
Monday 20 April 2020

Trump & CVD19

Trump claims the credit not the blame, the power but not the responsibility. That is what he has always done.
America won't be ready for Trump's 2nd wave of death and economic collapse when he "reopens America for business" 
Putin and Xi Jinping are both frothing at the mouth right now.
He wants the economy to reopen so he can brag about it for his re-election. The economy is his main talking point
Of course Donnie needs a Scapegoat! That's the central aspect of his life long "Blame-Game" which he has been doing his entire life! When the economy re-opens before it should, which is already looking like 3 States, when the Covid-19 accelerates to all new levels going into Hyperdrive spreading like a bonfire doused with gasoline, he's going to need to blame whoever he can, starting with his Scape-Goat Dream Team and also State Governors! What Donnie is seeking is Mass Genocide of Americans for the sake of money to begin flowing into the economy so that his personal business holdings don't go belly up, his stock portfolio doesn't bottom out to zero, and his prospect of re-election is protected! Nothing else! It's all about HIMSELF!! Remember, Donnie clearly said, "I DON'T TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANYTHING." He never has his ENTIRE LIFE!!!
Trump will just work through his usual blame list: Dems  Hillary  Obama  Pelosi  Schumer  State Governors 
The responsibility for return of virus will fall on governors, actual experts, China & Hillary somewhere somehow. 
He can't find any excuses for his incompetence; so he looks around for someone to blame
A quick review down memory lane: Remember the characters, Gilligan, Deputy  Barney Fife, or Inspector Clouseau? Funny but fictional characters that made us laugh, right? In reality no sane person would ever allow such a person in a real world situation to actually run anything of importance or be responsible for anything of value. In 2016 the electoral college selected a clown  to the role of chief executive, and people are astounded that a failed reality show star & 5x bankruptcy declared grifter can't perform the basics? Karma always has the final say in life. 
When someone pours a pail of water on you, just because you say you're not wet doesn't disprove the fact that you're soaked, idiots Elect a clown, you truly get what you deserve, fools!
In basic training the military often uses the buddy system. If your squad fails everyone does extra shit. Some commanders even get stripes taken away under extreme situations
The US Coronavirus daily cases has leveled out in the last week or so however it is unclear if this is due to the virus being contained or due to the low testing rates in the US. Overall the new cases haven't significantly dropped like in countries which are getting the virus under control. The US would be mad to lower restrictions at this point on a nation wide basis. To lower them on a locality basis would require movement restrictions between safer and less safe areas.

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