
Sunday 2 June 2019

The Black Tag & The Millstone

The Black Tag & The Millstone

You like to and want to put me down and say that I am fucking worthless
It is nothing but a perverted theatre to fill your void of fucking nothingness
You want to kick a man when he is down to make the humiliation go further
I hate the sound of your voice and I hate the sound of your fucking laughter
You go around town with your cronies thinking you are some kind of king
I just want you to know that to me your fucking title does not mean a thing

There is nothing inside of you that cannot deal with any kind of comprehension
And you fucking wanted to erase me and delete me from my own very existence
I will despise you I will detest you for every fucking laceration that you have done 
For you have given and I have fucking received to bite the hand that feeds only one
The black tag that is on my skin has been branded and is now burning and tormenting me
The millstone around my neck is so fucking heavy it is drowning me into the cold seas
The black tag that is on my skin has been branded and is now burning and tormenting me
The millstone around my neck is so fucking heavy it is drowning me into the cold seas

I cannot believe of all of the shit you put me through to justify your reasons
Your delusion has no bounds and nothing forever matters to no fucking one 
You want to kick a man when he is down to make the humiliation go further
I hate the sound of your voice and I hate the sound of your fucking laughter
You go around town with your cronies thinking you are some kind of king
I just want you to know that to me your fucking title does not mean a thing

You live and love just for yourself and you do not fucking care if anyone does get hurt
You want to be fucking number one and you want to treat people as if they are just dirt
You live and love just for yourself and you do not fucking care if anyone does get hurt
You want to be fucking number one and you want to treat people as if they are just dirt
If there was a cross made especially for you I will give you a fucking savage crucifixion 
How can you live with yourselves where there is nothing to justify any of your actions
If there was a cross made especially for you I will give you a fucking savage crucifixion 

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