
Thursday 17 September 2020

Rule Britannia

Rule Britannia was written in 1740 at a time when the Royal Navy was rising in power and successfully countering the Barbary Pirates, Muslim Arabs who had been raiding coastal settlements around Europe, clearing them of their populations, and capturing shipping to enslave the crews. The Barbary pirates went as far as Ireland & Iceland & over one million were taken all to be sold in the slave markets of North Africa and the Middle East. On one occasion in June 1631 in a small Irish harbour village  Baltimore in West Cork, Ireland  practically every one was captured and became Galley slaves, amongst other slave positions.  Two people manage to return to Ireland many years later.  There is a book detailing the event "The stolen village: Baltimore & the Barbary pirates by Des Ekin."
"Britons never, never, never shall be slaves" refers to the successes of our Navy in reducing the trade and has nothing to do with any other slavery. The Barbary Pirates were eventually put out of business over 70 years later, by the concerted action of the UK & US navies.
After the parliamentary act of 1834, all slaves were emancipated and became British citizens. So indeed "Britons never never will be slaves" is correct.

In 1807 the British government with an unanimous vote decided in the abolishing of slavery and in 1808 established West Africa Squadron at great cost & lives (1000 sailor died during the campaign lasting 50 years) which the UK only just recently paid the debt back to the Rothschild's in 2015.
The origin of the word "slave" comes from the white Balkan tribe, the "Slavs", who, along with any other non-Muslim people they could capture, were enslaved by the Ottomans for many hundreds of years. The Hungarians were the buffer state between Christian Europe and the invading hordes. 
Unfortunately, the "woke" won't like the fact that white Caucasians were enslaved  The left woke would like to rewrite history blaming the white race for all of slavery that ever occurred world wide.  Which is far from the truth, with black African tribal kings selling their captured prisoners of war into a life of slavery to the white man.  But one thing is for sure it was the whites who eventually made it illegal & did everything in they're power to abolish it.  Unfortunately it still occurs in certain countries.

It is strange that these modern-day "anti-slavery" never seem to place any blame on the Africans that supplied a vast amount of fellow Africans to the European/Asian slave-trade - it's all whitey or nothing . there were entire civilizations in Africa that were founded and thrived on this practice and guess what - they weren't whiteys .I'm waiting for the day when a defamatory hack media talking head actually has enough guts to ask a black activist about the African complicity in slavery and how they are correcting the wrong by agitating for reparations from the nations of Africa.
Typically in conflict there's the attacker and the defender. Attacks generally provoke defense. So who is the aggressor in this culture war? 
The weaker ideology is the one that usually has to justify itself, so this is crazy to me. These people need to be pointed at by a laughing crowd wherever they go. They need to be put back where they belong playing defense.
The ambition of these people is always the same, which is to de-legitimise the culture of Western countries by means of trashing its history and achievements and replacing them with shame and self-hatred ie. making your enemy attack itself, and this could work too as these can indeed be powerfully destructive forces.
The goal is quite simply to then replace the culture with one that looks and behaves like you instead.
Western Civilization is being challenged by those who know do not wish to learn, do not wish to understand, and do not know humour either.  The countries of Western Civilization allows them these groups to voice their opinions and views, and they choice to try and shout out the voice of others who they do not wish to hear, and only want their voices heard, which for the most part are not worth hearing. How much more do we need people to be open minded, none at all, people are listening and people are willing to discuss, but sadly no one on those sides want to. Rather they wish to live in a victim mentality and a skewing at the historic narratives of the past to look at the smallest details and nothing else. What bullshit. Interesting how the left's stupid talking points are applied whether they're attacking Trump, Farage, Johnson, etc it's all the same nonsense about "No, we're not doing any of these bad things, that's just XXXX trying to distract from all the bad things he's done..." and of course never stating any specifics. I know how the US can fix this problem. Its rather simple and inelegant. The time for talk is over and the only good commie is a dead one. During the Cold War, the Canadian government disappeared communists. Maybe the US should start doing the same. 

Point of order. The Oluwole family emigrated from Ghana within the past fifty years or so. Their ancestors might have owned slaves and were continuing it until the advent of British rule in the 1870's. For him to sit in judgement of Britain over the issue of slavery while his ancestors continued it as the West Africa Squadron of the Royal Navy was putting a stop to it, at the cost of British lives, is repulsive and offensive to me personally.
Straight away, this ideologue espouses in such a divisive way, where he claims to know what, 'white people', think and simultaneously claims to represent what non-white people think, when in reality, the only person he thinks for, (if you can even call it that), is himself.  He's nothing more than a self-aggrandising, 'expert', on nothing other than how to race-bait and speak on behalf of people he hasn't the faintest idea how they think or feel on any of this.  And yet, he keeps getting invited onto television to push his blatant anti-British, anti-white agenda.  Ironically, the only for it is because he isn't white or British.  There is no, 'controversy', to be had, here, except that which these ideologues create.  If the media did as it should and ignore such activists, they would eventually disappear up their own rear ends.  But, seeing as the media are largely instrumental in keeping this nothing burger going for all that it's worth, (because it's quicker and easier than actually finding real things to report on), they're going to keep on giving these insignificant ideologues air-time in order to spout their nonsense to the nation.  The further irony that individuals like this can claim that those against his position are the ones starting a, 'culture war', when he and his ilk are the ones pushing divisive and subversive agendas all of the time.

To top it all off, he states he knows nothing about the Proms or any of the songs sang in it, and yet is so aggrieved by the idea that people are allowed to sing such songs just because they have words in them he doesn't like the sound of, that he's realised he can try to gain some kind of political notoriety by being against them.  This idiot is nothing more than a shill trying desperately to garner attention from anyone who'll listen to his rantings.  And, of course, the mainstream media oblige him and give him air-time, like the politically correct bunch of doofuses they are.  He hasn't a clue what the songs are about, but he's going to tell us anyway.  As expected, he gets it completely wrong.  He tries to conflate the word, 'slaves', within the song to mean, 'black people', when in reality it has nothing to do with them.  The term, 'slaves', means anyone who is being subjugated, therefore the song is proclaiming that Britain will never be subjugated because they, 'rule the waves.'  Nowhere does it state that, 'slaves', is a reference to, 'black people.'  But this ideology is going to push this nonsense, regardless, despite not knowing the first thing about the song it's from.  He then tries to further conflate the issue by claiming the word, 'slaves', is somehow equivalent to using, 'rape', in a song.  Except, it isn't.  It bears relation whatsoever, but he's going to go with it anyway.  False equivalency.  

Nigel Farage comes back with some perfectly reasonable home truths and all this idiot can do is laugh at that which he blatant refuses to accept or understand because it doesn't fit his narrative.  He knows he's wrong, but he couldn't care less.  He's nothing more than a narcissistic little ideologue getting off on making people despise him for the disingenuous, egregious little toad he is.  For once, it seems those within the mainstream media are calling this idiot out on his, 'protest', and give examples of other national patriotic songs, (anthems), that have the same, 'naughty', words in them, and what does this idiot do?  He destroys his own narrative by saying that it depends on the context they were written in!  If only he applied that logic to Rule Britannia, and Land Of Hope And Glory, then this whole pointless debate would never have had to happen.  But then, he wouldn't have gotten the opportunity to get his face on TV, would he?  Which is pretty much the actual reasoning behind his, 'protest.'  It's all about him and his desire for attention.  Which, surprises no-one. the deeper issue is that Femi & BLM represents the irreconcilable differences two races face when trying to co-exist within the same territory, and this problem is compounded further by ideology (i.e. Antifa, Communism, etc.)
the "melting pot" is actually just a mad house and the BBC supporting the wrong side is just a symptom, and getting all excited about the BBC ~hopefully~ getting their comeuppance is just bashing a few nails in the rotten floorboards.Femi hasn't a clue what the song is about, he just knows the word 'slavery' is in it. It's a bit rich for Britain to continue singing Rule, Britannia when the Royal Navy only has 77 commissioned ships, just saying maybe send a few more pounds in the Royal Navy's direction.
Claiming that the song's lyrics are bragging about the slave trade though is utter BS, it's clearly saying Britain shall never be conquered and subjugated by a foreign power (because Britain rules the waves thus no invaders can land armies on its shores).That BLM self victimisation is irrational,destructive,dividing and hypocrite. it's exactly the same with orthodox muslims calling criticism of islam" islamophobia" while Islam by Law has a death penalty for leaving islam for homosexuality,atheism and blasphemy... even in the 21st century in several Islamic countries. 
We live in crazy times, seems like standing up against this Propaganda is our generations  war.
All in the upper registers due to timidity or hysteria. Lower middle class trying to pass as one tier up or one tier down. Unconvincing use of obscenities. Faux indignation or outrage. Prolix. But giving no evidence of an original insight, or even anything a dispassionate observer could recognise as true.
I cannot believe that Mr Oluwole has no knowledge of the conditions in Britain at the time the song was made, we stopped the trade of slaves years before dealing with the raiders who were enslaving our own citizens!
The facts are that in 1807 the British government with an unanimous vote decided in the abolishing the slave trade, the Barbary Pirates (who had been kidnapping British citizens for hundreds of years, mostly fishermen but on at least one occasion entire villages) were put to bed in 1816, (9 years later) by a multi-national force including the UK and US.
This in itself was an amazing bit of diplomacy given the two powers had just finished fighting each other the war of 1812-1815. The other point, which nobody seems to have mentioned, is that this chaps family/ancestors came to the UK by choice. They were free to come  and if he finds the country so objectionable why bother staying, he is not a slave, Britain has not had slave for hundreds of years and he is free to go; nobody will seek to prevent him doing so.I don't know why the West is so pilloried for engaging in an institution that has existed world-wide since civilization began, It was the West that has led the way in ending the practice. By the way the fight is still not won. Just look to places like Libya, Mali and Sudan to find open instances of the practice holding on or coming back. I wonder if those black lives matter? The word slave literally comes from the word Slav as so many people from the Balkans were enslaved by the Turks and the Barbary pirates. Take a brave man to defend, and argue for, the BBC's craven submission to the progressive identitarian far-left when its remit is to serve the whole nation not a clique's delusional views. So, step forward Femi - a graduate of the Terry Christian School of Cowardice and Imbecility - first class honours. When he goes (Femi) a blue plaque will need mounted above his hovel door with a suitable inscription. He simply hates Britain and will find issue with any anthem.

Rule Victoria:
When Batman and Wurundjeri made agree,
A place for one and all to come and see…
A place that once was for all harmony.
But tyranny took over, and this was not to be!
Yet here we stand and sing united and free:
Dan nor COVID will NEVER make us SLAVES!
Dan nor COVID will NEVER make us SLAVES!

When gold was found and people sought their claim.
From all the lands they came, with tyranny remain…
Lalor and all by-vote swore oaths to refrain.
This was the Stockade; Eureka did they stand!  
And we sing of their liberty across this land:
Dan nor COVID will NEVER make us SLAVES!
Dan nor COVID will NEVER make us SLAVES!

From Federation to World Wars One and Two,
Those before us served by-vote or gun for you…
So freedoms you once had now lost to Flu.
Tyranny’s before us, we consented from fear!
But now return our freedoms, we sing clear:
Dan nor COVID will NEVER make us SLAVES!
Dan nor COVID will NEVER make us SLAVES!

I never cared:
I never cared if you were “gay“ until you started shoving it in my face, and the faces of our children.
I never cared what colour you were, until you started blaming my race for your problems.
I never cared about your political affiliation until you started to condemn me for mine.
I never cared where you were born until you wanted to erase my history and blame my ancestors for your current problems.
I never cared if you were well-off or poor, until you said you were discriminated against, when I was promoted because I worked harder.
I never cared if your beliefs were different from mine, until you said my beliefs were wrong.
I never cared to if I owned a gun until you told me I wouldn’t be allowed to. (or take the ones I own legally)
Now I care, and now my patience and tolerance are gone.
I’m not alone in feeling this way there are millions of us who do and we have had enough

So we should apologize for something in our past that was a bad thing?
Sorry to break it to you but slavery wasn't a bad thing then, or people obviously wouldn't have done it. It's not like people were "Hey this is a really bad thing... Oh well, time to go get some more slaves."
Civilizations perceptions of good and bad change over time.
Should we be ashamed that our viking ancestors raided the UK coastline? Or that our celtic ancestors collected heads? No. If you have a problem with it then it's your problem. Stop being a victim
I don't usually get mad at stuff like this, but to see Femi smirking and laughing while Nigel is talking about the loss of British life during the fight to end slavery, that pissed me off
Nobody seems to recognise the British sailors lives lost and expense by the Royal Navy in fighting slavery worldwide for a century, at a time when it was legal in many countries. "For over a century, Britain stood at the forefront of the push to end [slavery and the slave trade], using much effort, losing many lives, spending much money, and exerting much diplomatic pressure to achieve these goals. Yet, you would not know it today from the narrative from campaigners and activists keen to denigrate Britain’s history and to destroy our sense of identity in and through it."This is fairly basic stuff, it was written at a time deep into the legalities of the slave trade being decided in the UK courts and not to the positive for that industry. It was written at a time when British controlled governors of colonies were declaring slavery illegal or at least extremely morally reprehensible, at a time when such things were not stated. Also Britannia still rules the waves, government choosing not to enforce international law is another thing entirely - it could easily do so if it chose to. The strength of the Anglosphere societies is not so much in their raw power....but in their pliancy. They are willing to bend - quite a bit - to accommodate antagonistic and aggressive ideologies.But pliant things they bounce back, with all that pressure stored up. When that happens, they snap back with force in a direction opposing that antagonistic force. and it's wise not to have your face in the way when they do.

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