
Thursday 24 March 2022

Sarah Everard (1987-2021)

 The fact that anyone, let alone a POLICE OFFICER can just casually get nicknamed 'the rapist' and no one bats an eye is exactly what the problem is here. If you have knowledge of abuse in any form and you just sweep it under the rug you are just as guilty as the abuser themself.
It's unrealistic and an invasion of people's rights to assume that any time someone is given a nickname they should be investigated. What sort of crime will they be charged/convicted of? How will you prevent them from existing in society? How will knowing that a person has been given such a nickname prevent them from committing a crime? Do you have any idea how much money a task force would require to pursue and investigate EVERYONE who's been given an inappropriate nickname? Will people be required to snitch on people who've been given inappropriate nicknames? He had not been convicted of rape before being given that nickname nor did anyone have any evidence or proof that he had raped or would rape anyone. Law has due process and to wish that we live in a society without due process is equally as dangerous as living in a society without a rule of law.

Today we are led by criminals, who can't do enough for the USA, to the point we see us doing things today, we should never be doing, and have no right at all to be doing, and unbelievably doing so, before being asked, or should I say ordered by the USA, our overlords.  We have nobody in this country that could or would offer to take us away from this USA stranglehold, they've had on us since 1945.

And that is without any question at all going to see this country either attacked and badly beaten, or wiped out, and there is nothing at all we can do about it, or anyone else can do about it, today, we are the USA's alarm clock, who do all of you think is going to pay for all these lies, all these deceits and falsehoods being spoken by our own? The American? Or YOU? Is there a better target in this world than the undefended UK, for let's say either Russia or China to simply blow from the face of this earth than us? I can't think of one. To both Russia and China, removing the UK would see the USA immediately back down, back off and want talks. And that's great, only not for us, as we were the USA's alarm clock, If we get wiped out, the USA knows they've gone too far. I'd suggest you all start thinking about that, and not now, not tomorrow, but right now, and if any of you actually believe a word you've heard coming from this government? You're only an enemy to the rest of us in this country, today. It doesn't take a genius to see how wrong we really are. It would take an absolute fool, to believe we are right, or even within any relation of being right. We could not be any more wrong, could not be any more dangerous, and could not be any more stupid, than we are right now, today, this minute.
I promise you, if any of you had a clue what we are all watching today?, you'd be mortified! This absolute and outright denial, we see from so many of you, today, will only affect and harm all of you. That's just something you've not got around to understanding yet. But you need too. I can tell everyone exactly what it is we are all watching take place today! I can make sense of all of it. Everything we've seen, and are going to see. 

Only you watch people read this, and only because they don't want to believe this, will we then see them all only try to deny this? And they'll deny it, while being unable to give a single reason, for their denial?, or even being able to offer anything themselves?, (that makes any sense), but they'll try and tell me I'm wrong? This really is the mentality we're really dealing with today, you'd like to think everyone would want to know and understand? Or at least try?. 
Only today, it seems that nobody cares, or has even tried to work any of this out? But it's not even rocket science?, it's actually pretty obvious?, only it's the consequences of what this means, that people can't comprehend today?, so they all just deny it. Well, how much longer can they all continue to deny this?  Where to start? Well, what we have all seen, and what we all really do know?, is always a good place to start, right? So, let's just look at what we really have seen? Honesty is also key, without that you have nothing, and bullshit helps nobody. 

So, what have we really seen? We've seen all Western governments, and the mainstream media, following the same scripted lies, (and that's unprecedented in history), so, we must surely know that it's got to be leading to something huge, something catastrophic? So, let's try to explain it all? And explain it in a way we can all understand? The USA has known for many years that their economy had to collapse, (and they've actually planned for it). Here's how, and why... 

They've been printing enormous amounts of currency, while also always increasing their military budget yearly. After the collapse of the USSR, the USA had no real enemy left, and back then it was thought that China wouldn't become a global force for another 50 years, yet the USA continued to build more military hardware, and continued to gain more military bases throughout the world. With no real enemy left?, why would the USA do that? 

Because the USA has had a plan for many years now, that if they can gain full global military control, they can then introduce (force in), a single world currency, (what this is ALL about). And here's why... 
The USA has put all her eggs into one basket, as they've known for a long time, that the only thing that could prevent the USA from complete and total collapse?, is, if they can force in a single world currency, as the effect as, such, would see the USA, overnight, become completely debt free, (explains their enormous military overspending, and it explains their willingness to allow China to purchase so much US debt, with so many US government bonds - $1.2 trillion). 

And it would see the USA, achieve, full global military control, as well as, full global financial control, (a very nice achievement some might argue). In other words, for those people that don't know?. That effectively means “American Tyranny”, and that's no different from Nazi tyranny. How Ironic is that?.
The US dollar Is the world's reserve currency, and it's currently used by many other countries to sell/purchase their oil/gas/energy etc, meaning that billions, if not trillions, of dollars, are kept by those countries for their energy purchasing. 

What that allowed the USA to do, is, to print billions of dollars in currency, without ever showing the true rate of inflation that would normally arise from such massive currency printing. 
They can only do that, because so much of the US currency sits in vaults all over the world, (to purchase those countries energy), that those dollars would never find their way into the actual US economy, (meaning the USA could hold their level of inflation well below the rate It really always should have been).

Well, the inevitable huge problem we're now seeing?, is that all these countries like Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, Europe, and many more around the world, are going to be selling and buying their energy in other currencies or gold, not the US dollar! 
That's going to see each of those countries having to dump/exchange all those dollars they've held for so many years, to replace them with the gold, or the currency, they're going to use.

The obvious huge issue for the USA today, is?, when those billions, if not trillions, of dollars begin to filter back into the main US economy?, the inflation will explode, (as It can't be hidden any more). It's going to see hyperinflation, and the price of a loaf of bread, (for example), will skyrocket to well over $200, crippling the USA, collapsing the USA, as we've never seen before. 
Basically, it will see the USA in massive debt for hundreds of years to come, yet with no way of creating any more debt. It will all be over! And this is exactly why we're seeing this attempt to drag Russia, and also China, into a war. As I'll also explain...

After the collapse of the USSR, the CIA was bribing Yeltsin all throughout the 1990s, while also helping to dismantle Russia's military, even gaining access into Russian nuclear silos. They helped to sell off many Russian resources, (in illegal corrupted auctions), carried out by the CIA, (with their “in pocket” Oligarchs), and it ended with the USA really believing Russia couldn't ever become a threat to them again. Only they were wrong. And now, today, (right when they need too) they can't force in a single world currency, with the likes of Russia and China's nuclear threat saying get lost. They nearly had it done with the collapse of the USSR. What a bonus that was?, it meant they could do it without war! But they messed that right up, because the USA took their eye off one man — Putin. 

The United States really believed they had finished Russia off after the collapse of the USSR, to the point that Russia couldn't ever become a threat to them again. They helped to keep Russia in a state of pandemonium through Yeltsin's reign, believing they had sealed Russia's fate to the toilet. 

When Putin came to power, the USA could not work him out, but when they invaded Iraq and Putin (craftily as it bought him the time he needed), did not veto them?, they believed they still had Russia under their control, and Putin was just a pushover like Yeltsin. (History will see Putin's tactic of not vetoing the Iraq invasion as world changing), as it really fooled the USA to not bother to look at Russia as any sort of potential threat, and that really damaged their plans. 

As, while the USA was invading countries all over the world, with their "war on terror" excuse. Putin had quietly begun creating Russia an extremely effective military defence, and upgraded all Russian weaponry to a level able to hold its own, If not beat, any other nation on the planet.  
The USA, blind to this, carried on as they used NATO to murder Gaddafi, carried on, as they kept Iraq destabilized, (by transferring well known terrorist commanders into Iraq from Guantánamo Bay, in the hundreds), to help keep it in chaos over the next decade.

The USA then set their sights on Syria, and they were preparing for a ground invasion, (as with Iraq), when out of the blue, Putin vetoed that action, stunning the USA, it stopped them in their tracks, (and the USA then took a much closer look at Russia). When the USA had understood how they'd misread Putin, they then set out to demonise him across the world. But it still left the USA unable to use ground troops in Syria.This is when we saw the USA, and their CIA, start the troubles in Ukraine

9/11, was all about the US government needing to change some terms of the US Constitution. 
To carry out what you've just read above, the USA would need use of their military without needing congressional approval, otherwise, their idea/plan of a single world currency, would be dead in the water. 9/11 answers that question. And this is how they did that...
The American government's plan, all along with 9/11, was to create fear across the USA, making the American people feel very insecure, and then asking them to allow a change in the American Constitution, (it then allowed them to go to war without congressional approval), thus allowing them to attack any country with their fake ''war on terror'' (should be renamed "War of Terror"). 

The USA's CIA created Al-Qaeda, and also later, ISIS. This is how the USA managed to carry out 9/11 on themselves. - The USA's CIA creates many of the world's terrorist groups, it's actually pretty obvious how they do it?, the CIA embedded themselves in countries across the world through the  60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, etc. They got to understand the Muslim's mentality and their real beliefs, while also making friends with many known terrorist suspects over the years. 

This led to the CIA arming Bin Laden, in the Afghan-Soviet war, after that war, the CIA recruited Bin Laden into their ranks, (to be used as the ''Convincer'') to all the jihadists, who would hear and see him telling them to form a jihad against the USA. The CIA then set out recruiting jihadist's all over the world, (as part of Bin Laden's group), getting the jihadists together, & having them all believe they're fighting for Islam, and their own State/Caliph, and for their fake extremist leader, Bin Laden, (really CIA), none of the jihadists had any idea that they were really being recruited and used by the CIA, they all believed they were fighting a jihad for a Caliph, for Bin Laden, and for Islam. So if ever captured?, they'd never be able to give the USA away, as they had no idea.
The CIA could get these jihadists to commit terrorist attacks around the world, getting countries they, (the USA), wanted to threaten/torment for various reasons, believing they had been attacked by terrorists, (they had been), only they were USA/CIA created terrorists. 

When those groups grew, and when the CIA had got full control, they had to silence Bin Laden, (as any mention of it to the wrong person), could well get the wrong people asking questions, and that could lead to the discovery of what was really going on, they couldn't risk everything they'd managed to achieve, so they killed Bin Laden in the mid-late 90s, this allowed them to keep him going, as if alive, but nobody ever saw him again after 1997.  Over the next 4 years, (leading up to 9/11), we would get video footage he had put together, (while in the CIA), of him announcing a jihad against the USA. It was those videos that kept the world, especially the jihadists, and especially the American people, believing he was a mastermind terrorist in a safe house somewhere, (while in all truth, he'd been dead well over a year). 

The CIA then had the perfect storm?, they had a dead man they could blame, they had a dead man who was known to commit terrorist acts in countries across the world, and a dead man that jihadists would obey and follow, (that gave the CIA full control). Plus, a dead man they could use as the reason they invaded country after country, ''looking for him''?. Think about it! - Whoever they wanted to threaten or terrorise, could be done as groups known as Al-Qaeda (back then), today it's ISIS, who are simply exactly the same thing, only in a different name, but all are merely USA/CIA created terror groups. 

And these groups don't even know they're being recruited and used by the CIA?, they've no idea at all. Bin Laden was dead, but only the USA knew that. All the jihadists believed they were fighting a jihad against the USA, at the word of their leader, Bin Laden (must keep remembering that, because it still applies). That allowed the US to carry out 9/11, and many terrorist attacks around the world since (hard to believe, I know), but it not only does this fit, but it makes perfect sense in all we see today!!

The killing of the (so-called Bin Laden)?, was something that had to happen, to put it to bed, they'd used that excuse to its max. So in a prearranged fake plan, we saw the USA attack that (so-called Bin Laden campus), that was right next door to a fully operational Pakistani military base, and we're supposed to believe that nobody heard anything? Not even the USA crashing a top-secret, multi-million dollar, helicopter, as they ''supposedly'' carried out a special forces raid on an old bearded man, who the CIA had dragged in from Guantánamo Bay as the scapegoat for the already dead Bin Laden an hour or so before this farcical affair? 

And then came the obvious lies, lies that obviously had to come... Lies that surely show everybody the truth?
The USA would not let anyone get near to the so-called Bin Laden's body, or to publish any photos, other than one picture, already proven to be fake? Now, ask yourselves why would the USA not want the entire world to see, and have proven to them, that this so-called Bin Laden, was dead, and indeed, that was him?, (not some poor sod, shipped in from Guantánamo Bay to be the scapegoat fake Bin Laden)? 

The USA's reasoning not to allow anyone to test this so-called Bin Laden's DNA?? (surely alarm bells are screaming)??, or to allow anyone to even get close to the body??, seems to show us all, this is only more lies and deceit from the criminal US government?. And what this should have done, is really made every American very suspicious, as this is such an obvious lie?, yet it didn't, It basically became accepted, because no one could prove otherwise. - The body was taken away within hours, and buried at sea, with the USA's pitiful excuse, it was done, to prevent his grave from becoming a site of martyrs?. LMFAO! Oh! Sure, — more like it was done to stop anyone from trying to get this dead man's DNA?. 

The USA has invaded so many countries across the world for the last 12 years, while killing millions of Innocent people, from many countries, and all while using the search for Bin Laden as their excuse?. It's so obviously a lie!

Today, it's Abu Al Baghdadi (CIA). And so it goes on, to where we are today?. And still, the terrorist, the jihadist, ISIS, has no Idea he's mere cannon fodder for the USA's CIA. He still believes, like Al-Qaeda did, that he's fighting against the USA, Syria, Russia, Iran and Iraq, for their Caliph, for Islam, and for their fake extremist leader Abu Al Baghdadi, really (CIA). - I know the USA claim they killed him, (and probably have), like Bin Laden was killed long before 9/11 even happened?. It will be Al Baghdadi the 59th next, after all, they've claim to of killed him so many times before LMAO. 

I mean, again, anyone, tell me this is wrong? Only AGAIN, the problem you now have is, you can't tell me I'm wrong?, because, again, this actually makes much more sense, than anything you've ever heard coming from any government? YouTube's search: Dr Paul Craig Roberts, Washington's path to war against Russia. Everybody should listen to every word!

Today we are suffering from the least educated society we've ever witnessed before. None of them have watched or know anything at all about all of this, but they will all tell you how bad Russia is, when Russia could not be any further in the right than they are today, and we could not be any more in the wrong if we really tried to be.

We see debates over many various things and various issues, but nothing about the reasoning behind all these things we continue to see day in day out today? Surely that's what everyone should want to know and understand? 

Only today, it seems that nobody cares?, as nobody else has even tried to work any of this out? You'll read so many talking about individual events, but nobody ever tries to make a connection with other things we've seen? Obviously, these things don't just happen without cause or reason?, but the one thing nobody ever asks, is about the cause or reason behind these things? 

I have watched all of this unfold from day one, 2002 onwards, and just by using everything I have seen I've been able to come up with this. Only using what we really have seen, I'll now explain all of this. Honesty is also key, without that, we have nothing, and bullshit helps nobody. 

Where to start? Well, what we have all really seen, is always a good place to start? We've seen all Western governments, and the mainstream media following the same scripted lies and seemingly the same agenda, (that's unprecedented in history), so, we must surely know that all of this has got to be leading to something huge, something catastrophic? 

So, let's try to explain it all? And try to explain it in a way that we can all understand. 

After the collapse of the USSR, the USA had no real enemy left, and it was thought that China wouldn't become a global force for another 50 years, yet the USA continued to build more military, and continued to gain more military bases throughout the world. 

With no real enemy left?, why would the USA do that? Because the USA has known for many years now their economy had to collapse, (and they've actually planned for it). Here's how, and why... 

The USA has known for a long time, the only way to prevent the USA from complete and total collapse, is, if they can force in a single world currency, as the effect of them doing so, would see the USA, overnight, become completely debt free, (this also explains their enormous military overspending, and it explains their willingness to allow China to purchase so much US debt, with so many US government bonds - $1.2 trillion). 

And it would see the USA, achieve, full global military control, as well as, full global financial control, (a very nice achievement some might argue). In other words, for those people that don't know?. That's effectively “American Tyranny”, and that's no different from Nazi tyranny. How Ironic is that?.

The US dollar Is the world's reserve currency, and it's currently used by many other countries to sell/purchase their oil/gas/energy etc, meaning that billions, if not trillions, of dollars, are kept by those countries (for their energy purchasing). What that allowed the USA to do, is, to print billions of US currency, without ever showing the true rate of inflation that would normally arise from such massive currency printing. 

They can only do that, because so much of the US currency sits in vaults all over the world, (to purchase their energy), those dollars would never find their way into the actual US economy, (meaning the USA could hold their real level of inflation well below the rate It really always should have been).

Well, the inevitable huge problem we're now seeing, is that all these countries like Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, Europe, and many more around the world, are going to be selling and buying their energy in other currencies or gold, not the US dollar! 

That's going to see each of those countries having to dump/exchange all those dollars they've held for so many years, to replace them with the gold, or the currency, they're going to use. 

The obvious huge issue for the USA today, is, when those billions, if not trillions, of dollars begin to filter back into the main US economy, the inflation will explode, (as It can't be hidden any more). It's going to see hyperinflation, and the price of a loaf of bread, (for example), will skyrocket to well over $200, crippling the USA, collapsing the USA, as we've never seen before. 

Basically, the bottom line is, it will see the USA in massive debt for hundreds of years to come, yet with no way of creating any more debt. It will all be over! And this is exactly why we're seeing this attempt to drag Russia, and also China, into a war. As I'll also explain...

After the collapse of the USSR, the CIA was bribing Yeltsin all throughout the 1990s, while also helping to dismantle Russia's military, even gaining access into Russian nuclear silos. They helped to sell off many Russian resources, (in illegal corrupted auctions), carried out by the CIA, (with their “in pocket” Oligarchs), and it ended with the USA really believing Russia couldn't ever become a threat to them again. 

Only they were wrong. And now, today, (right when they need too) they can't force in a single world currency, with the likes of Russia and China's nuclear threat saying get lost. They nearly had it done with the collapse of the USSR. What a bonus that was?, it meant they could do it without war! But they messed that right up, because the USA took their eye off one man — Putin. 

The United States really believed they had finished Russia off after the collapse of the USSR, to the point that Russia couldn't ever become a threat to them again. They helped to keep Russia in a state of pandemonium through Yeltsin's reign, believing they had sealed Russia's fate to the toilet. 

When Putin came to power, the USA could not work him out, but when they invaded Iraq and Putin (craftily as it bought him the time he needed), did not veto them?, they believed they still had Russia under their control, and Putin was just a pushover like Yeltsin. 

History will see Putin's tactic of not vetoing the Iraq invasion as genius and world changing, as it really fooled the USA to not bother to look at Russia as any sort of potential threat, and that really damaged their plans. 

As, while the USA was invading countries all over the world, with their "war on terror" excuse. Putin had quietly begun creating Russia an extremely effective military defence, and upgraded all Russian weaponry to a level able to hold its own, If not beat, any other nation on the planet. 

The USA, blind to this, carried on as they used NATO to murder Gaddafi, carried on, as they kept Iraq destabilized, (by transferring well known terrorist commanders into Iraq from Guantánamo Bay, in the hundreds), to help keep it in chaos over the next decade.

The USA then set their sights on Syria, and they were preparing for a ground invasion, (as with Iraq), when out of the blue, Putin vetoed that action, stunning the USA, it stopped them in their tracks, (and the USA then took a much closer look at Russia). When the USA had understood how they'd misread Putin, they then set out to demonise him across the world. But it still left the USA unable to use ground troops in Syria.

This is when we saw the USA, and their CIA, start the troubles in Ukraine

This is also something my fellow countrymen do not understand, and never have understood? A Russian viewpoint of history? What Russia has really watched and seen going on?... LOL.

France takes Algeria from Turkey, and almost every year England annexes another Indian principality? None of this disturbs the balance of power in Europe, but when Russia occupies Moldavia and Wallachia, (albeit only temporarily), that disturbs the balance of power in Europe. 

France occupies Rome, and stays there several years during peacetime refusing to leave, that's just nothing, but Russia only thinks of occupying Constantinople?, and the peace of Europe is threatened. 

The English declare war on the Chinese, (who have, it seems, offended them, LOL), no one has the right to intervene, speak, or even ask a question, but Russia is obliged to ask Europe for permission, if it quarrels with its neighbour? LMAO.

England threatens Greece, to support the false claims of a miserable Jew, LOL, and burns the entire Greek fleet, hahaha, that is a lawful action?, but Russia demands a treaty to protect millions of Christians?, that is deemed to strengthen Russia's position in the East, and of course, at the expense of the balance of power in Europe!. LOL.

Russia can expect nothing from the West, but blind hatred, and malice. History is never, just black and white. LOL.

So much British history can be explained by Britain's own paranoia of the Russian Empire, and so much Russian history can be explained by Russia's own paranoia of the British Empire.

I just can't work out how he thought he could get away with this. He's a cop, so he knows how these things are investigated, especially the gathering of cctv evidence. Using his own name to hire the car...the buying of stuff for the kidnap...he is either completely fkn stupid or he intended to just carry this out and get caught. Absolute scumbag.
Never let a good crisis go to waste that seems to be a mantra for evil people everywhere.
And, taking full advantage of his badge and the pandemic, this pathetic excuse of a human being decided to act upon his evil urges. More skeletons in that creepy closet, I'm sure.
Extremely sad case, and very preventable if the police would simply just use common sense and do their job.  This is a great case for having street cameras too, and on every block.  The  chance encounter of the video recording from the bus cannot be counted on, that evil thing may never have been arrested without it. And the aftermath, was a complete disaster.  These are human beings with loved ones left behind, I think people forget about that and move on with their lives, it shouldn't be that way.
It is good to know that this man will be in prison for the rest of his life. He is 48 and may have another 30 plus years to go. Those years will be miserable, as an ex-cop, rapist and murderer, he will not be popular with his fellow inmates. He will have a tough time in prison and may have to spend time in solitary for his own safety. It is also good to know that he will not be able to touch another woman for the rest of his life He has lost everything and has nothing to show for his life on earth. Whether he will be able to keep in touch with his wife and 2 children remains to be seen.
We don't have the death penalty in the UK but I feel the above punishment will be very long and very uncomfortable.
Devastating, I can't imagine what she went through, it just breaks my heart.
There is no punishment great enough which could even begin to match the pain of Sarah's family, boyfriend and friends daily lives. 
The rapist and murderer who took her life away, was historically and consistently deviant, and yet not challenged or investigated.  She was just walking home.
In an a good society, both men and women need to work together on the issue and not play the blame game. There are great men and women out there.
This one is rough.  It’s hard to know that the people who are supposed to protect you, that you should be able to trust, are quite possibly despicable human beings. Where I live, there was a regular guy going around making police stops in what appeared to civilians as an under cover car.  He had the lights inside, the badge, the uniform.  He had raped one woman and got away, and then attempted several more stops before eventually being caught.  I was pulled over by someone at the time in an unmarked car, so I called 911 (our 999) and asked for them to patch me thru to the pd in that area to verify it was an actual cop pulling me over.  It was, thankfully, but it’s so sad knowing that even though it WAS an actual officer, I (or anyone else) still could have been in the same amount of danger.  
You would have thought being a policeman, he'd have thought out his crime a bit more thoroughly. Luckily, his arrogance and stupidity, got him caught quickly. He got away with so much though. His perversions didn't go unnoticed! Why wasn't he reported before?? Held accountable??
 Unbelievable! I still can't believe Sarah's murder was his first. I hope he never gets out of prison. So sad for Sarah's family and all those who knew and loved her. 
This one is hard to swallow I feel because it’s so raw and very fresh. The fact that a police officer abused his power in this manner is absolutely disgusting and horrendous. They obviously need a overhaul of their department, if he can be nicknamed “the rapist” and be given the authority he had it shows something is very wrong deep within the system. I’m hoping cases like this and of Gabby Petitos change the systems and save innocent lives before they are lost by monsters in sheep’s clothing.
A lot is wrong here and 2 things are completely absurd:
1. getting mad at reminding women that it is their responsibility to be responsible for their safety
2. reminding women of the options they have if a cop seems dodgy
The reason for this is the childish desire to live in a world free of harm. rights without responsibilities. that is not our world and it never will be short of the King's return.
I feel like the general population of males are being blamed here. I don't think that's fair at all. There is a lot of good men out there doing whatever they can to protect their daughters, wifes, mums and females in general. Some men are just insane and not good in the head, but that comes to women as well. Can not blame all women for the few among the rest that do sickening things.
It is truly tragic that we live in a world full of criminal activity. The stories that you report on will never end. In most cases, the common denominator seems to center around how a person is brought up and that too, will never change for the better, oh, maybe a little but not enough to save all those people who become victims. The world moves on and the stories are never ending. 
How on earth would anyone- let alone a police officer, expect that story about the 'gang' that forced him to grab her to be believed by anyone. It made no sense. "How were they contacting you?" "They just kept saying 'be here at his time'" "YES. But HOW?!". Good Lord. I hope there is a God, as I like to think there's a cozy spot in hell for people like this. The amount of planning, the blase behaviour afterwards.
The notion of "compelling men to change their behavior" is just ridiculous thinking. It would be wonderful  if this were something that could be achieved, but it's as realistic as believing we can somehow create societies completely free of murder, theft, violence, etc. and complaining about how unfair it is that we should be forced to buy safes or home alarm systems or cc cameras. Believe it or not, it's not a men vs. women issue; it's an immoral vs. moral people issue. The VAST majority of men will never commit this type of crime. And the ones who will do not respond to attempts to force them to control their behavior. Not even threats of prison time or a death penalty are sufficient. Human societies will ALWAYS have a small minority of psychopaths, sociopaths, violent offenders, etc. Our ONLY option is to shore up our own resources to keep them at bay and remain vigilant.
The sad thing is, if a police officer came up to me, during pandemic and i was walking to a friends house for some wine, i would be so nervous to be caught doing something i shouldn't be doing that i would surely get into his car and feel the need to do as he says. This could be me or you or anyone. It's terrible that it had to happen to someone, I will keep you in my thoughts Sarah, I'm so sorry it happened to be you. I will keep my eyes wide open from now on, for you I will trust no one, not even cops, ever.
Being from the UK and watching this case unfold every single day to end up with this result has been heartbreaking! There is no trust in the MET, they failed to protect by ignoring all the red flags. They say they’re here to protect us but yet look at the outcome!
Am I missing something or is the concept of telling “men” to change their ways make no sense seeing as how the “men” that do this as sick and almost definitely would not listen or respond to such a call and those that would most likely would never do something like this. Not that not there’s no benefit from reaching out to men as a whole asking us to do better wouldn’t be beneficial in some way but the problem is the men who are bat shit crazy like this guy and all the public requests in the world wouldn’t change their ways. 
So instead of hoping and praying that men change themselves to protect the women, women should be proactive about it. And it’s not just women. Men or women. The gender doesn’t matter. Because people are crazy in general. So everyone should take precautions to protect themselves from crazy people. And that’s not making demands on the victims, that’s teaching society as a whole how to protect themselves
What can you do to change this problem , make the penalty so severe that it will stop some of these creeps from committing the crime.DEATH PENALTY.  Other than that there really is no way to predict what someone going to do. So yes woman unfortunately do have to be more aware of the surroundings and there situation. The problem with the world is simply people just don't care enough any more to want to take this problem on , and our governments are the guiltiest of all not changing laws and making the penalty extremely vicious .   It's sad to say that our governments are more likely to make the laws surrounding money than human life more severe.
They always try to hurt themselves when they are charged because who likes to be punished, especially not those who like to commit crimes. The streets are not safe so no woman should feel scared to walk at night or day so how can we help with this, that should be discussed. The authorities need to treat any assault on a woman seriously and not 3 and half days in jail for sexual assaults etc. Women are valuable and we need to do more.

There shouldn't be any plain clothed / undercover police making arrests. They should gather evidence yes but the only way to stop confusion (or people using the chance to fake being a plain clothed officer for nefarious things) is that plain clothes officer CANNOT arrest the individual/s involved unless it is to stop a murder or violence.
Don't people understand why most people in prison are men? They're much more likely to be predators. And those predators prefer kind and gentle victims. You can't change eons of evolution by getting angry at efforts to inform the general public about risks to watch out for. This type of outrage is the wrong approach. Who is the target of the protests? Predators don't care, and the good guys are trying. What is the actual policy recommendation?
For me, the elephant in the room is that this guy successfully used "violating covid lockdowns" as his pretense for grabbing this girl, and the cops tacitly tried to defend a policy of grabbing women off the street for violating lockdowns as a justifiable and correct policy, while offering zero assurance that this exact same situation wouldn't be repeated on a different victim... "If the officer makes you nervous, flag down a passer by" isn't exactly an ironclad way to prevent police from abusing these new powers

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