
Monday 11 November 2013

An Open Letter To William Mai

Dear William, you may not remember me but I am Niraj Pandya, the same guy who went to college with you. I am not here to start a fight or plant a pipe-bomb in your presence. I am here though to ask you a series of questions, it is not for you to answer, it is for you for your mind to chew on and sink into your head. So without further adieu here are your questions.

You let me audition for your band and then kick me out without any justification. What was your reason behind this?

Now over the years William I have been getting better at playing guitar and I have become a smarter lyricist to match. You however do not deserve to play in a band or partake in an instrument. I saw you at that gig down at Kentish Town back in 2004 and yourself and your band were terrible. You wanted to be taken seriously but it did not come out right. Now in this situation you appeared to me so grandiose so superior you were just setting me up because of this, with your penis related attitude. But here is something you did not know I was faking it at that club and by the end of the night it must have bruised you pretty badly.

Sometime down the months you let me audition for your band because as you said 'you are my college friend'. I set up my gear, get ready, warm up and wait. So where do you and your band go when I am in preparation. You go out for a cigarette, so rock and roll you are! I do not get one band member saying 'oh hey dude you going to be ok?' or 'do not worry man just play how you feel and we will work on something along the way'. Absolutely zero reassurance to make it through the audition. As far as you are concerned people for you are not equal and whatever crowd or scene you are part of gets special treatment. I play with you guys and I notice something, you and your band cannot play for shit, there is no sort of practice prior to the audition and that is what let the entire day down. You wanted me in to play random riffs and if this is a kick in the nuts you had nothing to work on and you lacked any creativity. Yourself and your band get your panties in a twist and kick me out. You did not ask me just once if I wanted to contribute to something or do anything for your stupid band, it has been always about you the whole world revolves around you. Well I have no sympathy William since that day so next time you see me do not come near or talk to me ever again.

Why were you in college trying so hard to be alternative?

Now Will, just like you even I have had a hard time fitting into a new school/college/ university, at least I did not try as pass myself as something, I did something that you should have done it is called 'go with the flow'. The only thing to do was to study your courses and pass your exams and that was it, but you had to take things further, and that is where I saw your penis related behaviour, everything to you was some fucking competition just to boost your planet sized ego.

I mean didn’t you say to me you liked Funeral For A Friend and you wanted to do a band to sound like them in which you ironically failed. Come on Will just because you like a band does not mean you have to act like them. Seriously how many hours of bass playing did you do a day? Half an hour, maybe an hour or two, because it is ironic that over the years I have fully mastered my instruments but here is the kicker I still want to learn and forge ahead and do what I want to do. You however are so delusional that you want to believe whatever you wanted and from that you did not want to work hard, all you ever wanted was an easy meal ticket for your bright lights
I am so glad that I am not like you but at least I want to do things the hard way and still learn from my mistakes. So whatever you do man just boost that ego of yours and prepare for the tears because I know you have set yourself to fail right from very beginning.

At the audition why were you and your band members getting nit-picky over the music I listened to? And why were you mocking my style of guitar playing?

Now Will, I love all kinds of music, it does not matter what genre but if it feels good and has some backbone to it I will be more than happy to listen to it. I just want to know why you and your band members were all having a pantie twisting contest over the music I listened to. I recall one of your knob jockeys said to me that Sepultura yes that Sepultura was metalcore. If you really want to research about Heavy Metal you should have watched some documentaries to at least get some knowledge but like the ignorant idiot asshole that you are you laughed at me thinking 'oh Niraj is so stupid he does not know about the music that I listen to' If you have tried to get your head out your ass, I have read and researched, and listened to the music that you dearly listened to, so dude if I were you I would done some thorough research before I wanted to know someone else's musical tastes. I saw your band's myspace back in 2006 and this is another kick in the nuts it was vain and vacuous exactly like you. I think you and your little band of knob gobblers were falling apart at the seams and needed to jump onto a bandwagon just for that dollar sign you were looking for but alas it came to no avail. At least I am honest about the things I want to do, if we met in ten years time I swear you will be asking me if I have got wealth and fame. Dude, it is not about that it is about playing to your abilities and having some fucking fun, if all I thought about was money and fame it would not give me the drive to excel at my instruments.

Since this is a two part question, yes you did mock my style of guitar playing, and in all honesty I really do not give a shit from you and I know my parents said the same thing and the same answer goes to them. I play how I feel, I want my guitar to sound a different way, I want to play how I want to play. If I did the same thing over and over again I will get bored. That is what I got out of the audition, your knob guitar player was riffing the same chord and there was no space for me to work with it and no one in that room was not giving me a queue for my guitar to come on and add another dimension, you should have least let me throw in a pinch harmonic or a solo somewhere, and that is why I have gotten so bored of the bands you dearly listen to, it is flat, bland and boring. You should have told your guitar player about other kinds of music to get his playing somewhere. If you really wanted me to be your friend, you should have stuck up for me, but lo and behold it was always about you and the special treatments for you and your penis eating band.


Well William, I hope you have looked at my questions and have had some time to mull over your thoughts of why I did not deserved to be given harsh treatment from you. If not, well I will always think of what you really are, a narcissistic knob jockey with a planet sized ego and the same goes towards your band members past, present and future. Nepotism will not get you anywhere man, but you never saw the signs or heeded for the consequences so do what you want but do not ever give those the same shit you gave to me and yes it will come down harder and you will fucking suffer. I am not here to throw you advice or whatever, I am just giving you something to think about should you ever come into contact with me so I will leave you a quote from Lance Armstrong 'If a person never quit when the going got tough, they wouldn't have anything to regret for the rest of their life. But good luck to you . I'm sure this decision won't haunt you forever.'

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