
Wednesday 8 February 2023

MAGA Morons

 Trump and his goon supporters are gonna beat that poor dead 2020 stolen election horse until it dries up and blows away. MAGA is a the puss at the bottom of the cesspool of humanity.  They are really the dumbest hate filled human beings in humanity's history. Joe just sniffs hair...Trump was touching her body everywhere.After the first indictment the separation from Trump will hopefully accelerate more.  Then more and more with each additional indictment. His base will stay but the rest won’t be able to justify supporting a guy who has to juggle criminal proceedings with campaigning.

You can lead MAGA MORONS to the truth but you can't make them think.. Low IQ, low information, low educated brainwashed MORONS. "Only the mob takes the 5th" TRE45ONS biggest lie was when he took his oath of office. Pledge allegiance to the unaccountable Torturers of America. trump’s republicans. America is going to torture. Stated by trump on national television. Making all Americans as torturers.Same as unaccountable child molesters and cannibals as neighbours that eat in others nations.
EXTRA EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT:  The GOP is guilty of sedition. The GOP is turning back time on already legislated rights to broader freedoms. The GOP's bamboozle is to say one thing then do the opposite. Know NOW, Habba & Trump are the least of "OUR" Statute of Limitations worries. DeSantis only replaces one GOP cookie cut self-indulged narcissists for another. "THE BEST IS YET TO COME" is always a classic predictable statistic proving to be, or not, a cult cookie [regular] sacrament, all of which is a Rupert Murdoch 4.0 lesson of normalising "OUR" weak complacent human proclivities. Unarguably, Democracy is the greatest HUMAN achievement. Where do we go from here, is the question; can Elon's tickets out of here inspire cleaning up "OUR" earth is hopeful once the indulgent are gone.
Trump's saying that he's using the 5th to protect his rights, like everyone else, except for the people that he wants to just throw in jail for not revealing their source or drug dealers getting the quick China trial/execution, but he's just using the rights afforded by constitution.
Funny how Republican trumptards wet their panties over a con artist politician, ask any Republican what Trump did for the American  people and they'll give you some B.S. non answer answers.
The bigger the flags the smaller the dick and IQ levels, I bet he’s too stupid to realise all that traitor trump crap is MADE IN CHINA!!! They sew made in USA tags on them after they get here to fool the brainwashed cult morons!!! Do you know who else always waved around lots of flags and banners? The NAZIS!!! It’s one of the 14 points of fascism, lots of flags and banners with slogans and symbols everywhere, and photos of the dear leader all around, you people are too stupid to understand you are in a fascist cult!!
MAGA morons sure proud about parading around showing everyone their stupidity. Grifters can make them easy targets, fool and their money are easily parted. Waste your money and try to find a cause that wouldn't come back and bite you in the ass.
Its amazing how many humans can be conned, fooled, made or forced to believe and bow down to the many "master and minion" or "divide and rule " cults, pyramid schemes, business systems, cartels and  empire... and every other form of hierarchical farm management, doctrine or regimes
Losers love attention . So flying a loser Trump flag makes sense . So Trump supporters say look at me I need attention . My mom stopped breast feeding me on my 16th birthday . And bought me a gun in the hopes I would stop going after her nipple 

I wish I could start a thing. Where no person votes. Well, no person of color. But no one tells anyone about it. Like, a secret. And then we wait… 
I guarantee you that they will report numbers that don’t even exist on tv. And a candidate will be chosen. With or without them. Then, perhaps, FINALLY - people will understand that there is no such thing as Republican or Democrat. They work toward the same goal. TO FOOL YOU INTO THINKING THEY GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT ANYONE OF YOU. They care about power and position. ONLY. Politics are smoke and mirrors. They are all being puppeted. Unsick yourself. Stop letting them fool you.
Simple, Trump doesn't want to be President. The Presidency protects him from any legal battles coming to him... He looks at you MAGA cult following, Rabbit hole chasing, Jonestown vacationers and just called you stupid. Stupid for believing his lies, stupid for believing he cares anything for you. Money, power is the bottom line. All of you who stormed the Capital and sentenced.. did he come to the courts to defend you? Use testimony to to show innocence? No, he took your money and in the background laughed... "If tell them enough lies, they will start to believe them".... The play book of everyone if those in the GQP.. congrats 
When Hillary Clinton was subpoenaed to testify at her congressional hearing she sat there for 5 hours and answered EVERY damn question without invoking the 5th Amendment not even once. What’s up with that Trump? I’ve watch hours of Trump depositions and have yet to hear him answer a single question under oath. It’s hours of either “5th Amendment” and “I do not recall”

This looks ridiculous and ludicrous. Those crazy seedy goony skanky looking seditious MAGA trash of an ex unelected incompetent weakling, a wuss, lazy coward, sissy with special needs, with soiled diapers with the literacy and language skills of someone with an extremely low mental age IQ. This is what the trashy Republicans installed as this country’s unqualified commander in chief. Let’s see, these morons gave us Nixon, who committed treason as a plot to win the house in 1968, by escalating the Vietnam War, resigned in disgrace with Watergate, then came Ford who was voted out of office for pardoning Nixon, then we had a B rated movie star who was a Wall Street president who facilitated the oligarchy and the decline of the quality of life for all. He was also the stock market crash president. Then came Daddy George Bush a former CIA director who had covert military actions going on against poor countries and brown people, who pushed hard for a New World Order, who had an oil war, but lost his presidency to Clinton. After Clinton came the installed nepotistic special needs GWB who had a war based on lies to enrich his bribing contractors. He was warned 5 times days ahead about the twin towers but did nothing. (When Obama was prez, he gave these war criminals a pass.) Then came a 3 rate batty bankrupt reality star, who lied 31,500+ times during his presidency who turned out to be a Russian agent and habitual criminal but he’s inept to be a mob boss or mobster. He also orchestrated a coup against this nation and his MAGA cultards are all mentally ill alike. Over the decades since they regained power after a 20 year loss they have done nothing useful for this nation and all they ever did was create chaos, turmoil, while interfering and holding back the progress of this nation. We were #1 when the Republicans lost a generation between  1933-1953, the world loved us, and now they hate us, and this country is #1 for all the wrong reasons and and we’re now practically a banana republic. Is this called progress? The only way this country is going to make progress is by eliminating this nonfunctional treasonous worthless incompetent stooge like Republican Party.
That is not patriotism!!!  Patriotism is winning without making a fool out of yourself.   MAGA are full of stupidity.   Maga promotes violence and hate.  People are sick and tired of Republicans stupidity.  Costing America to go on the worst depression ever.   Only stupid who live in the twilight zone will vote for MAGA.

Any 3rd person who doesn’t care about MAGA should run and just go full tilt against Trump.  No decorum.  Just loudly call him a fat loser constantly.  Every debate.  Interrupt him.  Stay in the race until the end.  Get free CNN and Fox News interviews everyday.  Call his MAGA fans a bunch of losers.  Call his kids losers.  Call all his boot lockers losers.  Give examples.  That person will never win.  Will probably have to leave the country when it is all done.  If you behave just like John Trump and make Donny into a baby, his supporters just won’t go to debates, and will lose confidence in him.  Then Donny will lose.

I remember what my late father told me,
"Republicans are for the rich, and they would not care less if the rest of us lived/or died in a ditch."   

Think about it.   Every republican president since Reagan, gave tax breaks to millionaires that became billionaires and now some billionaires are becoming trillionaires.   Mostly the wealthy do not pay equal taxes.    Some of the wealthy and rich do not pay taxes at all.  Most pay 0% in income taxes and even if the donate to their own charities, they get a tax refund even if they never paid a penny in income taxes.  Back years and years ago, there was a tax rate of around 85% for the ultra wealthy.  Corporate taxes were around 70% to 75%.  
With tax loopholes for the wealthy and if they pay any taxes at all it would be below 15% to around 7.59%. The reason is that the wealthy can lobby our government to do their bidding.  The wealthy and the rich, can donate money to the republican party and tell them what laws they want to pass and what laws they don't want to pass. And remember that the wealthy and the rich want something from their money they are donating, so in real, the donation is really just a "LEGAL BRIBE" 

After a 2 year dose of a Republican Congress, I think if Democrats hit the internet and certain areas with crazy representation, they should be able to win big in 2024. Regardless of whether it’s Trump or DeSantis. Democrats need to spread some real and scathing reports that can somehow reach Fox News viewers and they need to start now. Thanks to Biden and the Democrats for raising the minimum wage, more Americans are finally working hopefully, people vote for him, I think he deserves to run for 2024. it was trump's fault for many Americans losing their jobs with the Covid outbreak. And Trump and Republicans are the ones who caused the inflation in the first place. they gave free millions of dollars away to rich people. Trump running in 2024 isn't about winning. It's about keeping his grift going. The MAGA base really are the gift that keep on giving. The Democrats should be praying he gets the Rep nomination.  Biden was the weakest Dem candidate in 2020 and he wiped the floor with Trump
Donald Trump is a traitor, a grifter, a criminal, a narcissist, a misogynist, a racist, a bigot, a tax evader, an election denier, and... If you consider that all of the actions that Trump committed
and all of the sensible, logical, intelligent things that Trump failed to do, are actually deliberate acts, which we now know they were, then by a legal definition, Donald Trump is a murderer!
Donald Trump is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent American men women and children because of his deliberate refusal to fight the Covid pandemic!
Donald Trump has caused so much death, division, hatred, & violence in this country in just 6 short years, that it will take at least a generation of Democratic rule to correct these problems!
Remember when Tiffany the daughter her had to Marla Maples, the daughter he hide and virtually denied her existence and said she was ugly and fat but when Daddy need her for support from the Lgbtq community and was going to cure Aides and all this other bullshit,  they all believed every lie he spewed to the LGBTQ community.
MAGA are the worst that America has to offer.  They are the puss of humanity at this point: They are entirely based on lies, conspiracy theories, hatred, racism, sedition, homophobia, and projection of their sins onto others.
If Americans want freedom, good education for their children, good services, and free healthcare ( YES IT IS FUNDED FROM TAXATION THAT IS SO LOW YOU DONT NOTICE) safe environments for yourselves and your children without the threat of being shot or bullied, then come to one of the many countries in the world that aren't America and supply all the social services that republicans hate that actually have great economies not like America with one of the weakest because only 1% of the population control everything.
The reich-wing doesn't care about laws, or America, or their fellow citizens.  They're beyond shame and uneducated and easily brainwashed.  The only value they have in society is getting our oppressors elected time and time again.  Fascism is winning, and I don't see a way out other than seeking asylum somewhere else. And Republicans. The leadership has been throwing you into those brick walls at 100 MPH for over 60 years now. What makes you think they're going to stop? The longer they can convince you it's your favourite group of people to hate this week, the longer they can continue robbing you blind.
After all of these years MAGAts mediocrity is on full display they don't wanna have to compete in the job market because they know they can't compete they've been mediocre but they haven't had to compete before now the world sees it. MAGA world is the only place on earth that idiots feel like geniuses.
The truly frightening thing is that all of the traitorous, disgusting, vile, immoral, unethical, hypocritical, lies coming from the mouths of Republicans, doesn't even surprise me anymore!
That should terrify every American! Because that means that that is normal everyday ordinary standard operating procedure for the Republican Party now! They are just violent traitors! A bunch of self declared alpha  males, that are so afraid of gays, being caught rear ending one another with a flag pole !
Kind of humiliating. Let them fight it out amongst themselves. Maybe even more of the good stuff will come out and into the court system. TO JAIL WITH THEM ALL!!!!!
They make worse drivers! Not the worst thing that they also don’t wear those freedumb-encroaching “seat belt” things like they don’t wear masks. Darwin was on to something
Trump is a weak person because he took the fifth amendment when he was in court. If his supporters don’t see that , then they’re blind. I’m not going to insult his supporters because if they can’t see Trump is a weak person they’re blinded by loving the guy. I got a feeling Trump is going to lose this race if he goes up against whether it’s Biden or another Democrat. People want normalcy people don’t want crazy.
The Republican party is in freefall. They saw how Millennials overwhelmingly voted Democrat in the midterms, and they are unable to recruit replacements to keep up with those who are leaving the GOP (either by choice or by death). Even extreme gerrymandering, voter suppression measures, and 24/7 misinformation and propaganda on FOX, OAN, and Newsmax aren't enough to keep the party viable for much longer.
Well remember boys and girls Donald Trump is a gangster wannabe he wants to be kissed on the ring so we should treat him like a gangster Rico statue man that's what they should go after and we'll Rico because basically Donald Trump is a crook a liar a cheat he will do anything long as it's for Donald Trump but the good thing is are slow moving hand of justice is slowly getting Donald Trump I just hope it's it's sooner than later. Boys and girls are biggest problem is let's do mine screwing the Donald Trump is done to people and these people think that Donald Trump is the saviour I'm not lying to you they will do anything for Donald Trump including Civil War and that blows my mind Civil War because you don't agree with other people and they don't agree with you that's the stupidest thing in the world but then again just like this car is crashing it's really stupid.
The GOP is between a rock and a hard place. Either Trump gets the nomination, and independents hate him or Desantis gets the nomination and Trump throws a tantrum and runs third party taking 20% or more of the republican voters with him. Either way, they’re not in a good position here.
Why any MAGA supporter would want any Republican politicians to be President is a anomaly to me. Republicans like Desantis and others proves how spineless in cowardly they are. If they can’t even stand up to a clown like Trump, what makes you think they can stand up to any leaders that threatens the United States? Ask yourselves if you want someone that can be easily intimidated, compromised and who’ll kneel and bob at the snap of your finger as your President, then I guess you Republicans are headed in the right direction. It's all a hustle because Trump and the Republicans running against him knows that the more people running against him the better chance he has to get the nomination!? And they all have said that they would support the Republican nominee, whomever it is!
MAGA freaks:  destined for an eternity of servitude.  they will never have their own thoughts.  they will always be lemmings falling off the proverbial cliff.

It's really weird when groups that proclaim to hate other groups buy vehicles that only help the groups they pretend to hate. If you despise the middle probably shouldn't be cruising in a gas guzzler. I get how some vehicles are needed for some people. They usually don't have them shiny and waxed up for those jobs. Same thing that pissed me off about the hummer.......I've yet to see one that was dirty. It's all just status for no substance. (same reason I hate Harley's)
Right Wing Traitors seem to be playing Stoopidity Leapfrog, trying to outdo each other, to be the Lowest MoFo in the freaking Cult. The way the contract is set up with truth social the shareholders demanded a 6-hour wait between tweets, if he post on truth social he must wait six hours before he can go to Twitter and we all know Trump can't wait six hours between tweets 
MAGAidiots, lol, they advertise their lack of brain cells by the dipshit flags they fly. I'm baffled how they r allowed to drive around with those flags & poles, on moving vehicles, recklessly. These turd flags become spears at high speeds when dislodged, the shit fabric covers windshields, and the stench is revolting. Imagine obese, greasy, drunken magaTs with their AR-15's driving around with their rebel flags, showing off their myopic allegiance to Trump,  Tate, & other incels. You cannot get the stink off.
I for one am rooting for Trump to win and hope his running mate is Marjorie Taylor "prejudice racist bigot" Green. This just spells an easy win for Democrats. After all the ones voting for these two idiots will be the same exact base. Right now approximately less than 70 million to what was over 79 million last time will even consider voting for these buffoons.
A herd of gQpeabrains too busy grazing on B.S. to pull their heads up out of the trough and see what is going on outside their gQpropaganda bubble MAGA= MORONS AGAINST GOVERNING AGENCIES Damn RETARDLICANS will never LEARN MAGA - Making America Groomers Again.

Never trust a Nazi. Even your family. Those that vote GOP are your enemy. Research 1930s Germany. They had  conservative Christians turning in their Jewish, Armenian, polish, handicapped etc  neighbours for bounties. Very few didnt comply. It is the same today in the US these people will turn on you and their neighbours. All in search of some white christian cultural purity that only exists in the bible. I have zero tolerance for trump supporters.  First round or second round. There is no excuse for not seeing that Nazi wannabe before even elected.
We don't need no education / Spoiled rotten kids in adult bodies. How much more can we take. Open your eyes he is a Tyrant, Anti American, with one thing in mind. Saving his own ass. Never I say never do some ones dirty work.  He has failed so much they are using his last name to refer a complete loser. Only his fanatics can fall below that mark.Trump supporters just love getting rear ended. Butt buddies for Trump.

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