
Friday 16 August 2024

SOB Tribute EP

 Mind Empty Of Happiness

Dragged into the dark world I cannot tell reality from illusion
Impossible to abandon my reason for being I confine myself to the narrow-minded views
Mind empty of happiness
Empty space trivial existence a delusion spreading endlessly
Stranged in reality I drive myself to the end of my life
Mind empty of happiness

Despair that cannot be wiped off a confused circuit of thinking
I'll overcome my fear and seek for the comfort of my mind
Endless eternity I can neither live nor die
The world of darkness will I have to live forever?
Mind empty of happiness mind empty of happiness

Inner Hypocrisy

Too much hypocrisy surrounds us
A touch-and-go-situation everything's over
Do we hate each other unconsciously?
Malicious intentions to shove others aside
Defamation and antagonism hidden behind
Where on Earth is our interdependence?
Do we hate each other unconsciously?

Gossip-loving fellows are always faultfinding, which has been getting out of hand
They're coming one after another what the hell is going on without regard to each other,
No real harmony would arise they sponge us off for what we've got
What the hell is going on without regard to each other,
No real harmony would arise they sponge us off for what we've got
Too much hypocrisy surrounds us a touch-and-go-situation everything's over
Do we hate each other unconsciously?

Trapped In Cancer

Their power their conspiracy their rule kick the bucket
This world is depraved and confused everybody wanna have their own way
Their emotion their haughtiness their logic what have they realized?
This world is depraved and confused everybody wanna have their own way

Are they thinking of themselves as almighty God?
They make arrangements to suit their convenience with a value to judgement of their own
Nothing would be settled down who's laugh in the final round?

Their power their conspiracy their rule kick the bucket
This world is depraved and confused everybody wanna have their own way
They make arrangements to suit their convenience with a value to judgement of their own


Your perception might give rise to marvelous things
I cannot stand seeing boring stereotypes!
The key is to strike while the iron is hot
Radiate the light of hope
Radiate my dreams in tact

What you need is well-matched knowledge and sense
So many men, so many minds
They key is how to utilize your self
Radiate the light of hope
Radiate my dreams in tact

My eyes are spinning with eagerness
Let my dreams and hope stay mine forever!
Radiate the light of hope
Radiate my dreams in tact
My minds are operating at full swing
Let my dreams and hope stay mine forever!


They swarm like for profit pretending to understand
A promise never to be kept keeping our mind in custody
No warrant scapegoat torture direct
Self righteous fucking sucker phantasmagoric dishonesty dazzling us
They swarm like for profit pretending to understand
A promise never to be kept keeping our mind in custody
No warrant scapegoat torture direct

They swarm like for profit pretending to understand
A promise never to be kept keeping our mind in custody
A heap of problems indigestion there's no solution at all
Completely distorted truth fed up with it all we'll never take your game seriously
A heap of problems indigestion there's no solution at all
Completely distorted truth fed up with it all we'll never take your game seriously

Invisible Shadows/Re-evolution

Invisible shadows manipulating the whole world gropingly
Creation and destruction by turns we're threatened by what we've decided

What do you draw what do you believe you project into your vision?
What do you choose can you find what you're lookin' for what does your future hold?
Believing our higher selfpower
We're gonna make progress adopting various things
We're gonna spiral up our dreams are gradually coming true
Believing our higher selfpower

All right the future we create holds no rules you bet
Don't talk about the basics make the choice for yourself
Why don't you rush out of your jail and pursue the way you should go?
Believing our higher selfpower
What do you draw what do you believe you project into your vision?
What do you choose can you find what you're lookin' for what does your future hold?
Believing our higher selfpower

Pagan Altar Tribute EP

 Pagan Altar

Dawning of a brand new day, lighting up the way,
With something new to say, from beyond the stars.
A warning of the times gone by, no tears left to cry,
Just a mournful sigh from beyond the stars.

Spawning from an Astral grave no souls left to save,
Floating on a wave from beyond the stars.
Burning life's eternal fire dictated by desire,
A Pagan Altar high from beyond the stars.

Morning of a Pagan reign nothing is the same,
Scream out Satan's name from beyond the stars.
Dawning of a brand new day lighting up the way,
Something new to say from beyond the stars

 The Black Mass

Through the corridors of darkness, on the wings of mans desire,
Conjured by the soulless ones at the everlasting fire.
Borne on waves of insanity from mans primeval past,
The mantra of the tumult has awakened him at last.

Drawing near in the gloom comes the twilight of all shame,
The ravens of night have flown away to set Valhalla aflame.
For too long now the right hand gods have fought between themselves,
With paths that lead to paradise from this demented world.
This is the age, the age of Satan, now that the twilight is done,
Now that Satan has come.

Blue velvet shrouds the altar, black candles pierce the dark,
The skulls of the unbelievers peer sightless, bleached and stark.
The inverted cross of burnished gold the burial urns of light,
The pungent smell of incense wafts out into the night.
This is the age, the age of Satan, now that the twilight is done,
Now that Satan has come.

 Sentinels Of Hate

People often now stand and stare and wonder who could they be,
That would leave such a lasting tribute to their lives.
But they never look down in the undergrowth at the pile of broken stone.
Or spare a thought for all the young men who have died.

Ruined Chapels and neglected graves have masked the truth for years
Only mangled limbs bear witness to their pain.
Their lord and masters pampered lives are marked by a granite tomb,
But in death the bones will always look the same.

The hooves of black plumed horses are silent on the cobbled streets
And a rusty lock secures the cemetery gates.
The age is long since dead and gone when they ruled in our domain
All that's left are these sentinels of hate.

Stone and marble pillars reaching higher, pointing ever upward to the skies
Looking down on the rank and file beneath them in the cold dark ground,
As they'd done throughout their selfish lives, all through there lives!

Evening falls to cast shadows ever longer, to slowly move across each soul again.
As if to say look up to me I'm still your master as I'll always be
Even in death our roles are still the same, they haven't changed!
Ashes down to ashes, dust down to dust,
It was the children born with a silver spoon and dealt the kind hand of fate,
Created these monoliths to power, built these sentinels of hate!

Their pious names cut deep into the marble, clear for all to see down though the years.
The means to their success lies buried in crumbling vaults with broken headstones,
No reflection left of all the tears, shed down the years.


You think the sun will always rise and set on you
And that stars still shine from your eyes
Just you take a good long look in the mirror
But then you won't believe the reflection doesn't lie.

Your life has been just one long love affair
But the love you shared certainly wasn't mine
You always were your own centre of attraction
But even you can't stop the sands of time.

So think yourself real lucky that you've got me
and know in your heart you got the best of the deal
I may not be the greatest thing that ever lived
But what you see of me is mine for real.

So don't look down on those who care or break the ties that bind
And see the world as what it really is not just what's in your mind
I've never really understood what goes on inside your head
But make the most of what you have as you'll be a long time dead

Daemoni Na Hoiche

Moonbeams chasing moonbeams moving pillars of living light,
Spectral shapes that glisten showing Demons of the night.
Knight errant on headless horses hunting vainly for their souls,
Shapeless forms of darkness that are illuminated cold.

Trees like old men stand and stare and reach towards the sky,
Faces that are etched with age where time has passed them by.
Branches argue with the wind and juggle with the light,
Ghostly mental cages that play havoc with your sight.

The Black mass holds no fears for those who don't believe
And of the dark side that lies beyond.
But this leaves them no protection to the terrors of the night
When all faith in their beliefs has gone!

Pagan minds conceived the night to use it as their own
A mantle made to cloak the mind and foster the unknown
Imagine the countless phantoms in those dark secluded holes
But they're inward turning mirrors they're reflections of your soul!

The Black mass holds no fears for those who don't believe
And of the dark side that lies beyond.
But this leaves them no protection to the terrors of the night
When all faith in their beliefs has gone!

Dance Of The Druids

Like ghostly phantoms on the wind, they glide across the mire.
Their white hair flows like silver webs, framing eyes of fire.
The gentle throb of an ancient drum, no human ever made.
Music only gods should hear, no human ever played.

This ritual of the druids has been, the saviour of mankind.
Unknown to them the price was paid by personal sacrifice.
For all the wrongs that man has done, the piper must be paid.
So he can sleep eternally peacefully in his grave.

From where they come and where they go, or why they have to be.
Mans mind cant hope to comprehend the sheer complexity.
Stonehenge has been their meeting place, as far as man can tell.
Birth of myths and legends, the gateway to Hell.

Man has always thought of them as priests or holy men,
Mortal beings that live and die never to rise again
Unknown to man their astral form still haunt the ancient ruins
No one ever understood the power of the druids.

I'm standing by the Altar stone, standing here all-alone.
Who can I turn to where can I run to.
I watch them slowly walk away as night turns into another day.
No one to turn back, no one will come back for me
Take me if you want to, take me if you need to,
Take me if you have to, take me.

Dawns light on the altar marks, the end of another rite.
Their spaceship glistening in the sun slips slowly out of sight.

Mans fate assured his conscience clear in the eyes of other men.
His slate is clean the bill was paid by the death of one of them.
Guide me and lead me help me through this night,
Take me and show them but let them see some light!

Sunday 11 August 2024

Manilla Road Tribute EP

 Witches' Brew

Inside the maze of fire kindled with desire
Boiling the cauldron true filled with witches' brew.
Three Norns stand at the gates, Mater of the Fates
Who keep the ancient runes howl at the silver moon.

Would you drink the witches' brew,
Blood of wisdom shed for you?
Watch the dead rise from the grave
And turn the monsters into slaves.
Father of Tiw,long dead warriors rise for you.
We drink the brew.

Fire and water, earth and sky,
Feast of torches lights the night;
Hounds of Yeth bay at the moon;
The blood of life is Witches' brew.
Father of Tiw Einhereir doth rise for you.
We drink the brew, witches' brew.

The Empire

The crystal evolves the light of time
The sword of Asrah, power of fire
For life we fight till the end of time
For destiny leads us to build our empire
Master of energy Nardia we hail
For Manillan lords Ice Spirit shall sail
For the empire we shall not fail
The cycle complete order shall prevail
In search of peace in search of freedom
The cycle complete the city Manilla

The empire in dormant lace
The magikal mysteries of the ordonian age
The plague of man verses sword of fire
The plotted destruction of the Manillan Empire
Electrical impulse, fire and knowledge
Unite together the gladiator arises
The golden death of demonic domain
Manilla free the empire rises again
In quest of peace in search of freedom
The cycle complete the city Manilla

The crystal evolves the light of time
The sword of Asrah, power of fire
For life we fight till the end of time
For destiny leads us to build our empire


Through the jungle by the river Styx
I've journed long and far this day
Lurking shadows in the parapets
Will never make me turn away
Darkened city veiled in crimson mist
Entombed in time without decay
Never thought it would be like this
It feels like I'm living inside a dream
But my mind tells me I'm
Lost in Necropolis, lost in Necropolis
Lost in Necropolis, lost in Necropolis

Now I know what it's like to be
Inside the city of the dead
All I think of is breaking free
From all the spells chained to my head
Sword and axe are my destiny
I watch the stars turning blood red
There is light yes I've got to believe
For this feels like living inside a dream
I know now that I am
Lost in Necropolis, lost in Necropolis
Lost in Necropolis, lost in Necropolis

I have seen your cities burning
I have felt your daughters yearning
For the peace before the tides of war
I have witnessed funeral pyres
Burning bright with man's desire
I will fight the demon horde forever more
The world is full of mysteries
That men have never seen before
Magik lives in all dynasties
The light of love shines ever more
In the crypt of Atlantean Kings
I found what I was looking for
Magik Trident of Volusia's Sea
I know it's like living inside a dream
But don't you ever get
Lost in Necropolis, lost in Necropolis
Lost in Necropolis, lost in Necropolis

Hammer Of The Witches

Hammer of Hell
Not of The Well
A book of sin
Fathered by men
Unholy deeds
Done out of greed
Murder by law
In the Name of God
Burn them all
Burn them all
Burn them all

The blood runs cold
We've paid the toll
They burned the truth
Out of our youth
Bringers of pain
In the Father's name
Not of The Well
We'll send them back to Hell
And burn them all
Burn them all
Burn them all

The Books Of Skelos


Three books of human flesh
Of Magik, life and death
Of times long lost to man
Creation of the damned

Before the ancient gods
And Dreams of Eschaton
The Ancients of the Muse
Combated Cthulu

His tentacles reach far beyond the grave
These chronicles of light and life enslaved,
Were penned in blood
Before the mighty flood

Nocturnal Lords of Death
Summoned by Dragon's Breath
To cleanse this holy land
From sea to desert sand

Like Necronomicon,
And Ancient Bardic song
These books hold many clues
To Magik law and truth

The sentinels of Hell guard every gate
These chronicles of light and life enslaved
Were penned in blood
Before the mighty flood


Nightmares turned to living hell
Enchanted under the spell
Dark Lords cast upon the earth
Armageddon into birth
By the books

Holy Cross turned upside down
Burning empires to the ground
Aiser Legions march to war
Halocaust of ancient lore
In The Books


Long lost Magik of our tribes
Necromantic book of scribes
Blood from human sacrifice
Bringing life that never dies
The Book Of Skulls

The witch begat her only orn
Concieved by blackest rites
Sacrificial throats were torn
To give The Demon life
Life baptized in blood

Mankind thrown into the maze
Of a cataclysmic age
Cadavers re-animate
As The Priests Of Chaos prey
The Book Of Skulls.

 In Gein We Trust

Father said the crop was going to be a good one
A lot of holes to dig, a lot work to be done
Good old Gein goes to pay a visit to a stone
Maybe he'll keep you company if you're all alone

Gein we trust in you we trust in me
Gein, but what is this, what does it mean
Gein, no we don't know this place
Have you seen Gein

Mister Ed comes back from the dead to ply his trade
Skull cup-a-soup fast on a boney chair he's amde
Lots of parts all packed away in boxes nice and clean
Human nipple necklace, your a scream Mister Gein

He's happy to watch the kids till you get back
Let's go out to the smokehouse, something new upon the rack
Nothing really showing through the windows all day
They're painted black so we don't know what to say
Wearing what face flayed grey and frozen
Sad sick dead faces, he's got them by the dozen
He becomes the person that he'd taken way back when
So he can kill himself and still live to kill again

Cloven Hoof Tribute EP


Never pay no heed to those who oppose my lifestyle
Feel no remorse for the wrong that I've done
I constantly abuse all who try to use me
Like a fallen angel banished from the sun

Cause I'm the Night Stalker, feel the cold caress of knife
Stealthily advancing to cut out your life
The Night Stalker, assassin at your back
Skulking in the shadows poised for attack

Prowling these streets at night, I fight a deadly game of survival
Stealing through the concrete jungle with bloodlust in my brain
All here fear me I'm ruthless as I'm godless
A preditor of the side walk in his alley-way domain

Society brands me a homicidal madman,
but they cannot cage what they cannot see
When I'm coming you as good as a dead man
Ain't no one alive that can elude me

The Gates Of Gehenna

Look on high son of man i stand before you
Celestial traveller of time and space
Take my hand discover realms beyond the living
Cast aside the mortal fears that ever plague your race
Leave your world behind seek and you will find the Gates of Gehenna

Sinners scream from tormented fate redemption but a dream too late
Damnated souls in the aftermath of Gods own
Wrath, with paradise lost forever, and ever

Now you will know your reason here
Mine is Lucifer, destructor, abductor of your soul
Seek not escape once lured to Hell's own kingdom
None may elude my presence nor relinquish my dread control
You are sold to brutality never to break free the Gates of Gehenna

My fate is sealed in shadow denied the gift of light
Cast down damnated banished from salvation's sight
The prey of the betrayer, spirits never finding peace
An eternity of suffering possessed without release
You'll never get away, no...

 Prime Time

Too bad the boy can't sing, but kids today'll buy anything.
Sweet meat, supplying trash on demand,
For a few dollars more in the back of a hand.
You'll go far It's true, every two bit actors a rock n' roll star.
In the charts on the news with millions screaming all over you.

It's Prime Time! Media saturation,
Corporation war talent ain't worth a dime.
Doing prime time slave to convention,
Overnight sensation sign the dotted line.
You'll find,were all doing prime time!

Red hot the kid can play but where's the pay off
at the end of the day looses heart playing one night stands.
Never got a deal soon quit the band he was good 
Goes to show it ain't what you do it's who you know.
That's the catch 22 when the doors are closedyou'll never break through

It's a fashion reaction pigeon hole philosophy.
The people only get what we want them to see.
Gonna sell 'em the illusion till it hurts and they'll pay.
A little bit of hype goes a long long way.
Foundations of rock have feet of clay
Gone tomorrow but here today.

Return Of The Passover

[Part 1 - The Coming]

He comes forth spanning starways that sinners may live in fear
Retribution, marks this eve day the hour of vengance draws near
Dark angel of our destruction mounted on black winged steed
Irresistably anhialating all bearing malice, lust or greed

Dawns now the death dealer atomising soul stealer
Inflicting damnation unto he that spurns salvation

Earthly resistance, proves futile no mortal force can halt this man
Evil minions meet extinction by making mockery of the heavenly
His mission is that of deliverance seeking repentance from all
In a world plaqued by Violence And Deception where the weakest, surely fall

[Part 2 - Executional Redemption]

Those exempt of compassion devoid of trust
Ashes to ashes dust to dust
Cleansing all sins dispersing all pain
Question not his judgement defy not his reign

[Part 3 - Cold Reign]

The ancients have told, of the first passover
They felt ones power, in centuries past
Now we live in his dreaded shadow
Never heeding when, the die was cast


I am born a highlander, into battle I ride.
With the sword of my forefathers and the clan by my side.
In the glen waits my destiny mortal wounds I sustain.
Cold steel inside of me but I cannot be slain.

Blessed by immortality as time marches on.
Take the head of my enemy there can be only one.
The hills have eyes the hills have eyes
The hills have eyes the hills have eyes

Thunder in the mountains the final reckoning will come.
At the end of my odyssey the prize must be won.
Kraken stands between my quest evil old as the sea.
Titans clash in a mighty test to taste bloody victory


The king of Scots, the mighty Bruce outnumbered three to one
English armies all around, before the day is done
For honour we test our swords and ride
To battle we may not long survive

2.000 horse and infantry, the enemy appears
With axe and spear and shield and lance through mud and blood, no fear
Hand to hand, we turn and face the foe
Eye to eye, though hell itself waits below
Hacked to pieces, butchery in the field
Crimson chaos, die by my hand don't yield
Stand! Hold your ground! Pole axe and fire
Slaughter around, drowned in the mire

Bannockburn, it's so worth fighting for
Bannockburn, were off again to war tooth fang and claw
Bannockburn, it's so worth dying for
Bannockburn, time to settle scores what's in store?

Stab, bite! Gouge, fight!
Falling arrows, pierce the whites of your eyes
Easy targets, severed heads and war cries
Black hearts and flame, still we fight on
Across the borders they came, slain one by one

Bannockburn, it's so worth fighting for
Bannockburn, we're off again to war tooth fang and claw

Down from the glen came the Bruce's men
With their standards held high to the sky
Into the fray armoured knights and their prey
Carnage and mayhem so many to die
To the victors go the spoils, nobles are ransomed for gain
We are free from oppression. Scotland has risen again
English retreat, Edward took flight
We won't be beat, this land is our right!

Bannockburn, it's so worth fighting for
Bannockburn, were off again to war tooth fang and claw
Falling arrows, pierce the whites of your eyes
Easy targets, severed heads and war cries
Bannockburn Bannockburn

Saturday 10 August 2024

Probot Tribute EP

 Shake Your Blood

Looking for relief in your miserable life
You need some rock and roll and you better get it right
Got to roll them bones, do everything they say
If you're cool, and you're the fool make it work everyday
Rock out, make it quick my, my, my let it rip.
Rock out, feeling good break your heart, shake your blood

Out upon the stage, crowd is going wild
Love to see them women, babe, I ain't in denial.
Make you crazy too. make you show it out
Feeling good, get some wood you knew
You should, you knew you could
Rock out do it now. my, my, my show me how.
Rock out make it good break your heart, shake your blood

Want to be a winner, want to be the man
Want to drive yourself insane join up with the band
Want to fall in love, want to make your mark
Want to get out in the storm, want to break a thousand hearts
Rock out do it now. my, my, my show me how.
Rock out make it good break your heart, shake your blood

Red War

Red war will fall on my enemies Babylon is full of hypocrisy
You feel the hate is for real because Red War will fall on my enemies
Red War Red War Red War Red War

The sign of the cross I carry into war The Kyber Pass where no one rests
Hold my head up the Judah Lion Twelve tribes in the mountains of Zion
Babylon fall and Red War will come Babylon fall
Red War Red War

Red War will fall on my enemies

The Emerald Law

I do not die, but awaken from the dream I lived
As above? so below, be revealed, the truth be known
Questions, pieces strewn shrouded answers hewn
With love so grow, beneath his paws the tablets glow

Behold the falcon surveys the horizon
Great scribe let us see, your runes of mystery
Serpent shares your name, the keeper of the emerald flames
Prevail the law of three, the goddess guides humanity

He weighs your heart a life pure a life false
And they learn the sword deceived by false words
And so their greed and their lies cause them to be blind
And so become, the falcon and so become, the falcon

And now the souls they swing swirl in the cosmic ring
Creations spark it has no time rejoin the realm divine
Enthroned true one he sails into the sun
Falcon at the helm glides through the netherrealm
Be shown unseal the laws have been concealed
Earthly majesty tables of destiny

Bloodline blood trail the truth becomes the grail so far so near cloked in the mists of fear
Aboce below what's hidden will be shown divine majesty true scrolls of destiny
What's concealed will be revealed those you see will be received
The law of three, humanity the law of one, INTO THE SUN

Big Sky

My world has died all gusts and leaves
Your wondrous life and love have ceased
And all you've touched is dead and gone
And night for night we're both alone
Big sky throning over the tree you've left behind
Through these tears lost by your forlom only child
Big sky throning over the tree you've left behind

It hurts inside this silence new
And yet I know this wind is you
And all you've touched is dead and gone
And night for night we're both alone
Big sky endless in your own overwhelming pain
Free at last into the light behind this eternal rain
Big sky endless in your overwhelming pain

You'll never pale you're never gone
And all within I'm not alone
Big Sky

I Am The Warlock

I am going to fuck your life up I am going to crush your soul
Two demons stand beside me now I am taking control
I never sleep I have got a sinister plan
Your world is weak now I am overtaking command
Because I am the Warlock I am the Warlock

I am going to fuck your mind up and you will be writhing in pain
Stare deep into my sceptre and now you are going insane
You try to run and hide I am going to slice you in half
You try to gather up your army now you are making me laugh
Because I am the Warlock I am the Warlock

I whisper the ancient scriptures I drink the blood of the lamb
And as I begin to levitate this is the day of the damned
Because I am the Warlock I am the Warlock

Ice Cold Man

Vampires of this earth hungry dying of thirst lifeblood in short supply
Black skies red watching eye burning into demise,
As all light slowly dies seeds of man's decay have grown to take away the sacred gift of life
Mother nature cries as darkness fills her eyes
Yes we are blind, too blind to see our tombstone to destiny
Ice Cold man watches earth die eternal winter takes its reign
Devoid of light filled with pain Ice Cold man watches earth die

Bleak the atmosphere freezing warmest tears the earth a ball of ice 
Bodies frozen cold glacier heart and soul all warmth has long since died
In his arctic hearse man rides death universe
For one final time through black frosted sun into oblivion
Ice Cold man watches earth die eternal winter takes it's reign
Devoid of light filled with pain Ice Cold man watches the earth die

Beneath a veil of black ice He sees now hell once paradise
Ice Cold man watches earth die
All love lost lost without a trace
Behind his frozen empty face
Defunct eyes cold as arctic ice
Ice Cold man pays the final price
Ice Cold man watched the earth die
Ice Cold man Ice Cold man
In his arctic hearse man rides death universe
One final time through black frosted sun into oblivion
Ice Cold man watched his earth die

Friday 9 August 2024

Blind Guardian Tribute EP

  Another Holy War

I am god the only one I will bring back
Freedom to your heart you won't believe that blind can't see
No one else before me ever knew the way to paradise
For another bloody crime I shall return I am your light on through the night
Why am I born will I fail to rise again
Another Crucifixion for another holy war
Can't stop what's going on

Sooner or later you must understand
My words bring freedom and rescue for man
What else to call me your Messiah
I wish there could be another way
Cross and nails are already prepared
My sell out waits till I'm crucified I will die before my vision ends
Why am I born will I fail to rise again
Another Crucifixion for another holy war
Can't stop what's going on

Wait for the dawn to take me away
What will be if I fail another golden calve
Never, never ending pain and agony
Hit me, nail me make me god
Why am I born will I fail to rise again
Another Crucifixion for another holy war
Can't stop what's going on

Hall Of The King

Alone I walk, hearing a voice, that's calling my name
No one with you, God, why I didn't care
On through death take me away to the place time will not fade
Colder than dead, Darkness eternity, But look out
A hundred thousand centuries the sun had never seen
So near but much too far eternal place you know what's life but cannot tell
I can never see you changing but you look to me
Time will never heal your wounds but you're immortal

Hall of the King a vision of the end
Hall of the King don't cry for us
Don't hear us calling watch out for me Hall of the light
My last sin

You find yourself, just take a look To see you must open your eyes
Like a hawk in the sky, a wonder that dies don't ask me why
You're the birth and you're the end you've been hurt but you're not dead
Discovering you is what should never be
Poisoned are our souls, and dark our hearts
Ruins we have left to rule the world
Destructive are our minds, It's much too late

Symphonies Of Doom

In the dark night they defend their missiles, where it's the night we all die.
Enthralling power, who searches to be masters. they play their game with your life.
The burning fire comes around, the heat is on just for this day, it's all sad blues.
The East Sun is burning hard. see, your life is short.
See the rainbow in the mirror. see the rainbow in the sky.
See the desert in front of you. see the desert of life.
Standing in the cold rain, waiting for the end see the shadows of the night.
I have told you, but now it is too late. these are Symphonies of Doom.

Feel the danger, this final battle it will imply us all God's agony.
The endless blitzes just blind your eyes shut and blow your life out to nothingness.
Black shadows storming in the East, but you can't see. the liec has set that power free.
The East Sun is burning hard see, the life is short.
See the rainbow in the mirror see the rainbow in the sky.
See the desert in front of you see the desert of life.
I'm no sinner. I'm no fool. I have heard these chants before.
I have told you, but now it is too late these are Symphonies of Doom.

The Tides of War

Call the wind, I hail thee we sail on through the storm
There's fire in my mind, fire in my mind fire in my mind, fire in my mind
There's no escape and there's no return the blood that flows behind us
It's the world outside tears you might be crying but it's over now
For a high cost we come so just keep your hate alive
The tides of war the tides of war
We've come to face it in these lands
We've come to face it in these lands
The Curse of Feänor

No sorrow, no loss I count the ones behind
Come follow, don't turn your back and let them whine
The grief is real, the pain I feel it's not what I've been longing for
They shall be free, they'll be released they can't get over the sea
They were following in vain burning vessels, burning hope needless baggage on the road
Let them curse me, let them blame they may have faced their journey's end
Boats at distant shore they burn the wind still carries smoke in Araman we've seen Teleri's work on fire
Across the ice, a flame to take revenge, ashamed betrayed by the insane Feänor
You've come too far, you've come to fail Feänor
All done in vain, by the oath You delivered our doom
The tides of war the tides of war
We've come to face it in these lands
We've come to face it in these lands
The Curse of Feänor

Boats at distant shore they burn the wind still carries smoke in Araman we've seen Teleri's work on fire
Across the ice, a flame to take revenge, ashamed betrayed by the insane Feänor
We've come too far, we've come to fail Feänor yet we have reached the promised land of Feänor
The tides of war the tides of war
We've come to face it in these lands
We've come to face it in these lands
The Curse of Feänor

The Bard's Song In The Forest

Now you all know the bards and their songs when hours have gone by
I'll close my eyes in a world far away we may meet again
But now hear my song about the dawn of the night let's sing the bards' song
Tomorrow will take us away far from home
No one will ever know our names but the bards' songs will remain
Tomorrow will take it away the fear of today
It will be gone due to our magic songs

There's only one song left in my mind
Tales of a brave man who lived far from here
Now the bard songs are over and it's time to leave
No one should ask you for the name of the one who tells the story
Tomorrow will take us away far from home no one will ever know our names
But the bards' songs will remain tomorrow all will be known and you're not alone
So don't be afraid in the dark and cold because the bards' songs will remain they all will remain
In my thoughts and in my dreams they're always in my mind
These songs of hobbits, dwarfs and men and elves
Come close your eyes you can see them too

The Bard's Song The Hobbit

Out in the distance there's so much gold
The treasure that I've found is more than enough
Far to the hill we've to go over the mountains and seas
To the old hill where the old dragon sleeps
Blind in the dark dungeon's night
So God please take me away from here
And Gollum shows the way right out

I'm alive the dying dragon brought trouble and pain
And horror to the halls of stone I'll take the mighty stone
And leave the dwarfs behind ice and fire and forest we passed and horror in the halls of stone
Trolls in the dark the dawn took them all caught in the wood by the wooden king's men
But now I'm alone because I've made up my mind by the spell of gold

The king under the mountain will risk the great war what a fool
He's losing control so I am trying to find a way
Blind in the dark dungeon's night
Then darkness comes from the northern side and Thorin clears his mind

Thursday 8 August 2024

Sangre De Muerte Mare Orientale 7


Gün çoktan döndü buralarda ve ben simsiyah bir gecenin koynunda yapayalnız bekliyorum
Duyuyorum görüyorum bir gün gelecek dönence biliyorum

Already the day was on the wane everywhere here
And I'm waiting all alone in the arms of a pure black night
I'm hearing it I'm seeing it one day the tropic will come I know that
Simsiyah gecenin koynundayım yapayalnız
Uzaklarda bir yerlerde güneşler doğuyor
Görüyorum dönence
Kupkuru bir ağacın dalıyım yapayalnız
Uzaklarda bir yerlerde bir şeyler kök salıyor
Biliyorum dönence
 Çatlamış dudağımda ne bir ses ne bir nefes
Uzaklarda bir yerlerde türküler söyleniyor
Duyuyorum dönence

I'm all alone in the arms of the pure black night
Some suns are rising somewhere far away
I'm seeing it the tropic
I'm the branch of a bone-dry tree all alone
Some things are taking roots somewhere far away
I know that the tropic
There's neither a single sound nor a single breath on my chapped lips
Ballads are being sung somewhere far away
I'm hearing it the tropic

Simsiyah gecenin koynundayım yapayalnız
Uzaklarda bir yerlerde güneşler doğuyor
Görüyorum dönence
Kupkuru bir ağacın dalıyım yapayalnız
Uzaklarda bir yerlerde bir şeyler kök salıyor
Biliyorum dönence
Çatlamış dudağımda ne bir ses ne bir nefes
Uzaklarbir yerlerde türküler söyleniyor
Duyuyorum dönence
Duyuyorum biliyorum görüyorum dönence
Dönence gün dönende dönence bir gün gelecek dönence biliyorum

I'm all alone in the arms of the pure black night
Some suns are rising somewhere far away
I'm seeing it the tropic
I'm the branch of a bone-dry tree all alone
Some things are taking roots somewhere far away
I know that the tropic
There's neither a single sound nor a single breath on my chapped lips
Ballads are being sung somewhere far away
I'm hearing it the tropic
I'm hearing it I know that I'm seeing it the tropic
When the day comes back around, then the tropic I know that the tropic will come back one day

In Praise Of Genghis Khan

Khökh tengerees zayasan khödöö arald mendelsen
Khökh mongoloo negtee khövchin delkhiid duurisgaad
Erelkheg mongol Chinges
Ezenbogd Chingesee

Blessed by the eternal sky born of the steppe
Everywhere in blue-skied Mongolia his name resounds in the world
The courageous Mongol Genghis
The sublime Lord Genghis

Gal mesnii dundaas gan bold shig khattai
Gazar dyelkhii deeree garid shuvuu shig khüchtyei
Erelkheg mongol Chinges
Ezenbogd Chingesee

Even in burning wounds a mind strong as steel
Like temporal worlds as powerful as a planetary bird
The courageous Mongol Genghis
The sublime Lord Genghis

Deed tengerees zayasan delkhiin khagasiig daguulsan
Sür khichee negtgee süld khiimori iadraasan
Erelkheg mongol Chinges
Ezenbogd Chingesee
Erelkheg mongol Chinges
Ezenbogd Chingesee

Destined by heaven possessed half the world 
Engrained is his spirit in the majestic and mighty world
The courageous Mongol Genghis
The sublime Lord Genghis
The courageous Mongol Genghis
The sublime Lord Genghis

Cup Of Solid Gold

Gî Lân siânn pian sió ke tshī
Hong tshing guat bîng hó an ki
Lán Uī Suí sian sinn tshoo tshut sì
Ji̍t tshut liông tîm uānn kok kî

Once upon a time there was a small village beside the city of Gî Lân  
The breeze was gentle and the moon was bright; it's truly a nice place to live in harmony 
Respectful Mr.Tsiúnn was born here while flag of the falling dragon replaced by the one of rising sun 

Gǒng Jīn ōu Chéng tiān chóu,  Mín wù xīn fú zǎo Xǐ tóng páo  
Qīng shí xìng zāo Zhēn xī hào  Dì guó cāng qióng bǎo  Tiān gāo gāo Hǎi tāo tāo 

Firm and Stable be the golden cup domed by the Celestial concave in it men and things happily prosper. 
Glad are we who live in the time of Purity. May Heaven protect and secure us from enemies 
And help us to reach the truly golden age the Blue firmament is infinitely high and the seas flow everlastingly. 

Meri Mehbooba

Kisi Roz Tumse Mulaakat Hogi Kisi Roz Tumse Mulaakat Hogi
Meri Jaan Us Din Mere Saath Hogi Magar Kab Na Jaane Ye Barsaat Hogi
Mera Dil Hai Pyaasa Mera Dil Akela  Zara Tasveer Se Tu Nikalke Saamne Aa Meri Mehbooba 
Meri Taqdeer Hai Tu Machalke Saamne Aa Meri Mehbooba Meri Mehbooba
Meri Mehbooba Zara Tasveer Se Tu Nikalke Saamne Aa Meri Mehbooba  We Love You 

Some day I shall meet You some day I shall meet You
From that day on, My love shall be with me but I don't know when, this rain of love shall come
My heart is thirsty my heart us alone just come out of the picture my Soulmate
You are my destiny, dance and come in front of me my Soulmate
My Soulmate just come out of the picture my Soulmate  We Love You 

Nahin Yaad Kabse Magar Main Hoon Jabse  Mere Dil Mein Teri Mohabbat Hai Tabse
Main Shaayar Hoon Tera Tu Meri Ghazal Hai Badi Bekaraari Mujhe Aaj Kal Hai
Badi Bekaraari Mujhe Aaj Kal Hai Mujhe Aaj Kal Hai
Zara Tasveer Se Tu Nikalke Saamne Aa Meri Mehbooba 
Meri Mehbooba Zara Tasveer Se Tu Nikalke Saamne Aa
Meri Mehbooba Toku Re Toku Re Jaane Kahan Se Lo Aa Gayi Hai vo  We Love You 

I don't even know since when, I guess since I exist my heart is filled with Your love, since then
I am a poet, You are my poetry  I am feeling very restless nowadays 
I am feeling very restless nowadays  I have nowadays
Just come out of the picture My Soulmate
My Soulmate just come out of the picture
My Soulmate no one knows from where she has come We Love You 

Bhala Kaun Hai Vo Humein Bhi Bataao Ye Tasveer Uski Humein Bhi Dikhaao 
Ye Kisse Sabhi Ko Sunaate Nahin Hain Magar Doston Se Chhupaate Nahin Hai
Chhupaate Nahin Hai Tere Darde Dil Ki Dava Hum Karenge
Na Kuchh Kar Sake To Dua Hum Karenge Na Kuchh Kar Sake To Dua Hum Karenge 
Dua Hum Karenge Tadap Kar Aayegi Vo Tujhe Mil Jaayegi Vo 
Teri Mehbooba Teri Mehbooba Kisi Roz Tumse Mulaakat Hogi
Meri Jaan Us Din Mere Saath Hogi Magar Kab Na Jaane Ye Barsaat Hogi
Mera Dil Hai Pyaasa Mera Dil Akela Zara Tasveer Se Tu Nikalke Saamne Aa Meri Mehbooba Meri Mehbooba

Who is that person, tell us also  show us also the picture of her
This story shouldn't be shared with everyone but it should be hidden from friends 
Also shouldn't be hidden we will find the medicine for the pain in Your heart 
If we are not able to do anything, we shall pray
If we are not able to do anything, we shall pray
We shall pray she will come struggling you will get her
Your Soulmate Your Soulmate Some day I shall meet You
From that day on, My love shall be with me but I don't know when, this rain of love shall come
My heart is thirsty my heart is alone just come out of the picture  my Soulmate my Soulmate

Beiyang Fleet/Li Zhongtang

Bǎozuò yánxiū wànguó huān
Jǐngxīng gǒngjí wǔ yún duān
Hǎibō chéngbì chūnhuī lì
Jīngjié huājiān jí fèngluán 

Ten thousand nations celebrate the Imperial throne's prosperity
The fortune star climbs over the iridescent clouds of five colours
The crystal blue ocean glitters under springs sunshine
Tributaries bow to the Emperor like flowers centring a phoenix 

Jīndiàn dāng tóu zǐgè chóng,
Xiānrén zhǎng shàng yù fúróng,
Taìpíng Tiānzǐ cháo tiān rì,
Wǔ sè yúnchē jià liù lóng. 

In the Golden Palace, amongst the overlapping purple pavilions,
Like a jade lotus flower in an immortal's palm,
The Son of Heaven of Supreme Peace pays tribute to Heaven's sun,
In its five-colour chariot of clouds, drawn by six dragons. 


Çökertme'den çıktım da Halilim aman başım selâmet
Çökertme'den çıktım da Halilim aman başım selâmet
Bitez de yalısına varmadan Halilim aman koptu kıyamet
Bitez de yalısına varmadan Halilim aman koptu kıyamet

I left Çökertme, my dear Halil, I am at peace,
I left Çökertme, my dear Halil, I am at peace.
Before arriving at Bitez Waterfron, my dear Halil, came the apocalypse,
Before arriving at Bitez Waterfron, my dear Halil, came the apocalypse.

Arkadaşım İbram Çavuş Allahına emanet
Arkadaşım İbram Çavuş Allahına emanet
Burası da Aspat değil Halilim aman Bitez yalısı
Ciğerime ateş saldı aman kurşun yarası
Gidelim gidelim Halilim Çökertme'ye varalım
Gidelim gidelim Halilim Çökertme'ye varalım

My friend İbram Çavuş, fiduciary to my God,
My friend İbram Çavuş, fiduciary to my God.
This isn't Aspat, my dear Halil, Bitez Waterfront.
The bullet wound spread fire to my Lungs.
Let us go, let's go, my dear Halil, Let's arrive at Çökertme,
Let us go, let's go, my dear Halil, Let's arrive at Çökertme.

Kolcular gelirse Halilim nerelere gaçalım
Kolcular gelirse Halilim nerelere gaçalım
Teslim olmayalım Halilim aman kurşun saçalım
Teslim olmayalım Halilim aman kurşun saçalım
Burası da Aspat değil Halilim aman Bitez yalısı

Let us not surrender, my dear Halil, we shall scatter bullets,
Let us not surrender, my dear Halil, we shall scatter bullets.
This isn't Aspat, my dear Halil, Bitez Waterfront.
The bullet wound spread fire to my Lungs.
This isn't Aspat, my dear Halil, Bitez Waterfront.
The bullet wound spread fire to my Lungs.

Ciğerime ateş saldı aman kurşun yarası
Güvertede fezeriken aman kunduram kaydı
Güvertede fezeriken aman kunduram kaydı
Çakır gözlü Gülsümümü Çerkez kaymakam aldı
Çakır gözlü Gülsümümü Çerkez kaymakam aldı
Kaymakam baskısı canım aman aldı yürüdü
Kaymakam baskısı canım aman aldı yürüdü
Burası da Aspat değil Halilim aman Bitez yalısı
Ciğerime ateş saldı aman kurşun yarası
Burası da Aspat değil Halilim aman Bitez yalısı
Ciğerime ateş saldı aman kurşun yarası

While wandering on the deck my shoe slipped
My ocean-like eyed Gülsüm has been taken by the Cherkes Qaimaqam
My ocean-like eyed Gülsüm has been taken by the Cherkes Qaimaqam
The pressure of qaimaqam, he took my Gülsüm
The pressure of qaimaqam, he took my Gülsüm
Here is not Asbat, my Halil here is Bitez Mansion,
The bullet wound pierced my heart fellas
Here is not Asbat, my Halil here is Bitez Mansion,
The bullet wound pierced my heart fellas

Chori Chori Yoon Jab

Chori chori yun jab ho aankhe char kya hota hai
Eye deewana dil jab dhadke pehli baar kya hota hai
Begane ban jate hai yaar yaar yaar
Anjane ho jata hai  pyaar pyaar pyaar
Ye kya hota hai kaise hota hai jane ye koi na
Chori chori yun jab ho aankhe char kya hota hai
Eye deewana dil jab dhadke pehli baar kya hota hai

Sara ye shahar dekha ghum ke dekhe lakho hasi
Hamko hai yaki koi bhi kahi tere jaisi nahi
Dil jo pagal kar jaye wo didar kya hota hai
Jana ab hamne jana pehla pyaar kya hota hai
Begane ban jate hai yaar yaar yaar
Anjane ho jata hai pyaar pyaar pyaar
Ye kya hota hai kaise hota hai jane ye koi na
Chori chori yun jab ho aankhe char kya hota hai
Eye deewana dil jab dhadke pehli baar kya hota hai

Dehke jab tujhe dekhte rahe phir nazar na jhuke
Karna chahe dil kitni hi bate par juba na khule
Bin bole hi aankho se ye ikrar kya hota
Na bhi ha lagta hai ye ikrar kya hota hai
Begane ban jate hai yaar yaar yaar yaar
Anjane ho jata hai pyaar pyaar pyaar pyaar
Ye kya hota hai kaise hota hai jane ye koi na
Chori chori yun jab ho aankhe char kya hota hai
Eye deewana dil jab dhadke pehli baar kya hota hai

Zindagi hai wo jo kate teri naram julfo tale
Mange dil dua milna ho agar pyaar tera mile
Koi milke jab chhede dil ke tar kya hota hai
Sanso se jab uthi hai ye jhankar kya hota hai
Begane ban jate hai yaar yaar yaar yaar
Anjane ho jata hai pyaar pyaar pyaar pyaar
Ye kya hota hai kaise hota hai jane ye koi na
Chori chori yun jab ho aankhe char kya hota hai
Eye deewana dil jab dhadke pehli baar kya hota hai.

O Bhavre

O bhavre dekho hum diwaanon ko masti mein mastaanon ko
Apni hi dhun mein chale hain duniya se kya lena hai
O bhavre dekho hum deewano ko masti mein mastaanon ko
Apni hi dhun mein chale hain duniya se kya lena hai
O bhavre

Deewaanagi ka saath hai hairanagi ki baat hai ravaanagi kahaan ki hai kaho na
Mudane lage hain raaste judane lage hain raaste dekho hamaare vaaste chalo na
Bhavare dekho hum deewano ko masti mein mastaanon ko
Kaisi suhaani shaam hai bas pal do pal aaram hai
Phir kitne saare kaam hain apna rakhvaala raam hai
Bhavare dekho hum deewano ko

Rukte chalte hi aa jaayegi manzil humse bach ke na jaayegi
Jaise dariyaaon ko kinaare milte hain chanda ko sitaare
Aankhon ko milte hain jaise nazaare kaliyon ko milte hain bhanvre ye pyaare
Kashti ko milte hain paani ke dhaare naazuk dilon ko sahaare
Baagon ko milti hain jaise bahaare paayenge hum bhi thikaane
Jab hum chalein hain saath saath ab sochne ki kya hai baat
Chal chal ke raste hum ko hi pukaarein

Shabba Shabba

Bosa bosa bosa bosa shuk sara bundara shamo shamo,
Ar meraa u u shamo shamo bosa shamo shamo shamo
Shabba shabba hay rabba hone laga hai nasha mujhko hote hee sham
Hoy mastee yeh javanee kee hai ya kisee key pyar kee yeh toh jane ram
Arey chalee chalee bosa mai galee galee bosa par kahee nahee tha pyar toh
Abb khilee khilee sisa meree kalee kalee sisa kee yahee kahee hai pyar woh
Shabba shabba hay rabba hone laga hai nasha mujhko hote hee sham
Hoy mastee yeh javanee kee hai ya kisee key pyar kee yeh toh jane ram
Are chala chala bosa mai yaha vaha bosa par kahee nahee tha pyar toh
Abb mila mila sisa han mujhe mila sisa kee yahee kahee hai pyar woh
Shabba shabba hay rabba hone laga hai nasha mujhko hote hee sham
Mastee yeh javanee kee hai ya kisee key pyar kee yeh toh jane ram

Paise kee pyasee duniya kyun naa samajhe iss pyar kaa nahee koyee mol
Yun toh jange ladkar pyar se phir milate hain ghum phir key yeh duniya hai gol
Anarakalee key aage toh akabar dada bhee chup rah key gusse se jate dol
Aur majnu ranjha romio bhayee sabne milke jan de key sikhaye pyar key bol
Love me jo power hai woh kisee me kaha itna samajh ley too yar
Pyar kee gadee key aage toh jitnee kare hain sab bekar
Shabba shabba hay rabba hone laga hai nasha mujhko hote hee sham
Mastee yeh javanee kee hai ya kisee key pyar kee yeh toh jane ram

Bade bade rocket satellite bheje upar tir hamara banaya hai jo computer
Par pyar naa kiya duniya me toh phir hai kya kiya
Hamne toh sikha jahan me hai bas yahee dil ley rey
Milake woh hunar sabhee tum bhee sikho
Ham bhee toh hain baba prem pujaree dil kaa katora liye prem bhikharee
Ram key nam peh sun lo hamaree pyar kee jhalak hee de do ramapyaree
Shabba shabba hay rabba hone laga hai nasha mujhko hote hee sham
Mastee yeh javanee kee hai ya kisee key pyar kee yeh toh jane ram
Are chalee chalee mai galee galee par kahee nahee tha pyar toh
Abb khilee khilee meree kalee kalee kee yahee kahee hai pyar woh
Shabba shabba hay rabba hone laga hai nasha mujhko hote hee sham
Hoy mastee yeh javanee kee hai ya kisee key pyar kee yeh toh jane ram

Tere Ishq Mein Naachenge

Uff kya raat aayi hai mohabbat rang layi hai
Uff kya raat aayi hai mohabbat rang layi hai
Hum jashan manaenge sagar chalkaenge
Na hosh mein aaenge tere ishq mein naachenge
Tere ishq mein naachenge tere ishq mein naachenge
Jhoomenge gaaenge hum dhol bajaenge tere ishq mein naachenge
Tere ishq mein naachenge tere ishq mein naachenge

My, what a night has come love has taken its colour
My, what a night has come love has taken its colour
We'll celebrate we'll overflow the sea
We won't regain our senses we'll dance in your love
We'll dance in your love we'll dance in your love
We'll dance and sing we'll play the drums
We'll dance in your love we'll dance in your love

Uff kya raat aayi hai mohabbat rang layi hai
Hum jashan manaenge sagar chalkaenge
Na hosh mein aaenge tere ishq mein naachenge
Tere ishq mein naachenge tere ishq mein naachenge
Tune tadpaya hai tujhko tadpaenge
Tujhko tadpaenge tere ishq mein naachenge
Tere ishq mein naachenge tere ishq mein naachenge

My, what a night has come love has taken its colour
We'll celebrate We'll overflow the sea
We won't regain our senses We'll dance in your love
We'll dance in your love We'll dance in your love
You've tormented me I'll torment you I'll torment you
We'll dance in your love We'll dance in your love
Uff kya raat aayi hai mohabbat rang layi hai
Gaalon ki laali hai tere liye hothon ki pyaali hai tere liye
Gaalon ki laali hai tere liye hothon ki pyaali hai tere liye
Dil chahiye, dilruba chahiye itna bata tujhko kya chahiye
Yeh husn ki jaagirein hum tujhpe lutaenge tujhe dil mein basaenge
Tere ishq mein naachenge tere ishq mein naachenge

My, what a night has come love has taken its colour
The redness of my cheeks is for you the goblet of my lips is for you
The redness of my cheeks is for you the goblet of my lips is for you
You want a heart, you want a lover tell me what do you want
The wealth of my beautiful body I'll sacrifice for you I'll settle you in my heart
We'll dance in your love We'll dance in your love

Uff kya raat aayi hai mohabbat rang layi hai
Teri tijori ka sona nahi dil hai hamara khilona nahi
O teri tijori ka sona nahi dil hai hamara khilona nahi
Kaise khareedoge tum pyar mein bikte nahi dil yeh bazaar mein
Woh cheez nahi hai hum joh yoon bik jaaenge hum toh takraenge
Tere ishq mein naachenge tere ishq mein naachenge

My, what a night has come love has taken its colour
It's not like the gold which is in your vault it's my heart and not a toy
It's not like the gold which is in your vault it's my heart and not a toy
How will you buy in love the hearts are not sold in any market
I'm not someone Who can be bought I'll stand and fight
We'll dance in your love We'll dance in your love

Uff kya raat aayi hai mohabbat rang layi hai
Aye kahan se aaya hai tu humko toh lagta paraya hai tu
Apno ki mehfil mein begaane hum sabki asaliyat ko pehchane hum
O apno ki mehfil mein begaane hum sabki asaliyat ko pehchane hum
Patthar ki murat se takra gaye acha hua hosh mein aa gaye
Aukaat kisi ki kya hum sabko bataenge ab na sharmaenge
Tere ishq mein naachenge tere ishq mein naachenge
Uff kya raat aayi hai mohabbat rang layi hai
Hum jashan manaenge sagar chalkaenge
Na hosh mein aaenge tere ishq mein naachenge
Tere ishq mein naachenge tere ishq mein naachenge
Tere ishq mein naachenge tune tadpaya hai
Tujhko tadpaenge tujhko tadpaenge
Tere ishq mein naachenge tere ishq mein naachenge

My, what a night has come love has taken its colour
Hey, where have you come from you look like a stranger to us
I'm like a stranger in my own party I know the reality of everyone
I'm like a stranger in my own party I know the reality of everyone
I stumbled across an idol of stone I'm glad that I regained my senses
No one has the class I'll prove it to everyone now I won't be shy
We'll dance in your love We'll dance in your love
My, what a night has come love has taken its colour
We'll celebrate We'll overflow the sea We won't regain our senses
We'll dance in your love We'll dance in your love
You've tormented me I'll torment you I'll torment you
We'll dance in your love We'll dance in your love

Jab Koi Baat Bigad Jaye

Jab koi baat bigad jaye jab koi mushkil pad jaye
Tum dena saath mera, o humnava
Jab koi baat bigad jaye jab koi mushkil pad jaye
Tum dena saath mera, o humnava
Na koi hai na koi tha zindagi mein tumhare sivah
Tum dena saath mera, o humnava

Whenever something goes wrong whenever there's a problem
Stand by my side, my beloved
Whenever something goes wrong whenever there's a problem
Stand by my side, my beloved
There's no one and there was no one in my life other than you
Stand by my side, my beloved

Ho chandni jab tak raat deta hai har koi saath
Tum magar andhero mein na chhodna mera haath
Ho chandni jab tak raat deta hai har koi saath
Tum magar andhero mein na chhodna mera haath

Everyone stands by your side till there's a moonlit night
But please you don't leave my hand even in the darkness
Everyone stands by your side till there's a moonlit night
But please you don't leave my hand even in the darkness

Wafadari ki woh rasmein nibhayenge hum tum kasmein
Ek bhi saans zindagi ki jab tak ho apne bas mein
Wafadari ki woh rasmein nibhayenge hum tum kasmein
Ek bhi saans zindagi ki jab tak ho apne bas mein

We both will fulfill the promises and customs of faithfulness
Until the breaths of our life are in our control
We both will fulfill the promises and customs of faithfulness
Until the breaths of our life are in our control

Dil ko mere hua yakeen hum pehle bhi mile kahin
Silsila yeh sadiyon ka koi aaj ki baat nahi
Dil ko mere hua yakeen hum pehle bhi mile kahin
Silsila yeh sadiyon ka koi aaj ki baat nahi

My heart is confident that we've met somewhere in the past
This is a story of ages and not something that was crafted today
My heart is confident that we've met somewhere in the past
This is a story of ages and not something that was crafted today

Destroyer of Worlds

Manyase yadi tach chhakyaṁ mayā draṣhṭum iti prabho yogeśhvara tato me tvaṁ darśhayātmānam avyayam 
Aneka-vaktra-nayanam anekādbhuta-darśhanam aneka-divyābharaṇaṁ divyānekodyatāyudham 
Divya-mālyāmbara-dharaṁ divya-gandhānulepanam 
Sarvāśhcharya-mayaṁ devam anantaṁ viśhvato-mukham 

O Lord of all mystic powers, if You think I am strong enough to behold It, then kindly reveal that imperishable cosmic form to me. 
In that cosmic form, Arjun saw unlimited faces and eyes, decorated with many celestial ornaments and wielding many kinds of divine weapons. 
He wore many garlands on His body and was anointed with many sweet-smelling heavenly fragrances. 
He revealed Himself as the wonderful and infinite Lord whose face is everywhere. 

Divi sūrya-sahasrasya bhaved yugapad utthitā yadi bhāḥ sadṛiśhī sā syād bhāsas tasya mahātmanaḥ 
Aneka-bāhūdara-vaktra-netraṁ paśhyāmi tvāṁ sarvato ’nanta-rūpam nāntaṁ na 
Madhyaṁ na punas  tavādiṁ paśhyāmi viśhveśhvara viśhva-rūpa 

If a thousand suns were to blaze forth together in the sky, they would not match the splendour of that great form.
I see Your infinite form in every direction, with countless arms, stomachs, faces, and eyes. 
O Lord of the universe, whose form is the universe itself, I do not see in You any beginning, middle, or end. 

Tvam akṣharaṁ paramaṁ veditavyaṁ tvam asya viśhvasya paraṁ nidhānam 
Tvam avyayaḥ śhāśhvata-dharma-goptā sanātanas tvaṁ puruṣho mato me 
Dyāv ā-pṛithivyor idam antaraṁ hi vyāptaṁ tvayaikena diśhaśh cha sarvāḥ 
Dṛiṣhṭvādbhutaṁ rūpam ugraṁ tavedaṁ loka-trayaṁ pravyathitaṁ mahātman
Shrī-bhagavān uvācha kālo ’smi loka-kṣhaya-kṛit pravṛiddho lokān samāhartum 
Iha pravṛittaḥ ṛite ’pi tvāṁ na bhaviṣhyanti sarve ye ’vasthitāḥ pratyanīkeṣhu yodhāḥ 
I recognize You as the supreme imperishable being, the Ultimate Truth to be known by the scriptures. 
You are the support of all creation; You are the eternal protector of Sanātan Dharma
And  You are the everlasting Supreme Divine Personality. This is my opinion
The space between heaven and earth and all the directions is pervaded by You alone. 
Seeing Your wondrous and terrible form, the planetary systems are perturbed, O Greatest of all beings. 
The Supreme Lord said: I am Time, the Destroyer of Worlds even without your participation, 
The warriors arrayed in the opposing army shall cease to exist. 


Drod abar tō, Husrow, Abarwez ud perozgār, 
Čašm ud sare Eran,  Sāyag e Auramazda, 
Čašm ud sare Eran,  Anushirvan

Salutations upon you, Khosrow,
Glorious and victorious, Eyes and head of Iran,
Shadow of Ahura Mazda, Eyes and head of Iran,
Immortal Soul

Edon nibišt estad ku,  Pas az marge e Kawād
Husrow Shāhānshāh bud, Shah i Eran ud Aneran

Thus it is written, That after Kavad's passing,
Khosrow was King of Kings, King of Iranians and non Iranians,

Edon nibišt estad ku,  Husrow Shah e Wuzurg bud,
Husro Anushirvan,Yazdān tōhm winārdār

Thus it is written,  Khosrow was a great King,
Khosrow the Immortal Soul, Restorer of the Gods

Great Incantation of the Living Continuum

Call to the North I invoke Thee, Spirits of the Earth.
Bar Lalu-Ki Bida-Uru-Sha-Iltanu, Zi-Zi.
Kakkab Kas-Tu, Shar-Ur, En-Nu-An Lul-La-Nefs-Ak.
Mus-Hus Sig-Gi-Gi Shu-Gi Tukum-Bi, Zi-Zi.
Ningishzida, Lord of the Serpent-Roots, listen and remember.
Ereshkigal, Queen of the Great Earth and of that Below, listen and remember.
Spirits of the Great Earth and the Spaces between and beneath, remember.
The Ways of the Divine Undeworld are perfect. They may not be questioned.
An Office of Ereshkigal will be faultlessly performed. A Secret Affilliation will justly take place.
May no man, nor man's gods speak in rebellious towards, This Assembly!
Come forth Ningishzida and fortify this Sacred Place with Thy Sturdiness.
May it be tamed of any and all rebellion. May it nourish not the seed of the ensnarer.
Be Thou most barren and support not this seed of falsification.
May Thy I-Lu bird sing whilest devouring this exposed seed of treachery.
O Lord Mushussu, may all disobedience submit to Thee.
Zi-Zi Mus-Hus-Sig-Gi-Gi Lul-La-Nefs Gul-Gul! Zalag!
Arise O Spirits of the Earth and give Foundation unto this Most Sacred Place.
May it become Fertile and serve the Great Work and the Principalities there of.
May it circulate with the abundance of all that which is Productive and Divine.
Za-Mi Ningishzida Ka-Gur, Za-Mi Ereshkigal On-Muh Nu-Banda.
Tukumbi Dub Me-Gal-Gal-Zuneme Kalag. Dis-Sumun Menzen Ga-Ar! Menzen Ga-Ar! Menzen Ga-Ar!

Call to the East I call on Thee, Spirits of the Air.
Bar Urash Arku Kakkab Zi-Zi. Anunna, Dingir-Gal-Gal-E-Ne Sham Kalag.
Si-Il Lil An-Ta, Zi-Zi. Bar Sadu, As-Hur Arku Tukum-Bi, Gis-Tuku-Bida-Kanpa.
Annuna, Watchers of the Spaces between and below, listen and remember. Place of the Anunnaki, Judges of Righteousness.
Home of U-Mu La Mah-Ri. The Storm that annihilates countries. Great Watchers of the Sky Chamber, listen and remember.
The Ways of the Firmament are perfect. They may not be questioned.
An Office of the Sky Chamber will be faultlessly performed A Secret Affilliation will justly take place.
May no man, nor man's gods speak in rebellious towards, This Assembly!
Come forth Wind Spirits and fill this Sacred Place with Your Living Breath.
May it be cleansed of all vulgarism. May it be cleansed of all coarseness.
May it be Sweetened with Your Magic and be made useful unto Thy Purpose.
Zi-Zi U-Mu La Mah-Ri, Ki-Bala-Sharush, Zalag!
Arise O Spirits of the Four Winds and Breathe upon this Most Sacred Place.
May it become Living and serve the Great Work and the Principalities there of.
May it circulate with the abundance of all that which is Productive and Divine.
Za-Mi Anunna-Gal-Gal-E-Ne, Za-Mi Anunnaki Kak-Si-Di.
Tukumbi Dub Me-Gal-Gal-Zuneme Kalag. Dis-Sumun Menzen Ga-Ar! Menzen Ga-Ar! Menzen Ga-Ar!

Call to the South I summon Thee, Spirits of the Great Fire.
Bar Bil Kar-Kalag A-Aga-Lul-La Sharush. Mus Pa-Pil-Sak.
Su Dag Ak Bil-Ur-Sag Me Numun-Gar Nig-Hul Bil-Ki-Gul.Ga-Kal Nam-Lu-Gal Ki-Gal Gis-Tuku-Bida-Kanpa.
Come, O Vigorous Ones, Consumers of the Zamanu.
Bil-Ur-Sag, Most Awesome of the Purifiers, listen and remember.
With Thy Lion-head Thou shalt have no rival and all who look on You shall be appalled.
O Spirits who raged furiously against the rebel lands, listen and remember.
The Way of the True Will is perfect. And no man nor man's gods may hold it in question.
An Office of Ninhursang will be faultlessly performed. A Secret Affilliation will justly take place.
May no man, or man's gods rival this Most High Decision!
Come forth Cleansing Flames and make Pure this Most Sacred Place.
May it be cleansed of all treachery from the treacherous seed shall it be cleansed.
From the treacherous influence shall it be cleansed from the treacherous intention shall it be cleansed.
From the treacherous action shall it be cleansed may all deception thus be scorned within Your Embrace.
Zi-Zi Aruru-Nig-Hul-Bar Bil-Ur-Sag! Mu-Hal-Lig Na-Gab Za-Ma-Ni-E La Ma-Gi-Ru Ka-Li-Su-Un! Ki-Gul! Zalag!
Come forth Spirits of Fire and make Active this Most Sacred Place.
May it Manifest Your Will and serve the Great Work and the Principalities there of.
May it circulate with the abundance of all that which is Productive and Divine.
Za-Mi Bil-Ur-Sag-Me Kur-Gul-Gul. Za-Mi Bil-Ur-Sag-Me Ki-Bala-Se Bi-Du-Du.
Tukumbi Dub Me Gal-Gal-Zuneme Kalag. Dis-Sumun Menzen Ga-Ar! Menzen Ga-Ar! Menzen Ga-Ar!

Call to the West I call Thee here, Spirits of the Living Water.
Zi-Zi Bar Badur, Allu-Dag, Sir-Ku-Zu Dub. Ki-Ne Zalag Shu Du-Nin-Hul-Hul. E-Gish-Nu-Gal Du.
Su-Su-Ku-Ku-Zalag, Su-Ki Ne Tu-Tu Numu-Gar-Nig-Hul-Bad.
Zi-Zi Mehu-Amurru, Si-Ku Ne Tu-Tu Esbar-Nig-Hul-Bad. Bar Zisura-Badur Gis-Tuku-Bida-Kanpa.
The ways of the God Who Say'th "I AM THAT I AM" are Perfection!
There can be no question for what creature could hold such foolishness!
The Office of Chthhulhu-Habsu-Mahummuhu-Tiamat
The Greatest Work of all works Will Be Carried Out in a Flawless Manner!
No Dispirited Shadow Of A God Or Man Dare Speak Against This Flawless Action!
Kakkab Kas-Tu, Shar-Ur, Gis-Tuku-Bida-Kanpa! Anunna, Bar Sham, Gis-Tuku-Bida-Kanpa!
Bar Bil-Ur-Sag, Sharush, Gis-Tuku-Bida-Kanpa! He-Gal Ab-Zu-Ki-Gal A-Ab-Ba, Gis-Tuku-Bida-Kanpa!

O Great Triumvirate, Alpha-Omega, Almighty and Most Living Continuum,
Who know'th all things for You've design'th all things!
From Whom nothing can be secret nor hidden, and to Whom nothing is impossible!
Whose Divine Breath Issues Forth The Thunderous Me-Gal-Gal!
I Assemble and Become by these Most Everlasting Names,
I Am The Word, I Am The Truth, I Am The Known And Unknown!
O Ye Come Forth and Assemble in this House which is Thine!
Banishing all ill natured spirits! Freeing us from their bondage!
Banishing all false natured spirits! Your Wrath shall find no pity for them!
Contiinual One, Most Ancient of the Ancients, Most Ancient of the Days!
The One Who Destroyed the gathering of the insubmissive gods!
I Assemble myself willfully to be as Your Instrument on this Earth!
To the Ancient One from Whom all that which is came, I willfully give of myself!
Most High Almighty Conqueror, Most Living and True God!
It is in Thy Most Gifted Name, "I Am The Living Continuum", That I Assemble!
Come O Lord of Nar-Mattaru and Give Wonderful Blessing unto this House!
Unto Your Offspring, Give Wonderful Blessing! Unto Your Children, Give Wonderful Blessing!
Assemble This Family A Family Of Joy! Assemble This Culture A Joyous Culture!

Zi-Zi Bar Ab-Zu, Me-Ku-Ku, Badur Tia-He-Gal, Galem-Zuneme Ga-Za-Mi.
Igi-Se Gin Amah-Ushumgal-Anna A-Aba Ki-Gal. Inim-Ku-Bu-Gal-Gal-Zuneme, Du-Du Kalag.
Hul, Menzen Ga Za-Mi Li-Du-Da, Galem-Zuneme Ga Za-Mi. Me-Zu Me Pa Nu-E-De.
Mus-Zu Dingir Igi Nu-Bar A-Dam. Galem-Zuneme, Tuktm-Bi-Bida-Shu-Du Ukken.Za-E Ma-E-Gi-Nam.
Bil-At Kir-Zal, Za-A-Kam Ki-Aga-Du, Kas-Du, Da-Ra-Es Mu Ga Im-Mi-In.Nin-Ana-Si-Anna, Ga Sa-Ga-Ar,
Amah-Ushumgal-Anna, Za-A-Kam Ne-Su-Ub-Du Nam-Dingir Ne-En-Mu Ga Sa-Ga-Ar.
Ku-Ku-Tin-Zuneme-Da Sakram-Su-Su Ma-E-Gi-Nam. Mu-Ashtar-Zu Da-Ra-Es,
Za-Da A-Aba-He-Gal Me-E-Gi-Nam, Dil-Bida-Min Tesh-Bi, Sha-Lem, Da-Ra-Es Iam.
Habsu, Sila-Shu Du, Ni-Ur-Sa-Sa-Zu-Da-Am Zalag Al-Gub-Be-En. Geshtu-Bad-Zu-Da-Am Zalag Al-Gub-Be-En.
A-Aga-Zu-Es Ma-E Tar. Sila-Shu Du-Zu-Es Ma-E Tar. Menzen Ru Nig-Hul-Mu Ma-E-Su-Br-Da-A-Nir,Guza-Zu Ru Zalag.
U-Dug-Zuneme Chthhulhu Es Ga Du-Du, Zi-Zu Ga-Geshtu-Bad. Me-Gal-Gal-Zuneme-Da Galem-Zu Ma-E-Gi-Nam.
Zisure-Zu Gar Zal De Iam-Ur-Ra Ga-Da Bida-Inim-Bala-E. Inim-Ku Na-Ri-Da Ku.
Hul Amah-Ushumgal-Anna, Menzen Ga Za-Mi Nam-Nar-Da!
Hul Habsu, Menzen Ga Za-Mi I-Lu-Da!
Hul Chthhulhu, Menzen Ga Za-Mi Li-Du-Da!

The Living Continuum

The Living Continuum is the Principal Force and Form by which all Manifestation is possible.
It is both the Active Willful Ability to Create as well as the Materials to Create from.
It is both the Force that Expands our Universe as well as the Form which Contains it.
It is both the active Willful Ability to Assemble as well as the Material Parts that make up this Assembly.
It is both That Which Is as well That Which Is Not.
It is both the Alpha and Omega of the Lighting Flash. For from the Left Hand Is Produced Fire.
And from the Right Does the Waters Pour. From the Breath Issues Forth the Thunderous ME-GAL-GAL.
Most Bitter-Sweet Divine Ordering Principle It is both the Activeness and the Stillness.
This Activeness is One With the Triumvirate of Most High. The Triumvirate of
Chthhulhu I Am The Living Active God
Habsu My True-Will Can Not Be Denied
Amah-Ushumgal-Anna I Create Myself As Well As My World

Tirchi Topi Wale

Ae tirchi topi wale O babu bhole bhale
Ae tirchi topi wale O babu bhole bhale
Tu yaad aane laga hai dil mera jaane laga hai
Tu yaad aane laga hai dil mera jaane laga hai
Ae tirchi naino wali O bibi bholi bhali
Ae tirchi naino wali O bibi bholi bhali
Tu yaad aane lagi hai jaan meri jaane lagi hai
Tu yaad aane lagi hai jaan meri jaane lagi hai

The one with a sidelong hat hey simple and naive mister
The one with a sidelong hat  hey simple and naive mister
I've started to remember you I've started to lose my heart
I've started to remember you I've started to lose my heart
The one with sidelong eyes hey simple and naive lady
The one with sidelong eyes hey simple and naive lady
I've started to remember you I've started to lose my life
I've started to remember you I've started to lose my life

O aakhiyan mila, mujhe dil mein basa, palkon pe bitha
Aakhiyan mila, mujhe dil mein basa, palkon pe bitha
Is baat ka saaf matlab bata teri marzi hai kya
Mera chain uda de, zulmi mera neend chura le
Mera chain uda de, zulmi mera neend chura le

Look into my eyes, settle me in your heart and eyelids
Look into my eyes, settle me in your heart and eyelids
Tell me clearly as to what's your intention
Hey cruel one, you steal my peace and my sleep
Hey cruel one, you steal my peace and my sleep

Tirchi topi wale ae tirchi topi wale
O babu bhole bhale tu yaad aane laga hai
Dil mera jaane laga hai tu yaad aane lagi hai jaan meri jaane lagi hai
Jhoota sahi tera waada magar mujhe sacha laga
Jhoota sahi tera waada magar mujhe sacha laga
Yeh toh bata tujhe mujh mein bhala kya acha laga
Yeh gora gora mukhda tera, aankhen kali kali
Yeh gora gora mukhda tera, aankhen kali kali
Tirchi naino wali ae tirchi naino wali O bibi bholi bhali
Tu yaad aane lagi hai jaan meri jaane lagi hai
Tu yaad aane lagi hai jaan meri jaane lagi hai
Ae tirchi topi wale O babu bhole bhale
Tu yaad aane laga hai dil mera jaane laga hai
Tu yaad aane lagi hai jaan meri jaane lagi hai

The one with a sidelong hat the one with a sidelong hat hey simple and naive mister
I've started to remember you I've started to lose my heart
I've started to remember you I've started to lose my life
Even though your promise was a lie, I felt it true
Even though your promise was a lie, I felt it true
At least tell me, what did you like in me
This fair face of yours and your black eyes
This fair face of yours and your black eyes
The one with sidelong eyes the one with sidelong eyes hey simple and naive lady
I've started to remember you I've started to lose my life
I've started to remember you I've started to lose my life
The one with a sidelong hat hey simple and naive mister
I've started to remember you I've started to lose my heart
I've started to remember you I've started to lose my life

Kuch Kuch Hota Hai

Tum paas aaye, yun muskuraaye
Tumne na jaane kya sapne dikhaaye
Tum paas aaye, yun muskuraaye
Tumne na jaane kya sapne dikhaaye
Ab to mera dil jaage na sota hai
Kya karoon haaye, kuch kuch hota hai
Tum paas aaye, yun muskuraaye
Tumne na jaane kya sapne dikhaaye
Ab to mera dil jaage na sota hai
Kya karoon haaye, kuch kuch hota hai

You came close, then You smiled You don't even know what dreams You showed me
You came close, then You smiled You don't even know what dreams You showed me
Now my heart, remains neither Awake nor Sleeps
What do I do something Strange is Happening
You came close, then You smiled You don't even know what dreams You showed me
Now my heart, remains neither Awake nor Sleeps
What do I do something Strange is Happening 

Na jaane kaisa ehsaas hai
Bujhti nahin hai kya pyaas hai
Kya nasha is pyaar ka
Mujhpe sanam chhaane laga
Koi na jaane kyoon chain khota hai
Kya karoon haaye, kuch kuch hota hai
Kya karoon haaye, kuch kuch hota hai

I don't know what this experience is
What thirst is this, it doesn't get quenched
What Intoxication of this Love has spread upon Me, sweetheart
No one seems to knows why, Peace is there no more
What do I do something Strange is Happening
What do I do something Strange is Happening

Kya rang laayi meri dua
Yeh ishq jaane kaise hua
Bechainiyon mein chain
Na jaane kyoon aane laga
Tanhaai mein dil yaadein sanjota hai
Kya karoon haaye, kuch kuch hota hai
Kya karoon haaye, kuch kuch hota hai

My prayer has brought me such a colourful gratitude
I don't even know how this Love happened to Me
Even in this restlessness, this feeling of Peace
No one knows how, has started to Come
Now in Loneliness, My Heart seeks Lovely Memories
What do I do something Strange is Happening
What do I do something Strange is Happening