
Thursday 19 September 2024

Machine Head Tribute EP IV

Heavy Lies The Crown

Call me the spider king, I creep along the night
I weave a web so dense, once caught there is no flight
So delicate the strands I weave around my victims taut
The terror suffocates their shattered afterthoughts
I feel their envy, heavy lies the crown

Call me the spider king, men sharpen blades behind
Caught in the light of greed, the prize infects their minds
They fly too close to flames of fame and withered vanity
Like moths they're drawn towards the inhumanity
I feel their envy, heavy lies the crown

And so I send my spies to watch the guilty seethe
Devise a twisted plot and gently pull the strings
I slink along the boulevards, listen to the streets
The avenues and gutters give me truth to speak
I feel their envy, heavy lies the crown

Call me the spider king, these fiends show no respect
Their blinded loyalties, the balance that I check
I hear them sharpen knives behind my back a moment frozen, let them open fire
See the hatred that burns through my eyes and remember the pain I’ll inflict on you
Before the dawn suffer my vengeance suffer my vengeance

So many cannons have been aimed at me they raise the guillotine at full speed
The bayonets of men they clash and ring the battle’s ashen sting, it recedes
The bodies burning in a blaze of heat the screams of agony and lost pride
These men go off to die, for war and countryside the revving engine of the war machine,
Draining it as it feeds on the weak they try to resurrect the violent seed
Into a hangman’s tree of deceit the choice made out on the battleground
Through history resound the weight would crush you down
Because heavy lies the crown heavy lies the crown

I smell the fear these men disguise as their love
The hints of their betrayal, it fires my blood
So many knives have missed my back to put me down
The weight would crush you down, because heavy lies the crown
Don’t put me on a pedestal I lay there for you all to see
I never wanted any war save me from the hate below
Envy seeps from every pore jealousy is your just reward
This is a warning to you all don’t ever try to plot my fall
I’ll put you six feet in the ground heavy lies the crown

In Comes The Flood

All hail praises be to thee ye paper deity
As we hail our sacred cow to the bankers we will bow
Endless profit from their wars making slaves of all the poor
Our new god is on the hill "The Almighty" Dollar Bill
I want to burn down Wall Street, baby and fan the flames of discontent like Hades
Saints of Red, White, and Blue pass bonds of junk to you our flag has all but bled to green
In comes the flood wake up America
In comes the flood wake up America

Live to buy or time to die it's all for sale on credit lines
Until the fucking end of time shackled to the dotted line
The market may be free but not for you and me
Succumb as we forget to the Angel Of Debt
I don't give a fuck if I'm rich, motherfucker we bought that line because we're a bunch of suckers
We're fighting for the scraps we've let our conscience lapse by turning cash into a god
In comes the flood wake up America
In comes the flood wake up America

Moneytheistic religion saints of the red, white, blue, and green
Who dare to inflate my life's interest rate til their rich bellies burst at the seams
Our lives nothing more to them than a snap of financial decision
Blinded by a TV screen all hail the American Dream
And woe to thee our life empty if we hold this dear then lose our fear America wake up
In comes the flood wake up America
In comes the flood wake up America


I'm wasted and ugly, I am the underbelly
A fat fuck and fairy the reject they wish to bury
They want to murder us, silence us divide and conquer us
As the lead, as we die let these three words decide
I love you why do I hate my brother?
I hate you or do I hate myself?

I'm a meth head and alkie dumb cunt been called a junkie
A retard and a pussy and I embrace the names you call me
They want to murder us, silence us divide and conquer us
As the lead, as we die let these three words decide
I love you why do I hate my brother?
I hate you or do I hate myself?

I'm a redneck and faggot the asshole ignoramus
A wetback and a nigga and I raise my middle fingers
So those that murder us, silence us divide and conquer us
As the lead, as we die let these three words decide
I love you why do I hate my brother?
I hate you I hate myself
Love Hate

In The Presence Of My Enemies

I never ask myself why injustice befell me
Accepted of the fact, try and live a life of peace
I'm not a violent man, but to those who'd threaten me
My enemy, for my family I'll show thee
Death I will fight you to wrath provoked you cannot bear
Our lives are not your toys mercy, not a drop to spare
You of destruction of hope's deconstruction kills
Innocence is lost when the blood of innocents spills

I'm not a violent man, again I wish to repeat
But for every human that takes away a child's innocence
Whether it by molest, or by all wars pointlessness
Killer of life corruptor of all that is pure
I want your nose to break shattered under clenched fist
Smash face to concrete taste the asphalt's gentle kiss
You of destruction of hope's deconstruction kills
Innocence is lost when the blood of innocents spills

To those that are to blame destroyers of every dream
Breaking of hatred's wings Mars' phoenix begins fading
To those that monger war claiming that this is to even scores
This mantra I invoke no longer this fear will I choke
There's no peace for the one who can't know peace your every breath it only lives to take
Someday the earth you will descend not a regret I'll harbor in tearless my eyes flowerless my hands
And that day when your moment is fleeting that thought keeps my heart beating
When they lower your casket down bitter the sweet within my mouth
Ender of life corruptor of all that's pure On Your Grave I Will Stand

None But My Own

I am only nothing, I am only this I am just a man with these two fists
You have asked forgiveness you have asked respect only something that you did forget
All you gave you had planned to take beat upon me but I won't break
Stripping everything from me? No!
Will to me your anger, will to me your rage will to me your lies, your sufferings
Not a man of virtue, not even a man will not take the hate dealt from your hands
Years of pain I will take and hone manifest with your broken bones
My heart bleeds for none but my own burn

I am only nothing, I am only this
I am just a man with these two fists
Not a man of virtue, not even a man
Will not take the hate dealt from your hands
Years of pain I will take and hone manifest with your broken bones
My heart bleeds for none but my own burn
My heart bleeds for none but my own


I feel so empty and alone, I wonder if this is ever going to go away 
Because now this changes everything
Smash all your sacred cows break all your sacred vows never look down on me
What you get, what you see I could never be another brick in the wall
You'll remember me as you break all our spirits down and push us to the ground
Call me a fool with a gasoline can burn it fucking down, start it over and over again
Whenever I fall if ever at all you're there to watch me crumble
And just like a muse a drug I abuse you're there to watch me crumble
But you won't get your chance

And so I sink into the grey horizon I'm never going to let you say I can't
I'll never let you beat me to the ground so can you see the hunger in my eyes?
Take a look, it's no disguise
Got to crush my struggles, crush the pain and the strife
Live or die, I'm gonna fight for my life tonight
Whenever I fall if ever at all you're there to watch me crumble
And just like a muse a drug I abuse you're there to watch me crumble
But you won't get your chance you'll never get your chance

The only thing keeping me sane the music in my veins
And if these words are my fists can you feel my catharsis?
Can, you, feel my catharsis can, you, feel my catharsis
The only thing keeping me sane the music in my veins
And if these words are my fists this is my catharsis
Whenever I fall if ever at all you're there to watch me crumble
And just like a muse a drug I abuse you're there to watch me crumble
But you won't get your chance you'll never get your chance
The only thing keeping me sane the music in my veins
And if these words are my fists can you feel my catharsis?
This is my catharsis!

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