sees intelligence censored & dumbness rewarded. 
Times when the POTUS can't spell simple words like “liar”. 
Times when having a real opinion is seen as a problem.
Times when illegal can sometimes be legal.
Times when something legal can be classed illegal.
Times when corporations make the law, and only those shareholders benefit from the law.
Times when companies decide what tax they're going to pay.
Times when loving home and country means you're a communist or Nazi today. 
Times when pointing out the obvious becomes a regular thing. 
Times when terrorism is graded by brutality, head chopping is moderate, but fighting against it is extremist terrorism.
Times when the people cheer their president for breaking international law.
Times when killing and murdering people in others countries (while stealing their assets and siphoning off their oil resources) sees the people from the thieving country, chant their country's name, rather than fight against it.
Times when protesting about one black man's murder, means violence, looting, smashing, & stealing.
Times when protesting against your own governments admitted terrorism ... “Just isn't worth it”, those lives don't matter. 
Times that are setting up perfectly for the USA's push for war. 
New times Indeed.

You have to laugh really? The worlds gone mad? The backward have all found a voice in Trump? So now we have to suffering hearing backward opinions on absolutely everything? LOL. And when you point out to them just how dumb they are? And why they're dumb? All you'll get back will be some hilariously childish threat, or name-calling? And they're also all the people we saw wanting to remain in the EU? None can spell our own language or even type a coherent sentence? It's shocking! But there you go, this is what happens when you end up with entire societies lacking in any sort of education? You couldn't make it up. The UK is finished. Gone. And will never be back.

Freedom of speech is something we will all stand up and fight for ,it’s a core value of the UKs identity.
Whether we agree with the theme or not we do have to stand up for their right to protest.
So long as they do not break the law they have the right to protest.
It is the duty of those who do not agree ,to put forward counter arguments and evidence for their point of view.
The left wing are still part of our great nation and we should listen to their concerns and enact on those that warrant action.
There will always be extremists at both ends of the spectrum , they need to be heard but disproved ,as wrong ,firmly.
We may not agree , we may think they are mislead , but we absolutely have to allow the right to voice the opinion.

What General Weygand has called The Battle of France is over.

The battle of Britain is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilisation. Upon it depends our own British life and the long continuity of our European/Russian neighbours. 
The whole fury and might of the enemy must very soon be turned on us? Trump knows that he will have to break us on this island, break us across Russia, and break the European continent, or lose the war. If we can stand up to him? All Europe and all Russia, may be free, and the life of the world may move forward into broad sunlit uplands. 

But if we fail? Then the whole world, including all Europe, including our neighbours Russia, and Including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of American tyranny, a new dark age made more sinister and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of a perverted science. 
Let us therefore, brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that if the British Isles and its European/Russian neighbours last for a thousand more years, men will still say this was their finest hour.

America ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word — Victory. Victory at all costs—Victory in spite of all terror, Victory however long and hard the road may be, for without Victory, there is no survival under American tyranny. 

In War: Resolution — In Defeat: Defiance — In Victory: Magnanimity — In Peace: Goodwill.

We ask no favours of the enemy. We seek from them no compunction, on the contrary, if tonight the people of Britain were asked to cast their votes whether a convention should be entered into (to stop the bombing of all American cities), an overwhelming majority would cry, “No, we will mete out to the Americans the measure, and more than the measure, they have meted out to the rest.” The people of Britain with one voice would say to Trump: “You have committed every crime under the sun. Where you have been the least resisted, there, you have been the most brutal.''
It was you who began the indiscriminate bombing! We remember Iraq? Where you lied to the British people?. We remember Libya? We have been newly reminded of your habits by the hideous massacre in Syria? We know too well the bestial assaults you're making upon the Syrian people, with your paid for terrorism? We will have no truce or parley with you, or the grisly gang who work your wicked will! You do your worst! — and we will do our best! Perhaps it may be our turn soon? Perhaps it may be our turn now?

The gratitude of every home on our island, In Europe, In Russia, and indeed throughout the world (except in the abodes of the guilty), goes out to the British, Russian, and European airmen, who undaunted by odds, unwearied in their constant challenge and mortal danger, are turning the tide of World War lll by their prowess and their devotion and love of free life. “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few”.

Britain, Europe, and Russia fighting for our belief in our own freedom? Against the United States of Global Terrorism fighting for full global control and dominance both financially and militarily — American Tyranny in other words. You decide!

And this is how every real Brit would be thinking? Or should be thinking? Because this is how we've all been brought up? This is what we've all been brought up believing in! Tell us Americans, what is it you've all been brought up believing in? I need to ask, as it's so clearly nothing like we have? 

The Irony, is quite a sick Irony too? Because we British always fight against all attempts at tyranny, and always have? Only the UK has fought for the people's freedom against EVERY attempted effort at tyranny in our worlds modern history.

Whether tyranny over Europe, or over the World? The UK has always fought against it, (and is unbeaten doing so). We British could never support this clear and obvious attempt by the USA at global military control, as well as, global financial control? Because, that is what always becomes global tyranny. We will fight against it though, but never for it.

Before every war in history, as soon as the people have found out it's heading to war, we've often seen enormous shifts in alliances, many times with some of the most unexpected alliances being formed, while the usual alliances get broken, and at times, by the demands of the people themselves. Every War in history has seen this, hopefully it will be no different this time.

Every War in history has been lost by the country trying for domination, control or global tyranny. Not one has ever won, countries with some of the largest, greatest, most enormous military's ever seen at that time, have all lost, and not only lost but all have been annihilated. The American people would be very wise to remember that. Because there's a reason for that…

When you're fighting for the right reasons? Fighting against attempted tyranny or oppression? You all learn very quickly to overcome anything thrown at you, you fight with all your might, everyone around you is the same, so you easily outfight anyone that's fighting for tyranny, or fighting for the wrong reasons, as those troops all lack any real sort of fight. So no matter what, or how many weapons they may have, they can't ever match the fight against them. 

We see this in every war throughout history, over and over again, we also always see that the troops all fighting for the righteous reasons, like their own country's freedom, always seem to become invincible! Every War is the same. It will be no different this time, only the annihilation might be much more severe, but just as deserved.

My country Great Britain, must move away from this USA stranglehold on us. Today Britain supporting the USA, is no different to us supporting Nazi Germany in 1939! We fought a World War and many smaller wars to prevent tyranny of any kind. Now today, we're seen supporting the USA's attempt at global control, both financially and militarily, ''Tyranny'' in other words, only this time its American tyranny. 

We always fight against that? It's in our blood, we'd never support tyranny, not for anyone or any reason! We'd rather die first. If any UK government tried to support the USA in a major War today? This country would fall into all-out Civil War, before any of us would allow that to happen. We'd fight against it though? We'd be once again, on the right side of history, fighting tyranny for our freedom, as otherwise, we must surely know that soon, it will be our turn?

The level of intelligence in this country today is absolutely shocking! Who ever believed we'd ever see British people as uneducated, if not even more uneducated than the American? It's so embarrassing. You have to laugh really? The worlds gone mad? The backward have found a voice? So now we have to suffering hearing backward opinions on absolutely everything? LOL. And when you point out to them just how dumb they are? And why they're dumb? All you'll get back will be some hilariously childish threat, or name-calling? And they're also all the people we saw wanting to remain in the EU? But there you go, this is what happens when you end up with entire societies lacking in any sort of education? You couldn't make it up. The UK is finished. Gone. And will never be back.

Everybody in the world is scared of us. We see how all of Europe really thinks? LOL Hate, pure hate, anyone would think it was them that was saving Europe over and again throughout history? Far from ever saving Europe? Spain, France and Germany have all tried for their own tyranny over Europe! Each of them tried and nearly succeeded, so we had to defeat them and their efforts of tyranny over all Europe. As we always did? Only Britain has fought against every attempt at tyranny in our worlds modern history, whether tyranny over Europe, or over the world, Britain has always fought against it, and is undefeated doing so. Yet they look at us as a threat? Why? 

Oh I see? The last time this little Island was left to her own devices? She got bored one day, so decided to go out to play on the ocean. And was so popular she made many friends and brought 1/3rd of the planet home for tea. LOL. They're all crapping themselves as they've lost control haha.

I return you many thanks for the honour you have done me, but Europe is not to be saved by any single man. England has saved herself by her exertions, and will, as I trust, save Europe by her example ~ Prime Minister William Pitt the younger ~ 1799.

“Where Napoleon failed, I shall succeed. I shall land on the shores of Britain” ~ Adolf Hitler 1940.

I am, myself, full of confidence that if all do their duty? If nothing is neglected? And if the best arrangements are made? (as they are being made). We shall prove ourselves once again, able to defend our Island home, to ride out the storm of war, and to outlive the menace of tyranny, if necessary for years, if necessary ALONE! 

At any rate, that is what we are going to try to do! That is the resolve of His Majesty’s Government (every man of them). That is the will of Parliament, and the will of the nation. The British Empire and the French Republic, linked together in their cause and in their need, will defend to the death their native soil, aiding each other like good comrades to the utmost of their strength.

Even though large tracts of Europe, and many old and famous States have fallen, or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo, and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag nor fail. We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and on the oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills, we shall never surrender. ~ Sir Winston Churchill ~ July 1940.

What a great day?
400 illegal pull into our shores today, no doubt all put up in swanky 5* star hotels
All courtesy paid for by our British government using British hard earn tax  payers money, fantastic
Meanwhile we get the  News off BBC? 2. 5  Million children in the  UK are living below the poverty line and are starving, due to schools not providing  Free school meals anymore, because it is not safe to open school canteens, cos of Corona virus?, I pay my taxes to pay for stuff like this, I don't want to see any child starving in this country!  
We can debate on who's fault this is to kingdom come?  But we all know children need to be fed, it is not their fault their living conditions are dire Government wants to get school canteens up and running again ASAP, bollocks to this corona virus, use my tax pounds on feeding school children that need this free service, and not waste our tax money on saving illegals, potential rapists, kiddy fiddlers, Isis terrorists!!
We lived in a very sad State today 2.5 million children going hungry, I feel so sad that we has a great country in 2020 have digress to this, We should be beyond this, we do not live in the 1980's anymore,
I thought them horrible days were behind us! There is a new  cancer in this country a lefty cancer,
And we don't need it we don't want to hear it!, this cancer needs to be sorted out now before it destroys our great country! LEAVE it too late and we will have more than 2.5 Children starving to worry about!

And not forgetting the thousands of children who fell victim to sexual predators like Saville, Glitter, Rolf Harris, Stuart Hall, and other sexual offenders including Dave Lee Travis the Hairy Cockflake, Peter Dean, Chris Denning, John Earle, Alan ‘Fluff’ Freeman, Jonathan King, John Peel, James Raven, Freddy Starr, not forgetting the Payola Scandal in which BBC Radio DJs were bribed with prostitutes to promote certain music on their show. That was in the 1970s but even now the PEDO Broadcasting Corporation are covering up the sexual offences and body trafficking that led to the conviction of the grooming gangs. To cap it all you’ve got talent less twats like Lineker calling pensioners gammon because they voted Brexit. Some of those old people fought in WW2 or worked in munitions factories whilst the Krauts bombed us and now they’ve got to pay for a TV licence so that all the nonces, transvestites, Marxists, globalists and overrated footballers can give it large whilst half the country is heading to dole office?!?!? Defund the BBC? We’re too tolerant! Off with their head in Trafalgar Square! Pedo supporting scum!
Demoralizing,destabilizing,crisis,new normal 
The fascist will call others fascist
The racist will call others racist 
The evil will call you evil
The evils will hide behind a name that sounds helpful and justified and is good when its its anything but (BLM,Antifa) This is all happening now

I never cared if you were “gay“ until you started shoving it in my face, and the faces of our children.
I never cared what colour you were, until you started blaming my race for your problems.
I never cared about your political affiliation until you started to condemn me for mine.
I never cared where you were born until you wanted to erase my history and blame my ancestors for your current problems.
I never cared if you were well-off or poor, until you said you were discriminated against, when I was promoted because I worked harder.
I never cared if your beliefs were different from mine until you said my beliefs were wrong.
Now I care and my patience and tolerance are gone.
I’m not alone in feeling this way there are millions of us who do and we have had enough
I never cared if you were "gay" until you started shoving it in my face, and the faces of my children.
I never cared what colour you were, until you started blaming my race for your problems. 
I never cared about your political affiliation until you started to condemn me for mine. 
l never cared where you were born until you wanted to erase my history and blame my ancestors for your current problems. 
I never cared if you were well-off or poor, until you said you were discriminated against when I was promoted because I worked harder.
I never cared if your beliefs were different from mine, until my beliefs were wrong.
I never cared that T.V programmes are just a distraction for mind control.
I never cared about left and right until right became wrong and left smashed up the town peacefully.
I never cared about labels until you labelled me bad because I don't agree with your opinion.
I never cared what you ate until you make me eat it .
I never cared that you harvested my data until you used it against me and made yourself wealthy.
I never cared when you screamed conspiracy theory until it turned out to be true.
I never cared NOW I CARE My patience and tolerance are gone.
I'm not alone in feeling this way, there are millions of us who do and we have had enough

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