
Thursday 19 September 2024

Poison Idea Tribute EP

 Alan's On Fire

All my life I have been used by you
Time has come our game of love is through
Since I was born I've lived in the cold I've lived in the dark
Now I want heat now I want light igniting spark
I'm not a martyr but I am truth and you are a liar
But now my life of constant sadness goes up in the fire
I will be heard and I will be heard

Step on me I'm here for you to see
I hope you choke as I go up in flames
I told you my problems but you never heard a word
This is the moment for once in my life I will be heard
I know there must be a better way but I don't know how
You've lied to me and you've ignored me but you won't now
I will be heard and I will be heard

All my life I have been used by you
Time has come our game of love is through
A burning passion from a burning mass reaches up for the sky
I've called you here my devoted family turn to watch me die
I'm not a martyr but I am truth and you are a liar
So now my life of constant sadness goes up in the fire
I will be heard and I will be heard

The Badge

Young and dumb, truth and justice, fantasy fresh out of the academy
Five-time loser bust his head, make your day unless you're paid off, then you look away
Do you think this corruption will ever stop what makes a person want to be a cop?
Ran a red light, storm the house and bust the guy do you like to see his children cry?
Pick up a hooker and take her for a little ride but get sucked off on the side
Sworn to serve and protect, forget the killing badge-wearing fascist villain
Pissed in the street, you bust the guy do you like to see his children cry?
The badge means you suck a child lies there dead
As you look back, what goes through your head?

Young and tough, truth and justice, fantasy fresh out of the academy
Five-time loser bust his head, make your day
Unless you're paid off, then you look away
He burned a flag, storm the house and bust the guy do you like to see his children cry?
Ran a red light, take her for a little ride but get sucked off on the side
The badge means you suck a child lies there dead
As you look back, what goes through your head?

Talk to them, you can work it out you better not even try it
You make a play for his gun they'll kill you, say it was a riot
What's behind the badge?

(I Hate) Reggae

Hanging around changing the world,
Soon there'll be peace and it will be cool,
Then we can start all over again,
Then we can love the man who deals death,
I feel pissed, I feel ripped, I can't slowdown,
I Hate Reggae black and white unite and fight the right but not thru reggae,
Jah this Jah that, what the fuck cant stand reggae and I wont dance at a disco even if they play reggae,

I feel bad, my P.M.A's good
So good I want to burn down my neighborhood,
Dread locks and herb, nothing for us,
Religious backwas, another broken trust.
I Hate Reggae black and white unite and fight the right but not thru reggae,
Jah this Jah that, what the fuck cant stand reggae and I wont dance at a disco even if they play reggae


Bottle, bottle, on the wall, who's the drunkest of us all?
Set yourself up for the fall, who's a slave to alcohol,
I know a place where you can go, you'll probably see no one that you know,
A few minutes will make you think you probably need another drink.
They said that I had a disease, I asked them what if they please,
I asked them what the fuck they meant victim of the six percent,
Now I'm so ashamed of it, I guess it's time that I quit.

I saw a friend the other day, getting out of N.A.
He was looking really good, that made me think of myself,
I care about my worthless friends, don't like to see them kill themselves,
Get so strung out they lose all hope, why do you think they call it dope?
Trembling hands, blooodshot eyes, propose a toast to my demise.
God gave me this liver, I didn't know he was an indian giver.

Plastic Bomb

The lie is so real, I almost believe it
Conceit flows like sewage
How could you conceive it?
Shake my hand, look me in the eye
Smile and think of ways I'll die

Plastic bomb, plastic smile
Fake commitment, blood soaked style
Wrapped in a fur, trapped in a cancer
The swansong's over for the littlest dancer

Mistrust so explosive, apathetic corrosive
When I ask for it straight up
False face is compulsive
Try to stand tall, falling face down
Big fish, Small town, Small fish, Ghost town

Don't Like It Here/Nothing Is Final

Almost got what I wanted, almost got what I needed,
Tried to get it from you, you act so conceited,
So mom, come here because I really like it there,
I like to feel like a man, piss and shit when I can,
Pride on my shoulder with a chip on the other,
Target excites, I got both my hands on her thighs.

Victory of heart, presence of mind a smile on my face
I know what the next night brings wear and tear and pretend you care
Nothing is final, but exception is everything
Nothing is final, but exception is anything
Nothing is final, but exception is something
Your premonition, paranoia symptom you just gotta live and learn

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