
Wednesday 18 September 2024

Flotsam & Jetsam Tribute EP 2

 The Evil Sheikh

In the land where all is sand
Black gold below makes rich a man
Riches and evil go hand in hand
Many wives for one man

The sheikh of night, a wicked soul
The richest from the black below
Count the maidens at his hand
Fame and fortune twist a man

He lays them down to make unpure
With eyes and touch he does lure
He takes there love and then their life
No one questions one more wife

Another night he plans deceit
A virgin to die in the heat
His plan unfolds he takes command
She dies this night where all is sand

Double Zero

Here comes the message from the antennae who knows how transmissions came
I've got the license a bag of passports even I don't know who I am
Howling bullets fly by so often I can hear them buzz
I've lived in deserts, I've warred on cities I don't even know where I was

Remember Israel and Korea Kuwait's the best time I ever had
Had an accomplice who knew of nothing I killed the best friend I had
Can't be too careful, can't use computers they're gonna catch my disease
I work alone don't trust my own mother scratched out like ticks and fleas

Dial double zero call me whenever you have got a war
Home's where the guns are
My bed's the ammo and no one comes to my door
Dial double zero wherever you start a war

More of me going than I've got coming they'll squeeze my blood through the skin
I shouldn't have wasted my education the fucking trouble I'm in
I've got your had on, I've got your suitcase I'm you when you're gone
Out here thinking like I'm never me too long

Der Fuhrer

Far away across the sea, early twentieth century, a demon with a man's face.
Rose to power in Germany, dictator-monster, deceiving, Emperor of the Third Reich.
Zeig Heil! All Hail! Zeig Heil!

Star of David ripped to shreds, Holocaust, twelve million dead,
Der Fuhrer and his master race. red, white and black flies everywhere,
So much power, world beware, Hitler to rule the Earth.
Swastika, horrid miscreation, in the camps of concentration God's chosen in that Nazi hell.
Zeig Heil! All Hail! Zeig Heil!

Allied forces go to war, bloody battles by the score,
London, Paris, many more. air raid sirens screaming loud,
Bombers like the reaper's shroud, Deutschland terror marching proud.
So much pain and misery, far away across the sea hope he never lives again.
Zeig Heil! All Hail! Zeig Heil!


So you wanna come up on me chest out up on both feet
Puffed up, look down your nose attitude up on your tip toes
Hope you know how it's gonna be blood and knuckles out in the street
Come at me like a drunk in a bar you must like the taste of road tar

The end of you  the end of you
I will kick your ass you crying pussy
I will kick your ass you fucking sally girl

Run home cry to mama don't come back here again
Go home and wash your skirt and paint your nails
And face like you've been I can't stand you
Can't even look at you don't wanna hear you cry
I just can't deal with fragile little boys I'd rather see you die

So you sneak up from behind a cheap shot like I was blind
You better make it the shot of the year and when I get up don't you be here
There's no place you can hide so you better keep running
Dress up like the girl you are and hide out in the ladies stall

No More Fun

I see the mighty fortress crumble, tumble to the ground
Swarms of rumbling bumble bees, consume the frantic crowd
Seething, breeding mescaline drench the pretty girls
Boredom for excuse, there's no more fun in the world

Me outside my window, me inside my door
Inside or outside, I don't give a fuck no more
Say I'm angry, have a lousy attitude
It's hard to be optimistic when I share the world with you

Pretentious asshole, time to move aside
Can't survive on your hypocrisy and lies
You're building up, but you're tearing down
The mighty fortress crumbles, tumbles to the ground

And I can't understand, can't understand, can't comprehend
Indifference to my fellow man, no longer amused
Just pissed off and confused, still I laugh
Me eyes are dry and I don't know why, I wonder why and I'm so fucking happy

 Swatting At Flies

The only thing I ever made in my life was a fist
The only thing that ever proved that I exist
Broken glass looks best when the sun's goin down
Take it from me, I'm broken too and there's lots of us around

Like swatting at flies till they cover the floor
Like pulling teeth, tie the string, and slam the door
Like the time I fell in love into someone else
Like the time I complained about the cards I've been dealt
Like they say when it rains you know it always pours
Like hearing no again and slamming of doors

I've been alone, I've been together, I'd been lost
Making my decisions, with the coins that I toss
The slower they walk, you know the harder it gets
Shoulda, woulda, coulda, sketches all our regrets

Enjoying myself has just been an afterthought
I never doubted the teachers, just the lessons they taught
If I couldn't fill my stomach, I'd fill my head
But I never could fill the word that I said

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