
Wednesday 30 October 2019

Ungrateful People & Greta Thunberg

A Message to all you young people. You are the ones who have air condition in your schools. !! You are the ones who are driven to school instead of walking. !! You are the ones who demand a tv in every room.!! You are the ones demanding playstations to play on without a care where the energy comes from or made. ! .. You are the ones who generate the consumer boom to have the latest phones or games adding to waste that's thrown away.. !! You are the ones who want the latest fashion. made by children in the far corners of the world and paid pennies for and flown over to you.! 
You demand unlimited migration without a care how we will expand our infrastructure to house and feed and treat them.. !! You are the ones helping destroy our planet or are you to thick to understand the part that you play.. !! #just a observation..!!
The biggest single threat to the planet and its climate is overpopulation, much of it down to really believe.Everything flows from it and yet Government policy in virtually the whole of the developed world is to not only prevent questioning of individual rights of people to have as many children as they please but to support them in doing so. Even those continuously bleating on about child poverty deriving directly from people having children they cannot support, and for selfish motivations, won't address the issue. There is no point in talking about climate change whilst accepting an additional billion people to the global population without question.

Greta should be educating people her own age and putting her message through schools throughout the world and her generation and future generations can save the planet.
She irks people because her carbon footprint is forever expanding as she travels the world preaching about climate change. From the clothes she wears to the travelling around California and no doubt onto the rest of the world . She is just another hypocrite.
It's her turn to be used by some climate activist. Good luck. Maybe she can use the money to try going total green in her house and then be able to first hand see how long and the effectiveness before preaching to others. To her statement on politicians listening to scientist, unfortunately, the scientist politicians have been listening to including herself have no qualification in the matter. Real scientist in this matter are kept quiet with threats and they do not want to lose their funding to research from many governments and world bodies.
Thunberg is an alarmist who knows nothing about climate. She espouses the crap she's been sold by the looney left. No real scientist agrees with her. She should shut up and go back to school where she can learn something real about climate. It's always changing, it always has and always will. Solar effect, tilt of the earth, path around the sun are the reasons for change and it's natural and happened many times before. Thunberg manipulated her own mother by going on hunger strikes and taking two and a half hours to eat 5 pieces of gnocchi, her sister did the same. She's not well and is not a role model, expert, or even remotely right.
She can travel all around the world with her entourage as much as she wants but she is making others feel bad or guilty to do the same. Instead of preaching and directing her anger to the Western nations, her efforts should be directed to China and India as they are responsible for the bulk of pollution. They are using and still building fossil fuel power plants on an unprecedented scale . And they are not signed up to the environmental agreements when the rest of western nations are.
When science decides that truth is the way forward then I will side with them but scientists are controlled by industry and they tell lies on its behalf ,this has been proven .Industry has also crucified those who dare to pass differing opinion to the causes of global arming and vaccination so I find it difficult to accept opinions that are motivated by money and backed by politicians who also lie . I will continue to live doing my personal best to not contaminate the planet by buying recyclable products and disposing of them correctly as I always have done ,this works and does not grease the hands of those whose only god is money .So Greta instead of calling names try common sense .China and others will stop producing if we stop buying .
Seems like nothing pleases her which is sad. She could have accepted the award, given the money to an environmental charity, and then encouraged Sweden and Norway to more efforts to help the environment. There are ways to get people to listen to you, unfortunately there are also ways to make them switch off in irritation. Why doesn't she put her drive into studying proper alternative energy rather than shouting and blaming who came before her. She knows NOTHING ! NOTHING at all ! She has read somewhere about the dangers of climate change. She has read other stories denying the dangers of climate change. She decided to believe one side rather than the other. That is her choice. The same choice other people have. She actually knows nothing at at all. All she does is express her opinion based on something she read somewhere. She could have used it for her own education in a science based degree which would provide solutions rather than rhetoric. As she says herself, we need less politicians telling us about the issues and more people to solve it. She's turning into a politician.
I really wish this girl would do her own research and preach at those who need to make huge changes to make a global difference. She is doing her cause damage at constantly preaching at those who are already doing what they can as we getting a little tired of miss uppity.
Greta may be fighting for a very real and good cause however being 16 she lacks the ability to control her emotive expressions and behaviour. Her points although valid often come across as a little girl throwing a tantrum to get as she wishes. Greta might want to look into the growing number of scientists that are questioning the 'man made' climate change theory. Fortunately, there are some brave individuals, in this current environment that seeks to silence those that disagree with the so-called 'scientific consensus,' that are willing to speak out.
I respect Greta for her passion. Its clear that the environment needs our help. But, I'm not comfortable with a teenager, with no understanding of what governments, industries and companies are doing every day to help create a more sustainable way of life. She needs to start complimenting those who are leading the way, which would add weight to her arguments but I suspect she cant, as she doesnt know. People like her are dangerous without people realising. Greta deserves no awards or money, she just needs to go away and leave us alone to enjoy our lives.
September 28, 1924, New York Times reported that there was evidence that the Arctic had actually been tropical in the past & that there was the possibility of a coming Ice Age. The NY Times reported: NATURE is in a strange mood beyond the Arctic Circle, Glaciers are moving from their age-old beds, pouring greater quantities of ice into the sea than recorded history has known. Broad areas of land are sinking to new levels. A number of islands have disappeared. On March 27, 1933, the NY Times reported: America in Longest Warm Spell Since 1776 Temperature Line Records a 25-Year Rise. There have always been overlapping forecasts that swing between global warming to Ice Ages. Journalists love to write alarming stories to capture the attention of readers. This has been going on since 1895. The difference this time has been this issue has been seized by the socialists used as the covert method to push their agenda to control the economy, end independent business, & redistribute wealth.

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