
Friday 16 August 2024

Pagan Altar Tribute EP

 Pagan Altar

Dawning of a brand new day, lighting up the way,
With something new to say, from beyond the stars.
A warning of the times gone by, no tears left to cry,
Just a mournful sigh from beyond the stars.

Spawning from an Astral grave no souls left to save,
Floating on a wave from beyond the stars.
Burning life's eternal fire dictated by desire,
A Pagan Altar high from beyond the stars.

Morning of a Pagan reign nothing is the same,
Scream out Satan's name from beyond the stars.
Dawning of a brand new day lighting up the way,
Something new to say from beyond the stars

 The Black Mass

Through the corridors of darkness, on the wings of mans desire,
Conjured by the soulless ones at the everlasting fire.
Borne on waves of insanity from mans primeval past,
The mantra of the tumult has awakened him at last.

Drawing near in the gloom comes the twilight of all shame,
The ravens of night have flown away to set Valhalla aflame.
For too long now the right hand gods have fought between themselves,
With paths that lead to paradise from this demented world.
This is the age, the age of Satan, now that the twilight is done,
Now that Satan has come.

Blue velvet shrouds the altar, black candles pierce the dark,
The skulls of the unbelievers peer sightless, bleached and stark.
The inverted cross of burnished gold the burial urns of light,
The pungent smell of incense wafts out into the night.
This is the age, the age of Satan, now that the twilight is done,
Now that Satan has come.

 Sentinels Of Hate

People often now stand and stare and wonder who could they be,
That would leave such a lasting tribute to their lives.
But they never look down in the undergrowth at the pile of broken stone.
Or spare a thought for all the young men who have died.

Ruined Chapels and neglected graves have masked the truth for years
Only mangled limbs bear witness to their pain.
Their lord and masters pampered lives are marked by a granite tomb,
But in death the bones will always look the same.

The hooves of black plumed horses are silent on the cobbled streets
And a rusty lock secures the cemetery gates.
The age is long since dead and gone when they ruled in our domain
All that's left are these sentinels of hate.

Stone and marble pillars reaching higher, pointing ever upward to the skies
Looking down on the rank and file beneath them in the cold dark ground,
As they'd done throughout their selfish lives, all through there lives!

Evening falls to cast shadows ever longer, to slowly move across each soul again.
As if to say look up to me I'm still your master as I'll always be
Even in death our roles are still the same, they haven't changed!
Ashes down to ashes, dust down to dust,
It was the children born with a silver spoon and dealt the kind hand of fate,
Created these monoliths to power, built these sentinels of hate!

Their pious names cut deep into the marble, clear for all to see down though the years.
The means to their success lies buried in crumbling vaults with broken headstones,
No reflection left of all the tears, shed down the years.


You think the sun will always rise and set on you
And that stars still shine from your eyes
Just you take a good long look in the mirror
But then you won't believe the reflection doesn't lie.

Your life has been just one long love affair
But the love you shared certainly wasn't mine
You always were your own centre of attraction
But even you can't stop the sands of time.

So think yourself real lucky that you've got me
and know in your heart you got the best of the deal
I may not be the greatest thing that ever lived
But what you see of me is mine for real.

So don't look down on those who care or break the ties that bind
And see the world as what it really is not just what's in your mind
I've never really understood what goes on inside your head
But make the most of what you have as you'll be a long time dead

Daemoni Na Hoiche

Moonbeams chasing moonbeams moving pillars of living light,
Spectral shapes that glisten showing Demons of the night.
Knight errant on headless horses hunting vainly for their souls,
Shapeless forms of darkness that are illuminated cold.

Trees like old men stand and stare and reach towards the sky,
Faces that are etched with age where time has passed them by.
Branches argue with the wind and juggle with the light,
Ghostly mental cages that play havoc with your sight.

The Black mass holds no fears for those who don't believe
And of the dark side that lies beyond.
But this leaves them no protection to the terrors of the night
When all faith in their beliefs has gone!

Pagan minds conceived the night to use it as their own
A mantle made to cloak the mind and foster the unknown
Imagine the countless phantoms in those dark secluded holes
But they're inward turning mirrors they're reflections of your soul!

The Black mass holds no fears for those who don't believe
And of the dark side that lies beyond.
But this leaves them no protection to the terrors of the night
When all faith in their beliefs has gone!

Dance Of The Druids

Like ghostly phantoms on the wind, they glide across the mire.
Their white hair flows like silver webs, framing eyes of fire.
The gentle throb of an ancient drum, no human ever made.
Music only gods should hear, no human ever played.

This ritual of the druids has been, the saviour of mankind.
Unknown to them the price was paid by personal sacrifice.
For all the wrongs that man has done, the piper must be paid.
So he can sleep eternally peacefully in his grave.

From where they come and where they go, or why they have to be.
Mans mind cant hope to comprehend the sheer complexity.
Stonehenge has been their meeting place, as far as man can tell.
Birth of myths and legends, the gateway to Hell.

Man has always thought of them as priests or holy men,
Mortal beings that live and die never to rise again
Unknown to man their astral form still haunt the ancient ruins
No one ever understood the power of the druids.

I'm standing by the Altar stone, standing here all-alone.
Who can I turn to where can I run to.
I watch them slowly walk away as night turns into another day.
No one to turn back, no one will come back for me
Take me if you want to, take me if you need to,
Take me if you have to, take me.

Dawns light on the altar marks, the end of another rite.
Their spaceship glistening in the sun slips slowly out of sight.

Mans fate assured his conscience clear in the eyes of other men.
His slate is clean the bill was paid by the death of one of them.
Guide me and lead me help me through this night,
Take me and show them but let them see some light!

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