
Saturday 30 September 2023

Jordan Peterson

 From the perspective of a person who earned a degree in psychology, I have my suspicion specifically about her example about the rats. They're banking on the fact that people who hear her talk about that are going to all be people who haven't been through a psychology course in college, especially banking on the assumption that no one who hears what they're talking about has gone into a psychology focus that is more on the traditional and laboratory work side of things.

Of all the years in classes that I took for psychology, the only time we really ever talked about the use of rats during research was when I took behavioral psychology, which is a very conservative and experimental area of research and by that I mean the kind of research done in a lab using test animals. I can imagine that the lecture in question may very well have been them talking about how from a behavioral studies perspective, you wouldn't necessarily choose rats as a precursor to demonstrate social psychology that could be easily extrapolated to the human condition... Not that they are non-social creatures. Honestly, if her professor actually said what she claims here, their credentialing should be questioned because it's very evidently not the case and certainly not the position of the modern psychology movement.

The thing that struck me very early on about Peterson and what he talks about is still true to this day... When you listen to him talk about theoretical concepts within the field of psychology he makes it pretty clear very quickly that he dedicated his academia in this field of research to what would generally be considered an outdated approach to human psychology, he speaks very much like a behavioralist, is very attached to theorists like Skinner and Maslow, but it's important for people to understand that that kind of dedicated focus is a primary driving factor and why his approach to psychology is very black and white, cut and dry, very "common sense" driven... And this is because the era of psychology he is focused on as a professor is one from rather early in the existence of psychology in the first place, I think even the second wave of theory after Freud could be where he rests his perspective, and the reason why this is important to recognize is that At that point in the development of the field, you basically were working with understanding that our personhood is comprised of two separate pieces, our physical body and our internal state of being. This era in the field didn't have open acknowledgment of things beyond the concepts of basic needs, nature versus nurture, really any trope that you've probably heard hundreds of times in your life... People gravitate to them because they were the first descriptions of our basic needs as human beings and it resonated because of how obvious it seemed... But that era also didn't yet have an acknowledgment that your experiences with your friends or general social expectations is presented by your surrounding culture Play an important point in who you are and how you develop... There's no concrete acknowledgment that your spiritual religious practice has influence over your mental well-being... Some of the more recent theorists are talking about understanding things like the political arena and what causes your attached to and involved with playing a part in the health of your psyche... But Peterson is all the way back in you have in any and an outie person...

As I've said a number of times now though, it's not necessarily bad that Peterson has this particular focus when it comes to him being a professor. After all, still considered foundational learning and kind of necessary information to understand the evolution of psychological theory from its first days under the coke addled scrutiny of Sigmund Freud... We need professors that are well versed in that content so they can provide that as education to people in their classroom... But even his reviews as a professor kind of indicate an inability to properly frame what he was talking about while teaching at times because the more negative comments indicate on some level that he's attempting to modernize effectively ancient theory and it doesn't work like that. I've noticed on a couple of occasions that he'll try to take more complex or multifaceted concerns and try to tuck them into a more simplistic categorization that would align more with his behavioralist leanings then they would be leaning towards actually developing a complex understanding of the issue.

Unfortunately, the broader community is socialized to defer to professorships and expect that if you're speaking on behalf of the subject in which you got a PhD, we should be able to at least partially assume that you know what the f*** you're talking about even if you don't necessarily agree with how the theory has evolved over time... But he's not making these kind of differentiations. He's basically tapping into the same sentiment that is obvious from when it became a fascinating field to study in the first place, the simplistic eras feel natural and like an immediate fit to our personal perspectives because it's quite literally what they were birthed from. He presents it like a finite truth that needs no further exploration without actually talking about how there's been a significant number of decades that have gone by between when his dedicated version of psychology theory was cutting edge and modern and what is generally accepted as psychological truths in the modern day.

The US is a paradise for con artists. You just have to get "God" always in your mouth or pretend to be a specialist in something, willing to solve the mental (and other) issues of American people.
Can you imagine how angry the hoards of incels will be after they give JP all of their money and they still can't get laid OR even get jobs?  You know they won't blame JP... it will be all about the deep state and feminist movement.    Yikes what a damn mess.  "You need to be 'inculturated'.  wtf does that even mean?  'We might just skip the accreditation process and go right to the employers". Riiiight, sure you can.
I think Jordan Peterson suffered brain damage during his unusual detox from Benzos in Russia. My understanding is he was also given a diagnosis of some form of schizophrenia, which he rejected via his daughter on social media. It would explain his emotional lability, unusual hand gestures, and speaking out of his field with pseudo-intellectual word salads.
I can’t understand the appeal of Peterson. He is a pseudo intellectual that uses fancy words   To make no coherent argument about anything. In all of the interviews I’ve ever seen of this guy he never answers a direct question. Everything is a big conundrum for this fool. He talks in circles and straw man’s every argument. Peterson is the living embodiment of an Ice Cream headache
I remember watching him on a debate about Karl Marx and he was reading Marx quote.  The first thing out of his mouth was criticism of Marx grammar being wrong and I realized it was then that he didn't know that English was not his first language.  And he wrote books in other languages.  Thats pretty impressive. He didn't know that basic thing but was actually talking as if he knew he all about him. An authority.
hey have a strange relationship for sure. I know she doesn't agree with everything he says and has called out his Twitter rants a few times, but she only calls him out when he says something insulting about a demographic that she's a part of. The back and forth they have here gives off the same energy as someone who is humoring their grandfather's delusions. Like Bobby and Cotton from the tv show King of the Hill..."sure grandpa, I know. You killed 50 men in Japan, and yeah that canoe you have for sale definitely used to belong to Hitler, I believe you!" 
I've heard that she's just as bad as he is and for everyone's sake I hope that's not true. I understand why she may be humoring him as he is clearly unstable and continues to fall deeper into self destruction. I hope that for both their sakes that she stands up to him and saves him from himself instead of letting him pull her down with him. 
His "school" is just another sad chapter in a trend of anti-knowlege rhetoric that the right continues to push. There's PragerU already sneaking its way into Florida schools and it's nothing but right-wing Christian Nationalist propaganda (it pushes hate to the LGBTQ, promotes underage marriage, and it excuses all racism, sexism, and ableism) all under the guise of "education". They very rarely (if ever) have videos made by trained educators. Contributors don't have to have any expertise (or even basic knowledge) on the subject they're presenting. They'll have a "Dr. Smith" giving his expert opinion on vaccines and how they cause Autism but they won't tell you that "Doctor" Smith isn't an MD, he just has his PHD in "Theological Science" and he has zero knowledge on the subject of vaccines. Ugh, I can't stand these people. The fact that Peterson, the "king of psychology"  shows constant clear evidence of Cognitive dissonance Projection Narcissism Messiah Complex
Paranoia Depression Anxiety Uncontrolled rage An ongoing mental breakdown
and from the look of it full participation in an Electra complex situation is properly hilarious to me.
First of all, education in Canada where this drug-addled idiot and his brainless daughter came from, doesn't cost a hundred grand. Second, hearing her talk about a lecture about rats without the context of the whole lecture, is useless. If you pay money to go to Jordan Peterson's school of Hard Knocks, you deserve whatever worthless education he can even give you. You deserve to lose all your money. There has never been a better example of a fool and his money.
The way they talk about universities is 100% designed to fool Americans (despite the fact that these two grifters are Canadian). They describe a university experience that most Americans imagine universities is actually like, because they've seen it on TV or in the movies or in a daily wire or Fox News fear report.

But if the majority of Americans (because again, that's whom the Petersons are targeting) were able to go to university without having to put themselves in a lifetime of debt, then maybe grifters wouldn't be able to pull the wall over their eyes with their so-called "freedom universities" or to poison their perception of university in general. But in so many other countries where university is affordable or universally government subsidised (i.e. interest-free loans paid through taxes etc) it's much harder to demonise universities and put up propaganda institutions posing as them, because the majority of the population can go to university very easily.
"If you get to the upper echelons of any hierarchy, you'll start encountering people who know a lot about almost everything."  No, that is such a stupid statement. The smart people have probably specialised or gone into a general executive leadership role where they rely on the knowledge of specialists.  The others - like Elon Musk, for example - are only pretending to know about everything. There are a lot of grifters and idiots at the top.
So now I wonder whether if someone asked Jordan Peterson what he has in common with his daughter, would he give the same weird AF answer as Donald Trump? 
Trump University, PragerU and Peterson Academy, the new big three. All headed by people who can only speak in self-absorbed cringe-inducing word salad.
Peterson seems genuinely a little unhinged.  He's spent the past several years railing against higher education, but suddnly it's necessary to play sophisticated games with sophisticatedd people? huh? His audience must feel pretty stung, suddenly being told that they actually DO need a college education if they don't want to be losers?
My imagination goes wild imagining how this university will be managed: 
First the students will have to wear uniforms based on the Peterson notorious style.
Second - they will have a boarding school alongside that requiers the students to sleep in the university dorms - and guess what - if you don't make your bad first thing in the morning you are out or our university.
Thirds- the abiding behaving rules in the peterson campus would be - well those famous 12 rules for life. 
Forth - in the school cafiteria they will eat - lobsters. ( oppps - not Kosher - how will ben shapiro will send his kids to get educated there - well - will figure that out soon)
Fifth - the rags in the school hallways will have to portrait of Trudo on it 
any way - South Park must take this ideas and crate a chapter of the Peterson schooling system.
Jordan Peterson got rich and famous because he raised a big stink over a bill that made it illegal for Canadian state employees to purposely misgender someone to inflict emotional harm.  He did a Chicken Little and said people would abuse the law and innocent well meaning people would end up in court or prison.  This has never happened. Something tells me that as a student if you don't fall into line and parrot right wing fascism BS that he and his staff spews you will be drummed out of his university real quick. Jordan Peterson is a fake intellectual. I’m amazed he’s fooled so many people into thinking he’s smart. He’s just a grifter and would-be cult leader.
Canadian Kermit Academy offers the following courses:
How to Cry 101.
The Dangers of Apple Cider 101.
Plus Sized Women on the Sports Illustrated Cover Isn’t Turning Me On 101.
Students do NOT come into a classroom with zero life experience as Jordan assumes, nor do students come into a classroom with zero knowledge - another Jordan B. Peterson assumption. By the time a student reaches college or university level they are a part of the process of expanding knowledge, they are contributors and deserving of respect.
Indeed. There was always a decent contingent of mature age entry students in my courses too. I am one of those now. Uni only continues to get more and more diverse which is why Peterson h8 it so much. Real talk though, American unis do seem to baby students. The fraternity thing and dorm rooms and all the rules is weird. In Australia you live in your own flat and can drink at 18 and nobody cares if you're at class or not. It's so weird getting amped up for a "kegger" with a bunch of teenage boys when you can go to the top clubs and drink and get something more mature.
"you'll find people who know a lot about almost everything". That is literally an impossibility. The wisest people you can find in this world are still more ignorant than they are wise. All of us are extremely ignorant in the vast majority of fields. Period. There's not even a point in starting a discussion on this. And the fields you do know a good deal in, you probably don't even know how much there is to know. But hey the psychologist who says he's an evolutionary biologist would probably point out where I'm wrong about this.
Peterson might be a scammer, a grifter, a crybaby, super biased against universities because of his bad experience with the University of Toronto, etc. But let's not exaggerate either. The man is very smart. He just happens to be a bit dishonest because of his biases. 80% of the opinions he articulates in his lessons and talks are sensible. There's just that 20% of crap he adds that leads people to discrediting him. But I'd say it's more of a "don't throw away the baby with the bath water" kind of proposition.
JP does basically three things. 1) monetize white race, gender and religious identity politics to anger and trigger people over the fake culture war grievances he fabricates.  2) Give long winded word salad lectures full of paranoia, right wing revisionist history and pseudo logic. 3) Try to covertly indoctrinate his audience in far right extremist white supremacist ideology by talking about subjects like the need for social hierarchies, the role of women and how Hitler really wasn't such a bad guy after all because there was a method to his madness.
Talk about drinking your own kool aid.   Tell all the millions of doctors and engineers and scientists and teachers etc how bad their universities were.   He had a bad experience,  but he also dove into those problems on purpose by his own admission! On jre i remember him saying “I’ve found a way to monetize sjw’s”.  He deliberately brought a lot of attention to himself because he notices immediately how quickly it was bringing him fame and he immediately started getting tons of views on his you tube lectures…in fact every one of these people like Peterson and Weinstein who blow on the trumpet in fact uses this so called injustice against themselves to be rich and famous off of social media…if it weren’t for this so called woke stuff he hates he would be a normal professor without millions and no fame….this is why he’s a charlatan,  and as a fan of Carl Jung,  just like jordan was,  he needs to take a hard look at his own shadow
Jordan Peterson hates his country. It’s so weird she said you will not learn to hate your country at their school when JP is famous for hating his country and having nothing but bad things to say about Canada. I feel bad for anyone dumb enough to pay this man thousands of dollars for this piece of toilet paper.
I want to make fun of this, but Peterson is a pretty educated person, he knows his stuff (Psychology). And this seems to be aimed at his followers, who he sees as uneducated and probably less privileged. Assuming is not Prager U,  some people would be better off learning something from him than whatever they've been doing. It's just strange that they are doing it to laugh at the people who cancelled him. JP is a bit of a mess right now. Minored in Liberal Arts and majored in Social Sciences
He was groomed to be an Agent Provocateur He's a Jesuit The only thing Jordie Boy is educated on is how many pills can fit down a human throat at one time. Hes set the record multiple times.
(Bolshevik, bull, civic-minded, demagogue), someone who gains political power by appealing to people's emotion's instincts, & prejudices in a way that is considered manipulative & myopic; someone who incessantly reiterates the same petty complaints, until they are taken seriously.
There are citizens with valid complaints & issues, but invariably the meeting will have to deal with some Bullshivic & his personal gripe of "supreme importance".
I think they said the quiet (and sub-conscious) part out loud at the very end. This isn't a business, and it's not even a scam - at least that's not the principal intention - it's ACTUALLY nothing more than a revenge fantasy. He just wants to show 'em up and make the universities pay for what they did to him
.I went to college as an adult after leaving my cult religion and deciding it was ok to be educated and I cannot express how much I loved every single minute of college. Go. To. College. Real college. It doesn’t have to be the most expensive but being educated is priceless. Yes I’m aware that is a bit cheesy but I hate how conservatives distort education.

Then you should recognise there's a direct link between Scientology, Trump, and the techniques used by the right wing echosphere, who also tie to NXIVM (Elon promoted it) Epstein (Trump's bff for20+ years) and Saville, (who Brand idolised) and the Monarchy who (Shapiro and Piers Morgan defends). Tate dated Peterson's daughter and Elon went to the same Jesuit University as Trump, and Epstein hooked up Elon's brother, just like he did for Trump. 
Trump's lawyer Alan Dershowitz said he was introduced to Epstein by Lynn de Forrester Rosschild.
 Scientology is training these people in the tactics of brainwashing, basically what MK Ultra became, and probably run by the CIA, and Opus Dei, which is basically the same thing. Their principle strategy is Gaslighting.

Gaslighting, aka Grooming. Accusation in a mirror (AiM), mirror politics, mirror propaganda, mirror image propaganda, is a hate-speech incitement technique where one falsely attributes to one's adversaries the intentions that one has for oneself and/or the actions that one is in the process of enacting. It was used in Rwanda, Guatemala, Brazil, and Burma, each having ties to Mossad.
Trump, Barr, Bannon, Cippolone, Gore, Guiliani, Leo, Alito, Thomas, and Barrett are all Opus Dei. Trump trained alongside Epstein and Roger Stone under Roy Cohn, who used kids to blackmail politicians on behalf of Mossad. Cohn trained under Meyer Lansky, who trained under Hoover. Robert Mercer and Rupert Murdoch are both Knights of Malta. 

Saville, Bezos, Gates, Koch, Rogan, Walsh, Crowder, Kirk, Fuentes, Dore, Knowles, Kulinksi, Ball, Iverson, Icke, Woods, Watson, Cernovich, Abbott, Jones, Robinson, Woods, Pool, Rubin, Peterson, Posobeic, Duke, Molyneux, Yilanopouse, Gionet, Richardson, Tillerson, Greene, Manaforte, Flynn, Ducey, Acosta, Attwood, Stone, Pence, Desantis, Meadows, Trump, Eastman, Black, Kerik, Melania, Barr, Bannon, Hawley, Gingrich, Abrams, Comey, Cuomo, Kerry, Abrams, Gore, Spencer, Blassio, Pompeo, Bolton, McCarthy, Nugent, Cruz, Rubio, Gaetz, Santos, Tucker, Gutfield, O'Reilly, Beck, Scarborough, Devos, Kasich, Mercer, Murdoch, Rosschild, Ingram, Kelly, Lake, Conway, Coulter, Huckabee, McEnany, Hannity, Spicer, Christie, Prager, Maher, Colbert, Corbett, Hayes, Biden, Harris, Fauci, Pelosi, Menendez, Pirro, Manchin, Cooper, Maddow, AOC, Newsom, Uyger, Dawkins, Hitchens, Hancock, Sitchin, Ventura, Morgan, Cowell, Farage, Johnson, May, Merkel, Blair, Cameron, Brown, Blair, Mogg, Benjamin, Trudeau, Putin, Bolsanaro, Stalin, Lenin, Tito, Trotsky, Hitler.
Special mentions (adjucants): Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris, Miller, Watters, Greenwad, Blumenthal, Maté, Camp, Brand, Loomer, Shapiro, Thatcher, Bush, Obama, Merkel, Greer, Summers, Silverstein, Adelson. Greenblatt. Wexner. Also Hindu Nationalists Ramaswamy, Tulsi, Haley, Hirsi, DeSouza, Modi etc. 

Edward Snowden worked for Pentagon Comptroller Dov Zakheim and was bought to us by Glen Greenwald, who now rubs shoulders with Jesuit Agent Provocateurs Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan, whose mutual friend with Steven Crowder Brian Callen is the founder of Diligence, a spook Contractor to the CIA. Julian Assange helped Roger Stone and the Trump Campaign in 2016, being the first to suggest challenging the outcome if he lost, and asking to be made the Australian ambassador to the US. Margeret Sunbyrne, the head of the Sun Worship Cult he was raised in was also protected by the CIA in the Australian Supreme Court, on grounds of "National Security" Trump paints himself Orange to represent Apollo. 

Aleister Crowley inspired NXIvM and Manson, and was a master of mind control, his Protege L Ron Hubbard was the founder of Scientology, which uses the same mind control tactics displayed in right wing media.
They were also instrumental in Trump's conception as the Moon Child, born on a Super Wolf Blood Moon on June 14 700 days before the founding of Israel, who he gave sovereignty over the Golan heights on its 70th anniversary, and was inaugurated aged 70 years 7 months and 7 days old. June 14 is the birthday of Osiris, Known as the Day of the Pharoah. 

Scientology uses the same tricks as Religion and Freemasonry, including isolation through strange acts (rituals/hazing) Gaslighting and intimadation, these can also be seen in right wing propaganda. Peterson's hero's journey comes from the transit of the moon through the zodiac, which is why they're called months.

Blame the victim:
The strategy is to make the aggressor's feelings the goalposts, everything is oriented around their needs and approval; a war of attrition using subjective language and logical fallacies such as incredulity, which amounts to disbelief, and acting as if this belief is something the victim is responsible for.
"Look what you made me do"

In the context of child sexual abuse (CSA) the gaslighting is often used to convince the victim all the abusive behaviours are fine, normal and an expression of “love” (for eg Patriotism, Christianity, Service). It is used to ensure the victim doesn’t speak out about it and doesn’t fight back. It can also be used in concert with other grooming tactics like fear and isolation. Ultimately the aim is to legitimise a worldview that is detached from reality, and therefore arbitrary. Now they can call evil good and good evil

>>Trivializing: The victim’s feels are made to feel like they don’t matter, are unfounded or they are weak for thinking so. (woke/ lib/ groomer/ infidel etc)
>>Countering: This is quintessential gaslighting. They directly counter the memories and perceptions of the victim.
>>Repetitive Questions: The abusive partner makes the victim doubt what they think or feel by asking the same question multiple times. by doing so they preemptively assume the role of an authority by proxy.
>>Diverting: The abuser diverts the subject and puts the blame into outside circumstances.

>>No true Scotsman, or appeal to purity is an informal fallacy in which one attempts to protect their generalized statement from a falsifying counterexample by trying to exclude the counterexample improperly.
This is the Core of White Supremacist ideology.

"What Others Say" (Appeal to populism)
The abuser tells the victim what other people "think" about the victim, the abuser and/or the situation on whole. Also known as an appeal to populism, the basis of Authoritarian Communism, and Cults, "if many believe it then it must be true" (whether people actually agree with the position and whether it is true or not). Bolshevism itself means "the Majority" and is no different to Fascist appeals to a "Moral Majority" Patriotism is a form of Authoritarian Communism.

Other than direct contradiction and disbelief other strategies for Gaslighting include Begging the Question, and the use of Strawman arguments; refuting a reframed argument different from the one actually under discussion while not recognizing or acknowledging the distinction. 

Through the exercise of overwhelming a subject with countless contradicting premises and subjective terms a game of Pigeon Chess is played to deter criticism and break down a person's defences, until they no longer trust their own feelings, and rely solely on an outside source for direction. This is clearly demonstrated in the Maga cult, and is repeated in the convoluted dogma and magical thinking of Evangelism, New Age Spirituality, Ancient Aliens, and Graham Hancock. Always alluding to a secret to be revealed, but always in vague nebulous terms and undefined benefits of a far away place with no means to verify one way or the other. 
"Trust me bro"

Effectively they all play the same role of an Enlightened Guru with deep understanding of life matters who can solve all your problems. It's likely no coincidence Reagan emptied the mental health services in the US, over half of those in Jail and living on the streets have undiagnosed ADHD. 

Auyawasca and Psychotropics are also a staple in brainwashing, as is telling the target they've been brainwashed and that the Guru has the cure, right wing propaganda uses this language heavily by flipping the script and arguing they are the victims, that they're the ones being silenced and cancelled, that they oppose child abuse while also defending it, that the deep State is out to get them, when they're the Deep State and always have been.
Aleister Crowley was a big advocate of using Psychotropics to brainwash, just like the CIA, Opus Dei and MK Ultra.

Brand and Trump both use hand waving and holding them outspread in a "settle" gesture called pacing. They can also stare at an opponent, "asserting dominance" to put the target on the back foot and unsure how to respond. Peterson does this a lot, along with rapid fire speech, and using an insulting or demanding tone. By using these tactics as well as loaded language (Newspeak) and inference (plausible deniability) only to move the goalposts and reframe when challenged. 

Trump's Mentor Roy Cohn admitted to using kids to blackmail politicians on behalf of israel, and trained under him alongside Epstein and Roger Stone. Trump's Jesuit mentor was Norman Vincent Peale, a 33rd degree Master Freemason. He was born June 14 during a Super Wolf Blood Moon to Fred Christ and Mary McKleod, he keeps a book of Hitler's speeches called My New Order and uses it verbatim at his rallies. The Von Drumph family come from the same place as Hitler, Vienna Bavaria, Capital of the Holy Roman Empire. He paints himself Orange to represent Apollo; the Dawnbringer of Aleister Crowley's Golden Dawn. Jamal Kashoggi's Mossad brother Adnan sold Trump a Superyacht for Russian Roman Abromavich, who was also paying Boris and Farage for Brexit. Most of israel's govt are non religious Russians.

Let’s stipulate to the right wing that all university professors are attempting to indoctrinate students. I gotta think though that all the hours I spent w/ others students in the dorms and elsewhere from all over the country, the world, from different socioeconomic backgrounds, religions, politics also informed me as a person. I'm European. I once had a friend from Utah who came from a conservative but non-religious family. His teenage brother was an ardent supporter of George H. W. Bush's war on Iraq. I encountered the younger brother again when he was around 20 years old, and he shared this joke with me: "Iraq will be divided into three sectors: Regular, Midgrade, and Premium." When I remarked on the significant change in his mindset, he simply responded, "college, dude, college.
It's a total waste of money. I am a landscape contractor/horticulturist.... and I always knew I was going to own my own business. I didn't need a college degree to impress myself, and once I visited  the university, and spoke to the horticulture professor... I found I knew more than he did. Why would I go into debt to be taught by someone with lesser knowledge in my field? I took the college fund and paid cash for my house at the age of 25. The last 28 years of living rent and mortgage free in a house that I designed myself has been far more satisfying to me than any piece of paper on the wall.
 College may be a total waste of money if you want to be a landscape contractor, I won't take that opinion away from you - however, not everyone wants to be a gardener. Some people want to be doctors, scientists, NASA engineers, R&D researchers for the automotive industry, software developers, architects, structural engineers, city planners, lawyers, civil servants, accountants, brokers, work in finance, media production... i could go on and on listing jobs that require a degree for you to be even considered at interview stage. I know when I was growing up, it was super popular to point at all the tech CEO's who "dropped out of college and still made it" (all three of them) and far less popular to point out that everyone they employed DID have degrees. Elon Musk may not have a college degree, his company presidents and CEO's all do. So sure, for you college would've been a total waste of money. For most of the top earners in the country, it's the reason they got into those positions in the first place... not just because of the degree, but because of the networking opportunities that going to university provides. The entry points into industry, the chance to meet with potential future employers, the opportunity to pitch to people who you would never otherwise get the opportunity to meet. I know if you never went, you're totally ignorant to the bigger picture of what's on offer at university so I won't hold it against you for thinking that all you get at the end is a piece of paper, but your situation is 100% anecdotal and personal to you and doesn't reflect the experiences of people who used their opportunities in university to break into extremely satisfying and well paying jobs that they wouldn't have been able to otherwise.
The clown said that English should be abolished because they don't teach "Judeo-Christian values" or how to write. Look at 1yr at Yale or his own former UoT. They have multiple creative and structural writing courses and still heavy on Milton, Thomas, T.S. Eliot etc. No religion there /s. Why should an English class teach "Judeo-Christian values" anyway? Do a philosophy, history or theology course instead. His audience lap it up because they've never been. (Sorry about all the edits it's grand final night and I'm drunk af and Collingwood won to make things even worse)
"How can we make a degree 95% less expensive" - yeah it's called Coursera or edX. I'm not using something like Open University/online unis as a comparison here because this isn't a real degree he's offering. It's as professionally worthless as a Coursera certificate. (I'm not knocking Coursera btw I use them (and edX and Udemy and Yale Courses etc.) and I recommend everybody use them. Learning is a gift for life even if it's not going to help you get a job I just h8 seeing Peterson's slime).
I find it strange how they believe there’s “brainwashing” going on in college campuses. Maybe it’s just because I’m a STEM major, but not once has any professor of mine been discussing gender, race etc outside of actual relevancy to the courses (such as genetics for example). Also, I’m a millennial continuing education, so I’m kinda observing Gen Z from the outside right now. They are NOT as “woke” as the older generations think they are. I’ve heard them calling each other “faggots”, “retards”, any offensive thing you can think of. And I go to college in a blue city with a very diverse population. It’s interesting how the online sphere can give such a massive disproportionate view of reality and people just believe it.
If I'd had to pay tuition, I think my five years of undergrad would've been 60k or so. $100k-200k for university is much more expensive than any option I ever considered. I didn't spend 200k on living costs (the bulk of it and costs I would've had to pay regardless of being in or not being in school), tuition, textbooks, and fees for eight years of undergrad and grad school combined.
Petersen with the thick native Canadian accent and the daughter are Canadians. The universities in Canada cost 8k per year. Not 100k to 200k per year in tuition. These people are an embarrassment to Canadians and Canada.  That fool is for pseudo intellectuals. Since the first time I saw this Peterson dude the vibe was not good. Strange, obnoxious, confused and the squinting eyes didn't help
"If you get to the upper echelons of any hierarchy, you'll start encountering people who know a lot about almost everything."

That's really the biggest problem with modern internet discourse. People thinking that they know a lot about nearly every subject and thus needing to constantly chime in. Where you've got someone who may well be an expert in one field decide that they're also an expert in another field, and then another and so on. Which leads you to a moron like Rogan who knows a lot about MMA, but has decided that he now knows a lot about medical issues. His daughters rewriting of history is almost as impressive as her dad's ability to make up new definitions and statistics on the fly.  He left his practice and teaching to embark on his media career and was only admonished for his abhorrent statements and required to go through media training to remain certified well after that.
Inculturation: “In Christianity, inculturation is the adaptation of Christian teachings and practices to cultures. This is a term that is generally used by Catholics, whereas Protestants, especially associated with the World Council of Churches, prefer to use the term "contextual theology"." JP is tipping his crypto Fundamentalist hand again.

Jordan is clearly sick and unstable. His entire physical presence is closed in on itself. A tight ball of pain and fear. He's the kinda guy we'll be reading about in the paper, and it won't be surprising.
Benzos have the worst withdrawal syndrome, alcohol and opioid addiction is light compared to benzodiazepines. Peterson is the only psychologist on the galaxy who was unaware of the fact.
Let's guess what the crime will be once he finally loses it all the way. Will he climb a clock tower with a rifle? Will he drive his car through the front door of Parliament? Maybe he'll just crap himself to death. It’s fucked up to watch a Nazi have a mental health crisis yeah but he’s never gonna get help or stop harming people, I don’t think he’s on the books for deprogramming himself. 

I do think watching too much of his content to laugh at him is redundant because it gives him views. But it’s not a problem to laugh at how deranged Nazi ideology is. It’s one of the most cowardly pathetic and self destructive things a human being can do to themselves. Any form of fascism, eugenics, any person that demands or expects ubermensch treatment is owed to them by any inherent trait of theirs, can and should be mocked ruthlessly for it. 

One of the scariest things an abuser can have coming from their victim is to be laughed at and shown they have no power to control and manipulate their victims. Laugh at them until they don’t have the balls to bring guns out in public. Laugh until their boards get taken down. Many if not all marginalized groups are targeted first through normalization via “comedy,” they know how powerful it is for a large group of people to laugh down at something or someone. 

When I laugh at nazis it’s because I want the ideology to die. When they laugh at me it’s because they’ve decided my choice to embrace and accept various non optional character customization menus I was born with means I am an inferior broken subhuman and I must be killed before I poison their gene pool and teach their children humans belong to ourselves, not our elders. 
“Could you fucking relax and exist please, we’ll help you once you stop being actively harmful at least” vs “daddy said I was just like him and he’s god and I’m god and I’m going to eat you bc your bones are the wrong shape and the sameness to me in your human eyes terrifies me”

All right wing propaganda is strawmen
A straw man fallacy is the informal fallacy of refuting an argument different from the one actually under discussion, while not recognizing or acknowledging the distinction. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man". 

In classical rhetoric and logic, begging the question or assuming the conclusion is an informal fallacy that occurs when an argument's premises assume the truth of the conclusion. A question-begging inference is valid, in the sense that the conclusion is as true as the premise, but it is not a valid argument. Wikipedia

Argument from incredulity, also known as argument from personal incredulity, appeal to common sense, or the divine fallacy, is a fallacy in informal logic. It asserts that a proposition must be false because it contradicts one's personal expectations or beliefs, or is difficult to imagine. Wikipedia

Because they're Authoritarian Communists
Argumentum ad Populum (an appeal to popularity, public opinion or to the majority) is an argument, often emotively laden, for the acceptance of an unproved conclusion by adducing irrelevant evidence based on the feelings, prejudices, or beliefs of a large group of people.

No true Scotsman, or appeal to purity, is an informal fallacy in which one attempts to protect their generalized statement from a falsifying counterexample by excluding the counterexample improperly
This is how Cults work, that's the tactics they adopted. Just look at Scientology, NXIVM, Brand, and Tate They do it on purpose

(Bolshevik, bull, civic-minded, demagogue), someone who gains political power by appealing to people's emotion's instincts, & prejudices in a way that is considered manipulative & myopic; someone who incessantly reiterates the same petty complaints, until they are taken seriously.
There are citizens with valid complaints & issues, but invariably the meeting will have to deal with some Bullshivic & his personal gripe of "supreme importance". It ultimately amounts to Gaslighting aka Grooming also called Accusation in a Mirror or Mirror Politics. It's the language of Apartheid perfected in israel
Peterson is the perfect maelstrom of conman, lunatic, and idiot.  It's impossible to tell where one ends and the other begins.  Unfortunately, even if it's hard so see the boundaries of it it's pretty clear that he is descending further into madness all the time, and it's kind of painful to see that, even as I can't stop watching videos like this to laugh at him
Corncobbing into irrelevancy oblivion & becoming a sad shambling muttering mess who will wander urban centres in these same threadbare custom suits to haunt the pedways yelling epithets --- prob mostly Victorian slang for 'sex workers' --- at passersby he sees are women in the labour force. The actual arrest will be from ignoring an accumulated decade or more of summons + tickets acquired a couple times weekly for petty or minor criminal acts from harassment to Bylaw complaints to vandalism to getting banned from malls to MLM embezzlement to shoplifting children's food items he suspects to have hidden messages in the brand/design he is divinely ordained to decode. He will insist on representing himself in court. That's either my best guess or I just hexed him.
This isn’t benzo withdrawal symptoms , if he has post acute withdrawal symptoms , they’re hiddden by the pointed psychosis he’s going through. Gone through the PAWS from benzodiazepines, never had a symptom that manifested into manic business ideas.  Was mostly just debilitating depression and high levels of anxiety. And the relapse rate is staggering. It’s high for all physical addictions, despite what the made-for-TV movies lead us to believe. I’ve done a bit of voluntary work in the area, and relapse is just par for the course for the majority of people who have multi-year addictions like Peterson. Add to that the fact he was addicted to benzos, his increasingly erratic statements and presentation and it looks a lot like he’s back on the jellies. Or whatever form his DoC came in. 
Look, I have a lot of sympathy for anyone struggling with addiction but I’m not gonna give a pass to someone who does such obvious damage to the public conversation and our societies. The hypocrisy of being an active addict then having the gall to lecture anyone else on how to live grinds my gears. 
He needs to be away from the public eye, I’m sure he’s grifted enough to live on die the rest of his life by now, and even if he hasn’t, his chosen path, with its conflict and drama is the sort of thing an addict in recovery would be advised to move away from. People, places and things (elements of the past life tied up with addiction), as they say. Hungry, angry, lonely, tired - Well, he’s made it clear that he’s pretty darn angry most of the time.  
Ask any 12 step or SMART recovery group and they’ll back me up on this. 
But it really looks like it’s too late, I can’t be sure, I’ve never met the choad, but he screams out ‘relapse’ with every extreme statement and odd behaviour (those suits - really?  Nothing wrong with wearing pimp suits, if that’s your thing, but it sure as hell wasn’t his thing prior to the last year or so).
Mania, or something that looks a lot like it, is one of the ‘paradoxical’ side effects of benzodiazepines when you have a tolerance and you’re taking quite a bit. After a while, your body chemistry goes a bit haywire sometimes and someone hitting the lorazepam, or some of the less typical benzos appear to be more susceptible to having a paradoxical reaction. 
I’ve said earlier, I have no right to diagnose someone’s substance overuse remotely, but when someone’s behaviour is causing such strife I think the principle is overruled. For example, someone has speed psychosis and is threatening others - suddenly it’s not ‘nobody else’s business’ anymore. The same thing apples here, especially if he’s intending to provide a formal, certified (by him) education. 

And, just quietly, even if someone is a dyed in the wool alt/feral right wing Peterson-tard, I cannot see any manager in a business beyond the limited MAGA grift (like the pillow guy, or certain lawyers) daring to accept Peterson Academy as a valid degree or certificate or whatever he’s gonna call it. 
Sure, he can run webinars and self-help crap for all he’s worth, but to then claim it will be valuable in the job market, really? That’s what’s prompted me to point out the relapse observation, he’s going to ruin lives so the word has to get out that it looks suspiciously like this bollock brain is back on the gear.  
Some incell-y little twerp is gonna pay real money to get this certificate and then find themselves unemployed,  as anyone working in a real business is gonna run a mile. Even if they agree with Peterson. Anyone who has managed to get to a management position where they can hire staff has learned long ago to leave their political opinions at home. 
And that incel-y little twerp may grow up and realise their alt-right BS is mostly a case of them getting scammed by actual and crypto Nazis and will be glad they never brought that shit into the workplace.  Which is impossible if you’re advertising you went to the Peterson Academy. Not if they wanna have a job. 

And no, this is not cancelling someone for political opinions. Anyone with extreme opinions, left or right, shows a dreadful lack of judgement if they bring that shit into the office and, by definition, is not a team player. 
I have blood coming out of my mouth for the number of times I’ve had to bite my tongue in the workplace. Unless you work in an overtly political company, your personal politics do not mix with capitalism, consumerism and the market. Yes, I’m aware of the irony.
There's no way he didn't. He just will not (and cannot) take responsibility for it because it flies in the face of everything he pretends to be and believes. To his peons it's showing he was weak, dependent, lacking in discipline and self-control, unable to put his house in perfect order, unable to read the booklet that comes with your tablets, unable to harden up BUCKO and unable to go through what millions of other people can go through. He is very low on the dominance hierarchy indeed).
Has anyone figured out why right wing grifters, out of all the schemes they could employ to scam people out of money, start fake universities? Trump, Prager, Weiss, and now Peterson.

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