
Sunday 10 November 2013

The Banning Of Slang

I read an article in the Daily Mail about an academy that has implemented a banning on the use of slang in the classroom. I agree with this because it means because the English language will get the respect that it deserves in this era of social media. The written language has been butchered  to death with lazy, short hand text-speak, and numeration has taken over words for example to and too is now 2 and for is now 4. The spoken language is atrocious beyond any logical means, there is no understanding of why children and teenagers and to a lesser extent also adults have to end sentences with phrases such as "You get me" or "Yeah innit Blood".
On a personal note, I have bared witness to such language desecration throughout my educational years. From my high school days to college through to university I have not heard such language butchering. It gets to the point of annoyance when you just want to say to them "Just read a book!". I really hope this banning will strike at universities, colleges, and public and private schools and any other places of education because this slang has reached its decline.
In another article also in the Daily Mail a father wrote about how his daughter was speaking slang on the phone to one of her friends and after the conversation she reverted back to speaking normal English. Just I had mentioned earlier how slang was being in banned in the classroom I think it should also be banned at home, and the heart of the problem lies in children. No good employer should have someone in their workforce speaking slang because it will destroy the reputation of the company. In the same article Paul Weller said he would rather have his children in a private school than the local school because of the children speaking in slang all the time.
I think television is also to blame in this, because of some of the programmes it is broadcasting for example, the X Factor which is just a conveyor belt of plastic people who want their fame but do not want to work the hard way by actually picking and learning a guitar or any other instrument or even learning how to sing. Britain's Got Talent is another victim of its own folly, by placing out of place and out of touch people who want their fame through a television show, the word talent is now an oxymoron because of this programme of self indulgent tripe. I hope every contestant of any sort of reality show has their fifteen minutes of fame and just goes away so that real and creative musicians and artists can have material shown because they are the ones who work hard not faux celebrity plastic people.
Then there are the personalities, some are just fine but others live in another world and one such person is Tim Westwood. He is the ultimate abomination of this idiocy in which we are living inside. Despite the fact that he does have a knowledge of rap and hip hop music, it is his ridiculous accent that he has got that is off-putting, and this is why Sacha Baron Cohen created Ali G. Ali G is a parody of Tim Westwood and all these people who put faux gangster accents but the population thought of it as a real person and ate it up and made it so mainstream. Simon Brodkin's Lee Nelson, Matt Lucas' Vicky Pollard and Catherine Tate's Lauren Cooper are all a parody of slang speaking people, it is the equivalent of looking at the mirror in a fairground or theme park and that is how it should remain.
In conclusion I think it is time slang should be banned from the classroom and at home and that is the way it should be enforced and remain. What people do in a social convention is up to them however no slang should come into the doors of a home or a school.

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