
Monday 11 November 2013

Peter Steele RIP

I would like to give my condolences to Joshua Silver, Johnny Kelly & Kenny Hickey and the Steele Family for their loss.
Peter Steele is a veteran in the metal world. Playing in numerous and guesting in hardcore bands, he knew what he wanted to achieve. My introduction to Peter Steele came in 1993/4 when the old MTV used to have the Head-bangers Ball show, the video that I saw was Black Number One from the Bloody Kisses album, I was laughing my ass off during the parts when he was in the shadows and other parts with the band. I got my Type O Negative albums between 1998 and 2003 and I have never looked back on it, the Carnivore material appeared during 2003 so it always stayed fresh in my mind. I saw Type O Negative in 2003 and 2007 and I always came back home with a joker smile on face, it showed I had a good time at the shows. My last encounter with Peter Steele was in 2007 at the Islington Academy with his old band Carnivore which again produced similar results from the Type O Negative shows.
Peter , what can I say, you were an awesome musician and lyricist. The music was there during the good and bad times. I knew you were always a prankster from the metal magazines I read from and the way you used dark humour and irony in the articles. Its funny though I have got your Carnivore picture from 1987 and its my display picture so I know your spirit will be there. Peter thank you for everything from the music to the lyrics that's helped to shape my musical endeavours. If I wanted to turn back time I want to go back to the Islington Academy gig where You & Carnivore played so we can grab a cold one after the show and talk about stuff. Anyway Pete, party it up with Dimebag Darrell and if you see any of my relatives keep them company because we think of them as much as the metal community thinks of you.

See You Later Pete
I will bring the cold ones when I see you on the other side

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