
Thursday 14 December 2023

Donald Trump And US Military

 I see and hear stories every day, I’ve met countless war veteran “losers” throughout my career. I listen to their stories and seen the way war had inspired them to join the military and serve their country without hesitation. And heard in their own words how even knowing what they endured, they would do it again. I feel guilty that I spent 4 years in the military during peacetime wondering if I could have been as courageous as them. Yet their commander in chief pisses on their bravery and sacrifice, while right wing followers support him. Folks it’s time you open your eyes to what this orange clown is doing to our great country! Don’t believe that the wacky liberals are going to do all those things that him and his cronies are saying, because believe it or not we still have a system of checks and balances. But if you can’t see that this guy will do everything in his power to eliminate that sacred system of checks and balances, then we are all doomed. And Glenn is right when he says that in January there should be sweeping accountability, both sides of the aisle not just the right. This public display of contentiousness by our government is poisoning our children! Let’s vote ALL this bad blood out in November and strengthen our resolve before it’s too late. Our forefathers are turning in their graves right now, all the sacrifices they gave to create our country should not be forgotten. They didn’t always get along, but they conducted their job with honor and respect for the man across the aisle, and they gave us the opportunity to make those decisions as free men and women. Open your minds and understand that we are THE United States of America, NOT the Divided States of America. Be well all.
The Enablers are twice as bad as the leader, because they consciously know that which they enable is morally and socially  wrong.

Trump swearing on a stack of “whatever” is laughable. No-one believes that would stop him lying.
Since this person (# 45.) obviously prefers his own fantastic, altenative world, he can also stiffly and firmly assert that he never lies and has never said any of that. After all for him, the real world does not exist in which one can achieve more with diplomacy, skill and scientific knowledge and exchange than with hatred, lies and bullies
It is hard for a true coward like Trump to understand genuine bravery and heroism. God bless you, John McCain.
A “Loser” is someone who supported Trump in 2016. A “Sucker” is someone who still does.
These soldiers and military people are on the frontline for the safety of the country. Just like the nurses and doctors and other health workers. Thank you for your service.
“...I like soldiers who don’t get captured.”  Translate to Trumplish: “I like crooks who don’t get caught.” Hey, he’s our Commander In Cheat.
Imagine how pissed off the Marines guarding him are. He desecrated their defining legacy. Personally, I prefer a President that doesn't pay off his real estate debts with our nation's intelligence.
Good point. I wonder how many Secret Service agents are former military
I never did serve in the military, and that fact makes me the "sucker" and the "loser"!  It is an experience  in understanding discipline, and I do not mean time-outs, or penalties. I mean, the understanding of how to work together and get things done.   Our military is made up of amazing people -- all of them.
So the "suckers and losers"  in my family are, my Paternal Grandfather killed in WW1 in the trenches at Ypres, my Maternal Grandfather returned from those same trenches in WW1 a gassed and broken man. I'll include my Father who wanted to enlist in WW2 but wasn't accepted as he was in a job where he was needed, engineering munitions.  My Uncle killed at sea in WW2,  my brother, brother in law, many many friends. This person who's never served his country in anything doesn't deserve to speak their names.

Cassius Clay was willing to go to prison because he didn’t believe in war Donald Trump was willing to go to the golf course
Muhamed  Ali was a hero he stood up for his principlles and endured the consequences, he didn't resort to  the bone spurs defence.
A lot of people want the benefits of being American but none of the responsibilities.

 When I heard about the bounties paid on the heads of our troops in Afghanistan by Putin, I was enraged. I served in the USN in the Navy Dental Corps until I was sent to Alameda to engage in various research programs. My husband spent 8 years in the United States Marine Corps, which molded him into to honorable, loyal, determined man he is today. He then felt the absolute need to re-enlist in Michigan’s Air National Guard, all the while working for FCA. He is a veteran of Operations Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Iraqi Freedom, Afghani Freedom, and Enduring Freedom, during which he sustained LOD injuries to both knees, requiring surgery on both. The deployments were hellish, required running back and forth to his work station on bad knees in 140 degree heat, to his billet, and even after he contracted food poisoning from thawed and re-frozen eggs. He was awarded often for the fact that he and his wingmen knew that every gau-8 on every A-10 he repaired or loaded, not one misfired, jammed, each one returned its pilot safe and whole after flying nonstop to provide close air support for Delta Forces which assisted in taking out Abu Sayyaf. They just missed Al-Baghdadi and, had flown to rescue rescue Kayla Mueller and Yazidi women. Sadly, they missed saving Kayla, but freed the Yazidis who are now in the US and taking Um Sayyaf prisoner. 

Yes - those stupid airmen from Michigan, trying to rescue an American girl, while getting injured and sick, staying until every mission was flown with complete success and caring for aircraft so they could, in fact, fly 7-8 hours straight in a titanium bathtub, provide cover for his Marines, and soldiers to ensure they would not be F’ing idiots and suckers buried in Arlington. I’m certain that my husband would have been honored to march in any parade, but he wouldn’t have been able to do so. And as we know, injuries happen only happen suckers who are too stupid to avoid being injured pulling loading equipment out of 140 degree melted asphalt because they were declined a truck to do so. 

This is not unique, as you surely know. Upon reading the Atlantic article, I couldn’t be enraged. I know what we have to do to remove someone as close to a traitor to our country as Trump is.

My husband cannot or should not walk without an unloader brace and was found unfit to continue because he couldn’t do part of his annual PT test. That said, he fought the possible separation for almost 2 years, appealing and appealing all the way up to the Sec. of the AF, in order to stay in. This was his life and it did and still make him proud. He appealed over a long enough period of time to get his full medical retirement. 

You can take the man out of the military, but so often, thankfully, you cannot take the military out of the man. This President is a coward, a seriously unwell man, and reviewing all he is hand has done, was better left in the US suffering his own private Vietnam in clubs trying to satisfy his needs relative to female attention. He would have been fragged in ‘nam for what would surely have been behavior which got his useless fellow soldiers maimed or killed, and of course, for insubordination. 

This Atlantic article put a great deal of information about Trump in logical but startlingly clear perspective when added to the behavior we have watched over the years and forgotten about after being stunned in disbelief. 

Trump is, yes, pathologically transactional. All of his verified and vetted and cross checked behavior and speech is in the public consciousness now. 

But it must also be instructive. He learned he was worthless to his father unless he made money for his father. His own children know that they exist and have only been allowed to exist to make him money, no matter how. If Don Jr. had enlisted as he had wanted to, perhaps he wouldn’t have turned out as he has, but he would have been disinherited and disowned if he chose any profession other than one which enriched his father. Similarly Tiffany’s fate. And sadly for poor Barron, his fate is sealed by both of his miserable parents. 

If this is the manner in which Trump has always viewed the military, anyone who disagrees with him, anyone who tells him no, anyone who makes him look as small 
and perversely petty as he is, anyone who tells him that they are NOT loyal to him, but to our constitution and all American’s, and only engages in transactions with those who make him feel stronger or from whom he gets promises, or from someone who has most certainly cultivated him over a long time as a Russian asset, (I surmise), taking his enabling buddies Barr and McConnell along with him, then it is completely logical that, Trump being Trump, would have fully believed that bounties put on the lives of American military heads by Putin, would work out in his favor in some perverse way. Trump wins, and at least 3 named servicemen were to stupid to know that Trump and Putin were trading their lives for favors. Their lives and families still mean nothing to Trump, and he will not feel any need to clarify any of these transactions to the American people. He’s has such malicious transactional genius that no one will understand it, right? 

He owes nothing to the American people, because he managed to be elected through illegal means which he still openly asserts is not wrong. He is the law.  He owes only to those authoritarian murderers who ensured he would be installed in this puppet regime so as to help both Putin and his exceedingly wealthy “friends”. 

As I cast this line of reasoning out further, beyond his obsessive need to perform with the lives of others being used as stage props or “extras”, I cannot accept that he believes any differently about anyone else. Everyone belongs to him and if they question him, fail, talk, and so forth, he will turn them too. We must remember that this man is venal and vengeful and never forgets what he perceives to be disloyalty.  The problem is that those who are currently being used know it and accept it as transactional for them, (his enablers: McGahn, McConnell, DeVos, and Miller, to name a few), OR they do not. Those who do not include anyone he uses as a prop in the Oval Office, police and members of public safety, members of the various Federal departmental or Bureau of Prisons police, mounted DC capitol police, and those chosen to incite and assault peaceful demonstrators and 
protesters. Photo ops with a “stack of whatever” (eg, an upside down bible) after his excellency has had HIS troops violently clear the streets. They are all his props in a dystopian reality show. The police, any acting whomever will become stupid, an idiot, a fool, (things he himself fears or furiously denies being characterized as). All of these police whom he had conned into adoration, all of these governors who are willing to sacrifice their states’ citizens for the sake of some never-arriving favor, all of the Qanon, alt right, fascists and white supremacists and nationalists will nothing but losers to him and for their own sake. The jugs of Koolade are just being delivered in bulk. Some of these people may be good people, but he’s burrowed into their consciousnesses just as he did with the viewers of his TV shows and all of the people he conned. 

So, now I just have to determine why people fall for it. Trump, this hateful psychopath, (because of all of his psychological personality disorder comorbidities), who has bern the only one to mention mini-strokes relative to his being unwell, is repugnant and dangerous. With FOX now validating all of these encounters, what do those who sit and clean their AK’s in Michigan’s UP, many who are veterans, do with this information? How do their brains make sense of this with their vitriolic anger and fear? What do the police who are used only to meet his agenda and then are disposed of or are stupid when they peel off because the lightbulb finally turns on?

Logic Matters.
Truth Matters.
Reality Matters.
Justice Matters. 

But to get started on the right path to a long healing period, frightened and confused people must be assured that violence will only play into his end game. The side of right must watch for openings tactically and strategically. We must not foment violence, but support one another, and acknowledge and support those who are or will be hurt, confused, and see the emperor without his clothes for what and who he is. They will need patience - and justice - too. 

This idiotic mobster monster will be doing very dangerous things very soon. He will either leave the country, start a war somewhere, do himself harm, or skip the country as he fights election results. No suggestion or dog whistle by him must be accepted without question. Our 4th estate must stay even further in front of Trump. And every excellent legal mind left must be hyper-vigilant as well.  

Truth will out. Truth matters. No - FACTS matter.  Truth can be subjective.  But we must always ensure the knowledge we have or gain is vetted, we always have to bear in mind that as goes Trump, so go the more insidious, venal, conniving, and morally bankrupt people around him. They will do anything to protect themselves and can only - they believe - do that be protecting him. 

To all of those who have served or are still serving our country, thank you for all you have sacrificed for us.Absolutely!  This administration and its enablers must be held accountable.  If we do not hold each one of them accountable, the criminal cancer they represent will metastasize.
Can you imagine a child or grandchildren hearing their President speaking about the loss of their parent in this way, how they must be feeling. These children have given the greatest sacrifice of all to their country the loss of a father or mother. Remember Mr President they gave their life so you can enjoy your wonderful life you have in  FREEDOM
Can you also imagine how those little Latinos kids are feeling been taken away from parents and placed in CAGES!!!????

The disrespect on anyone actually giving their life to serve others is something only to be expected from someone never serving any other than himself...get this draft dodger out of office please!!!
Donald Trump will never be a hero for anything in his whole life
I'd like to add that there are 2 types of draft dodgers. One took great courage to refuse to go to an unjust war. The other, had daddy buy his way out & then pretend to love our military. He only loves the "toys", not the PEOPLE.

I couldn't agree more.. I too am extremely proud of my Dad who served in the US Army during WW2.. I'm also equally proud of my brother who also served in the US Army during the Vietnam War.. Neither of them were suckers or losers.. Both proudly wore our flag into battle upholding their commitment and responsibilities to our Nation during War time.. They both answered the call without hesitation or reservation.. They had to say goodbye to family just like all servicemen do..Not knowing if they would ever return home again.. They defended each other on the battlefield laying it all on the line.. My Dad didn't talk much about his experience but, I remember the pride in his voice as he described what it was like to be right there on a Philippine Beach after the Battle of Leyte Gulf..My father was a Military Police Officer Sargeant who had the distinct privilege to be deployed as part of General Douglas McArthur's Security Team.. My Dad got to witness McArthur's fulfilment of the promise he made to the Philippine people.. It was when he had been forced to retreat as Japanese forces overwhelmed the Gulf of Layte capturing over 80 thousand American soldiers.  Then leading them on what was to be known as the Bataan Death March..
 During this infamous trek, known as the “Bataan Death March,” the prisoners were forced to march 85 miles in six days, with only one meal of rice during the entire journey... McArthur's promise was finally realized on Oct 20, 1944 when the General waded ashore on Leyte island to go on radio and announce the Liberation of the Philippine people from the Imperial forces of Japan.. There are photos of MPs in frame on all sides of the General.. Dad was with that detail and can be seen in several of the historic photos from the Liberation... So my Dad was no Sucker or Loser.. He did his duty and served honorable.. He came home carrying the memories of those friends who had given their last full measure of devotion to our Nation by making the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedoms,  our truths, as well as our very way of life.. There were no places for my dad to go to talk about the traumatic loss of friends or how it feels to be talking to someone one second only to be stunned by a artillery round the next.. The ringing in the ears. The moment you take looking at your own arms and legs to assess whether you were still all in one piece or not. . .Then that realization hits you as you recall talking to your buddy who's body now lays dead in two separate section before your eyes in disbelief.. My Dad came home to my Mom as well as my older brother Nick's arrival..His first Son..Then came Ron who served in Vietnam honorably..  So my point is this, HOW HAS DONALD TRUMP Done with answering our Nation's call to duty?? Trump bought himself a Doctor who would write medical deferments stating Trump's limited ability to walk any long distances disqualifies him from serving,,Not once but 5 separate deferments protecting Trump from any legal action being taken against him for failing to report for induction into the Vietnam War Effort.  While 55 Thousand Americans decided to keep their integrity and honor they should up,, got on a plane headed way down yonder to Vietnam and guess what??? They all left their lives there..The average age of these 50k soldiers was 19 years old. . . . They NEVER came back yet Trump calls them Losers & Suckers?? As a proud Democrat I make it no secret that I will never support Trump in any capacity.. He has called our co equal branches of government and oversight check & balance Committee's that are tasked with the enormous responsibility of keeping the President and his policies within the boundaries of Congressional Law.. He calls them a threat to us all as the new enemy of the State... Wtf America? Where is all that cutthroat Hitler like talk coming from?? I as a Democrat am now classified as an enemy of the State?? You got me all wrong see..I'm not an enemy of the state YOU CANT MAKE THIS SHIT UP!!!!

" He has no principles and you can't trust him......and the Lying !!!"- Retired Federal Judge, Maryanne Trump Barry, the eldest sister of Donald Trump.
He didn’t just attack veterans. But the ones that gave their all.
Policemen , Fireman , Smoke jumpers , EMTs and so many others , They Should be included as they devoted them selves to serving others without expecting riches , many giving everything while trying to save lives .

 I take this opportunity to humbly thank the men and women who served in any capacity, in any branch of our armed services. I am desperately hopeful that you can hear~you are revered for your selflessness, your hero's act for choosing to serve, regardless of the impact on your lives. I thank you for all you dealt with wherever you served, here or overseas, for however long. That choosing alone, makes of you a hero. And there are So many more reasons. Please pay no  attention to the "animal" who trashed you~remember he said only an animal would speak so. Out of his mouth. In spite of him and all those who continue even now that all has been verified, to work to make him king, I'm proud to live in these the United States of America. Because of your choice. Take good care
First time I’ve heard anyone mention “Accountability”. It’s the only thing That’s keeping hope alive for me. The murdering trigger hungry police, criminally negligent Congress and the corrupt administration, my hope for America dies if they’re not held accountable for their actions.

What the US people now should do: get the people who where hearing DT saying those words. Under oath they must repeat the words they where hearing.
If this is true and DT really said that not a single member of the US military and not a single famlily who has relatives serving the military or have lost relatives in combat and not a single veteran can vote for DT with a good feeling.
Everything is an act for trump. Just like Barnum and Bailey. The  way he stands when the camera is on. The way he salutes the military. It's all for show. One big stage. For one Big Clown.
He is also the person that stole 2.5 million from a veterans charity and was fined and now is blocked from ever running a charity again. You should remind people of this lovely fact about him. I think we are to fast to forget all the things this man has done against just about every person in this country that doesn’t have a bank account with at least eight zeros in it.
Good morning to all of you guys out there serving our country, Man's and Women's, Fathers and Mothers, Brothers and Sisters. First and foremost thank you so much for my freedom and ther freedom of my family and many others that we don't have any Military backgrounds. Me and my family's owes you.. America is a country of the people who are free and home of the brave man and woman in our military forces.. A person who says those kind of words ( forgive me I won't say his name because we all know him) is not an American and he doesn't deserve that position he is holding at this time..please people lets go ( VOTE )..

Growing up in the uk I had a serious case of hero worship towards America, home to both natural wonders (Yellowstone) and man made (Hollywood) that fascinated me from an early age. Television was a window into another world that was evolving rapidly. When I was old enough to know what one was I wanted to be an astronaut and live in a future like star trek with equality and justice, scientific wonders would make war obsolete, there would be compassion, humanity, no greed or hunger and where technology made the world a better safer more leisurely and relaxed world. We were told that computers and automation would free us from menial labour and the jobs lost would be paid for from the taxes from companies that were now more profitable.
It seemed like the world might be headed towards creating a better future. It is so sad to watch ruthless Capitalism with no social responsibility run riot in modern America which has allowed for America to become victim to a corrupt Government that is attempting to burn the worlds leading superpower down to the ground during the worst time in living memory, all for the sake of financial gain and personal power for a few elitist dinosaurs.

"I pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible with liberty and justice for all." created by Francis Bellamy, an American Christian Socialist minister. America had been trying to change into a more socialist nation from its founding and especially after the civil war but with progress came opposition in the form of what is now the republican party who took every opportunity to try to impede any progress to a fairer America for all people.
I think that the republicans have been doing everything they can to strip the socialism out of America and that the efforts were ramped up more noticeably during and following the reagan era, where money  was taken away from social projects and given to the private sector, our uk also had at the time a conservative leader who attacked social programmes set up in the wake of the second world war, like The National Health service, The Postal Service, The British Broadcasting Service and a few others. They would de-fund services and add layers of state appointed positions to take money away from front line services until the service could barely function then take the service over and "privatise" it and reverse the changes they had made to it so it could then make money for a select few once it was profitable again.
 We truly are two countries separated by a common language. 
Thank you for keeping the world informed. When lies are being spread by large corporate news agencies that control 90% of the media, and people believe them and continue to follow an orange idol (or orange idiot, trumpanzee, the orange emperor, herr agolf twittler, trumpty dumpty, Trumplethinskin, bunker baby, the Tangerine Twat, Toddler-in-Chief trouser trump, Mango Musolini. trumpski, trumpster fire, the Dotard in Chief, Cadet Bunker Boy “impeached Spanky PeePee Tapes" McBonespurs and his flying monkey, President mini-stroke, etc.) then egregious crimes and actions are taken with impunity.
Trump is an abject and obvious failure; his business "successes" prior to office are filled with fraud, corruption, bankruptcy and failure. Born into luxury he conned his way into the White House and now, like a truculent child, intends to destroy your country to make you pay for not loving him. 

The recent bailout of $6 trillion is quite a lot ($18,181.81 per person if it were to be given to every single citizen of America equally, or $19,354.80 each if only shared out to people that had less than $1 million in their bank) when the people that worked the hardest are getting the least back (no change there) then there is something wrong with the whole system and it needs to be fixed, i really hope that America can learn and change while staying safe and make a better fairer country and by extension the world.
"trump claims that he is mentally fit enough to stand trial" should wind some trump trolls up Not really helpful leadership during a pandemic but I think there is an almost equal health issue that could impact America, trumps mental state, there has not been a word about why he was forced to take the competency test that he has been bragging about passing, what frightened the trump camp so much that he had to be rushed to hospital and take an easy test? Stroke? Untreated syphilis? It made a simple ramp a major obstacle for trump.
The trump troll farms are out in force trying to convince the world that the brain damaged trump is the good guy, and his stormtroopers come in peace (and black is white, etc.) (PS I'm not a socialist, I'm more of a progressive Trekkie), always looking for friends as we out-way the enemy. I hope America can survive trumps rule and come through this a better, fairer, stronger and more united Country than at any time since it "threw off the shackles of oppression" and declared itself a new, free nation. End trumps tyranny and stand up to the bully for the sake of justice. 
The trumpublicans will try to suppress voters. polling places may be low on staff, if you can help with staffing your local place it could make a difference and help America, I think they also pay the staff, people as young as 16 can apply and bingo, getting paid to watch people voting trump out of power

Psychopaths believe that everyone but them is a sucker and loser. Above all else, he sees his followers as marks and targets to be manipulated into keeping him in power, if they can be fleeced at the same time, well... lagniappe. His is the ultimate long con; and the tragedy (for us) in all of this is that he’s he sucker, the loser, conning himself into believing that he has any kind of genuine worth or value. He knows that if his $$$ disappeared, he would, too. He has as much depth as and is more counterfeit than a Xeroxed $20 bill. Since we know his worldview is entirely transactional, I keep wondering if his loyalty to Putin is pre or postpaid. That Gasprom stock sale a few years back that had no known sellers or buyers kinda makes me wonder what happened to the proceeds. 
As is ever the case with the pResident, follow the money. Our Courts aren’t doing us any favors blocking his tax records.

For obvious reasons you all may say to me:

"You are a sucker !" 

By a twist of family history this happens to be my name. So if you want to remind me of it just write "Sucker" - if you want to insult me, write "sucker".

But that’s exactly where it all stops:

You cannot call U.S. soldiers - past, present, or future - "suckers" and "losers" if you are a bone-spur draft-dodging president.  As a matter of fact no one in their right mind can do that.

If you want to criticize wars, those who declare wars, those who send soldiers to wars, or even soldiers who are sent to wars, well, then do it:

Soldiers have been and are fighting for you being able to do that, and you can still be respectful of them while criticizing them – unless of course we are talking of war crimes, but that’s another story for another day.

Trump’s disrespect of soldiers and veterans, of fallen heroes and injured survivors has been well documented even before the latest revelations regarding his profound disrespect for the military and all those who serve surfaced.

‘What’s in it for them ?', he asks.

Well, don’t answer him:  Trump does not understand the concept of honor, of pride, of sacrifice.

All he understands is, ‘What’s in it for me ?  Who can I cheat next ? Who can I lie to next ? Who can I bribe next ? Who can I spill hate over next ? Which groups can I divide next ?  Who can I insult next ?  Who do I have dirt on next ?  How can I further destroy the very fabric of this nation ? [feel free to add to the list … ]

This has to stop !  no more !

A message to Bill Barr and to all Republicans:

History is not written by the winners – it’s witnessed, kept, written down, and spread by women and men standing up to fascists !

Trump wants to pull out of most international agreements. Fred, his dad, should have pulled out around September of 1945

"Suckers and losers".....those labels apply more to his diehard supporters than anyone else.  If you look closely at many of his supporters, they are often people who have been poisoned with the enemy formations of many radio and TV personalities and commentators. In many cases, they are people who are racists at their core, or who have had bad luck in life and want desperately to blame a scapegoat instead of themselves. So, in reality, many have lost something important in their lives either by making bad choices or by being cheated by someone. A Black co-worker got the promotion they feel they deserved.  They see immigrant neighbors with luxury cars they cannot afford. They made a career choice that offers low pay and few opportunities. They bought into a sales pitch that didn't deliver what they believed was promised. Etc, etc. Being a Trumpist is about getting even, about vengeance.....tragically, most of their anger and need for payback is not aimed at those to blame....but, angry people filled with vengeance are never rational.

I looked up the military oath of office, and (in my own words) defending the constitution from DOMESTIC enemies comes BEFORE obeying the president.  These seem to be in conflict today.  Apparently it never occurred to the writers of that oath that the president might be a DOMESTIC enemy of the constitution.  I think it's time to re-word that oath, to remove this ambiguity.  In the mean time I think it reasonable to assume what comes first overrides any contradiction to what comes after,  but this assumption scares the s**t out of me.

“You know, if you’re young, and in this era, and if you have any guilt about not having gone to Vietnam, we have our own Vietnam — it’s called the dating game,” Trump said to Stern in a 1993 interview. “Dating is like being in Vietnam. You’re the equivalent of a soldier going over to Vietnam.”  But,  he stated in a New Hampshire rally in late 2015 that he “always felt a little guilty” for not being drafted due to an existing foot problem. So all is forgiven. , his famous bone spurs, that somehow didn’t prevent him from playing sports in high school or college. Daddy paid off the doc who signed the excuse for him. We all know this. The Trumps detested the military, from his granddad on down. Only suckers serve. Only a loser would sacrifice his life on behalf of others.

 Even though the things Trump stated was disparaging specifically against the military, I actually think the things he said is also disparaging and applicable against the police force. In order words, if he feels that way about our brave troops, it's not completely unfathomable that if he probably  subconsciously or secretly feels the same way about the police. Many of the duties that the military perform serves in a similar capacity to that of the police force.  The major difference is that the military force is largely intended to defend us against foreign forces while police officers largely defends us against domestic forces.  Both put their lives on the line but in a slightly different way. Both make little pay for the kind of work they do and the danger they are put in on a daily basis. As a military vet, if I was asked which non-military profession is closest to my line of work, I would immediately say the police force, which is why many former military members become police officers.  I know Trump has received prior political enforcements from many police unions BEFORE the information contained in the Atlantic article was released (and confirmed by Fox News as well), I think police unions who's supporting Trump should really reconsider now endorsing Biden.  If Trumps has these feelings about our highly honored and brave troops who protect this country everyday and who for the most part has a cleaner and more pristine image than that of the police force, it's also highly likely that Trump has a similar perspective as it relates to the police force. Trump has always publicly said he "loves the Vets and those that currently serve" and one may argue that he (and most Americans) probably has even more respect and love for them than the police force. If he has said such disparaging things about our brave troops and Vets, it's not really far-fetched that he subconsciously regard the police force in the same way because there are so many similarities between the two careers. I come from a family of police/correctional officers so I have utmost respect for them but people's overall views about the police in general has always been somewhat mixed within communities of color and white alike. Many might agree that military members are more highly regarded than the police force (deservingly so). It's why we have two federal holidays to celebrate them and universal company discounts and other incentives....our troops deserve every incentive they get and more! In my opinion, police unions should really reconsider whether they should support a guy who publicly claims to "love and support" them but might have different inner thoughts and feelings about them behind closed doors. It's very convenient, popular among GOP, and politically advantageous for Trump to support the police force right now when you consider some of the violence and social unrest going on in some cities and his Law and Order platform. Think about this...if the riots and looting wasn't taken place, would Trump be consistently touting the police force? Trump sees an advantage is supporting the police force right now because of his divisiveness and desire to pit two different groups against one another instead of getting them to focus more on their similaries versus their differences.  As with the case of our brave troops, one should ask the question, does he really "Love" the Police Force with a genuine, sincere altruistic heart OR does he see both the Police and Military forces as chess pieces in order to win. GOP has always been the party that was regarded as having of a huge amount of respect and support for the military and its patriotic traditions but Trump might not share the same genuine sentiments as he proclaim publicly. Trump has been described by his own neice and sister as being "transactional...and only do good things if he's given something equal or greater in return". As you think more about it, is the "Quid Pro Quo" scandal he faced more likely a representation of who he really is deep inside his core? I think so.  It's very possible that Trump's see his publicly admiration for the troops AND police force as merely a "transaction" for him...something he mainly does because he gets admiration, applause, votes or and other tangible incentives back in return. His potentially contradictory thoughts about our brave heroes easily aligns with his own sister's perception of who he really is deep inside his character, moral compass, and core. He largely looks at people and things as chess pieces to use for his own benefit and quickly discards them if those benefits doesn't come into fruition. He's proven to easily discard and cancel those that once worked in his administration so this is largely why those "anonymous sources" are afraid to go public. They and so many others have seen Trump's public wrath towards those he sees as his enemies and previous friends/colleagues and they also know many of Trump's supporters are vicious, fanatical, obsessive, sometimes hurtful, passionate, extreme, somewhat cultish and would make it their point to publicly destroy those anonymous sources and their families and threaten their lives. They've come after anti-Trumpers in the past and they would likely do it when the stakes are this high as well. Trump and many of his diehard supporters are known to publicly destroy anything that's "anti-Trump" so one can imagine the wrath that the anonymous sources would face if they came out so I don't blame them for not coming out because it impacts them and their family/friends. As with the case of anonymous source "Deepthroat" from the Nixon era, information from an "anonymous" source doesn't mean the information they reveal is just means the source (the person) is UNKNOWN, which is a difference.

Remember when conservative media was all over Obama because he forgot to salute?
The past feels like another country
Credibility, Dignity, Honor, Rule of Law must be reclaimed. Not always an easy Journey  but  makes Victory even more Valuable.
Speaking of Government / Constitution Benjamin Franklin was convinced that only The People are wise enough to choose Legislators who would ensure that the Political Superstructure( Republic/Constitution) was in proportion to the Strength of the Country's Foundation.
There is much "Work" to be done.  Stay well/safe....VOTE
I believe the President said "suckers and losers", fits Mary Trumps depiction of how Donald was raised, to see everything in the world as a zero sum, binary choice.  You're either a winner or a loser.  It's not far fetched if you haven't ever served to feel like you've got something for nothing, or that someone else has paid your dues.  In most people's minds and hearts, we feel humbled and gratuitous, but to Donald he feels he's smart and a winner, like cheating on his taxes, another case in point .
Wish we had a good neighbor we could trust again.   From Canada   Trump, right-hand man Peter Navarro questioned why was Canada in Afganistan fighting alongside Americans, This was brought up 2 weeks ago in his book he asks  WHAT IN IT FOR CANADA!!!!!!!!!.  Canada lost 158 suckers and losers too... Disgusting.  The highway of Heroes runs just a km from me. people line the highway for every fallen soldier, to show respect for them and their family.

America is not my country so I try really hard to hold my tongue...... but man, I just can’t help myself because the pain for all serving past present and future, brave men and women who have just been so disrespected, and I need to say thank you. My country and yours are allies, my father and uncles and aunts, brothers and cousins fought along side each other. We are ex military in this house as well. To the brave soldiers of any gender, belief, colour and sexuality, I applaud you all and say thank you. Every time you hear the orange idiot open his mouth to denigrate you, play this video. Let’s hope he will know what living hard is when he gets handed a nice orange jumpsuit to match his skin tone. 
Be strong, be brave, be you. 
If Trump calls a lady, "nasty" , then its almost certain he would call another lady nasty. If he says he never did, then check his record on how many ladies he  called nasty. In context,  he called our troops, "losers and suckers", no matter his denial or claims.
This is no surprise. Trump has been treating the military, vets and Gold Star families with open contempt from the start of his campaign. Even when he goes on a "I love our military" rant, he does with it in very derogatory tones.
As a European citizen I am really grateful of the women and men, which Trump seem to have called “suckers and losers”,  who gave their lives, so we, at the other side of the ocean, can live in freedom. Thank you very much, we will never forget 
Trump strongly denied saying them. Nonetheless his demeanor, e.g. his interview about John McCain, his being a demagogue, has shown us all along what kind of human being he is.

Didn't Trump say those despicable things about John McCain before he was elected POTUS?  and didn't he mock parents of fallen service members? I wonder what made it acceptable then??  just curious...
"When someone shows who they are, believe them the first time"  Maya Angelou
When he said the McCain stuff it was in 2015...and the Deplorables laughed
There were several sources that said the same thing, that this is what he said. I don't doubt it because he's a draft dodger and because of what he said about McCain. He even asked why the government would help the Allies during war. He's that clueless.
He was  so jealous of John McCain's achievements and popularity, he said derogatory things about the Khan, Gold Star family because they were muslin's.   This man is a total disgrace, he degrades the office of president and the stature of America in the world.   Think about all his actions if you are a supporter and want to vote for him.   Please just think about it.
No smooth transition of power in January. Trump will be leaving the country, running to his boss in Russia. He is such a coward. What gives me comfort is that his properties will be confiscated to repay the money he stole from the American people.
Don't you know? " That's just trump being Trump" and " Trump telling it like it is". Nothing, absolutely nothing seems to rile up his base. And if this doesn't anger them ? If still so many of them still think it's " dark state" lies. His disparaging remarks about Senator McCain and trying to humiliate the disabled journalist would have been enough for me. The " good people on both sides". Add that too.
In the life of a gambler, there are only wins and losses..... No sacrifices!

Why "go after" the captured, the wounded, the fallen?  Why risk men who are relatively safe to do that?  Because every service member understands that we'd do it for him (or her) too.  And that understanding makes them better soldiers.  It's easier to be confident on your little boat when you know they'd risk a battleship to save you.  People like trump can't understand that, because the idea of loyalty and self-self sacrifice, as a concept that would apply to him , does not compute.  Heck, I understand this and I was never even in the service.
There is truly no bottom to Trump.  I hope there is a bottom for his supporters.  If this isn’t it then we’re lost.

Unfortunately I have never been in the Military but I have always loved, appreciate and honor both active duty and veterans.  I must say I am absolutely crushed and deeply saddened by these statements by this madman. I am enraged why this evil person is still the Commander and Chief.  He needs to resign now.  All his Republican cronies must take him to task and make him resign.   My heart is heavy but i am angry as hell. They have been silent and have enabled this "person", so they must be voted out too!!

Trump said he did not go to Belleau Wood battlefield memorial in France because of bad weather. On 10/11/2018 were showers and 15 mph wind in Paris. If a marine's chopper can't fly under this condition, America is in troubles. Or was too rough for the "Commander-in-chief".
For me as a European Mr Trump and the whole circus around him is unconceivable. Please put this monster behind bars, any kind of bars. Protect your citizens and the rest of the world

I am convinced that Donald Trump likewise regards as "suckers and losers" all those who have contracted the coronavirus, and especially those who have died as a consequence, which accounts fully for Trump's contemptuous indifference to the tragic and unnecessary suffering and loss of life wrought by COVID-19.  It is entirely likely that he also regards as "suckers and losers", guilty by association, all those who gave birth to, married or otherwise loved or cared for the hapless victims of COVID-19.
How can the Commander in Chief call the members of the military who defend this country  be so cruel?  I know I know, its Trump.  Its the GOP.  But omg.  They all  have to lose in November.  This administration is exhausting me.  I truly hope the men and women who serve in the  military vote against them.  They deserve so much better. And still his supporters will do just that support him. They ought to be ashamed of themselves. Wouldn’t bother saying he should be ashamed, he is a sociopath no capacity for respect of anyone else
Being in the military is being patriotic to the highest level, it could cost you your life. Avoiding serving your country through spurious reasons, is being a coward. The history of his family, is they all avoided the military,  it sums it all up! His grandfather came running from Germany because he didn't wanna fight.he pass the cowardice to his pups

Honestly, he shows his contempt for this country every single day in his words, actions and behavior with regards  to our constitution, our laws, our values and our very people. What president continually demeans and degrades half of its citizenry for all the world to see because they didn't vote for him? Actually works to turn the citizens on each other? No prior US president has ever done that.
The Chump actually asked a general why they go to so much trouble to find and bring fallen soldiers home. Is The Chump even human? I don't think de-humanizing people is a good thing to do. But I think we need to ask ourselves,  "what makes us human?" Trump needs a dishonorable discharge from office and sent to a military prison ! ASAP !
DJT preaches the four gospels of Hate, Fear, Greed and Disrespect.  His followers believe in what he preaches. If the accusers disagree with what Donald Trump is doing it is time for them to come forward! or bend offer and take one for the Trump team! What do you have to lose? maybe your freedom your life your dignity all acceptable things under Republican rule!

I appreciate the meaning of the use of the word "cowardice" to describe tRump because I've studied psychology.   But there is probably a big % of people who read that as tRump is quivering in fear,  which isn't really the case.    Meanness is the behavior we see and hear, and it is his coping mechanism for the root cause of "cowardice" which is a deep emotional fear of parental rejection that the casual observer cannot see or understand.   He apparently doesn't think of himself as a coward so why would the media and pundits think it might awaken him to paste that label on him?  So I think a more obvious word would be "meanness".   I'd like to hear it used more often.
Stalin also had a disdain for captured soldiers.. he imprisoned their families if the Germans apprehended them alive. He even sent his daughter in law, wife of his son Yakov( and mother to his grandchild), to a Siberian Gulag for two years from 1941-1943...

But I think these attitudes are what we must fight: "Once again, an anonymous source that was allegedly a senior official, once upon a time.
BUT, let's look at the statement:
"When the President spoke about the Vietnam War, he said, ‘It was a stupid war. Anyone who went was a sucker’.”
Is this not true? We all but won and then let off on the pressure. Those soldiers were suckers in a stupid war. Had the incoming congress kept the word the US gave to the South Vietnamese then we would haved called it a victory instead of a shameful betrayal of our commitments.

Steve Wiggins
Please. Never call any person who served in the Military a "sucker." It is a pejorative term and the very use of it with respect to Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guard does them a great disservice. I did not serve. But I have friends who did serve in the Vietnam War (many of whom disagree with me on politics) and they are owed a debt of gratitude and respect for their service to our Country. There are a number of them who did not make it back to The Shoals. And Some of them who did make it back are still fighting the war in their hearts, never to be healed. I honor and salute them for their selfless service and I take it personally when somebody who wasn't even alive during Vietnam makes such an ill-informed and insensitive remark. You are entitled to your opinion and to your right of free speech because of them. So, in the future, when you use the term "sucker" to describe those who have served and continue to serve on battlefields all over the Earth in the Military, from the Minutemen to the Civil War, World Wars I and II, Korea, Vietnam, and all those other conflicts that we will never know about, dig down deep and try to find another tern to describe them. Maybe Patriot, Great American, Fallen Hero who made the ultimate sacrifice to ensure that you have the right to call them, in a callous and shallow way, "Sucker." I trust that this helps your understanding.

So why does he Salute soldiers? If you aren't military, you aren't supposed to do that. So every time he saluted a valued service member was a uninformed 'play date' thing for him.  I hope all military and families decide what's best for them. I'd come home. Forget it. Not doing this ToDAY. We need our trained defenders of law and Americans home if this is how it's going to be.
Trump just called the Bible a “whatever.”  These evangelicals should start to question their loyalty to an “emperor.
The evangelicals are just using Trump for their own agenda, which of course is hypocritical of their stated beliefs; but then again religion is just a business that doesn’t pay tax.
I dare him to come out and say he's God! He is by far the poorest excuse of a man I've ever seen in my lifetime,  and I've lived a long time!
 The same “whatever” he placed his hand on to swear his oath to protect and defend the constitution.  So much for his oath.  His word is worth NOTHING.
Jesus went into the desert where he was tempted with deals by the devil. When evangelicals get to the pearly gates I think they will be told I never knew you.  You made your deals with the devil.
He could swear on anything and no one in their right mind would believe him. He has no principles so what does swearing on anything mean? He swore an oath and didn't uphold that.
Greetings from the UK. I can't put into words the disgust I feel over your so-called president's vile remarks. He is worse than evil. He has no morals. In old English he would be called a  craven poltroon, totally bereft of any redeeming qualities.
A lot of captains, coronels and generals have been humbled by his remarks on them; but what is pretty sad is his disrespect for the ones that took a bullet for their Comrads and for the country; some people join the army because they want to make a career out of it, but the ones that join the army in times of war, they are people who want to protect the country; they deserve respect, and if they die  while working wholeheartedly for the people they deserve even more.
It's damned odd, beyond the repugnance of his POV, created by absolute privilege and 'shiirking' even the responsibilities of any other human being. I think back to 'The Americanization Of Emily' where James Garner's character expresses a seemingly similar contempt for his fellow soldiers - except it is based in the pointlessness and glorification of war, never as the province of 'suckers and losers'. Garner's character was arguing for a world without the need to send young men to die and be POWs while to Trump, they are something to be laughed at for their desire and devotion to serve, and dismissed entirely if they have so much as a lick of bad fortune. We can and we will argue about this or that deployment, and even the fundamental concepts behind a military and its use. But Trump's is not some peacenik mantra, even though at some point one of his allies will doubtless try to cast it as such. It is a soul-dead extension of his zero-one life of service to himself.

Even before this story broke, I could find absolutely no redeeming features in trump. He is everything I despise in a human being. To be the president, to represent America on the global stage, makes shit of every American, Republican or Democrat. The world laughs at him because he is a joke and not their joke. Leader of the free world ffs, give me strength
John McCain was shot down bombing the enemy capital of Hanoi and after getting his crew out parachuted into a park in the capital. Surprise! He didn't crawl all the way to Saigon (he was injured) through enemy territory all by himself.
And he was a hero for declining to jump the queue and go home early despite being horribly tortured and permanently disfigured for his heroism. This is what heroes do. Do you know what they don't do? Claim that they have BONE SPURS to avoid service, then claim that they were heroes for avoiding STDs in 'peaceful service' or some such clap trap (pun intended
For Trump to say such terrible comments about the brave Americans who served, were wounded in combat, or died, says about all you need to know about the biggest loser in American political history.
Trump is so ignorant, we owe so much to the service men and woman, the sacrifice they made to keep us safe, Trump is not worthy to comment, not worthy to be commander in chief, the shame he has subjected America to is unforgivable

Where are the generals, admirals,  and chiefs  who, without soldiers, would be unemployed? Shouldn't they, at a minimum, sign a protest petition against Trump, and actually RESIGN their posts?  Where are all the veterans who are supposed to demonstrate against this vile man? The bikers who ride as veterans for every other cause, but so far, not for the insult hurled at them by one who is a documented DRAFT DODGER? Do all these folks just roll their eyes and say: "Oh well, what do you expect from Donald J. Trump?" Or is this the case of "yeah THEY are 'suckers & losers,' but we survived and we're NOT?"  Frankly, I really doubt the last statement, but when are we going to see the veterans rise up and vow to vote this villain OUT?
 Americans' unwavering love for their country.  her strength to stand up again and again after tragedy.  Respect.  this is my first statement about Mr. trump.  no president.  no statesman, no unifier.  not a man with ideals.  not a sincere (human).  not one who loves people - just himself and his family (whom he has now provided with jobs and positions at the latest).  two major things recently happened in America that changed the world order.  9/11 and the election of  Mr. Trump as President of the United States of America.  "nothing" is united in America.  the balance in the world is shaken by this man (NATO, relations with the EU, Russia, China, North Korea, plus plus plus).  the words of Mr. kirschner cut into the heart.  they hurt.  but they clearly convey what kind of person Mr. Trump is.  an individual without conscience, committed only to himself.  I've never seen America so torn as it was then.  unloved.  where is that with one another that stands up for one another.  what made America great.  not just looking how am I?  but how are my friends, neighbors, the people around me?  Mr. Trump is destroying America ...... and the relationships within the world.  maybe irreparably just broken.  beautiful, strong America.  i see videos on youtube.  Men and women.  American patriots.  Democrats and Republicans.  they are as sad as I am about the development caused by Trump.  I often have tears in my eyes watching these videos.  how far more should this America be torn apart by Trump?  I am sad about the developments.  This video from Mr. Kirschner moves me deeply.  it burns into my heart ...... your fallen heroes would rise from their graves "now" at the latest and say: there must be no second time for this inhuman trump!  .......... and honestly, who doesn't believe that Trump would have said this ...... John MacCain would throw up if he could.  God save "all" americans ...... and the world. 
tRump doesn't understand or comprehend "service".  Donnie is in it for Donnie, and anyone that works for the country would be a sucker in his narcissistic eyes.
Hitler , Mussolini . Franco , all the ‘great’ fascist leaders realised the importance of finding the lowest common denominator , and honing and polishing subversive policies through divisive rhetoric , appealing to the most base aspects of fearful lost souls . Drumpfelstiltskin joins the ranks of these fearful lost souls with his coterie of lieutenants , each and every drumpfelstiltskin supporter . 
The Battle of Belleau Wood was a landmark event in Marine Corps history. 
Prior to the battle, the United States Marine Corps was a little known, unproven commodity. 
After three weeks of displaying the courage, determination, and win-at-all-costs attitude that has become synonymous with the Marine Corps in the years since, that all changed, and the Marines have since been known as--arguably--the most formidable fighting force in the world.
It was also here that the Marine Corps' "Devil Dog" nickname was supposedly born. 
As the story goes, German officers, in their battle reports, referred to the Marines as "Teufel bHunden" (German for "Devil Dogs") as a result of the ferocity with which the Marines fought, and the name stuck.
After the battle, 
 the French Army renamed Belleau Wood in honor of the Marines, changing the name to 
“Bois de la Brigades de Marine"--"The Wood of the Marine Brigade." 
Furthermore, the 5th and 6th Marine Regiments received the Croix de Guerre, 
an award for distinction and heroism in combat with the enemy, 
three times during the First World War--the only regiments in the American” 
We all know who the 'loser' is in this scenario. Trump, you don't care for soldiers who get captured? Well I don't care for people who fake bone spurs, so we're even.  it is VERY disrespecktful of that guy, Donald J Trump, to talk so about the soldiers and service men in your country... They are the back bone and defenders of your country. And he offends them and disrespects them like this... In my humble opinion, he deserves not there backing, neither the backing of the republicans, because of these shenaginans he is doing... He is draging alot of things down in the dirt, and he is the president ot the United States, not a king... He behaves like a king and is not a king, he is the elected president for the United States, and should be doing his best for the country, but when will he start doing that, i wonder.
The  Suckers and Losers voted for that Swamp thing and the 'Q' Quacks.
Trump's inaction concerning the bounties of the heads of service personnel is the result of his hate for the military. Saying they deserve what they get--dear God, how can anyone excuse this remark? How can anyone with any decency continue to support this fool? I believe he is jealous of service personnel because they possess qualities he doesn't like; decency, honour, empathy, patriotism, intelligence, kindness, appreciation for life and others, etc. This is the "man" that said that his contribution to Nam was that he didn't contract a STD--disgusting. While young men were fighting, dying and getting wounded, he was partying it up and making a pis*-pot full of money and leading a life of debauchery.Trump doesn't like anybody getting more credit than him-such a child. He a spoiled rich kid-bully that never grew up. It's because of the military's sacrifice in all the theatres of war, that he was able to live his lush, privileged and entitled life. Men and women died so he could become president and have the freedom and power to ruin America and disrespect her citizens.

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